♨ Busted

XOXO's Gag Cafe

With a tired groan, a figure shifts on the bed, and with a furrow of his brows, he sits up.

The room was empy, signaling that he, once again, had overslept. 

The sun was beamng in through the window, and the bright light was enough to stir him awake.

It was been a week since the day of the amusement park incident, and it was a Sunday, meaning another good break for all of them.

Well, a bright morning could just about be a sign for a bright new day.

At least, that was what he thought until a series of endless knocks came on his door.



He could hear a snort coming from who he assumes was Jongddae.

"Trust me Kris, that is over-grown but there's one thing that hasn't been growing since he was born and that's his ."


With a roll of his eyes, he lay back down, throwing the sheets over his head in the process.

"Save yourself, Chanyeol. Just be useful and leave a note with all your preferred prepartions for your funeral if you don't survive."


Thank god Chanyeol didn't get the chance to enter the room when Kris forcefully dragged him off to his death.

Afternoon came by quick, and with the various 'couples' deployed to different places, the day was going to be normal, without any troubles, commotions and whatsoever. 


At least, they weren't all together.

It had started with them being gathered in the living room, and the first to leave for the supermarket were Joonmyun, Yixing, Sehun and Luhan, who had claimed that they should be the ones going since they were practically the only ones normal in their previous trip to said place.

And Joonmyun had money, apparantly. 

The next to leave were Jongdae, Minseok, Chanyeol and Baekhyun, who had claimed that they needed a breather, and were going for a walk.

Not exactly the best combination, if you were to ask me.

And last but not the least, were Kris, Tao, Jongin and Kyungsoo, who decided that they would take a trip to a nearby cafe, to get some inspiration, so they say.

And just like that, they dispersed. 

So, let the day begin.

With a snort, Yixing watches as Joonmyun pushes the cart, a look of content visible on the older man's face.

"You seem satisfied, pushing that cart."

"Well, of course I am, it makes me feel so... responsible."

"But you're not, considering that you hardly know anything about the supermarket, let alone groceries. Also, this is only your second time in a god damned supermarket."

With a pained gasp, Joonmyun turns to the the cashier, a look of shock written all over his face.

"I do know!"

With a of his brow, Yixing whips out a strip of paper, which so happened to be their grocery list.

"If that's so, we're responsible for getting the drinks, instant noodles and toilet paper, while Sehun and Luhan are responsible for the fresh fruits, vegetables and meat. So why not you take charge for our part, Mr.Responsible? And I will be here to judge."

With a scoff, Joonmyun gives his cart a confident push, rolling his sleeves up afterwards as he faces the other, arms crossed over his chest.

"Bring it on, Sist-"

Joonmyun didn't get a chance to finish his sentece, unfortunately, because right then, his cart hits a little boy. 


Sehun was amused, VERY amused.

Why? Well the reason is simple.

Luhan was, once again, staring oh so lovingly at a fish, a damn FISH, that lay on the ice, lifeless.


Sehun could have sworn he heard a sniffle, and with a frown, he gives the busboy a jab on the shoulder.

"Luhan, you do know that it's dead, right?"

Sehun had expected the boy to be upset, but he had definitely not expected for the brunette to turn to him so quickly, eyes wide and teary.


There was silence between the two for a minute, and Sehun took the time to process exactly how dense and dumb Luhan was.

Even so, he couldn't bear to make the situation worse, and by worse he means having Luhan bawl in front of the seafood section.

And when Luhan bawls, it's a cry so horrifying, it could make a deaf man cry.

"Uh... Well, it's not dead, just uh... In a coma."


"Yes, a coma. In fact, I heard from the doctor that it's going to live."

Clearly, Luhan had not belived him, because right then, he pressed a finger against the fish's body, eyes wide and unblinking.

"It's not breathing, Sehun. If it's in a coma, it's suppose to be breathing right?"

