♨ Lesson 1: Don't Take Lessons

XOXO's Gag Cafe

It has been a day since the burning down of the café, and Kyungsoo was still traumatized.

The Maniacs had somehow managed to calm him down by promising to repair their burnt down paradise, by using none other than Joonmyun’s money, of course.

It was in the evening when they were all gathered in the living room, shifting gazes around at each and every one of their exhausted faces.

They had spent the day at the lessons, the victims having tagged along with their respective partners.

“So, how did everyone’s day go?” Yixing starts, voice filled with worry as he eyed a badly beaten up Kris.

“ing horrible.” Kris groans, shooting a glare towards a pleased looking panda.

“And why, may I ask?” Sehun questions, eyes fixed on a certain busboy who was busy munching away on a piece of cake.

“Well for a ing start-“

“It all started when he decides to pick wushu as his lesson of choice.” Tao interrupts, a wide grin on his face.



Tao stares up at the flashing board of the studio, clucking his tongue.

“Are you sure you came to the right place?” He asks, turning towards the other.

“Well duh. Why? Are you scared? Are we too far off from your bamboo supply or something?” Kris smirks, only to wince when he gets a hard hit on the head.

“Shut the up or I’ll just have to have you ing sliced, .”

With a snort, Kris enters the studio, making sure to keep his head held up high as he took a glance towards Tao.

“Now just so you know, even though I’m somewhat new here, I suggest I warn you about my fanclub, they’re pretty wild. Apparently, my skills are too much for their puny selves. So you might want to take notes.”

Tao scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest as he nodded, giving Kris a doubting look.

“Right. Explains your state the last time.”

The moment they entered the practice room, everyone stops in their tracks, turning their heads towards the door.

It was then their eyes widened, clear shock plastered all over their faces.

“It can’t be…” The instructor whispers, eyes fixed on the male that had entered the room.

There then came whispers from the other students, and Kris couldn’t help but wonder if he had actually gained fans.

“Oh god it’s him.”

“It’s really him.”

“Oh my god I can’t believe he’s in this room with me.”

Kris shoots a look towards Tao, smirking as he gave a simple wave of his hand.

“I told you.”

With that, he turns towards the rest of the people present in the room, waving his hand grandly.

“Now now, I know you’re all excited upon the sight of my fantastic self but please, don’t get too hasty, you might scare away my pet pand-“

Before he could finish, however, everyone had already ran past him, scaring the wits out of the tall male.

“Oh my god Tao, it’s really you!!!”

“I never thought this day would come!!!”

“It must be an honour!!!”

Kris was beyond shocked as he watched the crowd form around a flustered but yet proud looking Tao.

Kris’ could have sworn his felt a wave of complete embarrassment hit him straight in the face.

But will he show it? No he will ing not.

You win this time panda

Kris heaved a sigh, arms crossed over his chest as he gave out an irritated groan.

It had been an hour and the crowd has yet to subside.

Apparently, Tao had used to be a student here and had left with a good 3rd degree in black belt.

“Tao is probably my best student yet!!!” The instructor had claimed.

Kris had never felt so small next to the panda before.

It took another half an hour before the lesson officially began, with Tao sitting by the side, a contented smirk on his face as he eyed a fuming Kris.

“Aw is Kris mad?”  Tao teased, waving a wooden staff in front of said male’s face.

“Shut the up panda, or I’ll have to do it myself.” Came a curt reply, a visibly smirk soon forming on Kris’ lips as he snatched the staff away.

“Well, Kris, would you kindly do a brief demonstration of how you should do the Five Stance Form?” The instructor calls out, gesturing towards the front of the room.

Kris was frozen in his place, eyes darting around the room where eyes were all set on him.

“Well, erm I-”

“Or maybe Tao could give us a demonstration instead?” He adds on, sending a knowing look towards Tao who had gladly stepped up front, smiling.


He then shoots a smug look towards Kris, taking his stance.

“YOU might want to take notes.”

With that, he began, adding in other moves Kris had never seen before.

Once he was done, the whole room broke into an applause, cheering.

Kris could only snort, glaring at Tao who grinned.

“Just you wait.”

“What for? Everyone knows you will never reach my standards.” Tao mocks, obviously asking for a challenge.

