♨ Chaos In The Supermarket

XOXO's Gag Cafe

The sun blazed through the window, lighting up the room with a soft glow.

The light reached a figure on the bed, who groaned at the sudden contact.

Sitting up, Chanyeol sighed, looking around with a frown.

“Baekie?” He rasped, soon getting up and shuffling out of the room when he noticed how he was alone.

He then walked out to find that everyone else was already up, wandering around the house all washed up and changed, with the exception of a certain ed-face idiot.

“Oh well look who it is.” Jongdae cooed, laying his head on Minseok's lap on the couch.

“If it isn’t our hideous sleepy head of a creep.” Joonmyun added, snickering.

Chanyeol simply scowled, scanning the room for a certain male.

He soon spotted Baekhyun in the kitchen, helping Kyungsoo with breakfast.

Just as he was about to take a step forward, Sehun appeared infront of him, gesturing towards a room.

“Since you’re the last of us to wake up, it’ll be your job to wake Kris up.”

“WHAT??!!?!? ARE YOU CRAZY NO IT YOU DO IT.” Chanyeol shrieked, wide awake now and ready to run off when Sehun grabbed his shirt, shoving him towards the door.

“Just do it.”

Groaning, Chanyeol took a deep breath, soon entering the room with his breath hitched.

“What’s so bad about waking Kris up anyways?” Luhan chirped, prancing into the room.

Jongdae shrugged, yawning, only to earn a disapproving stare by Minseok in return.

Just then, a scream was heard, and Chanyeol was seen sprinting out of the room with Kris following closely behind.



“IM SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!”

The others kept silent, watching as the two ran about before disappearing through the back door.

Luhan blinked, with his mouth room falling agape in understanding.


Neither of them knew how but they all ended up looking up at the flashing sign of the supermarket, with Kyungsoo literally dashing in with the others following behind.

It all started when Kyungsoo claimed to be heading out to get more groceries, and the other victims tagged along, followed by the rest, thus how they ended up where they are now.

Kyungsoo began his search for the necessary ingredients, humming with Jongin rushing after him.

Baekhyun, Luhan, Tao and Yixing began wandering off, with Chanyeol, Sehun, Kris and Joonmyun trailing closely behind.

Minseok and Jongdae stayed, the older of the two being unable to move with Jongdae hugging him oh so tight.

Minseok shuddered, feeling a sudden uneasiness inside.

Something was going to happen, but what, he wasn’t quite sure…

Jongin couldn’t help but be fascinated.

By what exactly? Well, there were two reasons.

1) How there were way too many things in the trolley

2) And how Kyungsoo could act like a kid who is in a carnival, only that they were in a SUPERMARKET

Kyungsoo was busy rushing around the many sections, grabbing different items and tossing it behind him.

Jongin had been behind him, pushing the trolley around and catching the poor items.

There was once when he missed an apple, which he left lying on the floor, and was blessed to not get caught by the security guard, and Kyungsoo of course.

It was then Kyungsoo stopped by the frozen foods section, eyes roaming around the various seafood presented.

He then carefully picked out a packet of clams, handing it over to Jongin who only stared at it with a frown.

“What are these? Seashells?”

Kyungsoo whipped his head towards Jongin, his eyes wide and lips pressed in a thin line.


“Aren’t these seashells- oh wait they’re clams?” Jongin comprehended, reading the label on the packaging.

“Oh my…” Kyungsoo whispered, eyeing Jongin as if he had just committed a murder.

Both parties remained silent, staring at each other with the air slowly turning tensed.

“What do you eat, exactly?” Kyungsoo questioned slowly, squinting his eyes.

“Well… usually take outs? And the food you serve at your café-“









Jongin didn’t have the chance to finish his sentence, stopping when Kyungsoo sprinted away, probably to grab more ingredients.

Jongin blinked, not knowing of what to do before he snapped back to reality, pushing the cart and rushing after the smaller male.


Chanyeol couldn’t help but be amused.

Why? Well there were 2 reasons.

1) Baekhyun was being extremely adorable

2) Baekhyun was adorable because he’s short

Baekhyun had come across the sweets section, squealing at every possible flavor and brand seen.

Chanyeol kept close to his side, smiling at every move the older made.

It was then Baekhyun spotted a certain bar sitting at the top of the shelf, his mouth slowly falling agape.


He reached up, grunting when his fingertips barely made contact with the lone chocolate.

Chanyeol watched him, leaning up against the shelf, glad that it didn’t result in it toppling over from his weight.

Baekhyun kept trying, jumping and flailing before finally huffing, throwing his arms out in defeat.


He then turned to Chanyeol.

“A little help, please?”

Chanyeol pushed himself off the wall, grabbing the bar and chuckling easily.

“Too short?”