"Uh, well, you see, for fishes, when they fall into a coma, they uh... forget to breathe."


"Beautiful, Luhan."

With eyes breaming with tears which were threatening to fall, Luhan turns to stare at Sehun, confused.


"Yes, because even if it does pass on, it'll be in a better place. And by better place, I mean.... uh... Heaven, Oceanic Heaven, a place where fish spirits... flop and flow in."

Thankfully, even a lousy reasoning like that was enought to calm Luhan down, and with a grumble, the busboy nodded, turning to walk away.

"Alright then, rest well, Timmy."


With a sigh, Sehun turns to the staff behind the counter, who seemed very weirded out by the whole ordeal.

"I would like to get Timm- the fish, please."

It took the staff a few good seconds to pull himself together, and with a slow nod, began to pack said fish.

Sehun wasn't buying the damn fish for Luhan, no he wasn't.

It was on the list, you see.

Pft, yeah right.


Joonmyun was determined.

He was so confident, so very sure that he was going to succeed.

But luck just wasn't on his side, you see.

He had picked up what he assumed was the toilet paper, and had presented it to Yixing with confidence.

When he got a look of amusement from Yixing, he was baffled.


"Joonmyun, this is-"

"Toilet paper, I'm sure."

"No, it isn't, you . It's womens' pad."

"Well, what about the drinks? I got those right!"

"Yes, but not the noodles."

"What- Why?"

"You idiot, you got noodles, plain noodles, noodles that are cooked and packaged after being made and prepared fresh from dough. We needed INSTANT noodles, noodles packaged and made prepared with sauce to be COOKED WITH. YOU GOT RAW NOODLES DAMN IT. And to think you've been using all of the items on the list your whole life and you've yet to know which ones they are."

"I- What?" He asks, eyebrows now furrowing in confusion.

All the talk about food just got his useless brain messed up.

"Damn it Joonmyun. Do you ever read the labels?"

"There are labels?"

With that, he dashes over to a shelf, and upon seeing said labels, he gapes, clearly amazed.

"Ohhhh, this is cool AND convenient!"

"... You are one huge, spoilt retard, Joonmyun."

Even so, Yixing couldn't help but find this side of Joonmyun so painfully amusing.


All was going well, they were almsot done with shopping, and all that they had left to do was look for the lemons.

Luhan did most of the job, obviously, because Sehun was a useless prick when it comes to shopping.

They were standing infront of a pile of lemons, and Luhan had three in hand, and apparantly, had spent a good minute contemplating which two to get.

Sehun was bored out of his mind, and he took a glance around.

What he saw in the next aisle scarred him for life.

The sight got him asking so many questions.

Didn't she move? What's she doing here? Wasn't she suppose to be working overseas now? Holy .

With a gulp, he frantically begins to drag the puzzled busboy away.

"S-Sehun! I haven't chosen my lemons yet!"

"That is one sour lady..." He mutters, panicking when he feels a pair of piercing eyes glaring at him from a distance.

"What was that?" Luhan asks, shoving the lemons in a plastic plag, having no choice but to keep them all.

"I said they are sour lemons, so all is good."

"How do you know they're sour?"

"Oh trust me Luhan, I know what's sour when I see it. Especially when it's got a grudge on you."

"Lemons hold grudges? But they're just fruits."

"Even the sweetest thing can be the scariest when pissed, especially the ones who hate you for dumping them through a text without a clear reason because you just lost feelings for them, and using the reason of them leaving the country was an excuse."

That, of course, confused Luhan to no extent, and Sehun took the moment of silence to think of a plan.

He didn't want to stay, not when he had a raging ex-girlfriend in the same place as he is.


Finally, they were at the counter.

It had taken a while for Yixing to get all the right stuff that Joonmyun got wong, which was ALOT, and considering that Joonmyun was protesting about how he was right, it wasn't exactly easy.

Sehun had been jumpy all the while, eyes casting wary glances around them every now and then.

