♨ Bunny Ears Day

XOXO's Gag Cafe

The house was silent; the only source of sound was snores coming from the different rooms.

Well of course, it was 3.59am in the morning.

Then again, hasn’t something happened before? When the clock strikes 4am?

What was it again?

The long hand hits 12, and a few seconds passed…

It wasn’t long before a loud scream was heard.





Even in the dark, a clear outline of two figures could be seen running down the stairs and into the kitchen.





The screaming went on, groans soon heard from upstairs.

A short male got out of his room, dragging himself down the stairs and into the kitchen, flicking the lights on before gaping at the scene, his wide eyes growing as wide as they always do.


All 6 of the victims were seated in the living room, with Tao placed farrr away from Luhan.

Baekhyun released a yawn, letting his head fall to rest on Kyungsoo’s shoulder and mumbling softly.

“So what’s with you waking up so early in the morning hannie?”

The said male grinned, having it immediately fade away when Tao shot him a glare.

“I-It’s… Don’t you know what day it is today???”


Everyone frowned, thinking hard and trying to recall a special event that could have occurred on that very date, having fail with their minds practically still being asleep.

It was then Minseok snapped his fingers, a light bulb showing above his head.

“Ah it’s our 10th monthsary yes?”

Luhan beamed, nodding frantically and clapping his hands.

“Yup yup!!! And like every month, we need to do something special!!! But since we were too busy and tired yesterday, we couldn’t discuss about it and so, I woke us up-“

“4am in the ing morning, to discuss this tiny matter.” Tao growled, frown deepening.

“It’s not tiny!!!”

“Well, just name what you have in mind boss, I want to sleep.” Baekhyun whined, wrapping his arms around Kyungsoo and closing his eyes.

“I was planning we do something big, and since we often do offers for two days on events like this… I suggest we do something big now…”

“Like what exactly?”

“Maybe dressing up!!!”

The others frowned, thinking about the idea.

It wasn’t a bad one, and it may be fun.

After considering for a minute or so, they nodded.

“Fine, but what will we be dressing up as?”

“Hm I was thinking-“

“Animal dressing?”

“Kitty dressing?”

“Cowboy dressing?”

“Royal dressing?”

“Butler dressing?”

Luhan simply shook his head at every answer, smiling as he hugged a pillow close to his chest.

“I was thinking we be bunnies on the first day, and cross dress and be maids on the second!!!”




Luhan jumped in his seat, obviously shocked at the sudden shouting.

Everyone was obviously awake, eyes wide and mouth agape.






A mixture of complains echoed throughout the room, with Luhan blinking at every one of them.

“You know it isn’t that bad of an idea.”

Everyone froze, slowly turning their heads to Minseok.

“Yeah he’s right.”

They whipped their heads to Kyungsoo.

“You too?”

“Well of course you wouldn’t mind, you’re behind closed doors.” Tao stated out, arms crossed over his chest.

“Well, who said anything about Kyungsoo being behind closed doors?”

“Wait what-“

“He’s a waiter for the two days.”

“But the food?”

“We’ll be selling pastries!!!”

“But but-“

“Kyungieee pleaseee???”

Luhan eyed Kyungsoo pleadingly, eyes wide and face screaming adorable.

Kyungsoo would give in to anything with Luhan’s cuteness, and even at a time like this, his soft heart just couldn’t resist.

“… Fine I’m cool with it.”



“I won’t cook anything for you three then.”


“Don’t you ‘but kyungsoo’ me, I’m serious.”




“Kimchi spaghetti~”


The three groaned, whining and whimpering as they tried to find a way to get out of the situation.

Upon failing, they sighed, burying their faces in their hands.


The morning was quiet as usual, with only less than 10 people entering every hour.

It was good news though, for all of them, well except Luhan.

They were all dressed in their usual uniform, with the addition of bunny ears and a cotton tail.

It was only when the clock strike 3, did they panic, having that they knew what would happen next.

As usual, the doors burst open, and in came 6 familiar looking males who Tao could claim to be the spawns of satan, especially that one person.

Right then, Kris turned his way, eyeing him from top to bottom before smirking.

“Why hello there little bunny, are you up for adoption?”

Tao shot him a glare, crossing his arms and growling.

“Shut the up, or this ‘little bunny’ will do it for you and your ing .”

“Awww that’s so cute, I didn’t know bunnies growl.”

Tao was about to snap at him when Jongdae stepped in, slinging an arm around Kris’ shoulder.

“Now now Kris you wouldn’t want to agitate this bunny, he might end up biting your carrot off.”

