Concealed Promise

Sunggyu dragged himself to his performance class. It was 7 at night and he was completely exhausted. He just wanted the whole day to be over and catch up on some sleep. He's already been at this school for a whole two months. He didn't like how he had to have late night assignments almost every other day..

Groaning, Sunggyu plopped down in to the only empty seat left. He didn't notice it was right next to Woohyun, but he didn't care, either. People all around him were throwing greetings at him, which he replied with a small grunt. He laid his head on the table, covering himself with a book. He could feel stares from the person right next to him drilling holes in to his skull.

“You look dead,” Woohyun scoffed.

“It's your fault,” Sunggyu growled, closing his eyes.

“No its not! You're the one who wanted to clean all night,” Woohyun cried.

“You're the one who forgot to change the laundry, which meant we had to wait a whole nother hour for it to finish,” Sunggyu replied, just as the teacher walked in and called for everyone's attention.

“Alright guys, we're going to start our first project of the year,” the teacher called out to the class, Causing Sunggyu to groan and sit up. “I picked partners for this project. It will give you a chance to know your peers. In this project, you have to write a song, write the music, sing and play an instrument in front of the whole class. One of you is required to play the instrument while both are required to sing. You'll perform it in front of the class.”

“I want Sunggyu!” one kid cried.

“No, I want Sunggyu!” another cried, which made more and more kids argue amongst each other.

“Did you know he could write his own songs and the music to it?' one of the kids asked.

“Of course, that's why I want him,” another said.

“Only ONE of you will be paired with Sunggyu,” the teacher said. “And I already know who it is.”

She started naming off who was paired with who, causing people to groan at the thought of not being paired with Sunggyu. Sunggyu just sighed and rolled his eyes, glancing at Woohyun. Woohyun seemed bored, barely paying attention to the teacher. He even had his phone out and he was texting away. Sunggyu just sighed at him and shook his head.

“Kim Sunggyu and Nam Woohyun,” the teacher said, causing the both of them to turn to her in unison.

“WHAT?!” Woohyun cried, standing up. “I- I'm paired with HIM?!”

“Yes, you're paired with him, Woohyun,” the teacher said, before finishing up the list.

“Why does the world hate me?” Woohyun groaned, plopping down in his chair.

“Love you too,” Sunggyu said sarcastically, thinking back to the heart to heart talk they had a few weeks ago.

“Shut up,” Woohyun hissed as the teacher told them to get with their partners and talk about the project.

Sunggyu and Woohyun sat in the middle of Woohyun's room Wednesday night, discussing the details of their project. While Sunggyu wrote down ideas, Woohyun just sat there, playing games on his phone. Groaning in irritation, Sunggyu yanked the phone out of Woohyun's hands and threw it to the side. This caused Woohyun to protest and cross his arms in disappointment. Sunggyu just rolled his eyes at him before continuing.

“So what do you want this song to be about?” Sunggyu asked.

“I don't know,” Woohyun replied, shrugging his shoulders.

“You're no help,” Sunggyu replied, sighing and looking at his notebook. “Should it be about an unrequited love?”

“Why, do you love someone who doesn't love you back?” Woohyun asked, smirking at him.

“Hell no,” Sunggyu said, shaking his head. “I don't love anybody.”

“You don't love anybody? Ah, I highly doubt that,” Woohyun said, laughing. “Hm, who is this guy that you love and doesn't love you back?”

“Shut up, Woohyun,” Sunggyu hissed, shaking his head. “Besides, I never said I was gay anyway. Why would you immediately assume that I would love a guy.”

“Oh, so you're not gay?” Woohyun asked, leaning closer to Sunggyu.

“I never said that,” Sunggyu said, shaking his head.

“Then which is it?” Woohyun asked, placing his hand on Sunggyu's knee.

“Get off me,” Sunggyu said, pushing him away. “And I'm gay, okay? Why does it matter anyway?”

“Cause I was right,” Woohyun said, smirking and crossing his arms. “So, is there any guy you like here?”

“I don't know,” Sunggyu told him, frowning. “Why do you seem so cool about it, anyway? Are you gay?”

“Obviously,” Woohyun said, rolling his eyes.

