♨ Maid Day

XOXO's Gag Cafe

“I regret wearing this.” Tao groaned, tossing a table cloth towards Luhan, who squealed when it hit him in the face.

The café, like every other typical afternoon, was quiet.

Which was good, considering the fact that Tao was completely embarrassed with what he was wearing.


[With White knee-length Leggings]

Tao ▻ Red

Yixing ▻ Green

Kyungsoo ▻ Purple

Baekhyun ▻ Black

Luhan ▻ Pink

Minseok ▻ Blue


Even so, the stares and whispers sent towards their direction just couldn’t be ignored.

Baekhyun walked by them, patting Tao on the shoulder and nodding.

“It’ll be fine Tao, besides, what’s the worst that could happen?”

Just at that moment, the doors of the café burst open, and in came 6 people who Tao had feared would turn up.

“That Baekhyun, THAT.” Tao groaned, burying his face in his hands.

After giving a light pat on the depressed hostess’ shoulder, the other two left, attending to their respective jobs.

Tao wanted to so badly wipe that stupid smirk off his face, he really did.

Kris stood in front of the other with his arms crossed, scanning the hostess from top to bottom.

“Well well well look what we have here.” Kris spoke up after a good 3 minutes of staring.

“Kris if you’re going to ing mess with me again I will-“

“Now now it’s not right for a MAID to be threatening his MASTER.”

Tao hissed, shooting a glare at the taller and growling.

“You’re not my master.”

“Hm the sign says otherwise.” Kris pointed out, tilting his head towards the sign shown at the entrance.

“Maid And Master Day” Was clearly written in BOLD on the board.

Tao groaned, mentally cursing Luhan for even thinking about the idea.

“And since you’re obviously the maid, then I must be your master.” Kris finished, a triumph smile printed on his face.

in a breath, Tao sighed, feeling slightly defeated and beaten by the words of the other.

“Ahh do remember this baby, you being in this costume is a complete turn on, just so you know, it may be a fact that you will find useful in the future.”

With just that one honest statement, Kris received a hard kick on the hip from the fuming panda, emitting a groan at the impact.

He was about to yell countless of insults towards the smaller boy when a certain sly plan flashed in his mind, and a wide grin brought itself to his lips.

“It’s true though, you and that costume, and the red colour especially, yes, the red is nice.”

Another kick was sent flying to his thigh, but upon feeling it coming, Kris moved away.

“And you being so flustered like this, it’s simply adorable, not forgetting to mention something worth to get hard on.”

Tao’s foot shot out towards Kris’ tummy, but the taller dodged it effortlessly.

“And those leggings, baby they look good on your legs.”

A kick was aimed towards Kris’ crotch, but instead of moving away, he caught the others ankle with his hand, a smug smirk showing on his lips.

“Now that’s very un-lady-like of you Zitao.” He jested, tightening his grip when the other struggled.

“Yah let go you-“ Tao began, hopping on his other foot and flailing.

“Wait wait wait who are you to tell me what to do hm?”

“I’m warning you if you don’t let go this instant I will wushu your til’ you’re on all fours begging for forgiveness and not forgetting, you’ll be bleeding like a leaking , you !!!“

Kris smirked as he took a peek down beneath Tao’s skirt, clucking his tongue and humming.

“Hm there seems to be nothing for me to see.” He sighed, shaking his head and frowning, as if showing disappointment.

Tao widened his eyes, putting as much strength as he could to break out of Kris’ grip before sending a punch towards the other, hitting him square in the face.


Joonmyun took automatic steps towards the counter, offering the staff behind it a soft smile.

“Hey Joonmyun.” Yixing trilled, grinning and waving to the other.

Joonmyun returned the gesture, resting his arms on the counter and watching as Yixing kept the bills.

He then slowly shifted his gaze to the cashier’s outfit, eyeing the other from head to toe before pursing his lips and humming in approval.

“You look hot.” He muttered, nodding and tapping his fingers.

Yixing blinked before frowning, confusion written all over his face.

“Excuse me?”

“Your outfit.” Joonmyun pointed out simply, resting his head on his palm and smiling.

Yixing looked down, mouth forming an “o” when he saw what he was wearing.

Fascinating how he can forget about it so quick.

“Well… Thank you?”

