Concealed Promise

Dammit, this song is not going to work!” Sunggyu cried, crumbling up the piece of paper and throwing it to the side. “Why isn't this working?”

Hyung, calm down,” Dongwoo said with a sigh, setting down the soccer ball he was playing with.

No!” Sunggyu cried, throwing himself on Woohyun's bed and burying his face in the pillows. “It's midnight, I have a full schedule tomorrow, and I just want to sleep.”

Hyung, we need to finish this,” Dongwoo said, sitting on the edge of the bed.

I don't want to,” Sunggyu replied, hugging Woohyun's pillow to himself. “Let's do it tomorrow.”

I'm going to bed!” a voice announced as Woohyun came strolling into the room. “Dongwoo, get off my bed!”

But what about Gyu hyung?” Dongwoo asked, pouting and standing up.

He can stay,” Woohyun replied, throwing off his shoes and climbing into bed, pulling Sunggyu into a hug. “Hyung, sleep here tonight.”

I was going to,” Sunggyu replied. “I'm not moving.”

You're so lazy,” Woohyun replied, laughing.

And you stink like sweat,” Sunggyu replied, pushing him away. “Go shower!”

I don't want to,” Woohyun said, pouting.

You're disgusting,” Sunggyu replied, scrunching his nose up. “You're not allowed in this bed until you shower.”

Aw, hyung, that's not fair!” Woohyun whined, causing Dongwoo to laugh out loud and roll his eyes.

Go shower,” Sunggyu ordered, glaring at him.

Okay,” Woohyun replied, stomping away with a pout.

Wow,” Dongwoo stated as soon as the bathroom door was closed. “My roommate is an idiot.”

Yah, that's my boyfriend you're talking about,” Sunggyu stated, turning his glare to him.

Ah, sorry hyung,” Dongwoo replied, dressing in to his pajamas.

Whatever,” Sunggyu replied, standing up. “Where are Woohyun's clothes?”

Why?” Dongwoo asked, frowning.

So I can wear something to sleep in,” Sunggyu replied, searching around the room.

Oh, his dresser is right there, and he's the only one who hangs up clothes,” Dongwoo replied, lying down in his bed and pulling out a book to read.

Sunggyu looked at Woohyun's dresser on his side of the room, walking over to it. He opened up a drawer that was full of underwear and socks. Frowning, Sunggyu shut it again and opened a different drawer. This one was full of shirts. Sunggyu grinned and started flipping through the clothes.

Woohyun was on a baseball team?” Sunggyu asked, pulling out a jersey with Woohyun's name on it.

Yeah, he was on his high school team. He was also on the soccer team,” Dongwoo said, not looking up from his book.

Oh, I see,” Sunggyu replied, setting the shirt aside so he could wear it in the morning.

He then switched to a different drawer. He finally hit the jackpot as he pulled out pajama bottoms and tank tops. He frowned when he noticed the tank tops were a size too small for him. He continued to look through the drawers, until a pair of arms wrapped around his waist. Sunggyu looked up to find himself in Woohyun's arms.

What are you doing?” Woohyun asked.

Looking for clothes to sleep in,” Sunggyu replied, smiling. “That was a short shower.”

I always take short showers,” Woohyun replied, pulling a tank top and pair of pajama pants out of the drawer. “These will fit you.”

Are you sure about that?” Sunggyu asked, tilting his head to the side.

Positive,” Woohyun replied, laughing and grabbing his own clothes.

You're not wearing anything but a towel, are you?” Sunggyu asked, turning around.

He took in the sight of his first glance of the namabs. Sunggyu looked him up and down, noting the water dripping down his hair and on to the floor. Sunggyu his lips and turned away, trying not to think of any dirty thoughts about his boyfriend. He took his own clothes and walked away into the bathroom. Once he closed the door, he leaned against it in slid to the floor.

He sat like that for a while, staring at the wall in front of him. After a while he finally decided to stand up so he could take a shower. He took off his clothes and stepped into the shower. Once the curtain was closed, he heard the door open. Frowning, Sunggyu held the curtain around him and popped his head out to see who it was.

Woohyun, what are you doing in here?” Sunggyu asked him.

I was wondering why my jersey is sitting out of my drawer,” he replied, tilting his head to the side.