“What, really?!” Sunggyu cried with wide eyes. “Since when?! How is an attractive guy like you gay?”

“Oh, so you think I'm attractive?” Woohyun asked, placing a hand over his heart. “What, do you have a crush on ME?”

“No! I don't have a crush on anyone!” Sunggyu cried, shaking his head. “Why would I have a crush on you, anyway? You've always been a jerk to me.”

Woohyun just shrugged his shoulders, before yanking the paper out of Sunggyu's hands. Sunggyu just sighed and leaned back on his hands. He didn't even know why Woohyun brought up this conversation with Woohyun. It made him feel uncomfortable and squirmy. He couldn't understand why he was like this, either.

He's been Woohyun's worst enemy for ever at this school. He was always Woohyun's target and he's always been so annoyed by him. He didn't like it how their friends tried to push the two together every chance they had. It annoyed the hell out of Sunggyu. Sure, maybe he did want to try to be Woohyun's friend, but with Woohyun's attitude that will never happen.

After a few minutes, Sunggyu stood up to leave. He's pretty sure they got enough done for the night anyway. Okay, they got nothing done, but Sunggyu was tired. He started walking towards the door, but was stopped by a yell from Woohyun. Woohyun threw the notebook at Sunggyu and shoved him out the door, slamming it and locking it.

Sunggyu just sighed and rolled his eyes, before gripping on to the notebook and walking to his own room. He threw the notebook on Sungyeol's bedside table before stomping all the way to his bed. He plopped down on his bed and closed his eyes, ready to get some sleep. He was tired as all hell and didn't want to be awake anymore. Maybe the world hated him because at that moment the door slammed open and Sungyeol came stomping in.

“Hyung! Guess what!” Sungyeol screamed, causing Sunggyu to groan and sit up.

“What, Sungyeol?” he asked, rubbing his eyes.

“Dongwoo and Hoya and I went out to watch a movie today! Do you know what we saw?” Sungyeol asked, jumping on to Sunggyu's bed and bouncing on the edge of it.

“No, what did you see?” Sunggyu asked with a sigh.

“It was a movie about aliens! They took over the earth and it was just so cool! I wanna see it again, but Hoya and Dongwoo don't want to see it again. It makes me sad because I really loved the movie and they didn't. Can you see it with me hyung? Just me and you? Oh, I swear you would love it! You like aliens too, right?” Sungyeol ranted.

“Sungyeol, I hang out with them on a daily basis. No, I do not like aliens,” Sunggyu said, trying to push him off the bed. “Now go, I want to sleep.”

“You have alien friends?!” Sungyeol asked with wide eyes. “Can I meet them? I want to meet an alien!! Oh my gosh hyung, that would be the best thing in the world! Hey, hyung, who is your alien friends?”

“You guys,” Sunggyu said, before pushing him away as he tried to advance towards the bed again.

“We're ALIENS?! How come I never knew this? Does Hoya and Dongwoo hyungs know this?” Sungyeol asked him.

“I don't know,” Sunggyu said with a sigh. “Sungyeol, I'm trying to sleep here.”

“Hey Gyu hyung, are you gay?” Sungyeol suddenly asked.

“Why is everyone asking me that today?” Sunggyu asked under his breath as he peaked at Sungyeol. “Why?”

“Because I know this guy who likes you but doesn't like to admit it,” Sungyeol stated. “And I think you like him too.”

“What are you talking about?' Sunggyu asked, fully sitting up and not feeling tired anymore. “Who?”

“Not telling!” Sungyeol cried, before running to the bathroom and closing it shut.

“YAH! Lee Sungyeol! It better not be who I think you're talking about!” Sunggyu replied, yet there was no response. “Yah! There's no way in hell I like him! He hates me! Why would I like someone who hates me? He's an . I would never date him!”

“You're just lying to yourself, hyung,” Sungyeol replied, causing Sunggyu to roll his eyes.

Sunggyu left it alone and stood up, walking over to the notebook he set down earlier. He picked it up and brought it over to his bed. He decided he should write the song, since Woohyun wasn't going to help with it. Before he could even get started, he spotted something on the paper. It was a small message that Woohyun had written out.