Joonmyun waved his hand, a small grin soon showing.

“So, how much for your services?”

Yixing stood still, slightly arching his eyebrow and humming before reaching out for a calculator laying at the edge of the counter.

He then punched in different keys, speaking up after a few moments of silence.

“Well considering how I’m a nice guy, I’ll give you a 5% discount and since you’re also my friend I’ll give you another 10% discount, but having that I’m in this embarrassing outfit, it’ll be an increase of 15%, plus another 5% increase as interest and 10% as GST. Calculate that up and it’ll be $1,250,550.50, will it do sir?”

Yixing looked up to Joonmyun, a sweet smile printed on his lips.

Joonmyun frowned, clearly not satisfied.

“Why of course not!!!! It’s too little!!! I’m certain that you haven’t included the extra payment I’ll give for the other little things I’ll do to you?”

“Oh yes sir, that’ll be an increase of 25%.”

“And the fact that I’ll have you reserved for exactly 25 years.”

“Ah yes another 50%.”

“And having you live with me?”

“Ah yes that’ll be an extra of 100%.”



“LITTLE!!! This is stupid I would like to have a word with your boss.”

Yixing immediately feigned shock, bringing a hand to his chest and gaping.

“That’ll be a definite problem sir.”

“And why?” Joonmyun questioned, standing upright and crossing his arms before lifting his chin as if he were a royal gay .

“Well, he’s currently living in the center of the Atlantic Ocean, claiming to be selling herbs on a cruise ship.”

“Ah well then we’ll go find him by foot!!! It’s the easiest way!!!”

“No!!! ….. He’s dead.”


“He…” Yixing began, bringing a hand to his eyes as he let out fake sobs.

“He got eaten by a ing Iguana.”

“Oh my- that’s really tragic I am so sorry to hear that.”

Yixing simply waved it off, taking a deep breath and nodding before resting both his arms on the counter, leaning on it and clucking his tongue.

“That’ll be a total of $50,750,850.”


“I know!!! It’s just that little. Well, it’s how they run it here, I can’t do anything.”

There was silence between the two as they locked gazes, having that both their positions remained the same.

It wasn’t long before both of them ended up in a series of insane laughter.

They kept going on, ignoring stares that were sent their way.

Well, at least the only person judging them is none other than Kim Jongdae, who scoffed and rolled his eyes.


The 4 took their seats on a vacant table, chatting and talking away.

All but 1, who had his eyes roaming around the café, in hope of spotting that one person he had been looking forward to seeing all night.

Jongin chewed on his lip, silently praying for Kyungsoo to not be ill or injured or dead-

Wait- no not dead.

It was then he locked eyes with what he was certain, to be Kyungsoo’s eyes.

It was pretty obvious, having that they were big, really, really big.

Woah yup that’s him Jongin, that’s him, you can recognize those saucers even from the other end of the earth.

Kyungsoo blinked, stopping in his tracks when Jongin got up, slowly heading towards his direction.

“Hey Kyungsoo.” Jongin greeted calmly, stopping once he was in front of the other.

Kyungsoo smiled and nodded, bringing a hand up to offer a small wave.

“Hey Jongin.”

The younger nodded, grinning as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.

“You look adorable in that outfit.”

Kyungsoo blinked, not knowing of what to say as he cleared his throat.

“Thank you, Jongin. You look good too.”

Kyungsoo wanted to so badly smack himself on the face.

That was probably the lamest statement he has ever said his whole life.

Jongin grinned, releasing a soft chuckle as he eyed Kyungsoo’s outfit.

Thank you. You know, I had a maid once.”

“Really? What happened?”

“She died.”

Kyungsoo’s eyes widened, and Jongin swore he had thought he was staring at a tarsier.


“Ah well you know when someone grows very old…“


“Yeah, the last time I saw her was when I was 10.”

Kyungsoo nodded in understanding, looking up at the other with apologetic eyes.

“I’m really sorry to hear that.”

“Nah it’s fine, I’m all grown up now, I don’t need a maid, neither do I want one.”

There was a pause before Jongin smiled, reaching out to lightly Kyungsoo’s cheek.

“Well, maybe with the exception of this one.”

Baekhyun stared, mentally cursing himself for being the only waiter free.

He had to attend to that one table, the table with 3 of the world’s most crazed people.

