♨ Jealously To It's Finest

XOXO's Gag Cafe

A nice sunny Wednesday morning, and the gang was gathered around in the living room, with nothing but the sound of soft sighs filling the air.

“I’m so ing bored.” Chanyeol groans, leaning his large figure against Baekhyun’s smaller one, causing the other to stumble in his seat.

“Oh please, I’m so bored that I find the air amusing. Name me one person who finds something that ing pathetic entertaining.” Jongin argues, staring into space with his eyebrows furrowed.

“Chanyeol.” Everyone replies simply, with the said male whining in protest.

“I’m not that lame.”

“You don’t know what we go through every day.” Sehun speaks up, scowling with a certain doe-eyed male stealing glances to him every now and then from across the room.

“Well at least I don’t-“

“GUYS!!!!” Tao yells, cutting Chanyeol off completely and also causing a screeching Jongin to fall off the couch.

“I know what we can do!!!” He adds on, ignoring the pained groans coming from the male on the ground, and a worried Kyungsoo appearing by his side.

“Amuse me.” Jongdae sighs, wrapping his arms around Minseok with a contented grin.

“What? Let’s go shopping?” Joonmyun snorts, earning a hard smack from Yixing.

“Exactly!!!” Tao exclaims, throwing his arms in the air.

“Oh my holy kittens.” Luhan groans, immediately whimpering against a wailing Baekhyun.

“I told you!!!” Yixing hisses, poking a confused looking Joonmyun.

“Oh no.” Minseok mumbles, eyes growing wide.

“Tao, we’re not going to do that.” Kyungsoo warns, frowning.

“But why not???” Tao whines, flailing his arms.

“It’s the best idea yet!!!”

“For you.” Jongin points out, Kyungsoo agreeing to the statement almost immediately.

“Besides, there’s nothing we actually need to get.” Yixing debates, earning approving nods from around the room.

“Oh come on, there’s always something.” Tao then clasps his hands together, staring straight into Kyungsoo’s eyes.

The easiest target, he claims.

“…. Fine.”


“No buts, we’re going.” He states simply, breaking everyone from their whines as they gave out a long wail.

“Trust me, it’d be fun.” Tao grins, not seeming to notice a male eyeing him with a smirk, clearly amused.

Oh we’ll see.

“And I’m with you because?” Tao groans, scanning the many items on display, hoping to spot one that catches his interest.

“Well, you called for fun and I just know it’s me.” Kris grins, throwing an arm around the younger’s shoulder casually, surprised that he didn’t get thrown onto the ground yet.

“I’m not going to torture you at the moment, I’m busy.” He hears the other mumble, a bright grin soon forming on his lips.

It was then Tao squeals, tugging on Kris’ sleeve as he gestured towards a bag which was on sale.

“LOOK!!!! GUCCI!!!”

Kris snorted, rolling his eyes.

“And so?”

“I want it.”

“Then buy it.”

“I would… but…” Tao mutters, shooting Kris a pleading look.

With a frown, Kris scowls, but soon softens when the hostess pouted.

“Fine, as an apology for the accident ages ago.”

Tao breaks into a victory dance, prancing into the store with Kris chuckling behind.


“Are you happy now?” Kris questions, eyeing a pleased looking panda.

“Definitely.” Tao grins, turning towards the older male.

Kris couldn’t help but smile at the sight, with the mood lightening up.

That was, however, interrupted.

“Tao? Is that you?”

The said male turns towards the source of the sound, soon letting out a gasp.

“Oh my god Jiyong!!!”

Kris could have sworn he felt his eye twitch at the sight, obviously not pleased with the situation.

“Hey it’s really you!!!” Said Jiyong exclaims, pulling Tao in for a hug.

“Oh it’s been ages!!!” Tao squeals, Kris gaping when the male returns the hug.

Displeased with his presence being clearly ignored, Kris clears his throat, the pair breaking apart to turn to him.

