Cheater (Part 1)

Meeting the Ex

Hello *awkward laugh*

Please don't kill me. I promise I'll put up part two either tomorrow or the day after. I mean no harm!

Comment and tell me you thoughts.

Sophie :0

P.S Here is a link to Jongin and Taemin with their baby if you haven't read it - and want to. 'Our son'


Taemin = 25

Awkward. If I could choose one word to describe the last few visits to Jongin’s company, it would be awkward. Ever since I had decided I wanted to go back and work with Key in the floral shop, we hired another manager who was amazing and worked well to produce the best for Jongin. However, this only meant I could come and watch the shoots when I had free time, or when Key was feeling generous which was rare. The only thing that made the experience awkward was a certain presence that had taken up permanent residence at the company; Kyungsoo. He always seemed to be there, a first as a ghost, and then more as a friend. It irked me to see them chatting and getting on so well when, just months ago, Jongin pulled me out of there with a tear-streaked face.

“So … am I being paranoid?” I asked Key as I cut the stems off of flowers and arranged them in a display to announce the annual tulip growing competition.

“No, I don’t think so,” Key replied casually as he inspected his nails. I rolled my eyes at the man before continuing with the job and mulling over Jongin with Kyungsoo.

“You don’t think so?” I asked, worried he wasn’t telling me something.

“Well, the thing is, I was in a situation like this with Jjong around two years ago and it was hard. It turned out they were just friends but I couldn’t help but be suspicious. Then, I decided to follow them and found they were just hanging out like normal people, the only thing was Jjong caught me and we got into a huge fight,” Key sighed. I nodded in his direction as if to tell him to continue. “If you want to follow them, just do it properly.”

“But shouldn’t there be trust in a relationship,” I pondered.

“Yeah but there’s always gonna be a thought or so that leads you to think that there isn’t baby boy,” Key commented and I sent him a glare. I thought we had dropped the ‘Umma, son’ act ages ago, when I was around 20.

“Thanks hyung,” I smiled in his direction as a plan slotted into place in my mind.


Three hours later and I was pulling my car to the company’s building. I quickly snuck out and through the reception desk, the lady knowing who I was, before I sprung up the stair and looked through the glass door that lead to their normal studio. Only staff seemed to be in there. I frowned, confused, before I pushed the door open slightly and slipped in. Adrenaline pulsed through me and I couldn’t help but hum the ‘Mission Impossible’ theme tune in my head; having to stop when I nearly laughed. Pushing through the last of the set, I came into contact with the door that led to Jongin’s dressing room. It had his name on in a little gold plaque that made me smile every time I saw it. Slowly, I pushed the door open and swallowed thickly. I let the door go just as soon as I had nudged it; my worst fears having come true. There, on the other side, were Jongin and Kyungsoo.

“Tae?” I heard a scrabble of movement behind the door before it was swung open and Jongin stood there looking dishevelled. I swallowed thickly, memories of Minho flooding back into my head. I stared at him with teary eyes before I turned around and fled through the set, bursting through the door and sprinting through the lobby to the car. Without registering the footsteps behind me, I flung myself into the car and pulled out of the parking lot, heading nowhere in particular.


“Shh baby it’s ok,” I sat on the sofa wrapped in Key’s arms as the tears flowed fast down my cheeks. There was a wet spot on the blanket Key had placed around the two of us as Jonghyun made tea. I was still in shock from early and couldn’t seem to calm down. As soon as I stopped hyperventilating, thoughts of both Minho and Jongin flashed in my mind and I would start up again. I couldn’t believe how stupid I had been to trust Jongin and how I had made the same mistake twice.

Suddenly, the shrill of my phone rang out through the air. I hiccupped once before ing the phone into Key’s hand. I knew who it was just by the ringtone and I didn’t want to have to face him. There was a beep as Key pressed the answer button and bought the phone to his ear.