Even at the counter, he seemed frantic.

Joonmyun shot him with a judging stare, and with a frown, he asks,

"Why are you all jumpy? You didn't kill someone, did you?"

With an annoyed click of his tongue, Sehun answers with a shake of his head.

"What? You stole something?"

"No. Damn it, can this queue go any slower?"

"What? You accidentally hit on a girl who was already taken by a huge bastard who threatens to murder you the next time he sees you?"


"Hey, hey, I buy my own at my own pace, alright?"

Meanwhile, Yixing and Luhan stood by the exit, patiently waiting.

With a groan, Sehun turns towards the exit, intending to check on the two when he spots who he claims was the devil, waiting by the exit, arms crossed and waiting.


As the cashier scanned their items, Joonmyun decides to follow Sehun's gaze, and upon seeing the cause of Sehun's dilemma, he breaks into a series of laughter, earning an annoyed look from the cashier.


"Shut the up, Kim Joonmyun."

"Oh ho, I speak when I want, ."

With an annoyed grunt, Sehun makes an attempt to hide away from the girl's sight, making silent signals for the cashier to hurry up.

Once the items were paid, the two grabbed the bags, and frantically, Sehun begins to make his way towards the exit, all the while keeping away from his ex's line of sight.

He was beyond relieved when he reaches Yixing and Luhan, and even more so when they all made it out of the supermarket.

Everything was god until...


He flinches, and with a sigh, he closes his eyes shut, praying for it all to be just a dream.

No, it wasn't.

He could hear the angry footsteps approaching his way, and the constant snickers given out by none other than Kim Joonmyun.

He turns towards his ex, face kept stoic as always.

"What a coincidence, pleasure seeing you, Suzy."

Surprise, surprise. He actually remembered her name.

Said girl simply gives out a huffs, a pout on her lips.

"Oh Sehun, quit the act, I want an explanation!"

Defeated, he lets out a groan, and after a few good seconds of silence and tension, he begins,

"Well, you see, -"

"No! I don't want to hear anymore."

"I haven't even-"

"Do you know how heartbroken I was hearing that you wanted to break up with me?"

"What? Look woman, you cheated on me and even found countless of men overseas after our breakup."

"Even so, I still couldn't accept it, until now. I re my break just so I could see you and get a reason, and this is what I get?"


"Oh, I've looked. I went by your house yesterday, and some... guy answered instead and when I asked for you, he claims that you were on a ing vacation with all your other friends and he was watching the house. The heck Sehun? Where the hell are you off for a vacation? The streets?"

"Wait, let's not go there-"

"You changed locations, and I can't contact you. I sent you emails, but you refused to answer. What the actual Oh Sehu-"


Instantly, the conversation was sent to a halt.

With that, Yixing stepped forward, a visible frown on his features.

"Excuse me, but what do you mean by, you went to his house and some guy  answered instead claiming that these ers were on vacation?" He asks, somehow being lost in the midst of the bickering.

"Excuse me, but do you mind? I'm trying to clarify things out with my ex-boyfriend right now."

With a snort, Yixing gives a sassy snap of his fingers, earning a look of disbelief from Suzy.

"Well, excuse YOU, but I'm trying to clarify things out with my HOUSEMATE here, so if you don't mind, I'm sure he doesn't want your needy no more, so scoot off."

Suzy was beyond stunned, and with that, she trudges off, right towards a man who seemed to be waiting for her.

Upon seeing her whining to the man, even clinging to him with a visible pout on her face, all four of them couldn't help but cringe at the sight.

Once she was out of sight, Yixing makes a turn towards both Joonmyun and Sehun, who seemed very uncomfortable.

Of course, Luhan remained where he was, lost as always. 

He was also upset, clearly, after all, he had just met Sehun's ex-girlfriend, and seeing how beautiful she was, he was very, very demoralised.

With a clear of his throat, Yixing stares at the two guilty men, expression beyond pissed.