Oh, I'm going to wear it tomorrow,” Sunggyu replied, closing the curtain again. “Do you have a pair of sweats I can also wear tomorrow?”

Yeah, of course,” Woohyun replied. “I'll put it with the jersey.”

And a clean pair of boxers,” Sunggyu added.

Okay, I'll put a clean pair of boxers with it,” Woohyun stated as Sunggyu the water.

Remember to set the alarm for tomorrow,” Sunggyu added. “We have class at nine, but I want to get breakfast.”

Oh right, we have Music Theory in the morning,” Woohyun replied. “I forgot about that. So set the clock to eight?”

Yes please,” Sunggyu replied.

Okay, good night,” Woohyun replied, leaving the bathroom and closing the door.

Sunggyu looked at the bottles of shampoo lining the tub. There was a lot of Axe products on one side of the shower. Sunggyu concluded that those were definitely NOT Woohyun's. Woohyun told him before that he hated Axe. Sunggyu turned around and found strawberry scented body washes and shampoos.

This is definitely his,” he said, laughing and picking up the shampoo.

He dabbed some shampoo on to his hand and rubbed it into his hair. He then let the water rinse it out as he picked up a strawberry scented bar of soap. Sunggyu hated body wash, and was glad Woohyun actually had a bar of soap. All this strawberry stuff made him wonder why Woohyun had such an obsession with it. It amused him quite a bit.

Sunggyu just shook his head and continued to wash himself off. Once he was done, he turned off the water and stepped out. He quickly dried himself off and dressed himself. Then he took the hairdryer they had on the bathroom counter and blew dried his hair. Once he was done, he set it down and walked out of the bathroom.

Dongwoo was still sitting on his bed, reading his book. His small lamp illuminated the room, which gave Sunggyu enough light to see. He walked over to Woohyun's bed and crawled in to bed next to him. He wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's waist and snuggled his face into his chest. He felt comfortable just like this.

Good night, hyung,” Woohyun whispered.

Good night,” Sunggyu replied, closing his eyes and letting sleep over take him.

Woohyun and Sunggyu walked in to their Music Theory class together, hand in hand. Sunggyu was wearing Woohyun's baseball jersey, and he was surprised that it actually fit him. They went to take their seats next to Sungjong in the back, who was texting away on his phone. He looked up at the couple, looking them up and down. As soon as he saw what Sunggyu was wearing, he broke out laughing.

Oh my god, you two really are as cheesy as I thought you were!” he cried, slapping his knee to calm himself down.

Shut up,” Sunggyu said, glaring at him.

Why are you wearing Woohyun's jersey, anyway?” Sungjong asked him.

Cause he stayed the night in my room last night,” Woohyun replied, shrugging his shoulders.

You didn't do anything, did you?” Sungjong asked, frowning.

No, we just slept,” Sunggyu replied with a sigh. “Anyway, how far did you and Sungjong get with the costumes?”

Oh, we got the design down. Today at lunch we're going to go buy the fabric,” Sungjong replied, shrugging his shoulders. “Hoya and Dongwoo already gave me their sizes. I have Sungyeol's and Myungsoo's as well. I need to measure the two of you at some point.”

We'll do it later,” Sunggyu replied, waving the thought away. “What about with the dance, Woohyun? How far did the three of you get?”

We got the basics down,” Woohyun replied. “We just need the beat.”

I have that,” Sunggyu said. “It's in your room. The only problem I am having problems with is the lyrics.”

If you have the beat down and the music written, I'll take it to the band today,” Sungjong suggested.

That will work,” Sunggyu said, nodding his head. “I just need to get a copy of it.”

Alright,” Sungjong replied, looking at his phone. “By tomorrow night, you guys can actually come of with the actual dance.”

That would be a good thing,” Woohyun said, nodding his head.

So for the song,” Sungjong said, looking back at Sunggyu. “Do you have anything down? What is it about?”

Well, Dongwoo wrote the rap lyrics and we're going off of that. We're going to split the rap in two parts,” Sunggyu replied. “The song is a little darker. It's about a very committed relationship breaking apart, and the guy doesn't want to let go because he believes the girl is his destiny.”

Wow, that sounds interesting,” Sungjong said, nodding his head. “Very interesting, actually. So does anything come to mind yet?”

We'll work on it tonight after my last class. Classes for me end at eight, so we'll be meeting in his and Woohyun's room once again,” Sunggyu replied, nodding his head.

