Moving on (Final!)

Meeting the Ex

“What?”I swallowed guiltily as I looked at all my friend as they lay spread out across the floor of my house. Jongin was also slightly red as we watched the faces of the people we loved, some of them contorting strangely whilst tears sprang in the eyes of the rest. I could also feel salty water gathering in my eyes as my heart-strings tugged in my chest slightly.

“Yeah ... Jongin and I are moving,” I stuttered and coughed slightly. Everyone was silent for a moment, nothing could be heard and the silence pulled on my emotions even more; it being almost unbearable. I didn’t like how everyone was out of words. I was expecting them to brush it off, instead the more female friend were sobbing into their husbands shirts.

“Why, you can’t,” Baekhyun finally spoke, shoving his face into Kris’ shirt like a small child. The giant seemed to be battling tears as well and that was the end for me. The tears started to flow freely after that.

“I’ve been promoted,” Jongin said rather proudly as he pulls me to his side. “So we have to head out to Japan.”

“How long for?” Luhan asked. We both shrugged, not knowing anymore then that we had to move out to Tokyo as soon as we could so Jongin could work for a company out there. It wasn’t what we both wanted, but it was what was best for the both of us and for making our future stable.

“We don’t know but it’s not like we're not going to see you again,” I sniffed pathetically, not sounding as strong as I had hoped. “We’ll come and visit you in breaks, like at Christmas.” I tried to smile to which the others just returned limp smirks as well. Another silence took over all of us again before Kyungsoo stood up from his spot, much to his husband’s dismay.

“Come on everyone, let’s not mope and just enjoy the last time together.”


Food and laugher was what filled the small dining-room. Not a surface was plain, all covered with bowls and jugs and plates of the most delicious food we could all muster up. Party-poppers and their entrails were also covering the hanging chandeliers and the rest of the surfaces. “Pass please,” Sehun mutters before pointing at the bowl of noodles. I nodded, passing them and watching as the male pour a hefty amount onto his plate. I couldn’t help but remember all the fun we had together as I looked at everyone else around the table.

Sehun, and how he had made me laugh whilst I sat in the front of the car, annoyed at the yapping Luhan who wouldn’t shut up, on a journey I thought would just be Jongin and I. I remembered how on that trip, I had confessed to Jongin and how I was over the moon when we returned home and spent the rest of the week together. I smiled at the cute couple, watching as they fed each other and feeling giddy as a warm feeling came over me.

A small clanging sound was heard, followed by a curse and laughed. I looked to the left of ‘hunhan’ as Jongin fondly called them, to see Baekhyun, Kris and the little boy they had decided to adopt. Kris wasn’t too pleased about it at first when Baekhyun had made up his mind and was adamant that they should do it as quickly as possible; even going as far as to demand that I convince the small diva that a dog would be better. That didn’t go well and there were many weekends I spent trying to calm one of them down when the other went off and they snapped at each other. In the end, Baekhyun won and soon a little boy was living in their home, the small baby the cutest thing I’d ever seen. Chanyeol, now two, seemed to be an exact mix of the two, having Kris height, Baekhyun’s cuteness and the personality of a happy virus that only God knows where it came from.

“Channie, nono,” Baekhyun scolded the toddler as he picked up another pair of chopsticks, ignoring the ones he’d dropped on the floor before poking his tongue out and blowing a raspberry. I laughed at the cuteness overload as he then proceeded to wiggle out of his mother’s hold and wobble over to his dad: tugging on his pant leg, whining to be picked up and cuddled.

There was a snort from the left of the three, causing me to move my gaze from the happy family to the others at the table. Kyungsoo, Jongin’s ex was sitting next to Jongdae, his husband. I snorted when my mind flickered to all the trouble said male had caused through the time Jongin and I had been together. It even went as far as me being as stupid as to think Jongin was cheating on me with Kyungsoo. It turned out that really Jongin was planning on proposing to me and I ended up feeling stupid whilst my poor boyfriend proposed to me. Now, Kyungsoo was happily married to another singer, Jongdae who bought mischief and fun to our friend group; his trick often getting him in trouble with his husband.

“Say ahhh,” I observed as Jongdae held up a spoonful of rice and vegetables for his lover to take. The shorter male, not by much that is, opened his mouth wide; only to have the spoon shoved rather forcefully into his mouth and choke. The troll then started to laugh earning a rather hard smack around the back of the head. The rest of the table laughed as the red faced Kyungsoo hid behind his napkin and shoved his husband’s arm.

“Are you ok?” I turned my head and noticed the last person at the table rubbing the bright red male on the back. Something sad settled in me when I remembered everything we’d been through. Minho: my ex. I let out a sigh as the thoughts of happy and sad memories filled my head. How he’d broken my heart when I found out he was cheating on me. How he’d turned up that one day in the cafe and confronted me and now, how we were almost the best of friends. It was so ironic how we both hated, no loathed, each other just years ago and now, we were inseparable. I knew that Minho was the person I was going to miss the most. I had too many memories with the man and even though he and I were both happily married, we still had a certain fondness for each other.

“Yeah, good,” I was pulled from my thought when Kyungsoo replied, shooting his husband a glare that could melt diamonds, before smiling sweetly. I would swear on anyone’s life that boy was bi-polar.

“Are you ok?” I looked to the side and shivered slightly when I noticed how close Jongin was to me. I nodded, elbowing him slightly before sending him and smile and turning back to the food. I was happy in that moment, loving spending the time with the people I didn’t want to leave and dreading the morning coming soon.