Well maybe not Sehun, he’s… hard to tell.

It was Chanyeol who Baekhyun feared the most though, he was way too creepy.

Hissing in a breath, Baekhyun strode towards their table, putting on a bright smile.

“Hello, may I get your orders?”

Jongdae whistled, fanning himself with his hand slowly.

“Well is it just me or did it just get hot in here?” He muttered, eyeing the waiter with a grin.

Chanyeol, on the other hand, was silent, staring at Baekhyun like he was the most gorgeous being in the world, which to Chanyeol, he was.

After taking the orders of Sehun and Jongdae, Baekhyun turned to Chanyeol, who was dead silent the whole time.

“And what would you like?”

“…. You.”

“What was that?”

Chanyeol coughed, breaking out of his trance and sitting back upright.

“Well, a slice of the Boston cream pie would do.”

Baekhyun nodded, taking the order down before smiling, about to greet them goodbye when Chanyeol spoke up.

“Hey, do you know what’s black and white and turns people on?”

Baekhyun frowned, shocked and speechless at the sudden question.

“Erm… A Zebra… who is ing?”

“Nope, it’s you.” Chanyeol stated simply, face kept nothing but serious.

Baekhyun stood frozen for a moment, trying to process everything before he turned and walked away, mind still lost and whirling.

Seconds passed and soon, Jongdae’s laughter could be heard exploding around the café.


Chanyeol groaned, whimpering as he let his head fall, smacking his forehead on the table.

“I’m a failure.”

Jongdae took a deep breath, calming himself as he wiped a tear from his eye.

“Oh my ing- Peasant if I could, I would have died laughing for ages but having that I’m nice I’ll just tell you this.”

Jongdae sighed as he gave Chanyeol a pat on the back.

“When you asked that question, the first thing that I thought of was your , but then I remembered that it wasn’t a turn on so it got me thinking for a bit. Then I saw Baekhyun and I was all like, ‘oh, poor BaekBaek. He’s in for a shock.’ Sometimes I wonder why I know you so well when all I do is taunt you.”

Chanyeol emitted a loud wail, burying his face in his hands.

Sehun hummed, ignoring the two with his attention having already been fixed on something else, or more like someone else.

He was watching as the café’s busboy scurry around, cleaning tables and helping out with the serving.

He was amazed at how the latter could still smile, no matter what he was doing.

He could say, pink was absolutely adorable on the boy, and he loved how he looked so…. Precious.

A chuckle left his lips when the other tripped, immediately gaining balance and carrying on.

Jongdae eyed Sehun weirdly, nudging Chanyeol and whispering.

“The boy’s gone mad. He actually chuckled, at thin air.”

Luhan was about to head to the kitchen for a short break when Baekhyun called out to him, requesting for help in bringing a glass of fruit punch to a customer.

Luhan agreed, of course, and took the glass from the other, who thanked him profusely.

He took slow, careful steps towards the table, humming a happy tune before all of a sudden; he tripped, resulting to him spilling the fruit punch all over a customer’s clothing.

The male gaped, scoffing as he looked up towards the busboy, who was shivering in shock and fright.

“I-I’m so sorry-“

“Sorry? Sorry??? Oh so you think a simply ‘sorry’ can help in cleaning this up? Do you know how expensive this shirt is?”

“I-I’m really sorry, I can have it washed for you-“

“What? Washed? No way in hell am I letting this fall into your dirty hands you little . “

“T-Then what can I do?”

Luhan was flushed red in embarrassment, having that his carelessness had gotten them everyone’s attention.

The man clucked his tongue in annoyance, slowly scanning Luhan from top to bottom.

“Well, you’re pretty cute, so I suppose there’s one way.”

Luhan saw how another customer from the table had rolled his eyes, crossing his arms and scoffing.

“Yah, Kim Namjoon, just let it go will you? Stop preying on innocent people, besides you’re gaining attention.”

The male, whom Luhan could say to be Namjoon, smirked, clearly ignoring his friend as he reached a hand out to lightly trail his finger up the smaller on his thigh.

“How about you meet me outside tonight? And we can settle this, the right way-“

Before he could go any further, a hand shot out, grabbing Luhan by the wrist and tugging him away.