"So, you told us that you didn't have house because your house burnt down or something like that, but from what I heard from that , 's different. So now, let's have a nice talk about this house of yours, shall we, HOUSEMATES?"

The cafe was beautifully decorated, they would have to admit.

It wasn't so crowded, and the food smelt great.

Kyungsoo was very determined to try out their dishes, and somehow learn something.

Meanwhile, both Kris and Jongin were in a state of shock.

Why? Simple.

There they were, staring at the two people they prayed they wouldn't bump into for the rest of their lives.

Onew and Key, sitted comfortably by the window, engaged in a very peaceful conversation. Perfect.

*Abort mission, abort mission. Chicken freak and Sassy in the room.*

Frantic, they began smacking on each other's arms, and with a frustrated groan, Kris turns towards the two victims who were busy staring up at the menu.

"Uh, sorry but, couldn't we try somewhere else?" Jongin asks, struggling to hide his worry.

They both turned to him, shocked.

"Why? This place seems fine."

"Well, uh, I'm... suddenly allergic to cake." Kris blurted, earning a disapproving look from Tao.

"The Kris? Really? That's the dumbest thing I've heard from you out of all the dumb that's come out of you. This place doesn't only sell cake you know?"


"I know a better place!" Jongin cuts in, and somehow, it peaked the victims interest.


With a quick nod, he makes a gesture towards the door.

"Shall we?"

They made their way towards the exit, but just as they were about to leave...

"Oh! Hey Jongin, Kris!"

... .


Things couldn't be any more awkward.

Here they were, sitted at the same table as the two people they were so close to escaping from.

Jongin and Kris had tried excusing themselves away from the two, but of course, no one could escape the clutches of the sassiest person alive, who so happens to take the form of Kim Kibum, also known as, Key.

There was silence at the table, with Onew greeting them with a smile, and Key giving the two maniacs a judging stare.



Because the two of them were clearly panicking, or flustered. 

Either way, they both looked stupid.

"Why the hell are the two of you wriggling about in your seats like your asses are on fire?" He asks, having had enough of watching the two fidigt uncontrollably for the past three minutes.

Just as Jongin was about to give an answer, Onew cuts in, a smile still remaining plastered on his features.

"Now now, no need to be nervous, we're happy seeing you too!"

Kris could have sworn he felt his body twitching in anger, never had he felt so infuriated from hearing such kind words and from seeing such a lovely smile.

it, he hated things that were nice, reasons why he's after Tao, because that boy was just so sinfully adorable, like a panda who's possessed by the devil himself

And the fact that Tao wanted him dead was a bonus.

Just then, Key turns his gaze towards the two victims, who appeared very awkward in the situation they were /unfortunately/ caught in.

"Hello there, Lovely. What are your names?"

With an awkard clear of his throat, Kyungsoo offers a gentle smile.

"I'm Kyungsoo, Do Kyungsoo."


Once again, there was silence, and after god knows how long, Key begins nodding his head, a wide smile printed on his features.

"Because you look like it, I'll call you Baby Owl and Little Panda. Nice to meet you, I'm Key, and that idiot over there is Onew."

Upon hearing his name, Onew begins waving frantically, a grin now formed on his lips.

"Idiot as always, huh?" Jongin snorts, earning a smack on the head by Kyungsoo. 

"Oh no, I'm not a idiot, just brainless! At least, that's what Jonghyun told me."

Jongin was about to say something in return, only to stop when he's shot with a death glare by none other than Do Kyungsoo.

"So, what brings all of you here? A date?" Key asks, a hand gesturing towards the four of them.

There was a mix of 'no's and a 'yes' as an answer, with two flustered 'no's coming from Jongin and Kyungoo, a monotonous 'no' coming from Tao, and a single enthusiastic 'yes' coming from Kris.

"Well, we're here to pass some time, actually. Since it's our day off." Kyungsoo explains, earning an understanding nod from Key.

