♨ Of Movies, Messaging and A Round of Hide and Seek [not exactly]

XOXO's Gag Cafe

It was a Friday, which meant no lessons.

Joonmyun, Sehun and Kris had to put in all they can just so the other idiots don’t end out bursting through the house doors and down the streets with their boxers on.

They really tried.

The four then agreed to stay home, with scornful looks and a permanent frown on their faces.

“We clearly had an agreement to not disrupt them when working during weekdays. It was part of the deal just so we can live our asses here.” Joonmyun stated out when the group had taken their place on the living room couch, with the exception of Jongin who was laying on the ground.

“I don’t remember ever having a deal.” Chanyeol bemoaned, throwing his legs over Sehun’s lap.

“Well now you do.” Sehun scowled, shoving Chanyeol’s legs off his lap only to result in them hitting Jongin on the face, earning a groan from the male.

“The -“

“Let’s find something to do.” Jongdae groaned, not giving Jongin the chance to finish his sentence.

“Well we can always watch a movie.” Jongin suggested, shooting a glare towards Sehun whilst rubbing his aching nose.

“Oh oh a horror movie!!!” Chanyeol exclaimed, earning a smack from Kris who snorted.

“Like hell we would, not with you that is.”

“But why??? It’s a great idea!!!”

“Shut the up Chanyeol it’s a horrible idea.” Sehun added, receiving approving nods from the rest.

“Oh come on it can’t be that bad.”

The gang finally agreed to watch a movie, but immediately regretted the idea after.

They were seated on the couch, eyes fixed on the screen but ears seemingly distracted by the sound of whimpers coming from none other than Park Chanyeol himself.

They tried silencing him, tossing cushions and even smacking him on the face, but unfortunately, it didn’t help at all.

The time came when the main actor of the movie got scared of a plant, a ing plant, and Chanyeol was already sent flying to the side, screaming his head off with his limbs flailing about.

His arm was sent flying towards Sehun’s face, and that was enough to get the younger to snap as he shoved Chanyeol away, switching the television off after.

Now here they were, seated with their eyes on a guilty faced Chanyeol, who seemed apologetic for what he did.

“For ’s sake Chanyeol it was a ing bush the did you act like it was Jongin’s ?” Jongdae sighed, ignoring the glare Jongin was sending towards him.

“Well it’s not my fault.” Chanyeol huffed, arms crossed over his chest.

“Technically, it is.” Joonmyun stated out.

“Well I told you it was a bad idea!!!” Chanyeol exclaimed, earning a disapproving frown from everyone in the room.

“You tard, don’t fill me with any more reasons to murder the out of you or I swear once my jar’s full, you’re a ing goner.” Kris snarled, nail digging into the cushion.

Jongin snorted.

“The has spoken.”

The maniacs finally decided to settle on sitting around, doing nothing in particular but browse through their phones.

It didn’t take long for the expected to happen.

Bow Before The Almighty Princess:

MamaTroll_  joined

IamKris joined

Sehun joined

_Kai94 joined

Richbankme joined

HappyvirusPak joined

MamaTroll_: who the started this whole again

IamKris: may the worst of begegrs bless his soul

HappyvirusPak: and surprisingly it isn’t me :D

Richbankme: am I the only one who is deeply affected by the title of this chat

MamaTroll_: not really

_Kai94: why the are we here again

Sehun: …

MamaTroll_: who votes to say that it is Pak who created this horrendous memory, say aye

IamKris: aye

Richbankme: aye

_Kai94: aye

HappyvirusPak: aye

_Kai94: …

_Kai94: the

Richbankme: did Chanyeol just…

IamKris: I am starting to doubt that he even has a single brain cell

HappyvirusPak: but what did I do???? D:

MamaTroll_: you were being dumb that’s what you dip

HappyvirusPak: 8c

IamKris: ok really who made this please own up now or face my dragon wrath

_Kai94: I doubt that even affects him

MamaTroll_: it sounds like it’s written by a ing 3 year old

HappyvirusPak: even I sound manlier than that

Richbankme: sorry to say, you don’t. And I’m not sorry either.

Sehun: I made this group

Richbankme: ….

IamKris: holy krist

_Kai94: is the world coming to its end?

Richbankme: has the world given up on itself?

IamKris: guys please

_Kai94: has the world lost hope?

Richbankme: is there no other way?

MamaTroll_: keep this up and I’ll ing make sure it’s the end of you

IamKris: such threat

IamKris: much scary

IamKris: many shivers

Richbankme: Kris please

Sehun: I didn’t have anything to do and I was bored so I thought we could talk

_Kai94: our creator has spoken

MamaTroll_: let us all now bow before our princess

Sehun: The I’m not a princess you eggtard

IamKris: …

_Kai94: …

HappyvirusPak: sounds like someone’s hungry c:

MamaTroll_: sounds like someone’s gay

HappyvirusPak: I’m not gay!!! : ((

_Kai94: no one mentioned names

Sehun: I meant tard it was an autocorrect

IamKris: why do you even have your autocorrect switched on

MamaTroll_: that ’s long rusted in our phones

Richbankme changed his name to RichSlave247568xo

RichSlave247568xo: hey there guys!!!! XOXOXOXOXOX

IamKris: the actual

_Kai94: you high bruh

HappyvirusPak: hehehehehehe

MamaTroll_: something isn’t right

Sehun: since when was there a ‘right’ to you

MamaTroll_: shut up princess

Sehun: what the…

MamaTroll_: I won’t spoil your rotten no more sweetpea

RichSlave247568xo: have I ever told you that I love ya allll <<<<33333

MamaTroll_: one Chanyeol is already a ing pain in the

_Kai94: kill me now

IamKris: can I?