Luckily none of us have classes on Wednesday,” Woohyun stated.

Yeah, exactly,” Sungjong said, nodding his head. “If you get the song down tonight or tomorrow, we can go over it and record it on Wednesday!”

Then that gives us plenty of time to learn the dance and go over the song as much as we need!” Woohyun cried, nodding his head in agreement.

That actually sounds like a great plan,” Sunggyu agreed. “I just need to find the motivation for the song. With how great my relationship is right now, I don't see that coming anytime soon.”

But aren't I your destiny?” Woohyun asked, leaning his head on Sunggyu's desk.


KIM SUNGGYU!” a voice shouted as one of their fellow students came running over to them. “We need your help!”

With what?” Sunggyu asked, looking up at him.

Well, my friends and I signed up for the music competition thing, and one of them bailed,” the kid said. “We have one spot open and we were wondering if-”

He can take the spot?” Sungjong asked, cocking his head to the side.

Sorry man, he's already taken,” Woohyun stated, pulling Sunggyu closer to himself in a tight hug. “We signed up for the competition as well.”

Sorry,” Sunggyu said, giving him an apologetic smile. “Thanks for thinking of me, though.”

It's okay,” the kid said, nodding his head and looking Sunggyu up and down. “Wait, why are you wearing a Nam Woohyun jersey?”

Probably cause they're dating,” another kid joked, throwing his arm around the boy's shoulder.

Ha, Nam Woohyun and Kim Sunggyu dating?” a third asked, joining them. “Right! You make me laugh.”

Actually,” Woohyun said, frowning and looking at Sunggyu.

We are dating,” Sunggyu said with a straight face.

What? No way!” the first boy cried with wide eyes.

For almost two weeks now,” Woohyun added, nodding his head.

Did you hear that?” another kid from the other side of the room announced. “Kim Sunggyu and Nam Woohyun are dating!”

Why is it so hard to believe?” Sunggyu asked with an irritated sigh.

Because the two of you were in the middle of World War 3 with each other about two months ago,” Sungjong replied, shrugging his shoulders.

More like two and a HALF months ago,” Woohyun stated, sticking his tongue out at his friend.

Yeah, but it's still hard to believe,” Sungjong said. “At first the two of you hated each other's guts, and now you're all lovely dovey.”

Cheesy, too,” Myungsoo replied as he entered the room seconds before their teacher. “Look at you, wearing Woohyun's jersey and all.”

Oh shut up, Myungsoo!” Woohyun said with a groan. “You guys are just mean!”

Because we love you, hyung,” Sungjong replied, laughing along with Myungsoo.

Yeah, I see the love.”

A/N Haha, sooo I said I would update this as soon as I reached 100 subscribers on this. Guess what, THERE'S FINALLY 100 SUBSCRIBERS!!!! YAY!!!!! *throws confetti* Lucky number 100 is shhdesu Yay!!! Thankyu everyone for supporting me and reading this story! I hope you like it!! <3

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3 more till 100 subscribers. Once we reach 100 I'll update!! If that doesn't happen in a week... I'll update before that, haha


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Chapter 32: I cant open the sequel authornim..
I'm still kinda buzy right now, looking forward to read this later authornim
KimchiCupcakes #3
Chapter 14: I kept laughing till my heart is beating now
Shadowsfyre #4
Chapter 22: I was excited for this chapter I am just going to say it. I LOVED it!!! It was like I was about to attend an Infinite concert. When they won I was literally squealing and jumping around in my seat and then around my room. My heart was beating so fast. For a relatively new fan of Infinite and someone who has not been able to see them in concert, thank you for bringing one to life for me. I haven't written a review until now, but I felt like I had to. Thank you so much for this chapter. :D
Chapter 30: Kiyaaa this is a perfect ending
Infinite will always be one
happy birthday woohyunnie!!!
straybangfinite877 #6
Chapter 29: Unnie miss miss you so much
why did you dissappear
Omo poor baby woo
sunggyu is a.big meanie lol!
nanagirl #8
Chapter 15: I love this chapter so much >w< soooooo cuteeeeee TTwTT both of them god they're just so cute
Chapter 28: yeayy they won !
Chapter 28: Yeahhhhh they won!!!!
2 more chappie only...
how sad T.T