"Oh, but Little Panda and I are on a date." Kris starts with a smirk, only to have his abdomen elbowed by none other than his 'beloved panda'.

"Shut the up, dickhead. Noone's going on a date with a like you."

It was then Onew perks up, that idiotic grin of his still remaining.

"I have an idea! If you guys are free, why not you come over for a party at my place?"

And just like that, the tension grew, with the two maniacs instantly tensing up upon hearing the offer.

"Y-Your place?" Was all that the Jongin managed to stutter out, a bead of sweat slowly beginning to make it's way down the side of his face.

"Yeah, my place! Or technically, yours, I mean-"

"OH MY!!! IF YOU WOULD LOOK AT THE TIME." Kris bellowed, ignoring the stares sent his way by the other customers in the cafe.


"OR THE DOG!!! OH POOR GOOFY, STARVING BACK HOME." Kris adds, already rising up to his feet.

"OR THE GOLDFISH, I'VE GOT TO CHECK ON IT TO MAKE SURE IT DIDN'T DROWN." Jongin says, about to make his retreat for the exit.

It was then Tao lets out a sigh, fingers rubbing on his temples as he makes a gesture towards the counter.

"You two, pathetic blabbering idiots, go buy us some cake."


"One but from any of you, and I'll make sure I have a bunch of butter knives shoved up your asses, and trust me, there's plenty of those in this cafe."

With that, the two maniacs were defeated, dragging their way towards the counter, though feeling extremely uneasy.


The queue just had to take forever.

They had been waiting for a good 30 minutes, and boy was it tempting to just return back from all the frustration and uneasiness that they felt.

Though, they didn't, because apparantly if they did return empty-handed...

Just the thought of Tao's threat was enough to send shivers down both their spines. 

Their thoughts were broken by a sudden burst of laughter coming from the four seated back at the table.

"Damn it, what the hell are they talking about?" Kris mutters, earning a shrug in response.

"Beats me, I can't hear . It worries me knowing that anything can come out of that chicken freak's mouth."

"Well, he's a ing idiot, and you're definitely brainless, can't you just hear his thoughts or have some kind of idiot's telepathy or something?" 



"I don't know what the you think I'm made of, Kris. But one thing's for sure, and that's that you're ing dumb for even thinking that way."


After a good eternity, the maniacs returned back to the table. 

Upon arriving, all four pairs of eyes were fixed on them.

What happened next scared them less.

Tao breaks into a smile, a ing SMILE, and so did Kyungsoo.

"Aw, thank you, darlings. Please, have a seat." Tao urges, patting the empty spot next to him as the two set the cakes down on the table.

Hesitant, Kris does as he's told, eyes casting a pleading gaze up at Jongin, who had, too, settled down next to Kyungsoo.

"Er, so... What did you guys talk about?" Jongin asks, body tense as Kyungsoo stares at him with a smile so wide, it gave him shivers.

"Oh nothing much, just got to know each other better." Onew answers, with Key nodding by his side.

Somehow, both Jongin and Kris managed to calm down after knowing that they were still safe from being busted. 

"Oh, and Kris?"

Said male tenses up almost immediately.

Why? Two reasons.

One, Tao had just called out to him without a single trace of insult. 

Two, the voice he was using was sweet, and yet, so deadly at the same time.

"Y-Yes, Tao?"

"Mind telling me, sweetpie, about this HOUSE of yours? Oh you know, the one that burnt down and is currently under-going recontruction?"

With a nod, Kyungsoo's gaze still remains on Jongin, who was now nervously swallowing on a lump that forms in his throat.

Of course, both Key and Onew were lost in the conversation, eyes blinking as they watched the intense stares shared among the four.

It was then Key shoots up, with Onew following after.

"Oh well, we've got a party to prepare for. So I guess we'll see you around." Key utters, offering a small wave towards the four, who of course, were too deep in the tension to notice.