“Oh this is Kris, and Kris, this is Kwon Jiyong, my friend from high school.”

“Nice meeting you.” Jiyong grins, with Kris grunting in response.

Kris didn’t like how Tao seemed so happy, and he could feel his blood boiling.

Why can’t he be like that with me?

Kris couldn’t help the groan that left his lips.

Tao had been chatting with Jiyong for ages, or half an hour to be more specific.

What pissed Kris the most would be the fact that Jiyong had slung his arm around Tao’s shoulders, and they walked off, leaving him behind.

Kris didn’t quite like how they were so close, so intimate.

It was then Jiyong finally leaves, claiming to be late for a date.

Kris had never been happier.

“Hey it was great seeing you again. We should hang out sometime. And maybe even go for a double date.” Jiyong states, gesturing towards an amused looking Kris.

“Wait what we’re not-“

“Oh that sounds great.” Kris cuts in, grinning.

“He sounds just like me last time, old times eh?” Jiyong chuckles, giving Kris a good pat on the back.

Tao parts his lips, about to protest when Kris wraps his arm around his waist.

Jiyong grins, shooting a knowing look towards Kris before leaning in.

“I used to like him, and trust me, my behaviour is nowhere as protective as yours. Good luck with him though.” He whispered, smiling before waving and walking off.

“Wait- What did he just tell you?” Tao frowns, whipping his head towards a grinning Kris.

“Oh nothing, just that I am starting to like his character.” Kris states simply, shrugging.

“He used to be annoying too you know, but he’s better now.”

“So you let him touch you like that?” Kris snaps, frowning when the images of the two’s actions flashed back into his mind.

“I let anyone touch me like that, just not strangers, and you, especially.” Tao snorts, crossing his arms as the two made their way around a corner.

“And why is that may I ask?”

“Because you’re really annoying.”

Kris gapes, bringing a hand up to his chest dramatically, earning an amused stare from the younger.

“I’d take that as an honourable compliment.” Kris sighs, nodding.

And that, was Kris’ first time hearing Tao chuckle, though soft, but indeed it was enough to bring a smile to Kris’ lips.

Baekhyun was practically dragging a confused Chanyeol down the street before stopping once they were in front of an ice cream parlour.

“Wait, so you dragged me across a thousand streets, just for ice cream?” Chanyeol questions, confused as ever.

“Well of course, they sell the best ice creams!!!” Baekhyun exclaims, flailing.

“Well… If you like it, then I don’t see why not.” Chanyeol grins, pulling Baekhyun in.

They stopped once they were in line, eyes trained on the menu on display.

“What would you like to get, angel?” Chanyeol asks, turning to face the shorter male.

“Hm, mango and bacon?” Baekhyun beams, nodding.

“Bacon…?” Chanyeol frowns, eyes scanning through the menu once, and indeed, there was bacon ice cream, along with other weird flavours such as garlic, smoked salmon and octopus.

“It’s delicious!!!” Baekhyun argues, earning a weird look from the younger.

Baekhyun huffs, grumbling.

“Why doesn’t anyone appreciate it the way I do?”

It was at the moment when their turn came, and Baekhyun takes his order with Chanyeol taking place next to him.

“Excuse me, but could I have a double scoop, with the flavours mango and bacon please, which I LOVE.” He hisses, and Chanyeol raises his hands in defence.

“You like bacon too?” The staff grins, and Chanyeol’s frowns.

“Yes, why?” Baekhyun asks, confused.

“Because I do too!!!”

“Wait really???” Baekhyun binks, a smile soon forming on his lips.

“Hell yeah!!! It’s the best flavour there is!!!” The male chuckles, before he reaches a hand out.

“The name’s Seungri, it’s a pleasure meeting you.”

“And I’m Baekhyun, it’s great to finally meet someone who shares the same interest as me, it’s a really rare opportunity.” Baekhyun grins, taking Seungri’s hand for a handshake.

