Concealed Promise

They day for the two of them to perform their song came along, and Woohyun and Sunggyu anxiously went over their song. It was lunch time, yet Sunggyu knew he had no time before class to go over this except right now. The two didn't mind skipping lunch for once. They wanted to get this perfect. Sunggyu wanted to make sure everything was set and ready.

“One more time,” Sunggyu said, looking up at Woohyun. “Woohyun, when we sing 'I say it with my mind' you need to harmonize with me. It sounds flat.”

“Ugh, this is so frustrating!” Woohyun cried, throwing his paper on the ground and pouting.

“Come on, you can do it! Professor said the winner gets 200,000 Won. You need this, Woohyun,” Sunggyu said, sighing deeply. “You got this! Now pick up your paper and re-sing it with me.”

“Fine,” Woohyun said, as Sunggyu started playing the piano.

Woohyun let his voice ring out threw the room, causing Sunggyu to smile brightly. He's grown to really love Woohyun's voice. They've been working on this song for a month, yet it only seems like a week ago they became really close friends. Sunggyu feels closer to Woohyun than he ever did with Ryeowook or Shindong. It surprises him how much of a bond the two formed between the two of them.

Sunggyu started singing, letting Woohyun follow closely behind. Once the song was over, Sunggyu smiled in content. He loved the way their voices seemed to match perfectly. It made him positive that they would win their class competition today. It was very sudden when the teacher decided to make it in to a competition, actually.

“Alright, I believe we're ready,” Sunggyu said, getting up from the piano and walking over to Woohyun. “Great job! I think you've already got a hang on this.”

“You too,” Woohyun said, grinning up at Sunggyu.

“Thanks,” Sunggyu said, grinning at him. “Do you want to go over it one more time before class tonight?”

“I think we're fine where we're at,” Woohyun assuring him, shaking his head. “Let's go out for dinner instead. Without the others following us around.”

“Good idea,” Sunggyu replied, nodding his head. “They're seriously getting annoying.”

“Yeah they are,” Woohyun agreed. “C'mon, we still have a little time to grab something to eat. I'm starved!”

“Yeah, same here. I figured maybe I could go a day with out eating lunch, but I don't think I can,” Sunggyu said, sighing and heading out of the room.

“Same here. Oh well, food is usually a good thing anyway,” Woohyun replied, shutting the light off and following Sunggyu out of the room.

“It's healthy to have a full three meals every single day,” Sunggyu said, just as his phone started ringing. Sunggyu groaned and answered it, following Sunggyu to the cafeteria. “Hello?”

“Gyu, what time is it there?!” Ryeowook's voice cried through the phone.

“Uh, 11:45. Look, Wook, class starts in about 30 minutes. I need to go get lunch,” Sunggyu said with a sigh. “Woohyun, you're going the wrong way!”

“What?” Woohyun asked, turning on him. “What do you mean?”

“The cafeteria is this way,” Sunggyu said, laughing and turning down a hallway.

“Oh, I knew that,” Woohyun replied, following down the hallway.

“Pabo,” Sunggyu said, shaking his head. “Anyway, Wook, why'd you call?”

“Cause I was bored,” Ryeowook stated. “And can't I call my best friend? We haven't talked in so long!”

“Whatever you say, Wook,” Sunggyu said, rolling his eyes and turning another corner. “Woohyun! It's this way!”

“What, really?” Woohyun asked, running after Sunggyu.

“Yah, do you even know your way around the school? How do you even get to class?” Sunggyu asked, stopping and looking at Woohyun.

“Not really,” Woohyun said, looking at the ground. “Sorry hyung, I've always been bad at directions.”

“Yah, Nam Woohyun, you're a helpless case,” Sunggyu said, laughing and patting Woohyun's head. “C'mon. We're here already.”

“Nam Woohyun?” Ryeowook asked in to the phone. “You mean that Nam bastard?”

“Yah, shut up,” Sunggyu hissed in to the phone. “Be nice.”

“You're actually being NICE to him? He's actually LISTENING to you?! Since when did this happen?” Ryeowook asked.

“Goodbye Ryeowook,” Sunggyu said, hanging up the phone.

“You just hang up on your friend like that? Jerk,” Woohyun stated as they finally walked in to the cafeteria.