Onew mimics the gesture, waving as he offers the brightest smile he could.

"Oh, and Kris, hope you don't mind, but Minho stumbled into your room when he visited the other day, and found your stack of os and condoms. He kind of borrowed them, but he says he'll return them soon enough."

"... What the actual fu-"

With a giggle, he offers a final wave, ignoring the glare sent his way by none other than Kris himself. 

"Come for the party alright? I don't suppose I have to give you directions, it's YOUR house after all! Oh, which reminds me. Weren't you guys suppose to be on a vacation?"


No longer was Kris affected by the current whereabouts of his own 'personal' items, neither was Jongin upset about the fact that half of the os Minho borrowed belonged to him and not Kris.

Because all hell was about to break loose when the two oblivious friends of theirs left the cafe. 

Oh well, at least those butter knives would be put to good use.

The park was peaceful, TOO peaceful.

Two men stood in the middle of the path, eyes scanning the area around them.

"Where have they gone?" 

"I have no idea, Baek, we left them here."

With a sigh, Baekhyun stares down at the two cones he held in hand, and Minseok does the same.

"The ice cream's melting." Baekhyun mumbles as he lifts his head, only to spot a small boy walked towards them.

He, too, had an ice cream in hand.

All was good, until of couse, two GROWN men jumped out of the bushes, screaming.

No doubt had it scared the crap out of the boy, resulting in him dropping his ice cream.

He stood, stunned, while the two men began bursting into fits of laughter.

Soon, the boy began crying, but the laughter only grew louder.


With frowns painting their features, Baekhyun and Minseok began making their way towards the boy.

Forcing out a smile, Minseok hands a cone to him, and that somehow managed to calm the boy down.

"Here, have this, don't worry. The flavour's good too."

The boy took the cone, and with a , he breaks into a bright smile.

"Thank you so much!"

Minseok gives a nod of his head, and with that, the boy took off,  possibly to find him mother before she starts worrying.

After a good minnute, Jongdae approached a fuming Minseok, who was glaring at him with the other cone in hand.

"Ahhhh, that was hilarious. Man, you sure are kind, Princess, giving him your ice cream like that."

With a shake of his head, Minseok took a swift from the ice cream, shrugging.

"That was yours. It's a punishment for your stupid act."

Jongdae stood, stunned.

"B-But- Princess-"

"HAHAHAH YOU ER!!! AT LEAST I STILL HAVE MINE." Chanyeol exclaimed, cackling as he reaches for an ice cream that was held in Baekhyun's hand.

"Thank you, Angl-"

He didn't get to finish his sentence, because right the, Baekhyun releases his grip on the cone, and down went Chanyeol's ice cream.

Also, he stood, baffled.

"M-My- Why Baek-"

With a casual shrug, Baekhyun bites a small bit off his ice cream, humming.

"That boy's ice cream looked lonely, so I gave it a friend."

The two maniacs gave out a whine, but of course, they couldn't bear arguing against their precious partners.

It was very much like two children listening to their mothers.


Two people were sitted on a bench, awaiting the return of their friends as they stared into blank space. 

The older of the two could feel a burning stare on the side of his face, but made no attempt to question it as he heaves out a sigh.

"Hey, Angel."

"What is it?"

"Why are you so... Angelic?"

"Beats me, you ask yourself that, Chanyeol."

"But I can't figure it out, even after staring at you for so long."

With a hefty sigh, Baekhyun turns towards the other, an eyebrow arched in amusement.

"Maybe it's just my seemingly angelic features? Or my angelic voice?" He teased, about the burst into laughter from the nonsense that he was sprouting.

"Yeah, maybe." Was the unexpected answer that the waiter got, accompanied with Chanyeol staring off into space with a look of content on his face.

Just as Baekhyun was about to comment on how dumb Chanyeol had looked, a snort was heard.

"Oh shut up, Chanyeol. I can practically feel your hormones from miles away. Keep your cheesiness to a minimum, you dip."

