Chapter XX

With Her



“Joo In-na, can you please get the door?” Luhan called over from his room.

“Ok,” she replied running to get it.

It’s another free day for them that’s why Luhan is at home.

When she opened the door, she was surprised to see all the boys standing outside.

“Oh? Are you inviting Luhan oppa out?” she asked.

“Aniyo! We would just like to stay here at your place, would that be alright?” Suho asked.

“Sure! Come inside,” she opened the door for all of them.

They came pouring one by one that soon filled their living room.

Luhan was surprised at their presence, “Woah! You’re all in here for what?” he asked standing by his room’s doorway.

“We just need a sanctuary and our unit is already familiar to us that it is no more fun staying there so here we are,” Chen replied.

They the TV.

“I’ll just be at the kitchen.” Joo In smiled at them.

“I’ll come with you,” Kyungsoo stood up and followed her.


“What are you doing?” Kyungsoo asked when he saw some ingredients at their table.

“I am baking some cupcakes, want to help me?” she asked wearing the apron.

“I would love to,” he replied reaching for the other apron.

Together they started baking. Joo In is assigned on reciting and measuring the ingredients while Kyungsoo is on mixing them. As they are doing it, he asked her random questions.

“I thought you are just on drawing. How did you learn to bake?”

Joo In gave him the milk, “My Mom loves to cook especially baking, I just learned from her.”

“The box of cupcakes you gave us before, did you made those?” –Kyungsoo

“Yeah, I baked it that day. I was free during that day.”-Joo In

“Then you must have undergone formal class to learn baking those.”

“I just had a 2 years baking class that’s why I am more adept in baking than cooking.”

Joo In reached for the cupcakes’ baking pan and they started filling them with dough.

“Let’s make cookies afterwards,” she offered after putting the 3 trays they filled on the oven.

Kyungsoo smiled and they changed position; Kyungsoo recites and measures while Joo In mixes.



The others are all at the living room playing some video games.

“Hyung, what’s Joo In doing at the kitchen?” Chen asked.

“She might be baking again,” he replied.

“She knows how to bake?” Chanyeol exclaimed.

“Yeah, and she always do that during her free days.” –Luhan

“What’s the most frequent pastries does she make?” –Tao

“She makes cupcakes, muffins, waffles, cookies, pancakes, and sometimes a cake.” –Sehun

“How did you know?” –Suho

“She invites me whenever hyung is not around.” –Sehun

“So that would explain why you were always in here these past few days huh?” –Kris

(^_^) –Sehun

“Does she cook?” –Lay

“Yeah, for our meals, mostly for dinner only.”  -Luhan

“Just the way to a man’s heart.” –Xiumin

Just then, Joo In called for Luhan asking him to buy some mini chocolate droppings and some flour.


When he was back, the smell of freshly baked cupcakes wafted from their unit.

“What is it this time?” Luhan asked giving them the flour.

“Soft Chocolate and peanut cookies,” she smiled reaching for the flour.

Luhan smiled as he wipes some flour on Joo In’s cheek.

“Getting sweet huh? Would you want me to leave?” Kyungsoo teased the couple.

“Aniyo! I’m just wiping the flour. I’ll go back to the others,” Luhan left, blushing.

“He’s blushing again,” Kyungsoo smiled, “He is into you already,” he added.

This time, it’s Joo In’s time to blush.

(¬­_¬) –Kyungsoo

After placing the cookies on the oven, they started decorating the cupcakes.

It took them almost an hour to finish decorating the 39 cupcakes.

When they are done, they placed it on a tray together with the cookies and a 2 pitcher of juice.


“Were done!” Joo In exclaimed getting inside the living room holding the tray with the cupcakes followed by Kyungsoo.

Luhan immediately helped her on it and laid it on the center table.

“Oppa please do grab some glasses,” she asked Luhan who immediately went to the kitchen.

“WOW! THEY ARE SO CUTE!” they all exclaimed. Some even took pictures of it.

In a moment they are all enjoying the cupcakes.

“Joo In-na, why do you only invite Sehun when you make some of these?” Chanyeol pouted at her.

“Because Sehunnie is so cute,” she squished Sehun’s face who smiled at her.

“Easy there, your husband’s here,” Kris pointed at Luhan.

Luhan just smiled at them, “I’m used to it.”

“One thing more, I only invite Sehunnie because he always does the dishes after we eat. So for today, Luhan oppa and Sehun oppa will do the dishes afterwards.” Joo In smiled at the two.

The two exchanged looks as the others laughed at them.

“Maybe we’ll have lunch a little later,” she smiled at the boys who agreed on her proposition.


After they shared the baked goods, Sehun and Luhan proceeds on cleaning up while the others stayed to watch the photo shoot of the two.

“They are so cool,” Chanyeol sighed.

“Yeah, no doubt they are chosen. Kai-sshi, why didn’t you join them?” Suho asked.

“The manager didn’t include me, so I end up being left,” he sighed.

Joo In excused herself and went to the kitchen, “Oppa, can you do me a favor?” she asked looking at Luhan.

“Sure, what is it?” he wiped his hand on the towel hanging by the refrigerator.

“Will you buy me a bubble tea?”

“Okay,” he smiled and left as Sehun followed Joo In back to the living room.

“Where are you going?” Kris asked Luhan.

