♨ The Adventures Of Crack

XOXO's Gag Cafe

The next morning was rather interesting.

The café didn’t have to open that day, due to the fact that it was a public holiday.

Kyungsoo couldn’t stop nagging about how the vase that was broken was limited edition and very expensive.

“But you bought it at a sale in the market.” Baekhyun stated, earning a glare from the chef.

It was then Kyungsoo decided that they buy a new vase, one which looks exactly like the old one.

They all agreed, with Chanyeol nodding by the side which only resulted in him losing his grip on the sugar, causing the content to go spilling into the cup of supposed-to-be coffee.

“.” Chanyeol cussed, watching as the sugar dissolved into the drink.

Before he could say or do anything, Baekhyun came over, complaining about how Chanyeol was taking too long as he downed the drink, wincing at how hot it was but did nothing but swallow it.

Chanyeol parted his lips, about to say something when Baekhyun coughed, his eyebrows furrowing.

“Baekhyun, are you alright?” Kris asked the moment Baekhyun began making a rumbling sound.

“Great? I feel… splendid.” Baekhyun exclaimed, throwing his arms out with a bright grin, causing the cup to go flying towards the sink, smashing into pieces.

“Yeah you seem splendid indeed.” Jongin snorted, mimicking the waiter’s actions.

“Chanyeol, how much sugar did you put in that drink exactly?” Kyungsoo asked, eyeing the sink which was covered with coffee, and bits of sugar.

“Well yeah about that, not much actually, just a little, about half a packet.” Chanyeol mumbled, eyes fixed on the sugar packet which was lying on the counter.

“Oh my holy spatula.” Kyungsoo whispered, slowly diverting his wide eyed gaze towards Baekhyun who was twirling around the room with a broom.

“Baek-High is back.” Yixing groaned when said male began poking him with a ladle.

“Baek-High?” Jongin questioned, watching as Baekhyun screamed the moment Yixing glared at him.

“IT’S ALIVE KYUNSOOLK IT’S ALIVE!!!!” Baekhyun yelled, running towards Kyungsoo who sighed.

“I’m not an ‘it’ you idiot.” Yixing hissed, shooting a look towards Baekhyun.

“Apparently, Baekhyun gets sugar high rather easily, and considering how you practically poisoned him, it should wear off in a few hours.” Minseok explained, munching on a piece of bacon.

“And when he gets high, it’s as if he’s lost his memory, like when someone’s drunk, but worse. Also Yixing hates it when Baekhyun’s high.” Luhan chirped, bouncing in his seat.

“Why?” Joonmyun spoke, eyes darting towards the cashier.

“Well, let’s just say it gets Baekhyun’s imaginations running, and Yixing is mostly the victim.” Tao shrugged, immediately smacking Kris with a bag of flour when the older male tried sitting next to him.

“KYUNSOOLK IT’S A WALKING AND TALKING NORKLE.” Baekhyun squealed, tackling Yixing to the ground.

“The is a ‘norkle’?” Jongdae scowled, watching the scene of Baekhyun practically cuddling Yixing to death unfold before him.

“As I’ve said, it’s all to Baekhyun.” Tao sang, shoving Kris off the seat when he once again tried to take a seat beside the hostess.

“It’s a lesson to be learnt.” Sehun sighed, watching as Jongdae headed towards a pouting Chanyeol.

“Never let Chanyeol make your coffee.”

With that, Chanyeol was smacked with a milk carton.

The group stood in front of a furniture store, with a name which wasn’t quite fitting, they must say.

“Who the the ing world name’s a furniture store, Desirable Products Heaven?” Jongdae snorted.

“Kind of explains why there’s not much people here.” Yixing says, nose wrinkling and Joonmyun practically spazzing about how adorable he looked to a frowning Sehun.

“Sounds like a e center if you’d ask me.” Jongin frowned.

Without a word or any sign of hesitation, Kyungsoo went in, ignoring the judging stares the maniacs gave him.

“It’s a furniture store for god’s sake why are you people acting as if it’s a store filled with needy women?” Tao groaned, following Kyungsoo after.

