♨ This Flirtatious Cafe

XOXO's Gag Cafe

It was nearing the evening when Yixing released a tired yawn.

He stretched slightly, looking around the empty café.

Well, nearly empty.

The maniacs were still there, conversing and laughing.

He sighed, deciding that he would clean up a little.

Once everything was cleared and neat, a smile graced his lips.

Just then, the sound of rustling and the sight of sudden movement caught his attention.

He turned towards the maniac’s table, watching as they got up.

Are they leaving? YES.

He was about to break into a victory dance when he noticed that they weren’t heading off, but were spreading out into different areas of the café.

He groaned when the rich one approached him, for the second time that day.

“Hello again cutie.”

“And what would you like this time sir?”

“Hm are you on the menu?”

“No, and I’m just going to tell you this one last time, we have waiters, you can just give your orders to them. “

“I’d do that, but they aren’t as cute as you are.”

“Just… T-Take your order.”

Joongmyun broke into a wide grin, proud that he had managed to get the cashier to stutter.

“Hm well I’d like a slice of chocolate cake.”

Yixing nodded, reaching out a hand to take the bill from Joonmyun.


“Yup, keep the-“

Joonmyun was cut off, when two cake boxes were placed on the counter.

“Erm... why are you giving me-“

“Since you gave me $50, and a slice of cake costs $2.50, that’ll make 20 slices of cake to be $50. 10 slices make a whole cake so 20 makes 2. Answer your question?”

“Yeah but-“

“Thank you, and have a nice day.”

Joonmyun groaned, grabbing the 2 boxes before trudging off.

Once seated, he sighed, staring at the boxes with a cluck of his tongue.

“I need a new plan.”


Minseok sighed as he rested his chin on the table, eyeing his phone with a small pout.

There weren’t any customers in the café, other than the maniacs, so that meant no one to talk to other than his colleges, but they were too busy with their own work to bother.

He puffed his cheeks as he scanned the café.

It was then a certain male heading towards his direction caught his attention.

Ah it’s that guy who hit on me.

Jongdae took a sit next to the smaller, flashing him a charming smile.

“Hey there, I’m Jongdae.”

Minseok nodded, breaking into a small smile.

“My name’s Minseok.”

“Ah nice to meet you beautiful, how about we get to know each other hm?”

“Sure that’d be gre-“

“Let’s catch a movie on Sunday.”

“Wait wh-“

“You’re free am I right? Having that it’s your day off.”

“Yeah I gue-“

“Perfect!!! It’s set then, I’ll meet you at the entrance of the theater down the street at 12.”

“Ok but-“

“You can bring along your friends since I’ll most likely bring my minions too.”

“I guess that’s ok-“

“AWESOME I’ll see you soon then princess.”

Minseok watched as Jongdae stood up and took his phone from his hand, typing in a few keys before handing it back.

He then gave Minseok a wink before walking off.

Minseok sat frozen on his seat, feeling rather dumb and blur.

He blinked, slowly turning to his phone.

His eyebrows ceased as he tried to read the words shown on the screen.

“Your Prince, heart?”

He dropped his phone on the table, staring ahead with wide eyes.

“What have I done?”

Jongdae took a sit next to Joonmyun, who seemed to still be deep in thought.

“Hey how did it go with the cute cashier hm?”

Joonmyun groaned, opening one of the cake boxes before grabbing a spoon.

“Don’t talk about it.”

“Aw did our old gramps get rejected again?”

He got a whimper in reply, which he smiled to as he watched Joonmyun stuff himself with cake.

“Now now don’t be sad dear peasant, I’m sure there’s someone else who would get rejected just as badly as your were.”

He looked around, trying to spot someone.

“Ah take Kris for example, I’m sure he’ll get rejected, maybe even have a few fractures here and there. Let’s just watch him suffer shall we?”

Tao stared at the taller, mentally planning his death.

“What do you want this time, Gucci murderer?”