Chanyeol could have sworn his eyes were burning with extreme fury the moment HIS angel shook hands with that Seungri guy, and he had to admit…

He had not liked it a single bit.

Especially since there was no line present at the moment, and Chanyeol didn’t take it as a good sign at all.

Chanyeol watches as Baekhyun lapped on his ice cream, and he lets out a soft growl when he spots Seungri eyeing the male as well.

Chanyeol glares at his ice cream, mentally cussing on the ‘new friend’ Baekhyun made.

He parts his lips, hoping he’ll be able to convince Baekhyun to leave but gets broken off by Seungri, as expected.

“Hey Baekhyun, want to know something else I like?” The male questions from behind the counter, grinning.

When the will a customer come and ruin this er’s chance of stealing MY PRECIOUS angel?

“Hm? What is it?” Baekhyun smiles, turning towards Seungri, who chuckles.

“I like cute guys who loves the same things I do.” Seungri mumbles, winking.

Chanyeols snorts, hating the fact that Baekhyun had blushed.

The real question was, did no one notice his rage at all?

Stepping forward, Chanyeol wraps a protective arm around Baekhyun’s shoulder, pulling him close.

“And do you know what I like?” Chanyeol growls, earning a look of surprise by Baekhyun.

“What is it?” Seungri questions, frowning slightly.

“I like people who stay away from my angel.” Chanyeol finishes, ignoring the older man’s expression after hearing his words.

He then drags Baekhyun out of the store, Baekhyun being too shocked to even utter a word.

It was only when they were at least a street away did Chanyeol stop, with Baekhyun arching a brow.

“What was all of that about?”

“What was what all about?” Chanyeol grumbles, shrugging.

“Were you jealous~?” Baekhyun sings, poking the younger’s cheek.

“Now why would I be jealous?” Chanyeol grins, pulling Baekhyun in for a tight hug.

Baekhyun shook his head, seeming to be amused but returns to gesture, chuckling.

“You’re unbelievable, kid.”

Chanyeol pushes Baekhyun’s forehead with a finger, smiling.

“Says the short one.”

With a gasp, Baekhyun stomps off, huffing.

“W-Wait angel I didn’t mean it!!! Come back!!!” Chanyeol yells, rushing to catch up with the waiter.

It was a good thing Chanyeol failed to catch the smile on Baekhyun’s lips.

It would be hilarious.


Joonymun watches as Yixing struggles to reach for a chocolate bar.

“So… close…” Yixing groans, stretching his hand out.

“Well if you consider 10 centimetres a little then yes, you’re almost there baby.” Joonmyun chuckles, with Yixing shooting him a glare.

“Don’t call me that.”

“Are you sure you don’t need any help? You’ve been trying for a good 30 minutes.” Joonmyun asks, pushing himself off the wall.

“You? Help me?” Yixing snickers, eyeing Joonmyun.

Joonmyun gets the hint, frowning.

“Just because I’m SHORT doesn’t mean I can’t help you know.”

“Right, but no thanks.” Yixing smiles, and Joonmyun couldn’t help but allow a smile to come crawling up to his lips.

Yixing reaches up to the chocolate bar once again, only to have a hand reach out to help him bring it down.

“NO!!! DON’T YOU HELP ME!!! I’M NOT A DAMSEL IN DISTRESS!!! I CAN DO THIS.” Yixing shrieks, earning an amused look by the stranger, who places the snack back on the shelf.

Yixing jumps, eyes widening when he manages on grip on the treat, his lips slowly breaking into a wide grin.

He turns towards the tall male by his side, beaming.

“I told you so.”

The male only chuckles, nodding.

“Good job.”

“I know.” Yixing hums, before Joonmyun appeared by his side.

Joonmyun was about to tease the young male when the stranger cuts in.

“You’re cute.”

Yixing blinks, cocking up a brow.

“Are you hitting on me?”

“Maybe I am.”