_Kai94: go your own kris. No

HappyvirusPak: it’s funny how Sehun made this group but never spoke a word

_Kai94: not forgetting to mention that he’s slow

RichSlave247568xo: and cute c;

_Kai94: …

MamaTroll_: …

IamKris: …

HappyvirusPak: c8

Sehun: someone kill him please

_Kai94: hold on

_Kai94: this has Chanyeol written all over it


_Kai94: you’re welcome

MamaTroll_: Chanyeol

Sehun: Chanyeol

HappyvirusPak: it’s Chanyeol

_Kai94: …

Sehun: …

MamaTroll_: …

RichSlave247568xo: …

HappyvirusPak changed his name to theGay

theGay: #Iamproud

Sehun: well…

_Kai94: something isn’t right

MamaTroll_: who the is taking my place as troll that

_Kai94: well there’s someone who isn’t here anymore

RichSlave247568xo: its Kris isn’t it

IamKris: no

MamaTroll_: too late

_Kai94: where’s Chanyeol anyway

IamKris: in the bathroom

RichSlave247568xo: hold on

RichSlave247568xo: why is my card’s pin number

RichSlave247568xo: in my name

_Kai94: oh wait for real?

Sehun: we should take this down

IamKris: how did Chanyeol know your pin number anyway

theGay: he wrote it down in his phone c8

RichSlave247568xo: Chanyeol you

_Kai94: says so in his name

IamKris: I am so exact

MamaTroll_  changed his name to theSadistic

Sehun changed his name to PrincessOhlovesDicks


Am I pretty???? <3

_Kai94: and my nightmares begin

theSadistic: I have a small , I am so sad

IamKris: you should be

_Kai94: well Minseok could always top

PrincessOhlovesdicks: where’s my princeeee???

RichSlave247568xo: in the ing sewers that’s where

theSadistic: I don’t love

PrincessOhlovesDicks: does Luhan not have a ?

PrincessOhlovesDick: but I have to say your name for me is pretty exact

theSadistic: …

IamKris: am I the only one who’s normal

theGay: there’s Jongin!!!!

_Kai94: don’t anyone even bother

theSadistic: well that’s a pity

PrincessOhlovesDicks: how the can I not change my name anymore?

_Kai94: apparently our phones only allow a maximum of 1 change a day

RichSlave247568xo: main reason why I have yet to change my name


theSadistic: laugh while you can

IamKris: why should I

theGay: something’s going to happen, I just know it

RichSlave247568xo: chanyeol’s gay senses are tingling, he feels a tragic moment

IamKris changed his name to faceddragonballz

_Kai94 changed his name to TanDicktator94

PrincessOhlovesDicks: am I the only one watching Jongdae run down the hall screaming

RichSlave247568xo: no and apparently he locked himself in the bathroom

theGay: I told you something was going to happen

RichSlave247568xo: well it isn’t so tragic when it’s merely a sadistic taking the joy of changing people’s usernames. It’s more of a pity

PrincessOhlovesDicks: remind me why I made this group again

theSadistic: for my amusement

faceddragonballz: Jongdae you ing


After a good 30 minutes, the maniacs settled on a game of hide and seek.

How it came about, not exactly surprising.



“What now?” Joonmyun sighed.

“How about a game?” Chanyeol chirped, causing Jongdae to flinch.

“What game can we actually play? Hide and Seek?” Kris snorted.

“Actually I don’t mind. I like that game” Sehun spoke up, shrugging.

Everyone eyed him, soon gaping

“Are you serious?” Jongin questioned.

“Never question a Princess’ interest Jongin.” Jongdae said, a serious look imprinted on his face.

Sehun didn’t get the chance to protest when everyone got up, nodding.

“Alright then Hide and Seek it is, Kris’ the seeker.”

Kris couldn’t process anything, only able to stare at the empty living room.

“.” He cussed.



Here Kris was, walking around the house, looking for the rest who he had clearly planned the deaths of.

It didn’t take long for his to spot someone hiding behind the couch.

Just spotting the huge figure got him smacking him on the forehead, a deep sigh leaving his lips.

Slowly, he made his way to Chanyeol, who seemed oblivious to the other’s presence, before smacking him on the head.

“The you hit me for???” Chanyeol winced, getting up whilst rubbing his head.

“Because you’re ing dumb.”

“It was the best hiding spot I could think of!!!!”

“Main reason why I found you first.”

Kris emitted a scoff, turning before walking off, leaving Chanyeol behind to grumble about him not being a total idiot, which he unfortunately was.

It didn’t take long for Kris to spot two figures in a room, both seeming to be arguing with each other.