“He was the one being the jerk. He was badmouthing you, so I decided to hang up on him,” Sunggyu stated. “Now, let's eat.”

Sunggyu and Woohyun walked to the front of the class. It was their turn to perform, and everyone was cheering loudly. Every single student was excited to see what the 'famous' Kim Sunggyu had arranged. They were also very curious to see what Woohyun's and Sunggyu's voices would sound like together. Everyone knew they both had the best voices of the class.

Sunggyu tripped slightly while walking up to the piano. A few people let out small giggles, pointing at him. Woohyun sighed and placed his hands on Sunggyu's back to stop him from falling. They finished their way up to their spots, positioning themselves for their performance. Woohyun did a small mic test while Sunggyu played a few practice notes on the piano.

Once they both deemed ready, Sunggyu started the intro of the song. The whole room quieted down as they watched the two. Woohyun gripped tightly on to his mic, staring out at the class. Sunggyu smiled slightly, waiting for Woohyun to start. Woohyun took the message and started the song off smoothly, letting his silky voice ring out through the room.

The words I wanted to say in front of you
the words I couldn’t say
Without the chance to say them
you left me alone in this place

Sunggyu smiled and watched Woohyun sing from the corner of his eyes as he played the piano. He smiled slightly, proud of the power Woohyun was showing through the song. His emotion as he sang made the whole meaning show. Sunggyu couldn't help but get lost in the song. He just about missed his cue, but caught on at the right time.

All I can do is watch,
all I can do is hold on,
and wait for you here
You’ve gotten farther away
leaving only regrets,
say it with both eyes closed

Sunggyu sighed as he finished his part, tears forming in his eyes. He couldn't help but think of his father. As he told Woohyun before, the reason he wrote this song was because of his father. He tried to stop the tears from coming, but it was useless. He looked up at Woohyun, who was now making eye contact with him, and his tears started flowing down his tears as Woohyun sang the next part.

I call out without sound,
I call out remembering you
I try forgetting you,
knowing you don’t share my feelings

The tears fell harder, enabling Sunggyu to sing. Woohyun caught this and continued to sing for Sunggyu. Sunggyu made sure he at least didn't stop playing the piano as he tried shaking the memories away. The song continued, and Sunggyu tried joining in. But when he did, his voice kept cracking.

The words I couldn’t say to you…I love you.
The words I couldn’t bring myself to say
Without the chance to say them
you’re leaving me alone here
and going farther away

All I can do is wait,
all I can do is close my eyes,
and I’m stopped here
You’ve gotten farther away
leaving only regrets,
say it with both your hands together


I call out without sound
I call out remembering you
I try to empty myself of you,
knowing your mind isn’t here


I say it with my mind,
thinking that maybe you’ll come back to me
You don’t share my feelings,
but if you came back I might run into you

I yell out again today
knowing that my voice won’t be heard
You won’t hear me, but I keep calling
Our story, written on an empty notebook
I’ve become alone after you ripped it apart
In a house without you, there’s nothing to do
I know that you’ll already have forgotten about me
I try to erase traces of you in my room

When it came time for their harmony, Sunggyu took a deep breath and braced himself. He looked up at Woohyun, who gave him a nod of support. Sunggyu gave him a small smile and kept eye contact he played the few notes before started. They held eye contact as they sang their harmony and the ending of the song together.

I say it with my mind,
thinking that maybe you’ll come back to me
You don’t share my feelings,
but if you came back
I might run into you
I wait…
I wait thinking that I may run into you..

Sunggyu played through the last few notes on the piano. His tears started flowing again as he stood up. Everyone cheered loudly, but he didn't pay attention to anyone. Woohyun walked over to him and wrapped his arms around him, hugging him tightly. Sunggyu rested his head on Woohyun's shoulder, wrapping his own arms around him.

“Sh, hyung, it will be okay,” Woohyun whispered, patting his back.

“Sunggyu-sshi, are you okay?” Sunggyu heard the teacher ask, but couldn't say anything.

“He'll be okay,” Woohyun assured her as he led Sunggyu back to their seats. “Hyung, it's over. It's in the past. It will be okay. I promise.”

“Woohyun,” Sunggyu cried, the back of Woohyun's shirt. “I messed it up. I ruined our performance.”