“Oh it’s not that babe, what I meant was, just you wait for the day when I’ll make sure you keep that mouth of yours shut with mine. Maybe even get you to not show your whole body flipping around like that anymore, because who knows, anything can happen to you once I get my hands on your as-“

Kris wasn’t given the chance to finish before he was flipped across the room, a groan following after.


The rest of the people in the room could only watch as the studio’s number one student chased a frantic Kris around the room, screaming.

Well, that’s something they don’t see every day.


“That’s… Unfortunate?” Minseok speaks up, face filled with uncertainty.

“Well, ‘unfortunate’ is not even close to what I’m facing.” Kris groans, glaring at a certain panda.

“O…K. Anyone bothers asking Kris further about his screwed up life?”Jongdae asks, looking around the room.

Chanyeol parts his lips, not given the chance to speak when Jongdae snaps his fingers.

“No? Good. Now moving on.”

All eyes landed on Joonmyun, who as glaring at the wall ahead.

“Ok this one is…”

“Poor wall.”

Joonmyun lets out a hiss, shooting a look towards Chanyeol, who raised his arms.

“Hey hey it wasn’t me, why do I get blamed for everything?”

“Now now Joonmyun, we all know that it’s been a tragic day in addition to your horrible life, but please, do entertain us with what pains you.”

Joonmyun heaves out a long sigh, turning to take a quick glance towards Yixing.

“Well, I’ll just explain all we’ve gone through today then.” Yixing sighs, shifting slightly in his seat.



Jooonmyun stares at the drums, as if ready to toss them away any moment then.

He then proceeds to take a seat, staring at the drum set before him in great annoyance.

It just brought that memories, that’s all.

It was then the door sprung open, and in came his instructor.

“Kim Joonmyun, you’re fifteen ing minutes late and- Oh who do we have here?” He stops in his tracks, catching sight of Yixing, who seemed nervous.

“Ah, my name’s Yixing, I’m here with Joonmyun.”

“I see, well it’s nice to meet you, my name’s Eunhyuk, at your service.” Eunhyuk introduces, bowing with a grin.

Joonmyun snorts at the sight, gripping the stick in his hands tighter than he should have.

Who the does he think he is? Sounds like a e to me.

Eunhyuk then shifts his gaze towards Joonmyun, smile immediately dropping.

“And what do you think you’re doing? Go take a run around the building, 1 for each minute you owe me.”


“Well you should have thought of that before coming in on me late.”


“Do you want me to add more to that?”

With a defeated groan, Joonmyun begins.

Joonmyun was beyond pissed, considering the fact that he not only had 13 rounds left but because he couldn’t stand the sight of Eunhyuk actually getting all smiley on HIS Yixing.

And the male actually playing the drums on Joonmyun’s 5th round just to impress said cashier did not get Joonmyun in a better mood.

With a long groan of frustration, he finishes his last round, heading back to the room.

He walks in to Yixing laughing to one of Eunhyuk’s lame jokes.

With a loud clear of his throat, Joonmyun takes his place behind the drum set.

“So what am I playing today?”

With a of his brow, Eunhyuk hands Joonmyun the drum sticks, shrugging.

“Do what you can.”

With a snort, Joonmyun gulps, cracking his knuckles before beginning.

When he was done, he looks up to come face to face with what seemed like shocked expressions.


Yixing could only blink in response before glancing towards Eunhyuk.

“Joonmyun, what in the world were you ing playing? If you’re trying to wake up the dead, well then you’re almost there.” The instructor state simply, eventually bursting into a series of laughter.

Yixing watched him, soon following after with soft chuckles.

With a frown, Joonmyun tosses the sticks aside, getting up on his feet.

“Well, fine then. Don’t end up choking on your own ing sense of humour, .” Joonmyun growls, shooting a menacing glare towards Eunhyuk before walking out, not forgetting to leave a small amount of cash behind.

Eunhyuk stares at the door in pure astonishment, shifting glances with Yixing from each other, to the door.

“I QUIT.” Came a loud yell, before the front doors of the building slammed shut. 

It didn’t take long for Yixing to scurry after the male, yeling out his name.

Eunhyuk stayed, shrugging before grabbing the stack of cash Joonmyun left behind.


Joonmyun scoffs, shooting a glare towards Yixing.

