Long time no see (Holiday)

Meeting the Ex


I have a little update for you! Thank you so much for you're lovely comments - please keep them coming ^^


Sophie :)


Taemin = 20.5

“Tae you’re gonna have to close up tonight. Jjong is taking me somewhere and he won’t tell me,” Key winked at me before grabbing his ‘man’ purse (I swear I saw it in the female section of Gucci but, then again, this is Key we’re talking about) and running out of the store.

“Have fun,” I shouted before groaning and slamming my head down onto the counter. I receive a weird look from the old-lady who was a regular here but I took no notice of it and walked to the back of the store to finish sorting out some of the products.


Key had decided (when he had convinced his lover) that he wanted to open a floral shop. He didn’t know what flowers he wanted or what else he was going to see, he just knew he wanted his own floral shop that he could run himself. It turned out to be a lot more work that he realised and soon he dragged me into helping. At the time I thought that God wanted to kill me when I was tasked with the job of helping the Queen Diva with his planning, but now I see it as my saving grace which stopped me from dying in a bath tub of vodka.

Suddenly the bell on the front counter rang and I hurried to the front of the shop to see what the customer wanted. I skidded to a halt, however, when I was greeted by the sight of Jongin. My jaw dropped from its place and touched the ground whilst caterpillars turned into butterflies in my stomach; completely skipping the cocoon stage.

“Jongin-ah?” I asked as I finally made it to the front of the shop. I grabbed onto the front desk tightly so that I could hold myself up if my legs gave way from shaking.


I had never admitted it to anyone but after I had met Jongin in the bar that day, I had fallen for him; hard. As soon as he turned up at the bar I would come straight to him. If he called me on my phone, it wouldn’t ring twice before I picked up and if he had a bad day, I would make sure I was the one to cheer him up. Then I met his parents and managed to convince them to let him go to the dance academy. Even though it pained me to send him off, I knew this was what he wanted and then at least he would be happy.

When that day finally came, it was very hard for me to stop the tears that spilled down my face.

“Aish hyung stop! You’re gonna make me cry,” Jongin laughed as he slapped me on the back. I would have if I could of. It was so hard to let go of him when he gave me one last hug and slipped into his small, run down car. The hardest part though was watching the back of the car getting smaller as he drove down the road and then disappear as it had gone round the corner. It had taken all my strength for the few days after that not to turn back to the bottle and it was torturous. However, the thought of Jongin kept me strong.

“HYUNG!” and now said boy was standing in front of me with a stupid smile spread across his face. He had a bunch of flowers in one hand and his bag in the other. I couldn’t stop the equally stupid smile that spread across my face as I jumped over the counter and pulled him into a tight hug.

“How have you been?” I asked as I pulled away and straightened my clothes. I couldn’t look like I normally did in front of this angel.

“Good hyung. I only have one more year and then I major in dance and guess what?” he asked with a cute look on his face.

“I don’t know,” I said as I waited for the answer.

“Guess hyuuuuung,” he pouted before turning to his bag and pulling a leaflet out of the pocket and ing the flowers into my hands at the same time. “For you.”

“Thank you and I don’t know. Just tell me,” I smiled as I marvelled at the flowers. You would think I wouldn’t be too pleased with flowers since I work in a flower shop but, when they are from the person you adore most in the world, they’re special.

“I get to do that year here with lay!”

“What?” I asked with wide-eyes. The news hadn’t really been absorbed in my brain and I wasn’t sure if I had even heard correctly.

“I’m staying hyung, were you not listening, jeez,” he rolled his eyes before jumping up and sitting on the counter. I just hugged him again before excusing myself to get a vase to put the flowers in. As I walked into the back of the store I could help but let out a small fan-girl scream … I mean a manly fan-boy whoop. I could finally feel the heat on my cheeks as I cut the stems and arranged them nicely in a light blue vase. They were going to be displayed on the front desk for everyone in the world to see.

“You know hyung we should go out,” Jongin said casually as he tapped away on his phone. Was I dreaming? Happiness filled me as I took in what he had just said.

“Bwoh?” I asked loudly as a giggly feeling came over me.

“Or, I know,  we should have a take-out,” eeeekkk it's going to be a date, “as friends you know?” and I spoke too soon. I immediately deflated as I watched the teenager who was glued to his phone. Sighing, I hummed in response before shooing him out the door and locking the shop up behind me.


“Yah! Hyung,” I frowned before throwing an empty banana milk carton at Jongin’s head. It was my favourite part of ‘The Little Mermaid’ and he wasn’t going to ruin it for me. The film was one of my favourites and this part I knew off by heart.

“Respect me you brat,” I sighed once the part had passed and sent him a glare.