“That’s not going to happen.” Joonmyun mutters, frowning.

“My name’s Seunghyun by the way.” The male introduces himself, bowing slightly.

“And what’s yours?”

“Would you pay this chocolate bar for me if I told you?” Yixing challenges, and Joonmyun snorts.

I’d buy you a whole ing collection if you didn’t.

“Well, I-“

Joonmyun clears his throat, breaking Seunghyun off completely before grabbing Yixing’s wrist.

“I apologize, but my FRIEND here has to leave, we’re in a rush.” Joonmyun offers a wide smile, dragging Yixing off.

“Wait, what are we rushing for?”

Joonymun chooses not to answer, but instead gives the cashier 10 bucks before leaving.

“Oh nothing, I just couldn’t breathe in there.” Joonmyun shrugs, releasing his grip on the other once they were outside.

“What are you talking about? Do rich people not like minimarts? Was it too mini for you?” Yixing jokes, obviously not aware of how pissed the older male was.

“Oh believe me.” Joonmyun mumbles, heading off, with Yixing scurrying to catch up with him.

“I’m never going to let you step foot in one ever again.”

It wasn’t hard to tell that the atmosphere was tensed, clearly awkward.

Sehun had his hands kept stuffed in his pockets, and Luhan was by his side, eyes darting around nervously.

It was then Luhan spots something in a distance, and his eyes lit up.

“Oh Sehun let’s go!!!”

“Go where-“

Sehun didn’t get a chance to complete his sentence, but was instead dragged off by the busboy.

They finally came to a stop, and Luhan whipped out a dollar before inserting it into the coin slot.

“A… photobooth?” Sehun murmurs, and Luhan nods.

“Yes, as you can see.”

Luhan then pulls Sehun in, and he starts pressing on the buttons of the screen.

Sehun could only watch, uninterested.

“Oh oh!!! It’s starting!!! Come on smile!!!” Luhan practically squeals, and Sehun snorted.

“No way in hell am I going to do that.”

Luhan poses, and the machine snaps the first picture.


Sehun shrugs, and Luhan grins for the second picture.

For the following two pictures, Sehun keeps his blank look, only able to watch the older male strike different poses towards the camera.

It was at the last shot when Luhan throws is arms in the air, beaming, and Sehun couldn’t help the smile from forming on his lips.

The camera snaps the picture, and Luhan flails.

He darts out of the booth, grabbing the picture once it as out.

Sehun, however, was frozen in his place.

Did I just…

He dashes to Luhan’s side, eyes wide when he spots the last picture taken.

“Oh my ing-“

“Hey you’re smiling in this picture!!!” Luhan grins, and Sehun chokes upon hearing his words.

“No I’m not.”

Luhan rolls his eyes, smiling.

“I’m keeping this.”

“What for?!”

“What do you expect me to do then?”

“No, I want it.” Sehun defends, snatching the picture in Luhan’s hand.

“But but-“ Luhan mutters, tugging on Sehun’s sleeve.

Sehun heaves a deep sigh, cussing under his breath.

Why does he have to be so god damn cute?

Sehun couldn’t help but smile, watching as the older male kept the pictures away in his wallet.

He had given in, obviously, to the doe-eyed busboy, deciding that being totally embarrassed was worth it as long as Luhan was happy.

It was then he notices a bubble tea store located not too face from where they were, and he stops in his tracks almost immediately.

Holy bubble tea-

“Do you like bubble tea?” He asks, mentally smacking himself for even asking.

This is so embarrassing for s sake Oh Sehun get a grip of yourself-

“Bubble tea? I love it!!!” Luhan yells, grinning.

Sehun eyes widened, jaw dropping.

“You do?!” He chokes.

“Taro is the best.” Luhan grins, and Sehun snorted.

“Not true. Stay here alright?” He says quickly, rushing off towards the store.

Luhan watches the younger, blinking before breaking into a smile.


After ordering, Sehun turns, only to freeze at the sight.

