Meeting the Ex - Minho's POV

Meeting the Ex

Hello lovelies, 

Here is an update from another persons POV! 

WARNING - this chapter does not carry on from the last one. 

Thank you for all your lovely comments - they mean a lot. 


Sophie :)


I ran along the road as I whipped my head from side to side and simultaneously checked my iPhone. Spotting the café, I burst through the door and looked around for the lady I was meeting. I got about halfway through looking across the café when my eyes honed in on someone I never thought I would see again. A wave of guilt and excitement washed over me as I walked in the general direction of the person. Taking in a deep breath, I exhaled and put everything on the plate.

“Taemin?” His small and delicate body froze before he turned and looked at me with wide eyes.

“Minho?” I felt a jolt of something strike in me as my name once again rolled off his tongue. I couldn’t believe that after this whole time, I had found him at long last and by chance. He looked amazing. He was slightly more toned since the last time I had seen him and he his face had lost it’s babyishness but he still looked beautiful. I felt my stomach churn as I looked over him.

“What are you doing here?” I asked. I couldn’t help looking over him with admiration. The air around us may have been awkward but I was just about ready to do anything to make it better so that he could take his rightful place in my arms again.

“Um … I’m … um … meeting my boyfriend here,” I noticed him stutter. I couldn’t help but let a frown form on my face. I was shocked that he had found someone so quickly. I hadn’t looked for anyone since. I couldn’t; I hated myself too much. “Why are you here?”

“I’m meeting a business partner,” I croaked out as I watched his eyes harden and his face go red where he was angry. I felt bad but this time I was telling the truth. After Taemin, I hadn’t looked for anything or anyone. I felt too disgusted with myself after that woman came to the door that day. I had shoved her out onto the curb and abandonaed that part of my life for good.

“An actual business partner or a ‘business partner?” His tone surprised me. I couldn’t help but feel offended. I had moved past what I had done and I had change my ways. I reached out and gripped his arm before pulling him up.

“How dare you. How could you have moved on so quickly?” I asked as he yanked his arm out of my grip. The stare he then sent me caused daggers to pierce my heart. I knew he wouldn’t be pleased with me but the hatred he had towards me shocked me.

“It’s been two years Minho,” he spat quickly as he continued to stare me down. I knew it had been a long time since we ended but it takes time to heal. I knew maybe I had taken longer that he had but it was only because I truly treasured him.

“And? I haven’t moved on,” I tried to argue but I knew it was useless. He had moved on and had found another person who could provide him with the happiness I once did and still yearned to provide him with. Suddenly, I noticed my business partner walking our way so I straightened myself out and shook off the hurt feeling so I would represent the company well.

“Mr Choi,” she smiled nicely. Maybe she was the woman who could distract me for a moment. I didn’t want to have to think about Taemin for the moment and I knew if I immersed myself in work, like I normally did, then it would be easier in the long run.

“Ahh, Miss Lim. Shall we take a seat?” I asked as I pushed past Taemin and sat down at the table I had chosen out of the corner of my eye. I had expected Taemin to make a scene but instead, he just stood there in shock as though he was glued to the floor.


As Miss Lim continued to speak about this and that, I couldn’t help but notice she really wasn’t a person I would ever date. I was ashamed of myself for even thinking she could be a distraction from the perfection that was Taemin. Miss Lim wore far too much make up; so much that I felt as though I could draw in it, on her face, with my nail. Her lipstick was a blinding red and it kept smudging when she took a sip of her drink. She had too much bling on as well with a matching Gucci purse and Louis Vuiton shoes. She also had one of the most complicated drink I had ever seen. Luckily it didn’t break my wallet.