“Why don’t you just go back to that er?”

“What? Why would I?”

Joonmyun rubs his temple, shaking his head.

“Forget it.”

Yixing frowns, only being able to follow Joonmyun who roamed the streets aimlessly.

I hope he calms down soon enough…


The room was silent, only the sounds of Joonmyun frustrated sighs echoing throughout the room.

It was then Jongdae erupts in an endless amount of cackles.



Joonmyun grunts, tossing a cushion towards Jongin.

“Shut the up, ing . Don’t act like you didn’t do anything bad today.”

“He did actually.” Kyungsoo sighs, staring at Jongin who avoided his gaze.

“What did he do?” Baekhyun asks, clearly interested.

“It’s not that bad.” Jongin reason out, earning a hard smack from Kris.

“Shut up and listen.”



“Jongin, are you sure you’re doing it right?” Kyungsoo asks as he peered over the male’s shoulder, eyeing the curry leaves which were slowly shrinking into the spaghetti sauce.

“Of course, why woudn’t I be?”

“Well I don’t remember ever seeing curry leaves in spaghetti, let alone oranges.”

“Relax Kyungsoo, sometimes you have to open up your imagination.”


“Now now Kyungsoo let’s not be hasty hm?”

“What- but-“

Jongin turns towards Kyungsoo, placing his hands on the older make’s shoulders.

“Kyungsoo, look at me.”

Kyungsoo does as he’s told, honestly finding it hard considering the fact that Jongin was so close to him.

“Do you not trust me into this?”

Kyungsoo parts his lips, about to remind him about how he had burnt down the café but then he notices how the taller was staring at him, with THAT look.

With a defeated sigh, he shakes his head, earning a smile from Jongin.

“Then let me do this aright.”

The younger carries on with his cooking, with Kyungsoo eyeing the sauce pan with plain worry.

It was then Jongin pours something in, and Kyungsoo’s eyes widened.

“Is that…. vanilla essence?”

Jongin nods, emptying the small bottle.

“Why- You ARE cooking spaghetti right?”

A nod once again, this time with a grin.

“Sehun told me to do it!!! He said it gives the food a good smell.”

“And you’re trusting Sehun?” Kyungsoo points out, slightly amused.

There was silence, before Jongin tossed the bottle into the bin, glaring at it.

“God damn you Sehun, you tard.”

Kyungsoo could only smile as he took step next to the grumbling male.

“Let me help hm?”

Jongin nods, tugging the small male close to him, causing the chef’s eyes to widen.

“Help me please.”

“Well, sure, I-“

Jongin grins, his expression falling when he turns towards the sauce pan.

“Should we throw it out?”

“That, would be best Jongin ah.”

Without a single trace of sadness, Jongin tosses the pan aside, grabbing a new one.

“Shall we?”

Kyungsoo nods, smiling.

It didn’t take long for a certain something to catch Jongin’s eye.

He reaches a hand out, gently sweeping his thumb across Kyungsoo’s cheek.

He frowns, eyes son widening.

“I have no idea how my sauce got to your cheek but whatever it is I threw in it, it’s killing my finger.” He chokes, washing his hand.

Kyungsoo, however, had kept silent, eyes wide.

It didn’t take long for his cheeks to flush a bright pink, clearly flustered from the contact.

For the first time, Jongin enjoys cooking, and he was glad he didn’t blow up the kitchen that day.


Jongin stares at Kyungsoo, whose cheeks were a good shade of pink.


Jongin frowns, eyeing the laughing male.

“The you laughing about Jongdae.”



“Shut the up Chanyeol, didn’t the etiquette lessons take any effect on you two at all?”

“Well it didn’t.” Came a reply, coming from both Baekhyun as well as Minseok.

“Why am I not surprised?” Kris snorts, trying to take his place next to Tao, only to get shoved away by the younger.

“Well, things were not exactly as planned actually.” Chanyeol nodded, shrugging.

“Oh please, tell me.” Joonmyun sneered, rolling his eyes.

“Since you asked so NICELY, ing .” Jongdae smiles, smacking Joonmyun across the face with a cushion.



The four were gathered in a circle, the teacher having gone for some emergency.

Somehow, seeing the two new kind faces, she leaves her son in their care.

Jongdae snorts, staring at the young boy.