With a scoff, Chanyeol snatches his drink out of Jongdae's grip, frowning.

"Well, you took forever." 

"I would like to see you wait behind someone who literally bought a mountain stack of drinks, one of EACH flavour." 

"Jongdae nearly knocked that guy unconscious with a foldable chair, but of course, I had to stop him." Minseok sighed, shooting a glare towards the said man.

"You can't blame me, I was doing it for the sake of the people behind us too, you know."

"There wasn't anyone behind us."

Jongdae simply answers with a shrug, head turning to the two who were still sitted before them.

"Get up, lazy . There's a playground nearby and I want to mess with some kids."

The pair did as they were told, rising up to their feet before Baekhyun begins to stretch.

It was then Chanyeol lets out a sudden gasp, and all of a sudden, grabs hold of Baekhyun's arm.

"Angel, y-you're bleeding!"


With a glance, Baekhyun notices a small incised wound on his forearm, and judging by the almost dried blood (though very little), he was able to tell that it's been there for quite a while.

He never realized, because it was so minor, and he honestly felt nothing.

"Ah, I must have gotten it when you were waving that stick around earlier."

It didn't take long before Jongdae bursts into a series of hysterical cackles, a hand slapping on his knee as he struggles to make out the words.


Of course, Jongdae's words were completely ignored by Chanyeol, who was too busy worrying over the tiny wound to care.

"Oh no no no, we have to fix this before it gets infected."


"Shut up, Jongdae." 


It was then an idea clicks, and Chanyeol perks up, immediately sweeping Baekhyun off his feet as he makes a dart down the path.

"I have an idea! My house is close by! We could fix it there!" 


All laughter was gone, and this time, and for the first time, Jongdae was dead serious.


And off he goes, chasing the over-grown man, but of course, with much struggle considering the difference in their height.

Long legs, wider steps, faster speed.

Minseok was sure to follow after, but of course, was confused as hell.

"W-Wait, our house is the other way! And put me down! It's embarrassing!" Baekhyun cried out, but of course, to no avail.

"Don't worry, Angel. I know what I'm doing!"


Of course, Chanyeol could clearly hear the desperate cries of Jongdae, but he chose to ignore it. 

His Angel was his top priority then.

NOTHING, I repeat, NOTHING, was going through his mind except for the constant chants of, 'I have to save my Angle.'

Talk about love.

After a good few minutes of running, Chanyeol comes to a gradual stop in front of a decently decorated house.

On the porch, stood a line of pots, each filled with a different type of flower.

Once he's settled Baekhyun down on the ground, Chanyeol makes his way over to the pots, leaving a puzzled waiter behind.

"Hey! Don't tell me you plan on breaking into someone's house just for this?" Baekhyun whispered-yelled, but was only ignored as the younger man began scavenging through the pots.

"Roselinda, Lily, Sunny, Pertulip. Who did I hide the key with again?" Chanyeol asks nobody in particular, gesturing to a rose, lily, sunflower and tulip respectively.

"You... named the flowers?" Baekhyun asks, staring at the other in disbelief.

"Yeah! They're mine, after all!"

"Wait... What?" 

It was then Jongdae arrives, coming to a halt next to Chanyeol as he begins panting furiously. 


With that, he gives the tall bafoon a hard smack on the head, earning a whine from the other.

"Ow... Why did-"

It was then he notices the building before him, and then the flowers, and realisation hits him right after.


Then, Minseok arrives, eyebrows furrowed as he fell to the ground, exhausted.


Meanwhile, Baekhyun stood where he was, arms crossed over his chest as he eyes the two maniacs with utmost seriousness.

"So, care to explain?"

Before anyone else could speak, both Jongdae and Chanyeol took off at the same time, with Baekhyun watching them as they went.

After going a good 5 meters, Chanyeol comes to a halt, resulting in Jongdae (who was behind him because short legs) colliding right into him.