“My carrot?” Kris asked, shooting a confused look at Jongdae.

“Oh why yes, this carrot right here.”

Jongdae slapped Kris right on his before heading off to the others who had settled down on a vacant table right next to the door.

Kris eyed the other, questioning how the hell could he be so calm after oh-so-casually slapping him on the crotch.

Tao snickered, earning a glare from Kris.

“The you giggling at?”

“Yeah Kris, you wouldn’t want your baby carrot to be bitten off.”

Tao had expected an insult to shoot right back him but instead, he only got a smug smile in return.

“So you’re saying you’ll really BITE my off?”

“What the no-“

“Aw so baby bunny tao’s hungry for daddy Kris’ carrot?” Kris cooed, a teasing glint visible in his eyes.

“If you don’t shut that ing mouth of yours I am going to have to grab a chair and shove it up your ing , you .”

“Hm that sounds nice actually.”

“… You dirty little .”

Once Jongdae was seated, Sehun and Jongin got up, claiming that they have things to do before heading off.

Sehun took in a deep breath, slowly heading towards the café’s busboy who was humming and wiping on a table.

Jongin grinned, taking long strides towards the café’s chef who was resting at an empty table.

The others watched as they did, scoffing to themselves, knowing the reason as to why they left.

It was then Chanyeol spotted Baekhyun walking by, immediately calling out to him.

Baekhyun stopped in his tracks, whipping his head towards the taller.

“You called for me?”

Chanyeol nodded before gesturing for the other to get closer.

Baekhyun was confused, but complied, only to have the other sneeze when he was near.

“What the-“

“Oh I’m sorry I’m just allergic to cuteness.” Chanyeol uttered, a wide grin on his face.

There was silence between them, and Baekhyun was lost.

“So… Do you want me to leave the café?” He queried, gesturing towards the exit.

“What NO-“

“Actually yes he does, we wouldn’t want him to end up falling ill and dying because that’s going to cost a lot and considering the fact that he’s ing huge it’s going to be really expensive.” Jongdae butted in, his face screaming .

Chanyeol shot him a look, pushing him away.

“You don’t see me ing you.” He wept, frowning deeply.

“Well it’s because just your presence irritates the out of me, sweet one.” Jongdae stated simply, grinning in triumph.

The waiter eyed the both of them, lost as to what to do.

“Well if there’s nothing more I should head off.” He croaked, offering a smile towards Chanyeol before heading off.

The table was quiet, with the only sound to be Chanyeol’s whimpering as he pouted.

“You chased my angel away…”

“…. Let’s celebrate then?” Joonmyun blurted after being silent throughout, with Jongdae immediately nodding in agreement.

Jongin sat down on the seat right opposite the other, grinning as Kyungsoo satred at him.

“Oh, Jongin-ah.”

The said male nodded, spazzing to himself internally when  Kyungsoo offered him a smile.

“What brought you  here?” Came a question, and Jongin was blanked out.

What was he there for?

For Kyungsoo of course.

“For you of course.”

Upon hearing his words, the chef blushed, looking down and fiddling with his fingers.


There was silence between the two.

Come on think Jongin think, ask something!!!

“Hey why are you out here today and not back in the kitchen?”

“Oh well we’re not cooking anything for today and tomorrow since we’ll be selling pastries so I’m out here helping with the serving and all.”

Jongin nodded, slowly taking it in whilst Kyungsoo simply kept his gaze on his lap.

The awkwardness slowly kicked in.


“You know, I had a rabbit once.”

Kyungsoo froze, slowly turning towards the younger.

“You did? What happened?”

“It died.”

“EH!? How???”

Jongin broke his gaze from Kyungsoo’s round eyes, glaring at Sehun who was busy at the other end of the café.

“It choked on a carrot.”

“Oh….that’s tragic. I’m so sorry.”

Shifting his eyes back to the latter in front of him, Jongin smiled.

“It’s ok. There’s one thing for sure though.”

Kyungsoo blinked, shifting slightly under the loving stare of the other.

“What’s that?”

Reaching his hand out, Jongin patted the older on the head, grinning.

“I’ll definitely take good care of this adorable rabbit right here, forever and always.”

Stopping behind the shorter, Sehun noticed how Luhan’s headband was out of place.

He didn’t know where he had gotten the courage from as he reached both his hands out, holding the two ears between his fingers gently as he adjusted them to be upright and centralized.

Upon feeling the sudden movement on his head, Luhan turned, only to have his eyes grow wide when he came face to face with Sehun.


“Your headband was out of place.”


As if it were automatic, the awkwardness kicked in.