I couldn’t help but watch Taemin the whole time. He started by staring holes into Miss Lim and me but then I noticed a change. Disappointment rushed through me when a slim and attractive boy sauntered over to Taemin. His face immediately lit up and it wouldn't take a genius to realise the new boy was Taemin’s lover. The boy guzzled down a muffin Taemin had before they started to talk. All this time, Miss Lim was talking but I couldn’t focus on her. Suddenly the boy looked at me with a hard stare. I knew I deserved it though. Taemin looked at me once and I felt butterflies awake in my stomach again. And then he picked up the boy’s bag and they hurried out of the café. I could feel tears prick in my eyes as I watched them go. I didn’t want to show Taemin, who had just turned to look at me, that I wasn’t over him. It devastated me to know he had moved on but there was nothing else I could do. I had hurt him too badly and the scars still showed.

With an apologetic smile, I excused myself from Miss Lim and hurried to my flat where I could drown myself in alcohol before a fresh start. After seeing Taemin with his new toy boy, I had decided I would move on and forget the past. I didn’t even know Taemin. Who?

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Thank you!
I should be able to update soon. Please hold int here. Sophie :)


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crazedanddazed #1
Chapter 29: ㅠㅠ Waaaaa.. It's the ending already.. ㅠㅠ
The final chappie was awesomely done. Kinda got emotional. Just beautiful.
And i think it's a good idea that you decided to end it. Fits the story well.
Gahhh. Gonna miss it. Been a pleasure reading the story.
Thank you dearie ♥ Keep on writing :)
Looking forward for more of your masterpieces!
Chapter 29: Aw~ that was beautiful. That was a perfect ending, wraps everything up nicely. And lol Chanyeol and BaekRis's kid? aww haha. Well everything ended well and im happy ^^

I also have a taekai fic~ well two but the second one is a Taemin/Sungjong (dont ask lol) with Kai as obsessed with Tae and im planning on putting a whole chap or two of pure taekai moments. The taekai i just started is pure taekai ^^

But, y'know, you dont have to read them cause they're probably not as good as yours.. >//<

Anywehs! great story author-nim! Good job (\^.^/)
Chapter 28: New reader here~! I love this story <3 However, as much as i hate to say it, i dont think there's much you can do without dragging it out. They're over their exes, they're engaged and happy, unless someone dies or cheats, I cant really see anything more. Maybe someone new enters the picture?

Dont get me wrong, I'd LOVE to see more fluff, but it seems like any possible drama would be redundent. Sorry if im being harsh!>.< Im really not trying to be, I love this story really <3 Author-nim, hwaiting!
Thepossessed2 #4
Chapter 28: You should finish this story I really enjoyed it
taekai69 #5
Chapter 28: I'm ok with everything as long as taekai in it ^^ <3
crazedanddazed #6
Chapter 28: Awwwww :'(
Hmmm i would definitely want you to continue this fic cuz i like it so much but if you think that there 's nothing going right currently then i guess you should just take your time off for some chill. Heee.
However, looking back at your fic now, i think that they have already gotten over their exes now right? So as much as i hate to say this, i think that you may also end the fic with maybe a few more chapters for closing. (ㅠ.ㅠ)
Unless you still wanna dwell some more in their past relationships that brought them to their current ones. Some angst or some jealousy idk. Haha.
Or you can just simply give them more romance and fluff until they puke unicorns and rainbows. Lol! Oh and maybe a valentine's day special? Haha.
Though i would be happy and grateful for whatever you gave us cuz i am so deprived of Taekai now. Lol.
Sorry for my long rambling. Just giving my thoughts. And plus i'm so bored now. Heee.
Chapter 28: Yes you should keep going! Fighting! ^^
And for what we want to see... I would like some fluff like baking something and being all cute and cuddly or something ^\\\^ (I'm in the fluffy mood right now xD) but I don't know, I hope you can get some inspiration! X3
I'll look forward to the next chapter! :D
taekai69 #8
Omg I hope it's taekai ><
Chapter 26: nuuuh ; n ; omehgosh this is like sooo good, i cried, laugh, sobbed, wanted to throw luhan out of the window during the first part if TorD. I SHALL WAIT FOR YOUR UPDATE ouo~!
Chapter 26: Awww I'm glad they made up... My beautiful TAEKAI~^^ now.. What will Sehun do with luhan...