Luhan was shocked, blinking as he looked up, eyes widening when he saw who it was.

“Leave him alone. All he did was spill fruit punch on your filthy rag, and besides it was your ing foot he tripped on, so it’s mainly your fault for not being able to move your big of a foot under the table. You have no right to yell at him, nor touch him like that. Do it again and I’ll make sure he, or anyone else, will be able to trip on your foot, or should I put it, be able to trip on any of your soon-to-be-ed-up feet, clear?”

Namjoon scoffed, rising to his feet before slowly taking steps towards the boy.

“What did you ing say, Punk?”

Sehun stood unmoved and still, face kept blank and expressionless.

Not having a chance to speak any more, another one of his friends stood up, walking to him and grabbing his arm.

“Let it go, we have things to do. Just vent it out some other time, don’t cause a scene.”

Giving a slight nod, Namjoon gave Sehun a scowl, before turning and walking off.

“It’s not over.” He yelled, walking out of the doors and off down the street with the rest of his gang.

After they were out of sight, everyone went back to their normal activities, with Sehun releasing his hold on Luhan.

“You should rest, let yourself calm down. Don’t be so careless anymore; it might get you into a much more serious situation the next time.” Sehun advised calmly, giving Luhan a soft pat on the head before walking off.

Once he was gone, the other 5 of the café’s staff came rushing over, questioning about Luhan’s state.

Instead of answering, Luhan pouted, sadness visible in his eyes.

“Why didn’t you guys come help me?”

The 5 eyed each other, a small smile forming on their lips.

“Well, we were about to help you.” Yixing began, his dimples clearly showing.

“When Sehun rushed past us and through the crowd.” Kyungsoo followed on, his eyes gleaming.

“He was practically hissing at the people to get out of the way.” Minseok beamed, grinning slightly.

“Yeah, he seemed pretty desperate to get to your aid.” Baekhyun added, winking.

“I would have beaten the guy to a pulp like how I would to all the other guys who picked on you but I guess there’s always a first time to everything.” Tao finished, nodding in agreement with the rest.

Luhan blinked, slowly shifting his gaze to Sehun, who had taken his seat and was casually staring out of the window, face unreadable like always.

“Is that so…”

Minseok sighed, glad that the café was slowly clearing up.

He was also glad that Luhan had finally given in into the idea of resting on a chair right next to where Yixing was.

The boy needed to rest after an incident that traumatizing.

Just as he was about to check up on Luhan, he saw a figure heading his way.

He recognized him immediately, I mean, who else could it be.

Jongdae took his stand next to Minseok, reaching a hand up twirl his finger in the waiter’s hair.

“Well well well who do we have here~” Jongdae sang, playing with the older’s hair.

Minseok shot him a look, as if mentally questioning his mental state.

“What are you doing with my hair?”

Jongdae simply shrugged, carrying on with his doing.

“You have nice hair.”

“Well… Thank you?”

“And blue’s a nice colour on you.”

“Ah well thank you.”

“Oh and you look adorable.”

“Ok Jongdae if there something you need?”

A grin slowly formed on the younger’s face before he snapped his fingers.

“You know me so well baby Baozi~”

Minseok shot him a suspicious look, slowly moving away.

“What do you want?”

“Ah well you see this is a little embarrassing well you know yesterday we had to leave early well yeah we had an emergency back home because the kitchen caught fire and it ended up harming things so it’s bad for my minions and I so we may have a small request to ask from you guys yeah it’s kind of stupid-“

“Jongdae just get straight to the point.”

“We need you guys to let us stay over for a week or so.”


“Oh come on pleaseee we have nowhere else to gooo.” Jongdae whined, shaking Minseok on his arm.

Minseok groaned, feeling himself soften at the adorable sight.

“I don’t know, the others might not agree-“

“Well they have to!!! Or my peasants and I will end up on the streets with nothing but our clothes as protection and cardboard as shelter. We’ll start begging for food and if we don’t, I might end up eating them!!! And without my peasants, I have to do everything myself and that I don’t think I can ever imagine.” Jongdae wept, pouting as he stared at the older pleadingly.


There was a moment of silence between the two.

Letting out a defeated sigh, Minseok gave a firm nod.