“Urgh quit it with the Gucci for god’s sake. If you weren’t this annoying I might actually think you’re cu-”

Once again, for the second time that day, Kris was knocked down on the ground, groaning as he clutched onto his tummy.

“What the fu-“

“Quit talking, what do you want.”

“I just want to talk to you and get alo-“

“That will never happen so stop dreaming cheap .”

“What did you call me?!”

“You heard me, I don’t like repeating myself.”

“Why you petty bratty -“




Kris shot up and crossed his arms, glad that he could at least tower over the other.

“Excuse me? I talked to you nicely and you repay me by starting a fight. Look who’s-“

“Well look here sir, I’m working and I don’t fancy entertaining playboys like you so back off and get someone dumb enough to fall for your stupid tricks.”

“Oh and you think I’m trying to get your attention? That’s bull, now you hear this kid, you’re not my type, you’re y, bratty, petty, annoying and everything else you are, so don’t think too much.”

“Fine, as if I would, now would you kindly leave and let me work in peace?”

“I will, don’t miss me too much sweetie.”

Tao scoffed, watching as Kris turned and strode off.

“What a jerk.”

Jongdae sighed, staring at Kris who had settled on a seat next to him.

“Man I saw you two, I feel your pain.”

“As if, try talking to a brat for just 5 minutes, you’ll go crazy I tell you.”

“Well at least I got a good laugh.”

“Shut up Jongdae.”

“Aw now now Kris, don’t get mad, you’ll get much uglier than you already are.”

“What the f-“

“Okok guys don’t fight alright? Here have some cake and-“

“Give me that.”

Kris grabbed the box, snatching the spoon before devouring the cake.

“Well… That’s neat.”

“Urgh let’s just watch another pair.”

Jongdae nodded, looking around before humming.

“There’s one.”

“Sehun? Ah I see that, let’s enjoy the show shall we?”

Sehun was simply grabbing some napkins from the counter, he expected himself to be back in a jiffy, but it didn’t go according to planned.

He went forward to the counter, took what he needed and turned, only to frown when a certain brown haired male was in his way.


Sehun blinked, face looking as blank as ever.

The other was grinning, eyes twinkling and face shining.

His whole aura screamed happy.

Sehun was happy, he just doesn’t show it.

Having not gotten a reply, the shorter cleared his throat, deciding to try again.

“My name’s Luhan, and yours?”

Sehun mentally printed the name in his mind.

Luhan, hm cute name.

Even though he was screaming for himself to say something, well, he didn’t.

He simply grunted, nodding slightly.

Luhan seemed to be slightly hurt, a small pout forming on his lips.

“Why won’t you reply?”

Again, silence.

“Are you shy?”


“Are you angry?”


“Are you sad?”


“Are you scared?”


“AH!!! Are you mute?”

Sehun’s frown deepened.


Luhan squeaked, trying to control himself from exploding with feels.

He has a nice voice.

“I-I meant-“

Sehun simply shot him a small glare, grunting before heading off to his table.

Luhan watched him, pouting as his shoulders slumped.

He then dragged himself towards the kitchen, hoping to be able to bawl freely there.

Sehun sat down at his seat, dumping the napkins on the table.

He looked up at the other 3, then noticing the shock looks they were giving him.


“Did you just reject that busboy?”


“Oh my jesus you are one heartless boy, did you see how sad he was?”

“Erm no-“

“I am very disappointed in you Sehun.”







Sehun groaned, crumpling a napkin into a ball before throwing it at Jongdae.

“Shut up.”

Kris rolled his eyes, the cream off the spoon as he eyed a certain skyscraper across the café.

“Hey guys I think I’ve found our next target.”

Baekhyun sighed, rolling his eyes as he tapped his fingers on the counter impatiently.

He was on the phone, talking, more like listening, to another one of those y flirty s.

He wanted to so badly hang up, but he couldn’t, she was a persistent .

He tried hanging up once, and he ended up having his phone vibrate for a whole hour, his battery managed to run out fast just because of that.