“What your name?” Baekhyun asks sweetly, offering a smile.

“Han KangWoo.”

“How old are you?” Minseok questions with a sweet smile.

“I’m 7!!!” KangWoo grins, earning a series of squeals by both Baekhyun and Minseok.

“So what do you like to do?” Chanyeol mumbles, carefully building a tower of cards.

“I like following umma to work, and watching people smile!!!”

“What an angel.” Baekhyun grins, gently pinching the young boy’s cheeks.

“So, do you have a girlfriend?” Jongdae smiles, shoving Baekhyun aside.

“No, I don’t.” KangWoo blinks, so innocently.

“Oh then a boyfriend?”

“JONGDAE.” Minseok warns, nudging the male.

“What? I’m just getting him ready if he’s actually gay.” Jongdae reasons, pouting.

“What’s gay?” KangWoo asks, causing the colours on everyone’s face to drain.

“It means a guy who is into g-“

“GOOD FRIENDS YES.” Baekhyun cuts in, breaking Jongdae off.

“So, gay means someone who likes good friends?” KangWoo asks once again,with Chanyeol snickering by the side.

“Yes, yes it is KangWoo.” Minseok smiles, trying to hide the beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

“So are hyungs all Gay as well?”

There was silence, before Jongdae nodded.

“We are all indeed.”

“Really? So KangWoo shall be Gay too!!!” KangWoo beams, flailing.


“That, would be great.” Jongdae grins.

“Jongdae stop it.” Minseok scolds, poking Jongdae hard on the ribs.

“It’s not my fault!!! Besides, it’s about time he learns how society works and is also just a ing bi-“


“What’s ing?”

Oh god this innocent child.

Jongdae cackles, shoving chanyeol away to take his place next to the child.

“It’s when a guy, shoves his into-“


“What???” Jongdae whines, earning a glare.

“What’s ?”

“It’s… another way of saying… hand, yes, it means hand.” Minseok assures, earning a small nod from the young boy.

“Then what’s ing?”

Baekhyun rubbed his cheeks, whimpering.

Oh god, what are we doing.

“It means… bonding, yes. Bonding.” Baekhyun chokes out, nodding.

“Ohhh… KangWoo learned something new today!!!” KangWoo smiles, with Jongdae rolling about laughing by the side.

“SO AHAHAAHA ING AHAHA HILARIOUS AHAHAHA!!!!” Chanyeol joins in, wiping a stray tear.

“I CUSS, YOU CUSS, WE ALL CUSS FOR ASPARAGUS!!!” Jongdae exclaims, earning a smack from Minseok.

“Is that a tongue twister?” Baekhyun asks, eyeing Jongdae.

“Is this challenge you call for?” Chanyeol a brow, cracking his knuckles.

“Oh bring it on.”

With a deep breath, Chanyeol begins his first try.

“I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop.
Where she sits she shines, and where she shines she sits.” He starts, and Jongdae snorts.

“That’s bull.”

He then clears his throat.

“Denise sees the fleece,
Denise sees the fleas.
At least Denise could sneeze
and feed and freeze the fleas.”

Baekhyun frowns, shaking his head.

“You people are pathetic.”

“Then you give it a shot.” Chanyeol grins.

Baekhyun smiles before inhaling deeply.

“Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?”

“Not too bad.” Jongdae nods.

It was then all eyes landed on Minseok, who blinked.

“It’s you turn hyung!!!” KangWoo beams.

Minseok coughs, taking in a deep breath.

“Something in a thirty-acre thermal thicket of thorns and thistles thumped and thundered threatening the three-D thoughts of Matthew the thug - although, theatrically, it was only the thirteen-thousand thistles and thorns through the underneath of his thigh that the thirty year old thug thought of that morning.”

Everyone was speechless.

“Woah, I didn’t understand a thing but wow.” Jongdae chuckles.

“My turn!!!” Chanyeol pipes up.

“Be prepared to be blown away.” He says before blabbering.

“HowManyCookiesCouldAGoodCookCookIfAGoodCookCouldCookCookies? AGoodCookCouldCookAsMuchCookiesAsGoodCookWhoCouldCookCookies.”

“The did he just say?”

“All I heard was .” Jongdae shrugs, and KangWoo blinks.