“Fine but I will have to confirm with the others-“

“OMG YES THANK YOU BAOZI OMG I LOVE YOU!!! YOU’RE A LIFE SAVER.” Jongdae screeched, pulling the petite waiter for a tight hug.

Minseok nodded, patting Jongdae and chuckling.

“Anything for you, idiot prince.”

Jongdae took his seat, eyeing the others and grinning in satisfaction when he saw that everyone was present.

“Ok my dear peasants guess what?”

“What? Are you on the verge of death?” Joonmyun questioned, sipping on his iced tea slowly.

“No better than that.” Jongdae scowled, flicking a crushed ball of napkins into Joonmyun’s glass, causing the other to spit and choke on his drink.

“What? Did you choke on a grenade?” Jongin asked, resting his chin on his palm.

“What no. That’s what’s going to happen to Kris but that’s that, what I’m trying to say is that we’re going to be staying somewhere else for a week or so.” Jongdae announced, his lips slowly curling into a sly grin.

“What, no, are we going to go to that hut you brought us the other time? Nope, nope. Never. That place is nothing but a nightmare.” Chanyeol exclaimed, crossing his arms and frowning.

Jongdae shot a look towards Chanyeol, rolling his eyes and shaking his head.

“No we’re going to stay at where the staffs here are staying.”

“Wait- WHAT?!” The other 5 shouted in unison, not believing what they just heard.

“Aha that’s right, I had a talk with my baozi and he agreed so pack your bags es we’re going on a break from our filthy house.”

“Oh my ing god Jongdae you are amazing.” Jongin choked, clapping his hands.

“You had a hard time saying that, didn’t you?” Joonmyun asked, eyeing Jongin who was coughing.

“You don’t know.” Jongin croaked, nodding.

“Well, what are we waiting for???” Kris questioned, stirring his drink slowly.

Everyone shrugged, immediately getting up and speeding off, all babbling about the different things they could do.

“Oh yeah what reason did you even use anyway?” Sehun spoke up, frowning slightly as he turned to Jongdae.

“Oh well let’s just say me leaving the fire on yesterday isn’t that bad after all.”











Ninth chapter up!!! Sorry for taking so long aojfdj Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! huehuhehue I love you guys so much <3 Your comments really make me feel so motivated and and- OAO Sorry I'm just emotional- B| I sarang all of you okay subbles <3

Please do comment and subscirbe!!! It'll be appreciated~ //and I will love you forever eue//

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sorry for not updating ;; my com's being btich and so yes I'm so sorry djdkdkd ;; please forgive this awful author weeps


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Chapter 25: Oh, please do continue!!! This story is great. I absolutely adore it!! Thank you so much!!!
Demitria_Teague #2
Chapter 8: Wow... Jongdae's really a little in this story. Just... wow. Hahahaha.
Demitria_Teague #3
Chapter 2: Omg... I love it. The feelings come out in fighting with each other. It's so cute. Plus, all the obvious ships and... I gotta say Kris and Tao are the ones I'm looking forward to more (all that sassiness, haha) and then my Bias's XiuChen babies. ^_^ I'm loving this so far.
Chapter 24: Oh this was so good I Spent all my reading it
fangrlxbecky19 #5
Chapter 24: KyungxSpatula forever XD and lol Sehun, if you knew. If you knew.
Thanks for updating!
Chapter 24: LOLOL THE DID I JUST READ!*dying of laughter*And goddamn Jongdae,that ing scared the out of me but thankfully,I'm too busy laughing my off to even notice that at the time.Seriously,this squad is unbelievable when together.Simply some crazy s happened when they're together but well,better than when they're individual pairs though.That one will just plainly kill me with all of the fluffs.Kyungsoo and his endless love for his spatulas.Maybe this guys should present him with a bunch of spatulas when he and Jongin did get married.xP
Sehun,duhhh if only you knew indeed.Couple having the time of their lives your .They are literally trying to kill your Lulu there,dude.*rolling eyes*
fangrlxbecky19 #7
Chapter 23: I freaked out when I saw that you were going to abandon this story. HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME, it's like you just SHOT my heart! Thank GOD you're not though (phew)! I'm really looking forward to your next update~
mariaexofi #8
Chapter 23: I will wait patiently!^^
Chapter 23: Okay! Ill wait for you but please dont keep all of us waiting! I hope you get ideas soon!