They were fighting over who would be hiding in the closet, and were exposed to Kris’ view.

Kris rolled his eyes, slamming the door wide open, causing the two to jump in shock.

“THE KRIS YOU WEREN’T COUNTING.” Jongin yelled, tossing a pillow towards Kris who caught it immediately.

“Well you weren’t listening.”

“He wasn’t counting.” Sehun clucked.

“That’s not exactly fair.” Jongin frowned.

“Well I found Chanyeol at least.” Kris shrugged.

“And why am I not surprised?” Sehun queried rather sarcastically.

“Because Park Chanyeol, will forever be, Park Chanyeol.” Jongin reasoned with a nod of his head.


Kris didn’t have to travel far to find Joonmyun.

All he had to do was leave the two behind and head to the room next door.

Joonmyun was apparently fast asleep on his bed, not giving a care to the world as he lay motionlessly.

Kris snorted, walking towards the figure before shoving the older off the bed.

“ the you sleeping for. What am I suppose to do? Find you in your sleep?”

Joonmyun released a groan, waving his hand as if dismissing Kris’ words.

“You wouldn’t want to be in my dream.”

“And why is that?”

“Yixing’s in it.”

Kris stared at Joonmyun, mortified.

He makes a mental note to never visit Joonmyun in his dream, even if he gets a billion dollars for doing so.

He then leaves Joonmyun to carry on with his dreams, making sure to shut the door once he was out.

Kris had been searching for Jongdae for ages, but he couldn’t find the other.

He wasn’t in the rooms nor was he under any sort of furniture.

Kris was beginning to think that the other wasn’t even in the house.

Soon, he got fed up, and slumped down on the couch.

He then heard a cackle before whipping his head around to only spot Jongdae who had his arms crossed.

“Well well well giving up already?”

“Well where the were-“

“Your room.”


“Oh yes, your lock’s spoilt remember? The is your memory that poor-“

“You didn’t do anything did you?”

“Other than hack into your laptop and change a few thing here and there. No actually.”

It didn’t take long for Kris to be sent chasing after Jongdae around the house, toppling a few items ont eh way.

The other 4 maniacs simply stood at the side, watching the scene unfold in front of their eyes.

“I vote to say that Kris manages to break at least one bone.” Chanyeol nods.

“I would say Jongdae manages to lose his .” Jongin yawned, getting tired of the two literally running in circles around the living room for the past hour.

Just then, a click was heard, and the front door swung open, revealing the victims who had arrived home.

Apparently they were too engrossed in their lives to notice that time had flew by rather quickly.

They knew exactly what waited for them the moment Kyungsoo’s eyes widened at the sight.

Tables overturned, items being misplaced, and even a vase was broken.

The expressions on the rest of the victim’s faces were not exactly too different.

It didn’t take long for Kyungsoo to eventually snap as he inhaled deeply before screaming.










Chapter 14 up!!! I know I'm horrible for always posting so late uidfhuidfhd ;; please forgive me subbies. I hope you liked this chapter!!! I really hope I'll post the next one soon e-e rememebr that I lvoe you all ok ;;;;; <3 xoxo

Please do comment and subscirbe!!! It'll be appreciated~ //and I will love you forever eue//

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sorry for not updating ;; my com's being btich and so yes I'm so sorry djdkdkd ;; please forgive this awful author weeps


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Chapter 25: Oh, please do continue!!! This story is great. I absolutely adore it!! Thank you so much!!!
Demitria_Teague #2
Chapter 8: Wow... Jongdae's really a little in this story. Just... wow. Hahahaha.
Demitria_Teague #3
Chapter 2: Omg... I love it. The feelings come out in fighting with each other. It's so cute. Plus, all the obvious ships and... I gotta say Kris and Tao are the ones I'm looking forward to more (all that sassiness, haha) and then my Bias's XiuChen babies. ^_^ I'm loving this so far.
Chapter 24: Oh this was so good I Spent all my reading it
fangrlxbecky19 #5
Chapter 24: KyungxSpatula forever XD and lol Sehun, if you knew. If you knew.
Thanks for updating!
Chapter 24: LOLOL THE DID I JUST READ!*dying of laughter*And goddamn Jongdae,that ing scared the out of me but thankfully,I'm too busy laughing my off to even notice that at the time.Seriously,this squad is unbelievable when together.Simply some crazy s happened when they're together but well,better than when they're individual pairs though.That one will just plainly kill me with all of the fluffs.Kyungsoo and his endless love for his spatulas.Maybe this guys should present him with a bunch of spatulas when he and Jongin did get married.xP
Sehun,duhhh if only you knew indeed.Couple having the time of their lives your .They are literally trying to kill your Lulu there,dude.*rolling eyes*
fangrlxbecky19 #7
Chapter 23: I freaked out when I saw that you were going to abandon this story. HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME, it's like you just SHOT my heart! Thank GOD you're not though (phew)! I'm really looking forward to your next update~
mariaexofi #8
Chapter 23: I will wait patiently!^^
Chapter 23: Okay! Ill wait for you but please dont keep all of us waiting! I hope you get ideas soon!