Yixing heaved a sigh, heading in with a smiling Baekhyun clinging to his side, he has to stick to the last living norkle, he claims.

It didn’t take long for the rest to follow.

Once they entered the store, they find themselves in the beds section.

It was then Jongdae walked towards Baekhyun, whispering something to him before they both cackled, dashing off.

“What was all of that about?” Minseok muttered, following the two with the rest following behind.

What they walked into was not exactly what they had expected.

Jongdae was on the top deck of a double-Decker bed, with Baekhyun kneeling on the floor in front of him.

Weird thing was Jongdae had a freaking wig on.

How he got it, the others really didn’t want to know.

“Oh thy JuDae, how does thou have gotten up there?” Baekhyun exclaimed, his arms waving around in a rather dramatic manner.

“Oh RoBaek oh RoBaek it’s rather tragic. I’ve been captured by the hideous monster and now I’m trapped here. How thou has found my damsel state?” Jongdae sang, a hand pressed against his chest.

“Oh my gorgeous beloved you are so fine and simply splendid!!! How can thou not know how amazing you look?” Baekhyun gasped.

“Thy mirror has shattered. Oh RoBaek Oh RoBaek whatever shall I do?”Jongdae wailed, placing the back of his hand on his forehead.

“Get a life.” Sehun groaned.

“That is probably the ugliest Juliet I have ever seen.” Jongin gagged.

“Quite explains why ‘her’ mirror broke.” Tao scoffed.

“God help us.” Kyungsoo mumbled, watching the scene with a scowl.

“Come JuDae!!! We shall elope together!!! Jump, I will catch thee.” Baekhyun shot up, his arms stretched out.

“But RoBaek whatever shall I do if my face shall break?” Jongdae gasped, covering his face.

“It’s already broken you dickhead.” Kris snorted.

“No worries JuJu, I will catch thou!!!” Baekhyun ‘assured’.

“Then thy shall jump!!!” Jongdae yelled, jumping off the bed.

However, just when Jongdae was about to reach Baekhyun’s awaiting arms, Baekhyun shoot up, pointing towards the direction of the wardrobes.

“Adventures my love!!!” He sings, dashing off, leaving Jongdae behind to greet the floor.

The rest watched as Jongdae groaned, rolling on the ground.

“Aww is JuJu hurt?” Chanyeol cooed, snorting.

“Shut the up twitch or I’ll JuJu all over you and your tiny .” Jongdae snapped, trudging off towards where Baekhyun had left.

Chanyeol hissed, following behind the fuming troll.

Minseok blinked, unsure of what to do before scurrying to catch up with the two.

The rest then shrugged, heading off in different directions, being with their respective partners.

Here we go again…

Tao didn’t know how he ended up with Kris.

He had prayed, prayed so hard, but this was what he got.

If Tao could, he would have murdered Kris right there and then.

What was more, Kris couldn’t stop staring at him.

“The you looking at?” He snapped, glaring at the older.

“Oh nothing, just that I never thought this day would come.” Kris stated, shrugging his shoulders.

“What day?”

“The day when I finally get to be up close and personal with a panda.”

There was silence, Tao was too busy processing what the other had said.

Not given the chance to speak, Kris starts making his way towards a table, picking up a lamp from it.

He then hands it to Tao.

“Rub it.”

“What- no.”

“Do it.”

Tao sighs, reaching a hand out to reluctantly rub the object.

Kris then tosses the lamp aside, grinning.

“Why hello there. I’m your genie for today. I’ll grant you three wishes.” Kris says in an accent probably meant to sound foreign.

Tao then arches a brow, nodding his head with a smirk.

“Ok then, I wish for you to go away.”

Kris was silent, which made Tao have the thought that he had won when Kris smirks.

This is not good… He thinks.

“Wow, even when making a wish, you think of me? How sweet my dear panda. I never knew you were this obsessed with me. Who knows, someday it the future you may even wish for me to be your one and only love, how nice.”