"M-My Angel! My Angel's injured! I have to save him or he might get infected and- and DIE!"

With an enraged groan, Jongdae, once again, gives the other a hard hit on the head.


With that, they went on, with Chanyeol blabbering on about how concerned he was but yet, he had no courage, or no balls according to Jongdae, to face a fuming Baekhyun. 

Back at the porch, Baekhyun stood, furious as he stares off at the two shrinking figures of the maniacs.

"What's going on here?" Came a familiar voice.

Both waiters whipped around, only to have the shock of their lives when they're greeted by Sehun, Luhan, Joonmyun and Yixing.

"How did you two get here?" Yixing asks, eyes scanning the area upon noticing the shortage of people present. 

"Where's Jongdae and Chanyeol?"

"Right here." 

All eyes were turned to another group that arrived.

It was Kris, Tao, Jongin and Kyungsoo, who were accompanied by Chanyeol and Jongdae who were held captive by, expectly, Tao. 

"Oh, looks like everyone's here." Kyungsoo utters almost sarcastically, head nodding in approval.

Of course, Minseok and Luhan were still processing the whole situation, one being too tired to care and the other... Just too dense to notice.

It was then the door to the house bursts open, and out popped the head of a grinning Onew.

"I thought I heard voices. Oh! And everyone's here too! Come on in, you're the earliest to arrive for the party."

And just like that, he disappears, leaving the 12 men to contemplate on their next move. 

Of course, Minseok was quick to catch on, and with a sigh, he rises up to his feet.

"Well then, how about we have our little chat in the- oh, my apologies, YOUR house, while we wait for the party, dearest friends?"











Yes, I'm still alive.

You're reading this? I feel extremely honoured.

I know this chapter was brought to a clinffhanger, so I'll try to update soon, so you lovelies won't have to suffer.

Trust me though, every chapter has it's dissappointments, so don't expect much for the next one okay? c;

I love you guys alot, really.

Saranghae. <3 

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sorry for not updating ;; my com's being btich and so yes I'm so sorry djdkdkd ;; please forgive this awful author weeps


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Chapter 25: Oh, please do continue!!! This story is great. I absolutely adore it!! Thank you so much!!!
Demitria_Teague #2
Chapter 8: Wow... Jongdae's really a little in this story. Just... wow. Hahahaha.
Demitria_Teague #3
Chapter 2: Omg... I love it. The feelings come out in fighting with each other. It's so cute. Plus, all the obvious ships and... I gotta say Kris and Tao are the ones I'm looking forward to more (all that sassiness, haha) and then my Bias's XiuChen babies. ^_^ I'm loving this so far.
Chapter 24: Oh this was so good I Spent all my reading it
fangrlxbecky19 #5
Chapter 24: KyungxSpatula forever XD and lol Sehun, if you knew. If you knew.
Thanks for updating!
Chapter 24: LOLOL THE DID I JUST READ!*dying of laughter*And goddamn Jongdae,that ing scared the out of me but thankfully,I'm too busy laughing my off to even notice that at the time.Seriously,this squad is unbelievable when together.Simply some crazy s happened when they're together but well,better than when they're individual pairs though.That one will just plainly kill me with all of the fluffs.Kyungsoo and his endless love for his spatulas.Maybe this guys should present him with a bunch of spatulas when he and Jongin did get married.xP
Sehun,duhhh if only you knew indeed.Couple having the time of their lives your .They are literally trying to kill your Lulu there,dude.*rolling eyes*
fangrlxbecky19 #7
Chapter 23: I freaked out when I saw that you were going to abandon this story. HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME, it's like you just SHOT my heart! Thank GOD you're not though (phew)! I'm really looking forward to your next update~
mariaexofi #8
Chapter 23: I will wait patiently!^^
Chapter 23: Okay! Ill wait for you but please dont keep all of us waiting! I hope you get ideas soon!