Luhan puffed his cheeks, deciding to make a move.

“So… Do you like bunnies?”


“What?? Why not? They’re cute!!!”

“Well if I did, I wouldn’t have anything to do with Jongin’s rabbit’s death.”

Luhan blinked, choking slightly.

“You KILLED Jongin’s rabbit???”

“I didn’t know that we were suppose to cut the carrot up into smaller pieces and then feed them.” Sehun finished, shrugging nonchantly.

Luhan unconsciously reached to fondle with his headband, a small pout forming on his lips.

He killed a bunny…

“I find rabbits a nuisance actually.” The younger began, eyes still blank and face still expressionless.

“Oh? …. Then… Am I a nuisance?”

Luhan badly wanted to just fall into a hole right there and then.

He had no idea why he had asked that, it was a stupid question that’s for sure.

Sehun titled his head, humming softly.

“Not at all, in fact, I think you’re a cute little bunny.”

Hearing his own words, Sehun blinked, startled at what he had just blurted out.

It wasn’t like him to compliment someone so casually, so why?

Luhan blinked, shocked about the sudden compliment.

He was at a lost for words, and his cheeks were burning.

It was then he snapped back into reality, opening his mouth to thank Sehun when Baekhyun called out to him from the other end.

He turned, chewing on his lip before sighing, looking up at the taller.

“Duty calls, I-I’ll see you around ok? S-See you!!!”

Offering a quick wave, the busboy scrambled off, with his ears flopping about on his head and tail bouncing.

Sehun watched him, chuckling and nodding to himself.

“See you around then, cutie bunny.”

Sehun and Jongin got back to the table, getting comfortable in their places and having all of them completely forget about Kris’ existence as they waited for any one of the staff to attend to them.

It wasn’t long before Minseok arrived at their table, smiling as he eyed them.


They each ordered a cake, with the waiter nodding and noting all of it down.

“Ah ok then if there’s nothing else-“

“What’s with the bunny theme today?” Jongin spoke up, eyes fixed on the café’s chef who was serving at a table not too far off.

“Oh it’s our advance 10th month so we’re making today and tomorrow special!!!” He chirped, a smile gracing his lips.

“Ah really? Well then you’re the cutest bunny that’s for sure.” Jongdae nodded, seriousness written all over his face.

He then grinned as he reached a hand out to pinch Minseok on his cheek lovingly, pulling away after showering the other with sweet words.

Minseok blinked, a faint blush visible on his cheeks before he cleared his throat, bowing to them and scurrying off.

The group eyed his shrinking figure, lost and speechless about the situation.

“Well, I can see how your love story is going smoothly.” Joonmyun retorted, crossing his arms and leaning back in his seat, clearly not satisfied about the situation.

Jongdae cackled, clucking his tongue and turning to Joonmyun.

“Well, maybe you’ll get one just as fantastic as mine IF you would take the time and energy to get off your , walk to the counter and talk to Yixing.”

“What no way.” Joonmyun argued, refusing to even budge from his seat.

The rest simply eyed him blankly, rolling their eyes and moving towards Joonmyun before shoving him off his seat, earning a groan from the male when he landed face-first on the floor.

“Now if you don’t want to have any more injuries like that, you’d better make a move.” Chanyeol sang, grinning as he eyed Joonmyun scrambling up.

Joonmyun grumbled, knowing that he had no other choice before he inhaled deeply, heading to the counter whilst rubbing his nape.

Yixing offered a smile, bowing and greeting the customers goodbye before sighing once they were gone.

He rested his elbow on the table, leaning down to rest his chin on his palm.

It was then one of the ears flopped down, blocking his view on his right eye.

He frowned, a pout forming on his lips before he reached out to flick in away.

Then a certain movement caught his eye.

Whipping his head up to face the other, he shot up.

“Oh hey.”

Joonmyun smiled, raising his hand for a small wave.


Yixing grinned, tilting his head to the side slightly.

“Anything you would like to order?”

Upon getting a soft “no” as a reply, he frowned.

“Then why are you here?”

“To see and talk to you of course.” He stated calmly, staring at the other sincerely.

Yixing blinked, hands frozen on the counter.

There was silence between them for a few moments before Joonmyun frowned, confused about whether he could have said something wrong.


Upon hearing his name, the cashier broke out of his trance, blinking repeatedly and coughing.

“Y-You want to t-talk to me?”

He felt really pathetic for stuttering, what’s more, he was sure that his cheeks were flushed.

He just couldn’t understand why.

Joonmyun nodded, a beautiful smile soon forming on his lips.

Yixing was speechless, but then he had so many questions.