“Jongin shut up,” his voice was biting and I couldn’t help but flinch away slightly. “I don’t care what you have to say… Listen to me… You know Taemin is sensitive and you sure as hell know what happened with Minho. How could you? … Of course you weren’t thinking … No I don’t … OH … well I will but I can’t promise anything … Goodbye.” With diva sass, Key hung up the phone and threw it onto the other sofa. Jonghyun, by this time, had placed the tea on the table and left a bowl of chocolate ice cream. I smiled at the small gesture but soon felt the tears gathering in my eyes.

“I’m sorry Taemin,” was all he said before he slunk off to work on his music. I snuggled back down into Key’s side as more sobs racked over my body.

How could I have been so stupid?

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I should be able to update soon. Please hold int here. Sophie :)


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crazedanddazed #1
Chapter 29: ㅠㅠ Waaaaa.. It's the ending already.. ㅠㅠ
The final chappie was awesomely done. Kinda got emotional. Just beautiful.
And i think it's a good idea that you decided to end it. Fits the story well.
Gahhh. Gonna miss it. Been a pleasure reading the story.
Thank you dearie ♥ Keep on writing :)
Looking forward for more of your masterpieces!
Chapter 29: Aw~ that was beautiful. That was a perfect ending, wraps everything up nicely. And lol Chanyeol and BaekRis's kid? aww haha. Well everything ended well and im happy ^^

I also have a taekai fic~ well two but the second one is a Taemin/Sungjong (dont ask lol) with Kai as obsessed with Tae and im planning on putting a whole chap or two of pure taekai moments. The taekai i just started is pure taekai ^^

But, y'know, you dont have to read them cause they're probably not as good as yours.. >//<

Anywehs! great story author-nim! Good job (\^.^/)
Chapter 28: New reader here~! I love this story <3 However, as much as i hate to say it, i dont think there's much you can do without dragging it out. They're over their exes, they're engaged and happy, unless someone dies or cheats, I cant really see anything more. Maybe someone new enters the picture?

Dont get me wrong, I'd LOVE to see more fluff, but it seems like any possible drama would be redundent. Sorry if im being harsh!>.< Im really not trying to be, I love this story really <3 Author-nim, hwaiting!
Thepossessed2 #4
Chapter 28: You should finish this story I really enjoyed it
taekai69 #5
Chapter 28: I'm ok with everything as long as taekai in it ^^ <3
crazedanddazed #6
Chapter 28: Awwwww :'(
Hmmm i would definitely want you to continue this fic cuz i like it so much but if you think that there 's nothing going right currently then i guess you should just take your time off for some chill. Heee.
However, looking back at your fic now, i think that they have already gotten over their exes now right? So as much as i hate to say this, i think that you may also end the fic with maybe a few more chapters for closing. (ㅠ.ㅠ)
Unless you still wanna dwell some more in their past relationships that brought them to their current ones. Some angst or some jealousy idk. Haha.
Or you can just simply give them more romance and fluff until they puke unicorns and rainbows. Lol! Oh and maybe a valentine's day special? Haha.
Though i would be happy and grateful for whatever you gave us cuz i am so deprived of Taekai now. Lol.
Sorry for my long rambling. Just giving my thoughts. And plus i'm so bored now. Heee.
Chapter 28: Yes you should keep going! Fighting! ^^
And for what we want to see... I would like some fluff like baking something and being all cute and cuddly or something ^\\\^ (I'm in the fluffy mood right now xD) but I don't know, I hope you can get some inspiration! X3
I'll look forward to the next chapter! :D
taekai69 #8
Omg I hope it's taekai ><
Chapter 26: nuuuh ; n ; omehgosh this is like sooo good, i cried, laugh, sobbed, wanted to throw luhan out of the window during the first part if TorD. I SHALL WAIT FOR YOUR UPDATE ouo~!
Chapter 26: Awww I'm glad they made up... My beautiful TAEKAI~^^ now.. What will Sehun do with luhan...