Hyung, I'm gonna call you hyung.

So it's weird to say this, but I think you're a pretty cool guy.

I'm sorry for the brat I've been towards you.

I know you haven't had the ideal life, and you deserve to have a friend.

Sure, you have Hoya and Sungyeol and Dongwoo, those idiots.

But hey, I want to be your friend Kim Sunggyu.

Can we put everything aside and be friends for once?

Sunggyu's eyes widened at the message as he read it over and over again. He never expected Woohyun to apologize to him. He especially didn't expect Woohyun to asked him to be friends. Even though Sunggyu found the offer tempting, he decided to decline it. He didn't think he could be friends with Woohyun after everything that had happened.

Sure, earlier he was saying how he wanted to attempt to be Woohyun's friend. But after thinking about it, he doesn't really know anymore. Woohyun's definitely not the kind of person he wants to be found hanging out with. There were times when Woohyun was pretty cool, but other times definitely over shadowed that. Sunggyu sighed and shook his head, not sure what to do.

“Sungyeol,” Sunggyu said, the second Sungyeol came out. “I need your help!”

“You're finally going to admit that you like him?” Sungyeol asked, storming out of the bathroom.

“What? Hell no!” Sunggyu said, shaking his head. “No, I just want to know if I should forgive him.”

“Of course you should,” Sungyeol said, nodding his head repeatedly. “Forgive and forget.”

“You're right,” Sunggyu replied with a sigh. “I'm not someone who typically holds a grudge. Maybe I should abide to his wishes.”

“What do you mean?” Sungyeol asked, cocking his head to the side.

“I'll be back. You stay here and watch movies or something on my laptop,” Sunggyu said, before rushing out of the room.

He ran over to Woohyun's room and started pounding on the door. No one answered, so he pounded harder. The door flew open with out him realizing it, causing him to fall forward. A pair of arms caught him and pushed him back. Sunggyu straightened up and looked up to find Dongwoo grinning widely at him.

“Hyung, what brings you here?” Dongwoo asked.

“Where's Woohyun? I need to talk to him,” Sunggyu asked him.

“Ah, he just went out to the common room. He said he wanted to play video games or something to get his mind off things,” Dongwoo told him.

“Okay, thanks,” Sunggyu said, before rushing out of the room.

Sure enough, Woohyun was sitting on the couch with his eyes closed. He was curled up in a ball, resting his chin on his knees. Sunggyu slowly went over to him and sat down on the couch beside him. Woohyun looked up, surprised to find Sunggyu there. Sunggyu just smiled and waved at him.

“About your request,” Sunggyu started, “I would love to be your friends. I would love to restart between the two of us. I'll forget everything you ever said or did to me, as long as you forget too. I'm sorry for anything nasty I said to you. Woohyun, let's be friends.”

“Let's be friends,” Woohyun replied, nodding his head with a small smile on his face. “Let's be friends and not bully each other ever again.”

“Ever,” Sunggyu replied, reaching over and hugging him. “Never ever again.”

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Chapter 32: I cant open the sequel authornim..
I'm still kinda buzy right now, looking forward to read this later authornim
KimchiCupcakes #3
Chapter 14: I kept laughing till my heart is beating now
Shadowsfyre #4
Chapter 22: I was excited for this chapter I am just going to say it. I LOVED it!!! It was like I was about to attend an Infinite concert. When they won I was literally squealing and jumping around in my seat and then around my room. My heart was beating so fast. For a relatively new fan of Infinite and someone who has not been able to see them in concert, thank you for bringing one to life for me. I haven't written a review until now, but I felt like I had to. Thank you so much for this chapter. :D
Chapter 30: Kiyaaa this is a perfect ending
Infinite will always be one
happy birthday woohyunnie!!!
straybangfinite877 #6
Chapter 29: Unnie miss miss you so much
why did you dissappear
Omo poor baby woo
sunggyu is a.big meanie lol!
nanagirl #8
Chapter 15: I love this chapter so much >w< soooooo cuteeeeee TTwTT both of them god they're just so cute
Chapter 28: yeayy they won !
Chapter 28: Yeahhhhh they won!!!!
2 more chappie only...
how sad T.T