Chapter 15

Relationship Problems

She waited outside of Performer's Hall. The sky was gloomy and the breeze brushed against her face. There had to be a reason why she agreed to be out early in the morning of all the days to be able to sleep in. JiWoo lacked sleep due to waking up in the middle of the night multiple times. Her heart continued to beat faster just thinking of D.O. She wasn't even meeting him and she continued to feel uneasy. But she wanted to see him instead.

JiWoo looked at the time. He was late. She thought he had stood her up and thought about going back to her room, where it was warm. When she looked up at the sky, there was not one clear spot to see the sun. Clouds were crowding in. She feared it was going to rain and did not bring anything to cover herself. JiWoo was about to go inside till she saw him come out the doors. 
"Well its about time." JiWoo said. "I could of slept in more if I knew you were going to be this late."
"Mianhe. I overslept a little." Kai said after catching his breath. "I didn't really hear my alarm."
"Well look, we agreed you teach me the rest of that dance and you promised to be here on time. 8:30 means 8:30. Not 9:15..."
"Okay okay I got it. It's all my fault. Can we go now?"
The two went to Idol's Studio and went to the same practice room as last night. Kai the lights and closed the door when they both were inside.
"Is it really necessary to lock it?" JiWoo asked as she turned her head to him. She was tying up her hair. "No ones even here."
"Well this is to prevent you from running away. Like last night."
"What am I? Your pet."
"A teachers pet. Since I am your teacher for today."
"Stop being annoying and teach me the rest of that dance you weirdo."
He laughed a little and did what he was told. Kai was more comfortable then he was last time. But he was just a little a nervous. Not to the point where he wished he could run away from it all. Just the fact that he was able to touch her without her yelling at him. It was part of the lesson and once JiWoo had it down, the two finally put it all the together. 
"Great job JiWoo." Kai said after the dance was over and catching his breath. "You should really think about taking part in dancing again."
"No way. I'm still scared from my past so I won't be dancing anytime soon." she said tossing a bottle of water to him. "I refuse to let anymore people know."
They sat down on the ground, their backs against the wall. Kai couldn't believe he managed to be with JiWoo alone without D.O even knowing. But he might get caught if JiWoo had something to say. The two were getting close and Kai grew jealous of that. If only he wasn't shy from before, He would of been closer if he wasn't held back. Kai also just wanted to hang out with her alone before she headed off to China. 
"I'm really surprised you agreed to come with me though." he started breaking the silence. "I honestly thought you were going to say no. Esspicially when it's waly in the morning."
"Well you had to teach me the rest sooner or later." JiWoo said. "I'm not going to be here any longer... Literally."
"I keep forgetting you're not a student here. You fitted in so fast and so well that you practically became one of us. I don't want you to leave. None of us do."
"Well we have to face reality. I won't be able to stay... because I can't.... By the time I come back from China... I will have to pack everything and leave here too then go back to my own school for the rest of my life."
There was silence between them for a bit.
"JiWoo... Did you feel someone hold your hand last night?"
She shot a stare at Kai, thinking why he suddenly brought it up, but gave a slow nod. 
"Well I just wanted to let you know it was me. I was the one who held your hand. I'm sorry I just wanted to comfort you that's all."
With a slight dissapointment, JiWoo was taken aback. It was Kai all this time. She had thought D.O had done it. She glanced at her hand and remembered the grip. It was no wonder she couldn't tell for sure. Her heart sped  again. JiWoo couldn't tell if it was D.O she liked or if it was Kai now. She didn't want to like both. Not in this way. When Kai reached for her hand again, JiWoo felt a sudden rush that made her feel weak. She had to admit, he was good looking but suddenly she feels like having feelings for him would be wrong. Not because he was friends with D.O but as if something was trying to hold her back too.
"I don't like it when you're sad." he continued. "You're better with a smile."
"Why are you being so cheesy?" she started to back away.
"Ah sorry... I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable like that."
"Um... that's alright."
As the silence started again, JiWoo looked down at her hand again to where Kai supposivly held it. At first she had fallen for D.O but really she was suppose to like Kai instead. She still had feelings for D.O, which she was sure of, but liking Kai? JiWoo didn't like the idea even though she knew it was going to happen, no matter how hard she tried not to. 