Tao scoffed, muttering cusses towards the older who only eyed him with a grin of triumph.

Just when Tao was about to flip Kris over, however, the doors of the nearest wardrobe bursts open, with Baekhyun and Jongdae emerging from it.

“WE HAVE COME FROM NARNIA. A GLORIOUS PLACE IT IS!!!!” Baekhyun yelled, hopping out with Jongdae.

“WE HAVE SEEN THE TIGER KING!!!!!” Jongdae exclaimed, only to result with confused stares sent towards him.

“If I’m not wrong, it was a lion, the last time I checked.” Kris stated.

“It can be a ing fish for all I care.” Jongdae sang, skipping off with his arm linked with Baekhyun’s.

“I HEARD THEM SCREAMING WHERE ARE THEY!??!!” Chanyeol screamed, appearing before the hostess who shrieked.

He then spots the two prancing away, a growl leaving his lips.

“That ing troll, bouncing off with my angel like that.” He hissed, running after them with Minseok panting behind him.


Kris turned towards Tao, and Tao turned towards Kirs.

They sent confused stares towards each other.

It wasn’t long before Kris snorted.

“You really do look like a baby panda.”

And with that, Kris was sent flying down, face meeting the cold hard ground with a groan.

Kyungsoo had been wandering around long enough to leave him wailing silently about how he would never be able to find the vase he ached for.

Jongin stood behind him, soon placing a hand on the chef’s shoulder, hoping to calm him down.

“Kyungsoo you really need a break, you’ve been walking for hours.”

Kyungsoo sighed, turning to Jongin with a sob.

“But- But-“

Jongin placed a finger on Kyungsoo’s lips, hushing him.

“Now now Kyungsoo let’s not get hasty here.”

“Wait what-“ Kyungsoo frowned.

“We’ll have to do this together.” Jongin said, cutting the other off.

“Do what-“


“ARRR THIS BE A NICE SHIP.” Came a shout.

Both of them turned towards a certain bed, which seemed to be in the structure of a ship.

“ARR YES THIS BE OUR SHIP TO THE TREASURE.” Baekhyun cackled, pointing towards the other end of the store.

“LET US NOW SET SAIL ACROSS THE SEVENS SEAS ARRR SHIVER ME THIMBERS.” Jongdae bellowed, waving a broom around.

Where he got it? No one exactly needed to know.

“ARRR SHIVER SHIVER ME TIMBER TIMBER.” Baekhyun cried, prancing around the bed with Jongdae.

It was then Chanyeol came, arms crossed over his chest.

“What the actual are you doing with Baekhyun you trolling -“

“ARRR THAT BE THE UGLIEST CREATURE I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!!” Jongdae screeched, pointing the broom towards Chanyeol.

“ARRR WE SHALL HAVE IT BANISHED.” He continued, tossing a pillow towards Chanyeol who frowned at the impact.

“ARR IT STILL BE ALIVE!!!” Baekhyun gasped.

Jongdae then lifts a lamp, as if ready to strike when Kyungsoo’s eyes widened.


“ARRR THE ALMIGHTY GOLDFISH HAS SPOKEN. WE SHALL HAVE TO FLEE.” Jongdae placed the lamp back in place, jumping off the bed with Baekhyun following after.

“ADVENTURES MY DEAR!!!” Baekhyun hollered, sprinting off with Jongdae.

Chanyeol followed them close behind, Minseok soon appearing with a huff.

“Oh for holy Baozi’s sake.”

Jongin and Kyungsoo watched as they disappeared around a corner, Kyungsoo soon letting out a sigh.

“That’s Baekhyun for sure.”

“And that’s Jongdae for sure.”

It was then Kyungsoo begins heading towards the bed, taking a sit on one.

Jongin chose to stay as he listened to the music, head bobbing slightly.

He checks to make sure no one was around before he begins moving his body to the beat.

 He knows that it was weird but he couldn’t help it.

It was his passion, it was his body. It was as if he was on auto pilot.

Kyungsoo sat by the side, watching him with wide eyes.

He then stops together with the music, turning to Kyungsoo with a grin.