“I added ‘hyung’, didn’t I?” he asked innocently and I knew what he was trying to do; play the victim.

“Yah!” I shouted before picking up the rubbish and moving to the kitchen and throwing it in the bin. I paused for a second and let a smile creep onto my face before regaining my posture and stalking back into the main room.

“Hyung, we should go on a trip,” Jongin suddenly blurted. He looked a little fidgety so I crooked my eyebrow at him to tell him to continue.

“What if I was to tell you I booked a pension in Busan for us for a week?” I stared at Jongin; dumbfounded.


“God hyung, clear out your ears!” he rolled his eyes before telling me once again. I smiled widely and pulled him in for a hug. I revelled in the moment, drinking in his scent as we hugged but making sure I let him go before it became awkward.

“Really? That’s so cool. Thanks Jongin-ah,” I gave him the thumbs up before I popped the disk out of the player and shut the TV off for the night.

“Ok, now scram boy. I need my sleep,” I mimicked Key and Jongin laughed before he hurried to the door and slipped on his shoes.

“See you at seven in the morning for our road trip hyung,” and with that he was gone. I shut the door quickly before leaning back on the wood and exhaling loudly. I … we … us … he … we were going on a trip … just the two of us … to Busan. I giggled happily as I skipped up the stairs, only stopping to flick the light switch before I snuggled under the covers and prayed for the next day to come quickly.

To be continued …

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I should be able to update soon. Please hold int here. Sophie :)


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crazedanddazed #1
Chapter 29: ㅠㅠ Waaaaa.. It's the ending already.. ㅠㅠ
The final chappie was awesomely done. Kinda got emotional. Just beautiful.
And i think it's a good idea that you decided to end it. Fits the story well.
Gahhh. Gonna miss it. Been a pleasure reading the story.
Thank you dearie ♥ Keep on writing :)
Looking forward for more of your masterpieces!
Chapter 29: Aw~ that was beautiful. That was a perfect ending, wraps everything up nicely. And lol Chanyeol and BaekRis's kid? aww haha. Well everything ended well and im happy ^^

I also have a taekai fic~ well two but the second one is a Taemin/Sungjong (dont ask lol) with Kai as obsessed with Tae and im planning on putting a whole chap or two of pure taekai moments. The taekai i just started is pure taekai ^^

But, y'know, you dont have to read them cause they're probably not as good as yours.. >//<

Anywehs! great story author-nim! Good job (\^.^/)
Chapter 28: New reader here~! I love this story <3 However, as much as i hate to say it, i dont think there's much you can do without dragging it out. They're over their exes, they're engaged and happy, unless someone dies or cheats, I cant really see anything more. Maybe someone new enters the picture?

Dont get me wrong, I'd LOVE to see more fluff, but it seems like any possible drama would be redundent. Sorry if im being harsh!>.< Im really not trying to be, I love this story really <3 Author-nim, hwaiting!
Thepossessed2 #4
Chapter 28: You should finish this story I really enjoyed it
taekai69 #5
Chapter 28: I'm ok with everything as long as taekai in it ^^ <3
crazedanddazed #6
Chapter 28: Awwwww :'(
Hmmm i would definitely want you to continue this fic cuz i like it so much but if you think that there 's nothing going right currently then i guess you should just take your time off for some chill. Heee.
However, looking back at your fic now, i think that they have already gotten over their exes now right? So as much as i hate to say this, i think that you may also end the fic with maybe a few more chapters for closing. (ㅠ.ㅠ)
Unless you still wanna dwell some more in their past relationships that brought them to their current ones. Some angst or some jealousy idk. Haha.
Or you can just simply give them more romance and fluff until they puke unicorns and rainbows. Lol! Oh and maybe a valentine's day special? Haha.
Though i would be happy and grateful for whatever you gave us cuz i am so deprived of Taekai now. Lol.
Sorry for my long rambling. Just giving my thoughts. And plus i'm so bored now. Heee.
Chapter 28: Yes you should keep going! Fighting! ^^
And for what we want to see... I would like some fluff like baking something and being all cute and cuddly or something ^\\\^ (I'm in the fluffy mood right now xD) but I don't know, I hope you can get some inspiration! X3
I'll look forward to the next chapter! :D
taekai69 #8
Omg I hope it's taekai ><
Chapter 26: nuuuh ; n ; omehgosh this is like sooo good, i cried, laugh, sobbed, wanted to throw luhan out of the window during the first part if TorD. I SHALL WAIT FOR YOUR UPDATE ouo~!
Chapter 26: Awww I'm glad they made up... My beautiful TAEKAI~^^ now.. What will Sehun do with luhan...