The rest of the day, she spent all her time her room refusing to come out. EXO had come to her door asking if she like to come over to their room to hang out. Plus they were going to video chat again. JiWoo layed on her bed quietly and didn't answer. All she wanted was them to go away. She heard them talking about her. Her eyes started to water when she heard both D.O and Kai call her name. They still haven't left so she grabbed her phone and messaged both of them: Please go back to your room. I just want to be alone. I'll be fine so don't worry about me too much. Don't come back here because I won't answer. I mean it.
Soon after she didn't hear any voices. She slowly got up to check if they weren't tricking her. They were gone. JiWoo sat down on her bed. She was confused and didn't know what to do. She can't like both of them, but somehow she does anyway.
Why did I come here? She thought, as she cried herself to sleep.
Back at Suho's room, the boys all questioned why JiWoo did not leave her room te rest of the day. For her sake, D.O did not try to blame it on Kai and vice versa. The two knew arguing wouldn't help the situation get any better. So all they did was sit far away from each other and didn't make eye contact. The talk was carried over when video chatting. Suho made sure they were to take care of her while she was over.
"If something happens to her its not just on you guys, but on all of us." Suho said.
"Ah real nice hyung." Chen blurted. "Dont trust the rest of us do you?"
"I didn't say that."
"But you were thinking it."
"Just take care of her. Shes only there for acouple weeks so it shouldn't be that bad."
"Don't worry Suho, you can count on us." Kris said. "Well I guess mainly me."
"Aye!" the rest of his firends pushed him away.
As the chat continued, D.O looked around and saw that one person was missing. He turned around saw Kai leaving. D.O quietly got up and went after him. He had just stopped Kai from going down the stairs.
"You're going to see JiWoo aren't you?" D.O said.
"Yeah so?" Kai faced him. "Its not just you who can go and see her you know. Other's are allowed. You don't own her."
"Not yet..." D.O mumbled to himself but then tried to reframe from arguing. "Look I'm just wanted to say that going to JiWoo right now won't be a good idea. She needs time."
"And let her stay in her room forever? Don't you care and worry for her?"
"I do. But, she's been through a lot ever since she got here. We were the only ones who have accepted her. No one else has. JiWoo can't even go to her own sister for help. And even though we have the others at SM-M, she'll have to start all over again. She's been with us from day one. Let her have some space. I'm sure she'll come out tomorrow."
Kai knew D.O was right. He didnt want to cause more trouble then he already made. Fighting with D.O was not going to solve anything. It was useless and stupid. He knew it had to end now. Kai then jokingly said, "I envy you."
"I know." D.O smiled.
The two laughed a little. They soon realized and agreed that they couldn't stay mad at each other over a girl. So they changed it to a friendly competition.
As D.O went back inside the room, Kai leaned against the rail looking down the stairs. He wanted to see JiWoo but since he just talked to D.O it held him back. He was more then just worried. He wasn't even for sure that she would come out. Kai knew he couldn't just wait for it to happen. He took out his phone and started to message JiWoo. Right when he sent it he heard someone coming up the stairs. He looked over the rail to see who it was. It was a girl, but Kai couldn't tell if it was JiWoo or not. Then he thought why would a girl come up to the boys floor. It was almost curfew too. 
The girl suddenly stopped then looked up. Kai quickly looked away, but knew the girl had already seen him. She continued up the stairs with her hood up and head down. She approached slowly to Kai, who hesitantly backed away. 
"J-JiWoo?" he nervously asked.
Her face was covered and she stood in front of him in silence. Kai was curious but scared at the same time. He kept his mouth closed as he waited for her to respond. But it seemed she wasn't going to talk.
"It's almost curfew." he started again. "You shouldn't be up here. You'll get in trouble epecially on the boys floor."
She took a note out of her pocket and held it in front of him. Kai was unsure but took it anyway. As soon it was in his hands, she quickly left without letting Kai ask any questions. He was left wondering who she was. The thought filled up his head as he went back to his friends. He kept the note close to him, not letting anyone know about it. That night he hid himself under the covers and read:
Stay at your practice room tomorrow after 2nd class. Let's hang out again.
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The story has come to an end. Thanks to all who subscribed and I hope everyone enjoyed the story!! ^^


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kidleadertaengoo #1
Chapter 29: It's good! Keep it up!(;
afiercesong #2
This is good!
LoveAsAlways #3
Chapter 11: Gosh wouldn't it be nice to have to handsome, single guys after you....I would be fine if at least ONE would be after me x) sigh what a sad life I live. Thanks for the update! Can't wait to find out what happens! :)
LoveAsAlways #4
I like the plot so far, interesting story :)
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Chapter 1: Please update soon <3
Yamanda_Alice #6
Can't wait for the next chapter ^^ fighting~