“And don’t forget vitamins – I think I’ve packed some in your carryon bag – but I digress. Also, vegetables ~” I couldn’t help but laugh when Jonghyun proceeded to step forward, grab hold of Key’s backpack and drag him back away from the two of us and our luggage.

“Key, you’ve told them this already,” my ‘umma’s’ husband scolded him as tears pricked in his eyes.

“But he’s my baby Jjongie,” the sassier diva sniffed, looking like a lost kitten as he tried his best not to let the tears escape from his tear ducts and smudge his make-up.

“It’s ok Umma,” I smiled before pulling him into a hug, the tears already making their way down my cheeks.

“Ummmaa, he called me Umma,” that did it and soon I could feel a wet-patch appearing on my shoulder. Jonghyun sent an eye roll my way, telling me that I would die for that later when he’d spent the whole day and night trying to console Key, but it was worth it.

“I’ll miss you,” I sniffled before untangling from his limbs and going to hug Jonghyun. He had been my ‘Appa’ since I could remember and I felt somewhat child-like as I gave him one last squeeze, and that was it. I walked forward, grabbing Jongin’s hand in mine as we took our suitcases and headed to the lounge.

“Don’t forget to call!” I e last time to see Key hugging Jonghyun like his life depended on it whilst waving one hand in the air.

“I won’t,” I shouted back. “Love you guys!”

“Love you too!”


Hi ..... TT_TT

It's the end (sort of). I've decided to end this adventure after the lovely comments and advice from all of you - Love you guys :)

I should be coming back with a Valentine's Day special .... it may be a little delayed .... but I'll hopefully get one to you.

Thank you so much for following this little story. It started as a small, silly little one shot I wrote out of boredom and now it's escalated to this! If it wasn't for you egging me on, I don't think I would have got anywhere.

I hope you'll check out some of my other stories - Our son is linked to this story - and please keep an eye out for the project I'm currently working on. It won't be out until a little later this year, but it's called 'Decisions' and it's the first time I writing a story with a co-author.

If you have any questions, any comments you know where to leave them.

Also, I would love to read some of your stories - if you'd like me to - and I'll a comment.

Thank you again.

Sophie <3


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I should be able to update soon. Please hold int here. Sophie :)


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crazedanddazed #1
Chapter 29: ㅠㅠ Waaaaa.. It's the ending already.. ㅠㅠ
The final chappie was awesomely done. Kinda got emotional. Just beautiful.
And i think it's a good idea that you decided to end it. Fits the story well.
Gahhh. Gonna miss it. Been a pleasure reading the story.
Thank you dearie ♥ Keep on writing :)
Looking forward for more of your masterpieces!
Chapter 29: Aw~ that was beautiful. That was a perfect ending, wraps everything up nicely. And lol Chanyeol and BaekRis's kid? aww haha. Well everything ended well and im happy ^^

I also have a taekai fic~ well two but the second one is a Taemin/Sungjong (dont ask lol) with Kai as obsessed with Tae and im planning on putting a whole chap or two of pure taekai moments. The taekai i just started is pure taekai ^^

But, y'know, you dont have to read them cause they're probably not as good as yours.. >//<

Anywehs! great story author-nim! Good job (\^.^/)
Chapter 28: New reader here~! I love this story <3 However, as much as i hate to say it, i dont think there's much you can do without dragging it out. They're over their exes, they're engaged and happy, unless someone dies or cheats, I cant really see anything more. Maybe someone new enters the picture?

Dont get me wrong, I'd LOVE to see more fluff, but it seems like any possible drama would be redundent. Sorry if im being harsh!>.< Im really not trying to be, I love this story really <3 Author-nim, hwaiting!
Thepossessed2 #4
Chapter 28: You should finish this story I really enjoyed it
taekai69 #5
Chapter 28: I'm ok with everything as long as taekai in it ^^ <3
crazedanddazed #6
Chapter 28: Awwwww :'(
Hmmm i would definitely want you to continue this fic cuz i like it so much but if you think that there 's nothing going right currently then i guess you should just take your time off for some chill. Heee.
However, looking back at your fic now, i think that they have already gotten over their exes now right? So as much as i hate to say this, i think that you may also end the fic with maybe a few more chapters for closing. (ㅠ.ㅠ)
Unless you still wanna dwell some more in their past relationships that brought them to their current ones. Some angst or some jealousy idk. Haha.
Or you can just simply give them more romance and fluff until they puke unicorns and rainbows. Lol! Oh and maybe a valentine's day special? Haha.
Though i would be happy and grateful for whatever you gave us cuz i am so deprived of Taekai now. Lol.
Sorry for my long rambling. Just giving my thoughts. And plus i'm so bored now. Heee.
Chapter 28: Yes you should keep going! Fighting! ^^
And for what we want to see... I would like some fluff like baking something and being all cute and cuddly or something ^\\\^ (I'm in the fluffy mood right now xD) but I don't know, I hope you can get some inspiration! X3
I'll look forward to the next chapter! :D
taekai69 #8
Omg I hope it's taekai ><
Chapter 26: nuuuh ; n ; omehgosh this is like sooo good, i cried, laugh, sobbed, wanted to throw luhan out of the window during the first part if TorD. I SHALL WAIT FOR YOUR UPDATE ouo~!
Chapter 26: Awww I'm glad they made up... My beautiful TAEKAI~^^ now.. What will Sehun do with luhan...