Kyungsoo was gaping, speechless as to what he had seen.

“You can dance?” was the first thing he said.

Jongin nodded, making his way to Kyungsoo.

“That’s nice actually. I can’t dance like that.”

“What? No way!! I’m sure you can.” Jongin assured, taking a seat next to Kyungsoo.

“The last time I tried, Yixing ended up in the hospital.”

Jongin stayed silent, not believing what he had heard.

How Yixing got hurt? He chose not to ask.

It was then an idea popped in his head.

“I can teach you!!!” He suggested, earning a look of disapproval from Kyungsoo.

“Come on it’ll be fun.” Jongin begged, shaking the arm of the older male who gave in with a groan.

“Great!! Let’s start now.” Jongin beamed, dragging Kyungsoo off to a quieter part of the store.

“Wait what-“

And that was how the two of them ended up having a private lesson right there and then, with Kyungsoo nearly knocking down items on the way.

But Jongin was there right?

Well… not exactly comforting.

Somehow, Sehun and Luhan had managed to find a flight of stairs hidden by a stack of boxes.

It brought them down to a basement floor, which none of them actually knew existed.

In that particular floor, they managed to find a vase section.

Surprising, but it was there.

They began their search, with the air being extremely tensed.

Sehun had tried to start conversations but always ends up chickening out, choosing to stay silent instead.

It didn’t take long for two figures to shoot out in front of them, one of the two soon letting out a choked sob, falling down with a dramatic gasp.

The second person kneeled down, letting out cries as he held the other as if he were dying.

“B-Baekhyun I won’t make it.” Jongdae gasped, clutching his chest.

“No no!! You will make it Jongdae you will!!!”

“I-I can’t. The air, it’s too suffocating. I-I won’t be able to get through this.”  

“No Jongdae no!!!”

“Baekhyun… I have something to say…” Jongdae whispered.

“What is it?”

“I… I have always found you ugly.”


“It’s true.”

“Please Jongdae, just die.”

“Ok drama’s over get up.” Chanyeol barked, shooting a glare towards Jongdae as the two got up.

Sehun snorted, shaking his head.

“What the hell was that for?” He clucked.

“Oh nothing, just showing how extremely awkward you two are.” Jongdae states a-matter-of-factly, snapping his fingers.

Sehun sighed before pulling a blushing Luhan away, soon spotting a certain vase in the far corner.

He darts towards it, grabbing the vase.

“Hey Luhan is this the one Kyungsoo wants?”

Luhan eyes the vase before nodding with a bright smile on his face.

Sehun couldn’t help but feel his stomach do flips at the sight.

“Guys please, no mushy lovey dovey please.” Minseok panted, placing a hand on Chanyeol’s shoulder for support.

Sehun turned, frowning when he sees Baekhyun and Jongdae dancing around with a pot held over their heads.

He then shakes his head, dragging Luhan off with Chanyeol’s non-stop yelling at Jongdae for stealing his supposed ‘angel’ echoing in his ears.

“Oh for bubble tea’s sake.” He mutters.

It was then Luhan’s soft voice spoke up.

“Is Jongdae high too?”

“What- Him? That’s just bull. He’s literally like this every single day, it’s in his nature.”

And Luhan understood.

Joonmyun and Yixing weren’t looking for anything in particular to do.

However, Joonmyun just seems to not stop checking the price tags of every single item he sees.

There was once when he sees a chandelier, and he scoffed seeing the price in which Yixing gawked.

“That thing’s hell of expensive!!!” Yixing exclaimed, only to have Joonmyun shake his head.

“It’s not much actually. Should we get it?”

Yixing eyed him, scoffing.

“And what for?”

“For the bathroom. It gets dark sometimes.”

Yixing then proceeds to face palm himself, a sigh leaving his lips.

“Joonmyun… for the last time. We live in any other average house you find on our streets. We do not live in a mansion.”

“But anything’s possible you know!!! Jongdae managed to graduate. It’s a miracle!!!”  Joonmyun muttered, a grin soon forming on his lips.