He nodded, clucking his tongue when she started using that high pitch voice of hers.

“Ok that’s good yup aha ok I have to go now I-“

He groaned silently when she started whining, mentally cursing while he took a deep breath.

“Look I’m working I don’t have tim-“

He hissed, listening to the whiny shrieks of the on the other line.

“Listen I have to go now I don’t want to fu-“

He was about to cuss, which was a rare case, when his phone suddenly got snatched from his hand.

He looked up, blinking at the culprit.

He frowned slightly when he realized who it was, but he couldn’t do anything.

Ah it’s that creep.

The taller brought the phone to his ear, immediately frowning when he heard the squeaky whines on the line.

“Excuse me but can you shut up? Ah yes I know I’m not the person you’re looking for. Yes I’ve heard a lot, so can you please stop calling this number? You’re annoying my friend. What? My name? Chanyeol, Park Chanyeol. Yeah, so stop calling now.”

Baekhyun watched as Chanyeol hung the call before handing the phone back to him.

“Here, I don’t think you’ll be getting her call anymore.”

Baekhyun nodded, taking his phone and keeping it.

“Thank… you?”

“It’s nothing. I wouldn’t want anyone hurting an angel.”

Chanyeol smiled, which Baekhyun blinked to.

“Erm… Right. I guess I’ll see you around.”

Chanyeol nodded.

“Yeah, I’ll see you in my dreams Angel~”

Chanyeol grinned, waved and walked off.

Baekhyun stood by the counter, blinking pathetically.


Chanyeol took his place next to Sehun, a wide smile plastered on his face.

He scanned the rest, who were staring at him with a frown.


“You lucky .”

“I know~”

“Urgh I hate you.”

Chanyeol pouted, about to argue when Kris flicked a spoonful of cake on his face.

“What the-“

“I thought you could use some cake.”

“The fu-“

“You’re welcome.”

“That wasn-“

“Hey have any of you seen Jongin?”

Kyungsoo sighed, exiting the cubicle and towards the sink.

He hummed to the radio, applying soap on his hand when the toilet door swung open.

He whipped his head towards the door, blinking at the person who entered.

He tried looking away but he couldn’t.

Damn is he a model? No it can’t be, he looks too young to be one…

Jongin was spazzing internally, he didn’t expect the café’s chef to be in the toilet.

He took a deep breath, trying to seem normal as he took the sink next to Kyungsoo.

Keep your cool Jongin, he’s just like you. Just be normal and calm, don’t panic. Yeah.

He cleared his throat, letting his cool give out.


THE ?!

Kyungsoo turned to him, staring at him with wide eyes.

Jongin does the same, not because he was nervous or anything but because…

Woah… those are some eyes.

Kyungsoo blinked, noticing the awkward silence.

“Oh, hi.”

He gave a small smile, and Jongin thought he was in heaven for a moment.

“Erm.. Nice to meet you, I’m Jongin.”

Jongin flashed a grin, mentally patting himself on the back for not stuttering.

“I’m Kyungsoo.”

“Ah yeah, I’ve eaten lots of your food, and they’re all great.”

Kyungsoo beamed, a faint blush showing on his cheeks.

“Really? Why thank you.”

Jongin nodded, trailing behind Kyungsoo towards the door.

“Well, it’s been nice meeting you Jongin, I hope to see you again.”

The other nodded, waving as Kyungsoo headed back into the kitchen.

Once out of sight, Jongin did a fist pump, cheering silently.

He skipped back to his table, plopping down with a big grin.

“Well someone seems to be in a better mood than me.”

“Everyone is in a better mood than you Joongmyun.”

Joonmyun whimpered, earning a pat from Chanyeol.

“Well what’s your reason Jongin?”

“Well I talked to Kyungsoo, and he’s so ing adorable I just want to just cuddle him!!!”

Kris scoffed, chewing on a strawberry.

“More like him.”