“OK MOVING ON.” Baekhyun yells, not wanting another pang of guilt to hit him if he tries explaining things to KangWoo once more.

It was then the door swings open, revealing Mrs Han, their teacher.

She nods in approval, looking around the room.

“Still in a good state, I suppose things went well?”

Everyone nods, and KangWoo beams before running to Mrs Han.

“Umma!!! I had fun with my hyungs!!!”

The four sitting couldn’t help by feel contented and relieved at his words.

“Oh really? What did you do hm sweetie?” She asks, kneeling down to meet his eyes.

“Well, I had fun ing with my hyungs, oh and I learnt that I’m gay too!!!”

“Oh that’s nice dear- WHAT?!” Mrs Han screeches, and KangWoo nods.

Everyone froze, before Jongdae bursts into a series of laughter.

 “I also learnt something else too!!!” KangWoo adds, beaming.


“This is my !! And I like it even though it’s quite small compared to hyungs.” He pouts, raising his hand.

There was, once again, silence, with the exception of Jongdae’s laughter, of course.

“WHAT!?!??!?!” Mrs Han shrieks, shifting her deathly stare towards the other four.


Minseok and Baekhyun could only smile sheepishly, with Chanyeol snickering by the side.

“An Angel indeed.” Chanyeol grins.

“That’s what you get for not being straightforward with kids.” Jongdae says breathlessly, soon breaking into another round of cackles at the sight of Mrs Han’s fuming rage.

“Oh god, what have we done.” Came a whimper, which had come from both Minseok and Baekhyun.

They seemed to be thinking the same quite a lot today.



Minseok, once again, hits Jongdae on the head, nagging at him for yelling cusses in the first place.

“Well, while that’s being processed…” Yixing starts, before all eyes landed on both Sehun and Luhan.

“What?” Sehun frowns.

They gave him an assuring nod, and Sehun sighs, turning to Luhan who seemed to be slightly dazed before he starts.




Sehun frowned, staring at the bowl in his hands.

“Sehun… Where did the spoon go?” Luhan asks, eyeing the batter which the spoon had supposedly sank into.

If Sehun had seen it correctly, he could have sworn it dissolved.

“Well, there goes batter #7.”

“That’s because you’re not doing it right.”

Sehun turns towards the shorter male, an eyebrow arched.

“Oh really? Then why not you do it?”

Luhan gives a casual shrug before grabbing an empty bowl.

“Just afraid of upsetting you with the results.” He smiles, beginning.

Sehun scoffs, tossing the bowl away before making his way towards the older.

He takes his place next to Luhan, not noticing how his close presence had caused the busboy’s body to tense up.

Choosing to ignore the lack of distance between their bodies, Luhan proceeds to finish up with the rest of the batter, smiling once he had placed the cupcakes in the oven.

It didn’t take long for a group of ahjummas to come gathering around their table, noses picking up a wonderful scent.

“Mmm smells really good. You bake really well young boy!!! Unlike someone.” Their gazes shifted towards Sehun, who frowned.

“Oh no it’s nothing at all!!! I’ve learnt.” Luhan chirps, smiling.

Sehun couldn’t help but feel defeated, yet slightly dizzy at the sight of Luhan’s bright smile.

Once the cupcakes were done, Luhan distributes them to the ahjummas, earning grateful thanks from each of them.

“Is there any left for me?”

Both males whipped their heads to the source of the sound, Luhan smiling warmly upon the sight of the teacher.

Unlike the rest of the people in the room, the male was young, around Luhan’s age but much uglier, according to Sehun’s perspective.

 “Ah there is.” Luhan then hands him a cupcake, and Sehun didn’t fail to see how the teacher had eyed Luhan so… hungrily.

The teacher accepts the gift, not forgetting to lightly brush his fingers against Luhan’s, but that fortunately goes unnoticed by Luhan, but not unseen Sehun, of course.

“Thank you, I’ll eat it well.” He smiles, and Sehun couldn’t help but gag.

Having enough of the ert’s unlimited amount of acts, Sehun grabs Luhan’s hand before dragging him out.

“W-Wait Sehun where are we going?? The cupcakes are still there!!!”

“Forget them.”

“B-But I want Kyungsoo to try one.”

Sehun heaves out a sigh, turning to Luhan with a blank look.