Luhan, together with another man.

The -

He frowns, and he feels a slight flame burning within him.

He watches the two like a hawk, growling when the man stands a tad too close to the busboy.

He hears the staff call for him, and he blindly grabs the drinks before paying.

Ignoring the calls for him to grab his change, Sehun trudges towards where Luhan was standing, clearing his throat.

Luhan whips his head towards Sehun’s direction, looking surprisingly relieved.


“Who’s this?” The stranger asks, and Sehun snorts.

“Well, he’s my friend.” Luhan nods, beaming.

“Oh, well, I should get going then.” Came a mumble as the male eyed Sehun, who was glaring at him.

“Yeah, see you around then, Taeyoon?” Luhan smiles, looking slightly confused at the same time.

“Taeyang, actually.”

With that, Taeyang gives Luhan a final wave before walking off, speeding up after a while.

Probably due to the fact that he could still feel Sehun’s piercing gaze kept on him.

“Who the was he?” Sehun hisses, and Luhan shrugs.

“A random guy. He just came up to me, it’s scary. It’s a good thing you showed up on time.”

“You hell bet it’s a good thing. Why the hell do you have to be like that anyway?”

“Like what?” Luhan blinks, and Sehun groans.

“So cute and innocent!!! It’s a good ing reason why people keep going up to you for ’s reason-“

“You think I’m cute and innocent?” Luhan a brow, grinning.

“What?” Sehun stops blabbering, eyeing Luhan with wide eyes.

Well .

 He parts his lips, about to argue but upon failing to find the right argument, he holds the Taro bubble tea out towards the older male instead.

“Just drink your god damned bubble tea.” He grumbles, turning to walk away once Luhan had taken the drink.

With a bright grin, Luhan takes his place next to Sehun, humming as he took a sip from his drink.

“So, mind telling me how you find me cute exactly?” He teases, earning a groan.

“Just drink your taro, doe face.”

“Oh so it’s my ‘doe face’ you find cute then?”

With a deep sigh, Sehun shoots the busboy with a look, shaking his head.

“Just drink up will you? I wouldn’t want to put up with Kyungsoo’s nagging for dehydrating you.”

Luhan could only grin, giggling as he pranced off.

“Make me~”

Sehun panicked the moment he was left behind, but yet again, glad.

Why you may ask?

It would be because Luhan wasn’t there to see the wide grin on Sehun’s face, and Sehun couldn’t bear being embarrassed for another time that day.

Jongin gave out a yawn, and Kyungsoo does the same.

“It’s hard finding something to do.” Jongin mutters, stumbling slightly halfway through their stroll.

“Well at least we’re not with Tao.” Kyungsoo reasons out, and Jongin agrees with a nod.

It was then Kyungsoo’s eyes landed on a food tasting event held across the street, and he brightens up immediately.

“Jongin Jongin!!!”

“Yes yes?” Jongin mumbles, looking around.

“Let’s check it out.” He dashes across the street, Jongin following up close behind.


Kyungsoo comes to a complete halt in front of the table, Jongin bumping into him before falling back.

“This looks interesting.” Kyungsoo whispers, stuffing a spoonful of the dish into his mouth.

“Hm, it’s alright, just lacking on a pinch of salt and a pepper, and maybe a tiny bit of spring onion would be good.”

“Wow, you’re good.” A voice comes from the side, and Kyungsoo turns to come face to face with a man, sadly, taller than he is.

“Are you the chef?”

“Apparantly I am. The name’s Daesung.” Daesung chirps, grinning.

“I’m Kyungsoo.” Kyungsoo smiles, waving his hand slightly.

“AND I’M JONGIN.” Jongin greets, a little too loudly, as he shot up from the ground.

Kyungsoo shoots him a glare, and Jongin shrugs.

“What? I’m trying to be polite.”

“Anyway…” Daesung drags, eyeing Jongin with a weirded look.

