
My Stalker Kissed Me!!
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EP. 2 'I was Kidnapped by a Lunatic Stalker!'--
Crazy by Kan Mi Yeon



After a few many hours of sleeping, I finally woke up. I slowly opened my eyes and the sunlight was hitting my face. * it's already morning* I cursed in my mind. I was about to rubbed my eyes when I suddenly realized I coudn't move my hands. I opened my eyes widely. Then I realized I was being tied up. No!

*Where Am I?* I ask myself. I scanned the place and I realized it was a girls' room. Pink painted walls, stuff toys, hello kitty stuffs, AKB48 & Super Junior posters and WTF! My Pictures??!!!! As in my PICTURES?!!!!
I looked closer to the wall which was filled with my photos. OMG! There's also a photo of mine wearing a santa costume,

Then my senses was back to my hands which was being tied up. Then I started to recall what happened last night. I was walking way home when someone covered my nose with a handkerchief which made me passed out-- *The hell, don't tell me I was being kidnapped!* Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!" I screamed as loud as I could.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Please Someone Help Me!!!!!!!" I screamed more louder this time.

I tried my best to get my hands off the rope,But it was too tight and I can't even move my hands and now it was totally aching. Once again I scanned the room, searching for any spot to escape. There's only one window and it was locked, and I'm sure the door was locked too. Then suddenly someone opened the door. *creeeeekkkkkk* the door sounds-scary

When the door was fully opened, it revealed a long-black-haired girl with a creepy stares, wearing a white sundress. *! don't tell me this ugly-ghost-like girl kidnapped me!* I thought.

She was staring at me like she's going to kill or attack me. Then the creepy stares suddenly change into an excited one and she gave a smile which is so gross.

"Anyeonghasaeyo..." She said with her soft voice and bowed.

I didn't even dared to response, but to glared at her.

She walk way to me and this time I felt so ing scared.
*Please God, save me..* I thought and I was getting nervous. I she going to kill me? ra

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hey guys!! I'll be back soon. I'm just finding the right time to write again, please wait for me. Follow Me on twitter @_yanndove_ & instagram @_yanndov_ thanks


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 53: Really awesome ^^