“Off to buy her bubble tea,” he replied and disappeared on the door.

When they had all settled down, Joo In let out a loud sigh while watching her husband on screen.

“Can’t I just have someone a little less perfect that my husband?” she whispered loud enough for the boys to hear.

They all turned to look at her, giving that knowing look.

She blushed, “A-Aniyo! What I mean is that, uh, “she was speechless as if their looks pressures her to defend herself.

She bit her lower lip, blushing furiously that made the boys laugh.

“Arasseo Joo In-na, we understand how you feel. That’s normal when you have a husband as popular and handsome like hyung,” Lay smiled.

“You two are so into each other huh? Why is that? Have you done ‘it’ already?” Tao wiggled his eyebrow.

Kris punched him lightly on the arm, “That’s their private activity; you don’t have the right to ask about it.”

“I am just curious,” he defended rubbing his arm.

“Curiosity can kill a cat,” Suho looked at Tao.

“But, seriously Joo In-na, let’s be a little open minded and liberated this time. Have you ever thought of having it with him?” Xiumin asked.

She bowed her head.

“Come on, I think you are old enough to answer it,” Suho said.

“Look who’s asking,” Tao rolled his eyes over Suho.

“Having it with him?” Joo In asked them. Everyone nodded their head.

“It crossed my mind only once which was after our second wedding in China. I woke up late at night and I don’t know if it’s the effect of the light or I am just sleepy that I found my husband,” she bit her lip, blushing.

“You found him?” –Kai

“Alluringly seductive?” she gave a conscious smile.

“So it really did cross your mind?” –Kris

She nodded, lowering her gaze.

“How would you want it to be done?” –Sehun

“Do I really have to answer that?” – Joo In

“Let me rephrase that, how would you want your first time to be?” –Chen

“I don’t know,” she replied.

“Some prefers it to be rough, but then for their first time, they want it sweetly slow.” –Baekhyun

“Doing it rough would be for their second time already, but considering their situation, both are first timers.” –Chanyeol

“Do you really have to talk about that?” Joo In asked.

“This topic is common among boys and girls, whether married or not,” Kyungsoo looked at her.

“I just find it awkward to talk about it, considering that I am the only girl in here.” –Joo In

“Ok, let’s skip that part. Let’s assume that you had done it with him and it was successful.” –Kyungsoo

“Successful? What do you mean by that?” –Joo In

“I mean you got pregnant, how many kids would you want?” –Kyungsoo

“Well, I would only want two kids, preferably a twin, one boy and one girl,” Joo In smiled.

“A twin?” –Kyungsoo

She nodded. “What if hyung wants 4, would you allow that?” Kai asked.

“I don’t know, maybe yes, maybe no,” she replied, “What’s taking him so long?” she added.


Just then, Luhan arrived holding 2 serving of bubble tea and a box of chocolate. He took the space beside her on the couch.

“Here you go,” he handed her one of the tea and the box of chocolate.

“I didn’t ask for the chocolates, where did you get this?” she asked reaching for it.

“I passed by the mini shop downstairs and saw that box of chocolate, so I bought one since you’re the first to come into my mind,” he smiled.

Sehun cleared his throat, “You can keep acting like we’re not in here. The tea is even for two.”

“I think I’ll go and prepare lunch, Lay hyung, would you want to join me?” Kyungsoo looked at Lay who nodded in response. Both left the living room.

Then, one by one, they find an excuse to leave the couple at the living room.

“What’s with them?” Luhan asked as each of them left the living room.

“I don’t know,” Joo In sighed reaching for a chocolate.

As she was very busy eating while watching, she felt Luhan move closer. Just then, she felt the tip of his finger at the corner of her lips, “You’re a messy eater,” he breathed.

She suddenly turned her head making her lips brush against his.

Her eyes widened, but she slowly felt him actually animate the kiss, slowly deepening it.

She wants to protest, but his kiss all the energy within her that soon she closed her eyes in submission.


“What would be the two-“ Kyungsoo stopped on his tracks back to the living room when he saw the two. Kai and Sehun joined them at the kitchen. He immediately turned back at them.

“What’s wrong?” Kai asked.

“I think the two is making a move to have a twin,” Kyungsoo smiled.

(O_O) “Really?” Kai, Lay and Sehun exclaimed and ran past him to peek at the couple.


Both parted after a while to catch their breath, Joo In felt weak as Luhan held her close to steady her.

She lowered her head, blushing. He traced her jaw line letting his finger tip trace her lips, “I didn’t know you had soft lips,” he chuckled when he felt her shiver from his actions.

“There must be something within that chocolate huh?” he said slowly releasing her as he adjusted on his seat.

She was still blushing, “I’ll just get my phone on my room,” she excused herself.

When she was gone, Kai, Sehun and Lay called his attention, “Hyung!”

“We saw that,” Kai wiggled his eyebrow as the two gave that knowing look.

He lowered his gaze, covering his face with both his hands.

“And her phone is beside you, on the side table,” Sehun pointed at her phone near him.

Then they heard a squeal from her bedroom.

(¬_¬) –Kai, Lay and Sehun

(^_^) – Luhan

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mm0923 #1
Chapter 32: sequel pls
ExorcistBaby #2
Chapter 32: author-nim~~Sequel plsss~~~
Lailah1997 #3
Perlas! Part two .. Maghihintay akooo ..