“Since you’re great at food tasting, I’m wondering if you would like to try out my new dish.” He finishes, pulling out a bowl of noodles.

Kyungsoo’s eyes widened, and Jongin gapes.

“I am honoured-“

“I WOULD LOVE TO.” Jongin cuts in, grabbing the bowl before practically devouring everything.

Kyungsoo gives the younger a hard smack on the head, hissing.

“What on earth are you doing Jongin?”

Jongin frowns, tossing the bowl on the table before dragging a protesting Kyungsoo off.


Jongin heaves a sigh, frowning when he feels an uneasy feeling rising in him.

“Kim Jongin, I swear to god, I will strangle you-“

“Kyungsoo.” Jongin speaks up, turning to face the chef.

He places his hands on his shoulders, gripping on them hard.

“Oh holy fish paste, Jongin your grip is- and why do you look so horrible?” Kyungsoo frowns, noticing how pale the younger was.

Jongin releases a groan, moving a hand down to press down on his abdomen.

“It hurts like a , Kyungsoo.”

Kyungsoo’s eyes widened before he drags Jongin off, hailing down a cab.

“For god’s sake Jongin, I swear to god, if you die on me now I will kill you.”

Jongdae wasn’t sure how, nor when, did he end up sitting in a café, watching Minseok converse with a stranger he didn’t even know existed.

He had seen them hug, and had been talking ever since the moment the stranger -whom Jongdae learns was an old friend of his princess- appeared after Jongdae had left the antiques store with Minseok, all the way till now, with them settling down in a café.

He hears them laugh, and that was enough to get him hissing.

He was fuming, teeth gritting as he kept his arms crossed over his chest.

It was then a sudden movement catches his eyes, and he darts his eyes towards the source.

He notices how the male, Seungi was his name, had moved his hand so his pinkie was resting on Minseok’s.

He feels his jaw clench at the sight, and an idea crosses his mind.

With a clear of his throat, Jongdae gives Minseok a light kick on the shin, and Minseok stops his sentence almost immediately.

“Yes, Jongdae?” He asks, blinking.


“You kicked me.”

“No I didn’t, what makes you think that way?” He smiles, and Minseok frowns.


“So Minseok, tell me about what you’ve been up to?” Seungi starts once again, and Minseok returns his gaze to the male.

“Well, I’ve- JONGDAE.”


“What do you want?”


“Then why are you kicking me?”

“Kick? Now why would I do such a thing?”

Minseok heaves a sigh, turning back to Seungi.

“As I was saying, I’ve been working with- KIM.JONGDAE.”

“My my, you seem to love calling my name, princess.”


“How could you just blame me like that?”

Minseok groans, cursing under his breath as he massages his temples.

“Anyway, back to topic, I work in- OH MY GOD KIM JONGDAE.” Minseok yells the moment he hears his phone ringing, earning glares from table nearby.

“What?” Jongdae shrugs.

“It’s your phone that’s ringing, what did I do?”

Minseok glances around, muttering an apology before shooting Jongdae a look.

With a grumble, he answers the call, bringing the phone up to his ear.

“Hello? Yes? Oh Kyungsoo-ah!!! What? Oh god. I’ll be right over, yes, alright.”

Jongdae watches the waiter carefully as the male ends the call, his chin resting on his palm.

“Sorry, but I have to go, my friend’s in the hospital.” Minseok smiles, and Seungi nods.

“It’s alright, go ahead.”

Jongdae shoots up, dragging Minseok off.


Minseok huffs, smacking Jongdae on the arm.

“What on earth were you doing?”

“Oh nothing, just wanted to get your attention, which I was lacking.”

It was then he remembers the call, and he halts.

“Wait, where are we going?”

“Well, apparently Jongin’s down with food poisoning, according to Kyungsoo. He’s in a hospital nearby.”

Jongdae snorts, nodding.

“Well, that’s ing brilliant.”