He parted his lips, about to answer when a loud crash stopped him.

Both heads whipped to where the other maniacs were sitting, and their eyes widened at the sight of Kris groaning on the table, with the hostess standing at the side, arms crossed and face unreadable.



Joonmyun rolled his eyes, sighing as he shook his head.

“These two…”

“KRIS WHAT THE MAN YOU MURDERED MY CAKE!!!” Jongdae screamed, shoving Kris off the table.

Sehun simply sat by the side, humming as he wondered about his friends’ mental state.

Just then, a soft ringtone could be heard.

Joonmyun reached into his pocket, whipping out his phone and answering the call.

“Hello? Yeah this is Joonmyun. What? WHAT!!?! HOW- OKOK WE’LL BE OVER.”

With a sigh, he hung up, smiling towards Yixing and offering the other a small wave before rushing to his table, casually stepping on Kris while doing so.

“Ok guys I received a call from that guy who lives next to us and-“

“You mean Jonghyun?” Sehun questioned, face remaining as blank as ever.

“Yeah that one, and he claims that our ing kitchen was on fire so I was thinking… Who the left the fire burning? And who the gave him the key to our house?”

The group remained silent, none of them speaking up even when Kris arrived, clutching his rib and groaning.

“Joonmyun you tard you stepped over me your little -“

“Our Kitchen was on fire.”

“WHO THE DID IT?!” Kris exclaimed, completely ignoring that fact that his rib was probably out of place.

It wasn’t long before Jongdae shot up, rushing towards the exit and out.

“IT’S NOT AS IF WE USE THE KITCHEN ANYWAY!!!” He yelled, voice getting distant and soft after each word.

The other 5 were left dumbfounded, staring at the exit before they all got up on their feets, sprinting off after the troll.

“TARD IT’S STILL OUR HOUSE YOU !!!!!!!!!” Chanyeol’s booming voice sounded as he burst out of the doors.

Everyone in the café was speechless, staring at the group until they disappeared in a distance.

They were silent, only the sound of the air-conditioning sounding before it was broken by Baekhyun.

“We can never understand them, can we?”

Throughout the time left between the moment when the 6 maniacs left and the moment the café closes, the place had been silent and empty.

The 6 staffs were bored out of their minds, having nothing more to do other than work normally, which they weren’t exactly used to.

They had to admit, without the 6, everything seemed so incomplete.











New Chapter nyehehe how is it? It's longer than the others. B| Hope you enjoyed it!!! Hehe I'll be franka nd say that your commetns keep me going OAO It amkes me happy to be honest eue I love you all 

Please do comment and subscirbe!!! It'll be appreciated~ //and I will love you forever eue//

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sorry for not updating ;; my com's being btich and so yes I'm so sorry djdkdkd ;; please forgive this awful author weeps


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Chapter 25: Oh, please do continue!!! This story is great. I absolutely adore it!! Thank you so much!!!
Demitria_Teague #2
Chapter 8: Wow... Jongdae's really a little in this story. Just... wow. Hahahaha.
Demitria_Teague #3
Chapter 2: Omg... I love it. The feelings come out in fighting with each other. It's so cute. Plus, all the obvious ships and... I gotta say Kris and Tao are the ones I'm looking forward to more (all that sassiness, haha) and then my Bias's XiuChen babies. ^_^ I'm loving this so far.
Chapter 24: Oh this was so good I Spent all my reading it
fangrlxbecky19 #5
Chapter 24: KyungxSpatula forever XD and lol Sehun, if you knew. If you knew.
Thanks for updating!
Chapter 24: LOLOL THE DID I JUST READ!*dying of laughter*And goddamn Jongdae,that ing scared the out of me but thankfully,I'm too busy laughing my off to even notice that at the time.Seriously,this squad is unbelievable when together.Simply some crazy s happened when they're together but well,better than when they're individual pairs though.That one will just plainly kill me with all of the fluffs.Kyungsoo and his endless love for his spatulas.Maybe this guys should present him with a bunch of spatulas when he and Jongin did get married.xP
Sehun,duhhh if only you knew indeed.Couple having the time of their lives your .They are literally trying to kill your Lulu there,dude.*rolling eyes*
fangrlxbecky19 #7
Chapter 23: I freaked out when I saw that you were going to abandon this story. HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME, it's like you just SHOT my heart! Thank GOD you're not though (phew)! I'm really looking forward to your next update~
mariaexofi #8
Chapter 23: I will wait patiently!^^
Chapter 23: Okay! Ill wait for you but please dont keep all of us waiting! I hope you get ideas soon!