Jongin shot him a glare, before going back to his dreamy state.

“Well we learnt that Jongin’s happy because he talked to that chef guy, and Chanyeol’s happy because he talked to the Bacon guy, so what are YOU happy about, troll ?”

Jongdae sighed, a grin on his face as he leaned back, crossing his arms with the words “I’m the boss” printed everywhere.

“I got a date.”

Chanyeol choked.

Joonmyun gaped.

Kris dropped his spoon.

Jongin’s eyes widened.

Sehun remained emotionless.


Jongdae shrugged, arrogantly inspecting his nails as he sighed.

“And I got him to drag his friends along too, so all of you will tag along like the little peasants you are.”

“What?! NO WAY!!!”

“Yes way, and it’s this Sunday, 12 noon, at the theater down the street.”

“Oh my god Jongdae you are an ANGEL!!!”

“A troll angel, I might say.”

“Not too bad for a like you.”

“Thank you, Kris, for that honest reply.”

“Wait, are you even SURE all 6 of them will be coming?”

“Oh I’m sure Jongin, I’m so very sure, according to my troll senses.”


“What why??? Come on it’ll be fun!!! We need to get out of the house somehow anyway.”

Tao grumbled, throwing a cushion a Luhan.


“Oh come on it’s just an outing.”


Minseok sighed.

“I’ll clean your room for you?”

A grunt.

“I can do that myself.”

Kyungsoo blinked.

“I’ll bake your favourite cake?”

A sigh.

“I can buy one myself.”

Yixing smiled.

“I’ll give you chocolate.”

A scoff.

“We have thousands of those around the house.”

Luhan chirped.

“I’ll stop waking you up early every morning.”


“That’s literally impossible.”

Baekhyun sighed, getting up and raising his hands.

“I got this ok?”

He took a sit next to Tao, flashing him a small smile.

“I’ll buy you Gucci.”

Tao shot up, immediately sprinting to his room.









Please do comment and subscirbe!!! It'll be appreciated~ //and I will love you forever eue//

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sorry for not updating ;; my com's being btich and so yes I'm so sorry djdkdkd ;; please forgive this awful author weeps


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Chapter 25: Oh, please do continue!!! This story is great. I absolutely adore it!! Thank you so much!!!
Demitria_Teague #2
Chapter 8: Wow... Jongdae's really a little in this story. Just... wow. Hahahaha.
Demitria_Teague #3
Chapter 2: Omg... I love it. The feelings come out in fighting with each other. It's so cute. Plus, all the obvious ships and... I gotta say Kris and Tao are the ones I'm looking forward to more (all that sassiness, haha) and then my Bias's XiuChen babies. ^_^ I'm loving this so far.
Chapter 24: Oh this was so good I Spent all my reading it
fangrlxbecky19 #5
Chapter 24: KyungxSpatula forever XD and lol Sehun, if you knew. If you knew.
Thanks for updating!
Chapter 24: LOLOL THE DID I JUST READ!*dying of laughter*And goddamn Jongdae,that ing scared the out of me but thankfully,I'm too busy laughing my off to even notice that at the time.Seriously,this squad is unbelievable when together.Simply some crazy s happened when they're together but well,better than when they're individual pairs though.That one will just plainly kill me with all of the fluffs.Kyungsoo and his endless love for his spatulas.Maybe this guys should present him with a bunch of spatulas when he and Jongin did get married.xP
Sehun,duhhh if only you knew indeed.Couple having the time of their lives your .They are literally trying to kill your Lulu there,dude.*rolling eyes*
fangrlxbecky19 #7
Chapter 23: I freaked out when I saw that you were going to abandon this story. HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME, it's like you just SHOT my heart! Thank GOD you're not though (phew)! I'm really looking forward to your next update~
mariaexofi #8
Chapter 23: I will wait patiently!^^
Chapter 23: Okay! Ill wait for you but please dont keep all of us waiting! I hope you get ideas soon!