“Are you saying it’s a good thing Jongin’s poisoned?” Minseok frowns, and Jongdae shrugs, grinning.

“Well, that too, but mainly because he managed to help me get you away from that Seungi guy.”

With a sigh, Minseok shakes his head, nonchalantly smiling.

 “On the bright side, Jongin’s being useful for once, whether he’s dying or not. Though, dying does sound nice.”

The five pairs met in the lobby of the hospital, with Kris snorting the moment he spots Sehun.

“Well well well, looks like you’re on bubble tea once again.”

“Shut up.”

“It won’t take long.” Joonmyun snickers, earning a confused stare from the five victims.

“Before what?” Luhan mumbles, blinking.

“Oh, you’ll see.” Chanyeol grins, dragging Baekhyun into the elevator.

“Let’s just say, it’ll be almost as entertaining as a sugar high Baekhyun, or ing worse.” Jongdae mutters, with Minseok gaping by the side.

“Doesn’t Sehun know?” Yixing questions, and Jongdae nods.

“Well, he doesn’t know a thing, which is ing weird, considering how he’s a ing lunatic.” Joonmyun explains, making sure Sehun wasn’t close.

Once everyone’s present in the elevator, the door closes, and all eyes were on Sehun, who frowns.


“Almost…” Kris mumbles.

“Soon…” Chanyeol mutters.

“So close…” Joonmyun adds.

“It’s ing here.” Jongdae finishes.

“Wait what-“ Tao frowns, only to be cut off by Sehun…



And the victims understood.










Chapter 18 up~ Yes I've been dead for forever and I'm so sorry ;; things have been going on so please don't run away /cries forever. I can't promise that I'll update soon because I know I won't. My exams are nearing so please bear with my dead self. I'm so sorry once again unu I love you all!!!! My dearest subbies.

Oh and please do leave a feedback (etc what you would like them to do next) but don't be sick youuu eue

Please do comment and subscirbe!!! It'll be appreciated~ //and I will love you forever eue//

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Thank you!
sorry for not updating ;; my com's being btich and so yes I'm so sorry djdkdkd ;; please forgive this awful author weeps


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Chapter 25: Oh, please do continue!!! This story is great. I absolutely adore it!! Thank you so much!!!
Demitria_Teague #2
Chapter 8: Wow... Jongdae's really a little in this story. Just... wow. Hahahaha.
Demitria_Teague #3
Chapter 2: Omg... I love it. The feelings come out in fighting with each other. It's so cute. Plus, all the obvious ships and... I gotta say Kris and Tao are the ones I'm looking forward to more (all that sassiness, haha) and then my Bias's XiuChen babies. ^_^ I'm loving this so far.
Chapter 24: Oh this was so good I Spent all my reading it
fangrlxbecky19 #5
Chapter 24: KyungxSpatula forever XD and lol Sehun, if you knew. If you knew.
Thanks for updating!
Chapter 24: LOLOL THE DID I JUST READ!*dying of laughter*And goddamn Jongdae,that ing scared the out of me but thankfully,I'm too busy laughing my off to even notice that at the time.Seriously,this squad is unbelievable when together.Simply some crazy s happened when they're together but well,better than when they're individual pairs though.That one will just plainly kill me with all of the fluffs.Kyungsoo and his endless love for his spatulas.Maybe this guys should present him with a bunch of spatulas when he and Jongin did get married.xP
Sehun,duhhh if only you knew indeed.Couple having the time of their lives your .They are literally trying to kill your Lulu there,dude.*rolling eyes*
fangrlxbecky19 #7
Chapter 23: I freaked out when I saw that you were going to abandon this story. HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME, it's like you just SHOT my heart! Thank GOD you're not though (phew)! I'm really looking forward to your next update~
mariaexofi #8
Chapter 23: I will wait patiently!^^
Chapter 23: Okay! Ill wait for you but please dont keep all of us waiting! I hope you get ideas soon!