Meeting a stray dancer

Meeting the Ex

Double update I know, I know but I felt so bad for leaving you without the knowlege of how Taemin met Jongin.

Do not fear though; this is not the end. I have plenty more in store for my lovely subbies ^^

Please comment and tell me what you think.


Sophie :)


Taemin = 18.5

Lifting the cloth, I wiped around the rim of another glass before putting it on the shelf carefully so that I didn’t knock over the others. The shiny glasses stood proudly like see-through soldiers waiting to be used in the bar. Suddenly the bell on the door rang and I glanced over to see another customer walk into the bar. It looked like tonight was going to be rather slow with not even a quarter of the bar filled at ten o’clock.

Um … can I have a … just anything will do,” I looked over my shoulder to see a handsome boy sitting at the bar. He had light brown hair that was tousled perfectly to frame is god-like face. His skin was slightly darker than everyone else and his large, brown eye stared at me expectedly. I hadn’t had my breath knocked out of me since I met the bastard Choi Minho and it froze me momentarily. Placing another glass down, I walked over to get a better look.

On further inspection he looked younger than I had first thought. He was an image of perfection but there was something underneath that made him mysterious. Then I saw the dark bags that hung round his eyes making him look tired and the hickeys on his neck let off the aura of a player. I smirked before looking him in the eye.

“Are you old enough to be drinking?”

“Are you old enough to be working in a bar?” he shot back before producing some ID. An embarrassed flush tainted my cheeks as I bowed in apology before making him an orange concoction that wasn’t too strong. He still looked too young and I wasn’t convinced that he was allowed to drink. Fake IDs are quite easy to produce.

“So why are you here?” I asked as I plopped the drink down onto the bar. He stared at me before sliding some money across the bar and taking a sip of the drink.

“Why are you here?” he countered causing me to roll my eyes. It seemed like he was one of those annoying brats who get everything their way.

“I’m here because I needed a job and couldn’t find anyone else who wanted to employ me. How about you?” It wasn’t a complete lie. I just didn’t include the fact that I had an alcohol addiction.

“My parents won’t let me attend the dance school I have wanted to go to since I was younger,” he said with a pout before looking at me. I couldn’t surpass the chuckle that escaped from my lips as he stared at me.

“That’s why you’re drinking?”

“Yeah … and?” He asked innocently.

“Dude … I drank when I found out my long term boyfriend was cheating on me whilst we were together. Instead of drinking don’t you think you should show your parents that dancing is your passion and you want nothing more than to go to the university? If you drink, they’re unlikely to let you attend because you can’t control yourself,” I spoke to him like a small child, the whole time he looked at me with round eyes as though I was his saviour.

“Yeah but what if that doesn’t work?” he grumbled, a complete spin from his expression a moment ago.

“Then make it work,” I smirked before walking to serve another customer. As I turned around I found an empty seat and a half finished drink with no tanned boy in sight.


The next day I was surprised to find the same male sitting at the bar when I started my shift. However, he just had a coke in front of him this time and looked a little bit more clean-shaven. Again, I had to stop when the breath was kncocked out of me. He quickly caught my attention and I walked over to him.

"How did it go?" I asked as he ran a hand through his hair.

"They still refuse. They said that I was to become a lawyer and that was the end of that," he pouted before taking a glug of the coke. Would it be too cliche if I said it was like one of those adverts? It felt like everything was in slow motion for a second as I watched the way his adam's apple bobbed as he swallow the cold drink.

".... um .... are you going to let them refuse then?" It took me a second to snap out of it and form a sentence.

"Well yeah, they're my parents," he shrugged as he flicked some money onto the counter. "Anyway, I should go."

"Wait," I kicked myself when he turned around and stared at me like I was annoying as hell. "Um ... what's your name?"

"Kim Jongin, you?"

"Lee Taemin."


A fews days passed and everything was the same. Jongin came in everyday and complained about his parents whilst I refused to serve him anything with alcohol in. At first he had made a stand about it but when I had told him my story, he seemed to quieten down.

"Hyung, you should come to dinner tomorrow. You may be able to convince my parents."

And that was how I ended up sitting at the Kim's table on a Saturday night as Jongin's parents scrutinized me. I swallowed the lump in my throat before introducing myself and telling them how I had met Jongin.

"Umma, Appa, Taemin is a dancer at the university I want to go to." My eyes immediately widened and I nearly spat out my drink as I shot a look at Jongin. He replied with a pout and then a glare that told me if I messed up, I would meet a very sticky end.

"Ahhh, yes. I study dance at the university," I tried to sound convincing as I looked Mr Kim in the eye. It felt so wrong to be lying to his parents but if it made Jongin happy, then it was best I could do.

"And how is it? Is there a high success rate? Do they offer jobs afterwards? What are you hoping to earn?" Mrs Kim began firing questions and only stopped when her son begged her to.