“We’ll bake again another time, alright?”

Luhan huffs before nodding, and Sehun softens at the sight.

He then proceeds out of the building, making sure to keep a tight grip on Luhan’s hand.

He didn’t know why he was doing that.

Must be to make sure he doesn’t get taken away by that ert and I wouldn’t have to go through hours of nagging by Kyungsoo. Yeah, that’s it.

Luhan was completely flushed when they reached home, and he can’t help but remember how secure he had felt in Sehun’s hold.

He just wished they didn’t have to part the moment they reached the house.


Sehun sighs, frowning when he hears nothing.

That’s odd-

He then lifts his gaze, snorting at the sight.

Everyone had fallen asleep to his story, apparently, and were currently dozing off in their respective places.

Well, with the exception of Luhan, who was still dazed from the experience.

Sehun's brow shot up at the sight of Kris hugging Tao, and Sehun concludes that the tall male had taken advantage of the situation to actually make contact with the panda.

There was no way in ing hell Tao would let Kris touch a single part of his body.

With a shake of his head, Sehun gets up to his feet, slowly making his way towards the room.

He stops, turning to Luhan.

“Come on, let’s turn in, it’s getting late.”

Luhan’s head shot up, and Sehun’s heart beats just a tiny bit faster.

Must be tired, yes.

“Then what about the rest?” Luhan mumbles, eyeing the group.

“They’ll live.” Sehun nods, gesturing towards the door.

Luhan gets up, shuffling towards Sehun before entering the room with the younger.

There was a good amount of silence after the door closed shut, but will it last?

Stay tuned…

Just kidding.

No it will ing not of course.


“I was cold- MY FACE YOU-“










All went silent after Sehun outburst, and being the lazy people they are, they continued their peaceful slumbers in the living room.

“Touch me, and you won’t see light in the morning, I swear.”

“But will I see your face?”

“Don’t even ing try.”

“Guys? Shut up.”









Chapter 17 up~ I know it's longer than my other chapters otl it''s my way of apologizing? (????) Please forgive me if you slept whie reading this ;u; haha I hope you like it though!!! XD  haha see you soon subbies!!! xoxo O3O

Oh and please do leave a feedback (etc what you would like them to do next) but don't be sick youuu eue

Please do comment and subscirbe!!! It'll be appreciated~ //and I will love you forever eue//

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sorry for not updating ;; my com's being btich and so yes I'm so sorry djdkdkd ;; please forgive this awful author weeps


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Chapter 25: Oh, please do continue!!! This story is great. I absolutely adore it!! Thank you so much!!!
Demitria_Teague #2
Chapter 8: Wow... Jongdae's really a little in this story. Just... wow. Hahahaha.
Demitria_Teague #3
Chapter 2: Omg... I love it. The feelings come out in fighting with each other. It's so cute. Plus, all the obvious ships and... I gotta say Kris and Tao are the ones I'm looking forward to more (all that sassiness, haha) and then my Bias's XiuChen babies. ^_^ I'm loving this so far.
Chapter 24: Oh this was so good I Spent all my reading it
fangrlxbecky19 #5
Chapter 24: KyungxSpatula forever XD and lol Sehun, if you knew. If you knew.
Thanks for updating!
Chapter 24: LOLOL THE DID I JUST READ!*dying of laughter*And goddamn Jongdae,that ing scared the out of me but thankfully,I'm too busy laughing my off to even notice that at the time.Seriously,this squad is unbelievable when together.Simply some crazy s happened when they're together but well,better than when they're individual pairs though.That one will just plainly kill me with all of the fluffs.Kyungsoo and his endless love for his spatulas.Maybe this guys should present him with a bunch of spatulas when he and Jongin did get married.xP
Sehun,duhhh if only you knew indeed.Couple having the time of their lives your .They are literally trying to kill your Lulu there,dude.*rolling eyes*
fangrlxbecky19 #7
Chapter 23: I freaked out when I saw that you were going to abandon this story. HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME, it's like you just SHOT my heart! Thank GOD you're not though (phew)! I'm really looking forward to your next update~
mariaexofi #8
Chapter 23: I will wait patiently!^^
Chapter 23: Okay! Ill wait for you but please dont keep all of us waiting! I hope you get ideas soon!