“You didn't ruin anything, hyung,” Woohyun assured him, patting his back.

“Alright class, I'm going to announce the winner,” the teacher called, causing Sunggyu and Woohyun to look up at her. “We went over class time, by the way. So once I announce the winner, you are free to leave.”

Sunggyu grasped tightly on to Woohyun's hands, while wiping away his tears with his arm. He closed his eyes while the teacher looked through her notes. Woohyun squeezed Sunggyu's hands while Sunggyu prayed over and over again. He really wanted this win. Sure, he cried through out the whole performance and barely sang, but he still hoped Woohyun's efforts didn't go unnoticed.

“The winner... Wow, their performance was so powerful. I'm so proud of the both of these boys. I've never seen so much emotion expressed through one song. I can really see their passion they have for music,” the teacher said, causing Sunggyu to bite his lip in anticipation. “The winner is... Kim Sunggyu and Nam Woohyun!”

Sunggyu's eyes shot open as he looked around the room. Everyone was cheering loudly, congratulating the two of them. Sunggyu looked at Woohyun, who seemed just as surprised. Woohyun slowly pulled Sunggyu out of his seat, before wrapping his arms around him in a tight hug. Everyone patted their backs as they made their way out of the classroom.

Sunggyu and Woohyun jumped around in circles, tears streaming down both of their eyes. Sunggyu has never felt so relieved in his life. Woohyun was laughing, pulling Sunggyu back to look in to his eyes. With out another thought, Sunggyu suddenly brought his lips to meet Woohyun's. Everything was perfect for him right now.

“You did it!” a new voice shouted, causing Sunggyu and Woohyun to immediately pull away from the kiss. “Hyungs, I knew... WHERE YOU TWO JUST KISSING?!”

“I-” Sunggyu said, avoiding eye contact with Woohyun and awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. “I- uh...”

“Dongwoo hyung! Hoya hyung!” Sungyeol cried, running out of the room again. “Woohyun and Sunggyu were just kissing!”

“What?!” Dongwoo cried, rushing in to the room and up to them. “You were kissing?! How come I didn't get to see?!”

“We were, uh,” Woohyun started, shifting awkwardly on his feet.

“Here boys,” the teacher said, walking over to them and handing them a huge check and a trophy before leaving the room.

“We did it, Sunggyu!” Woohyun cried, falling out of his trance. “We really did it!”

“Congratulations, hyung,” Sungjong said as he and Myungsoo came in to the room.

“THIS CALLS FOR A CELEBRATION!” Sungyeol shouted, storming towards the door with his arm pointed out. “FOR HYUNGS WIN AND FOR THEM KISSING!”

“They kissed?” Sungjong asked, turning on Sunggyu and Woohyun. “What?”

“L-let's go,” Woohyun said, blushing and following Sungyeol out the door. “We need to celebrate.”


Hahahaha, the very first person I saw, heard and talked to (tweeted) was Woohyun! I feel official, lol! The first official song I listened to in 2014 is Beautiful (Woohyun version at OGS, haha)

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! :D <3

Check out my new story that I'll officially start after Where We Begin is over! My Son is An Idol

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Chapter 32: I cant open the sequel authornim..
I'm still kinda buzy right now, looking forward to read this later authornim
KimchiCupcakes #3
Chapter 14: I kept laughing till my heart is beating now
Shadowsfyre #4
Chapter 22: I was excited for this chapter I am just going to say it. I LOVED it!!! It was like I was about to attend an Infinite concert. When they won I was literally squealing and jumping around in my seat and then around my room. My heart was beating so fast. For a relatively new fan of Infinite and someone who has not been able to see them in concert, thank you for bringing one to life for me. I haven't written a review until now, but I felt like I had to. Thank you so much for this chapter. :D
Chapter 30: Kiyaaa this is a perfect ending
Infinite will always be one
happy birthday woohyunnie!!!
straybangfinite877 #6
Chapter 29: Unnie miss miss you so much
why did you dissappear
Omo poor baby woo
sunggyu is a.big meanie lol!
nanagirl #8
Chapter 15: I love this chapter so much >w< soooooo cuteeeeee TTwTT both of them god they're just so cute
Chapter 28: yeayy they won !
Chapter 28: Yeahhhhh they won!!!!
2 more chappie only...
how sad T.T