"The university is a great place. I've made lots of new friends and the teachers are easy to get along with. There is a real sense of independance there and in the dancing and arts section there is a very high rate of success," I felt worse everytime a lie rolled off my tongue. "As for jobs, I have only started the course and don't know. However, I have heard that having the degree makes it very easy to become involved in SM Entertainment." I glanced over to Jongin to see if I had done well enough and from the smile that was spread across his face, I knew I had done well.

"Oh," Mr and Mrs Kim looked shocked by my reply; obviously expecting less from a dancer.

"See Appa. I can do well if I go there," Jongin said to his father only to look like a lost puppy when the older man sent him a glare that meant the phrase 'if looks could kill' popped into my head.

"We'll think about it. Anyway, thank you Taemin-shi. You're knowledge was a great insight into the university." Mr Kim then dismissed me. I nodded and bowed before Jongin took me to the exit and gave me a long hug.

"Thanks hyung, you're the best."


After that night I didn't hear anything from Jongin for a whole week. The whole time I was nervous and soon my fingernails were non-existant. I coudn't sleep well at night and the job at the bar wasn't doing me any good.

And then he walked through the door. The angel that was Kim Jongin ran to the bar and shouted for me, causing some of the other customers to frown in his direction but I could care less.

"Hyung .... guess what!?"


"I can go!!" He shouted before fligging himself into my arms and hugging me like a koala would a tree.

"That's so good!" I smiled as widely as I could even though that nagging part of my brain told me he shouldn't go. Him going meant that he wouldn't be there to talk to me when I was down or when he was having some parent problems. The last week was enough to nearly break me and I didn't know how I was going to manage a whole year without him.

"And I can't wait to see the other students and the dance studio and the campus and meet the teachers and ..." Jongin continued to ramble as I nodded along to everything.

"Just don't forget me Jongin-ah," I teased as I swatted him with a towel.

"How could I ever forget you hyung?"

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Thank you!
I should be able to update soon. Please hold int here. Sophie :)


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crazedanddazed #1
Chapter 29: ㅠㅠ Waaaaa.. It's the ending already.. ㅠㅠ
The final chappie was awesomely done. Kinda got emotional. Just beautiful.
And i think it's a good idea that you decided to end it. Fits the story well.
Gahhh. Gonna miss it. Been a pleasure reading the story.
Thank you dearie ♥ Keep on writing :)
Looking forward for more of your masterpieces!
Chapter 29: Aw~ that was beautiful. That was a perfect ending, wraps everything up nicely. And lol Chanyeol and BaekRis's kid? aww haha. Well everything ended well and im happy ^^

I also have a taekai fic~ well two but the second one is a Taemin/Sungjong (dont ask lol) with Kai as obsessed with Tae and im planning on putting a whole chap or two of pure taekai moments. The taekai i just started is pure taekai ^^

But, y'know, you dont have to read them cause they're probably not as good as yours.. >//<

Anywehs! great story author-nim! Good job (\^.^/)
Chapter 28: New reader here~! I love this story <3 However, as much as i hate to say it, i dont think there's much you can do without dragging it out. They're over their exes, they're engaged and happy, unless someone dies or cheats, I cant really see anything more. Maybe someone new enters the picture?

Dont get me wrong, I'd LOVE to see more fluff, but it seems like any possible drama would be redundent. Sorry if im being harsh!>.< Im really not trying to be, I love this story really <3 Author-nim, hwaiting!
Thepossessed2 #4
Chapter 28: You should finish this story I really enjoyed it
taekai69 #5
Chapter 28: I'm ok with everything as long as taekai in it ^^ <3
crazedanddazed #6
Chapter 28: Awwwww :'(
Hmmm i would definitely want you to continue this fic cuz i like it so much but if you think that there 's nothing going right currently then i guess you should just take your time off for some chill. Heee.
However, looking back at your fic now, i think that they have already gotten over their exes now right? So as much as i hate to say this, i think that you may also end the fic with maybe a few more chapters for closing. (ㅠ.ㅠ)
Unless you still wanna dwell some more in their past relationships that brought them to their current ones. Some angst or some jealousy idk. Haha.
Or you can just simply give them more romance and fluff until they puke unicorns and rainbows. Lol! Oh and maybe a valentine's day special? Haha.
Though i would be happy and grateful for whatever you gave us cuz i am so deprived of Taekai now. Lol.
Sorry for my long rambling. Just giving my thoughts. And plus i'm so bored now. Heee.
Chapter 28: Yes you should keep going! Fighting! ^^
And for what we want to see... I would like some fluff like baking something and being all cute and cuddly or something ^\\\^ (I'm in the fluffy mood right now xD) but I don't know, I hope you can get some inspiration! X3
I'll look forward to the next chapter! :D
taekai69 #8
Omg I hope it's taekai ><
Chapter 26: nuuuh ; n ; omehgosh this is like sooo good, i cried, laugh, sobbed, wanted to throw luhan out of the window during the first part if TorD. I SHALL WAIT FOR YOUR UPDATE ouo~!
Chapter 26: Awww I'm glad they made up... My beautiful TAEKAI~^^ now.. What will Sehun do with luhan...