Yixing didn’t get a chance to question his worries when Sehun and Luhan came barging into their conversation, a vase in hand.

“We found it.” Sehun says simply, Luhan nodding his head behind him.

It didn’t take long for the others to show up, with Baekhyun and Jongdae wailing as their partners kept them far apart.

It didn’t take long for Baekhyun to knock out on the nearby bed, probably from being exhausted after a busy day.

However, just as they were about to purchase it, a shocking news got to them.

“What?! It’s sold?!” Kyungsoo practically shouts, shocking the cashier.

“Well yes, it is.”

“Wait so you’re saying someone bothered entering this place despite the hideous name?” Jongdae gapes, earning a smacking from Minseok.

“I’m sorry sir, but if you’d like one you’d have to have it delivered to you straight from China.”


“We’ll take it, get a plan for the delivery please, quickest service possible.” Jongdae butts in, earning a confused stare from everyone.

Jongdae then hands a card over to the cashier, entering the pin with a cackle.

“Since when did YOU get a card?” Chanyeol asked, a frown on his face.

“What do you mean? I never did.”

“Wait what?” Yixing asked, confused as always.

“It’s Joonmyun’s duh.” He snorts, which only got Joonmyun gaping.


Jongdae didn’t let Joonmyun finish his sentence as he gave the older male a hard shove, dashing off with Joonmyun following him close behind.

The others watched with a sigh, soon spotting Baekhyun who was heading towards them, eyes wide.

He must have recovered, they thought.

“Guys what happened?” Baekhyun asks, shuddering when he receives a smirk from everyone.

“Oh where should we begin… JuJu?”








Chapter 15 up!!! I hope it was alright OTL Is it a little too boring? Oh god I'm so sorry. This chapter is a little crack-ish isn't it ajdfnfa Beyond the unexpected right ehehhe /killed/ BUt please knwot aht I love you ok? ;u; Please do share any ideas you wish to give for the next chapter? haha XD Will be appreciated~ love you all!!! xoxo e3e

Please do comment and subscirbe!!! It'll be appreciated~ //and I will love you forever eue//

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sorry for not updating ;; my com's being btich and so yes I'm so sorry djdkdkd ;; please forgive this awful author weeps


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Chapter 25: Oh, please do continue!!! This story is great. I absolutely adore it!! Thank you so much!!!
Demitria_Teague #2
Chapter 8: Wow... Jongdae's really a little in this story. Just... wow. Hahahaha.
Demitria_Teague #3
Chapter 2: Omg... I love it. The feelings come out in fighting with each other. It's so cute. Plus, all the obvious ships and... I gotta say Kris and Tao are the ones I'm looking forward to more (all that sassiness, haha) and then my Bias's XiuChen babies. ^_^ I'm loving this so far.
Chapter 24: Oh this was so good I Spent all my reading it
fangrlxbecky19 #5
Chapter 24: KyungxSpatula forever XD and lol Sehun, if you knew. If you knew.
Thanks for updating!
Chapter 24: LOLOL THE DID I JUST READ!*dying of laughter*And goddamn Jongdae,that ing scared the out of me but thankfully,I'm too busy laughing my off to even notice that at the time.Seriously,this squad is unbelievable when together.Simply some crazy s happened when they're together but well,better than when they're individual pairs though.That one will just plainly kill me with all of the fluffs.Kyungsoo and his endless love for his spatulas.Maybe this guys should present him with a bunch of spatulas when he and Jongin did get married.xP
Sehun,duhhh if only you knew indeed.Couple having the time of their lives your .They are literally trying to kill your Lulu there,dude.*rolling eyes*
fangrlxbecky19 #7
Chapter 23: I freaked out when I saw that you were going to abandon this story. HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME, it's like you just SHOT my heart! Thank GOD you're not though (phew)! I'm really looking forward to your next update~
mariaexofi #8
Chapter 23: I will wait patiently!^^
Chapter 23: Okay! Ill wait for you but please dont keep all of us waiting! I hope you get ideas soon!