“Am not.” Baekhyun grumbled, reaching for the treat, only to have it be moved away from him.

“Are too.”

Baekhyun frowned, once again trying to reach for the bar, but failed.


Chanyeol simply gave a shrug, a smug smile forming.

“If you really aren’t, then you should be able to get the bar.”

“Well I could if you weren’t a huge of a giant.” Baekhyun groaned, crossing his arms.

“So am I ‘a huge of a giant’ or are you just ‘a tiny nose of a miggit’?”


“Not until you admit that you’re short.”

“I will never-“

Baekhyun paused, frowning when Chanyeol waved the bar around.

“I’m waiting~” The taller sang, grinning.

It wasn’t long before Baekhyun gave him a hard jab, resulting to him wailing in pain as he clutched onto his hip.

Baekhyun beamed, snatching the prize from Chanyeol’s loose grip.

“Why thank you, my good man.”

Chanyeol chose to stay silent as he watched Baekhyun skipping away, humming a happy tune with the bar held in his hand.

Slowly forming a smile, Chanyeol stood back upright, jogging after the other.

“That’s my angel.”

Joonmyun couldn’t help but be anxious.

Why? Well there were two reasons.

1) Yixing was missing


What more, the supermarket was ing huge.

He had lost the younger after turning around the corner, which was at the biscuits section if he remembers right.

Where could Yixing be?

He walked around aimlessly, trying to spot that one person who is the reason to his current state.

It wasn’t long before he walked into Baekhyun, who seemed to have his hand preoccupied by a bar of Cadbury chocolate.

Baekhyun grinned at him before marching off, soon followed by a smiling Chanyeol.

Joonmyun shot them a look, silently questioning their mentality.

What happened to them, he never exactly wanted to know.

He shook his head, slowly making his way back to where the two freaks had come from.

He then spotted Yixing, standing in front of the shelf which held the many different chocolate there is.

Yixing looked as if he were in paradise, eyes gleaming and figure simply glowing.

Joonmyun grinned, slowly making his way towards the other.

“Yixing where have you been~”

Said male turned to look at him, smiling.

“I was looking for the chocolate section apparently.”

“Well it must be hard, this place is ing huge.” Joonmyun commented, frowning.

“Well it won’t be hard if you come here often.”

“Well it’s my first time so-“

“WHAT- wait it’s not all that surprising to be quite honest, having that you’re filthy rich.”

“Is that a compliment or-“

Yixing held his hand out, silencing the older.

“Shush now. Since that’s the case, welcome to Yixing’s tour guide service. Payment will be confirmed at the end of this tour. Please enjoy the service and never fret to voice out your comments along.”

Joonmyun chuckled, giving a nod before following Yixing around the supermarket, knowing of what it had and learning about how there were signs showing the different sections and how the food sold were fresh and clean.

It was then they stopped by the carts, all lined up against each other.

“And these are the carts, or also known as the trolley. We use them when we know that we’ll be buying a lot, and is, without fail, what Kyungsoo HAS to use. All we have to do is insert a coin, and it’ll be for us to use.”

Yixing inserted a coin before pulling a trolley out, the chain connecting it to the other trolley popping out after.

“Woahhhhh.” Joonmyun awed, seemingly fascinated by what he had seen.

“DO IT AGAIN DO IT AGAIN!!!!” Came his exclaim after, and it was enough to prove to Yixing that it was in fact his first time in the supermarket.

Yixing repeated his actions, pulling the cart out, with Joonmyun clapping behind.


Yixing stared at Joonmyun, his mind shutting off as his eye twitched.

“…. No. Now that’s the end of my tour. The total cost would be $1,756.”


“Joonmyun, I’m serious. Really.”Yixing spoke, his tone and expression kept straight serious.



“… Wait what?”

Sehun couldn’t help but be embarrassed.

Why? Well there were 2 reasons.

1) He was stuck with a 24 year old KID

2) Luhan was being a complete EMBARRASSMENT.

Luhan was wandering around, being amazed at every little thing he sees.

Sehun made sure to keep a good distance from the older, darting his eyes around and making sure to avoid looking at Luhan.

It was then they stopped by the frozen foods section.

Sehun frowned, eyeing a sprinting figure that had disappeared around a corner.

Weird I could have sworn that was Jongin-


Sehun blinked, breaking his gaze from the pile of tomato sauce to turn to Luhan, who was staring at a… crab, apparently, not all that surprising.


“Is it… dead?”

Sehun wanted to snort so badly, but knowing that it was Luhan, maybe it was best not to, I mean, the kid was serious about his question.

“Well, yeah it is.”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course.”

“Ok… touch it.”


“Touch it please, and check if it’s breathing.”

Sehun stared at Luhan’s back, not really sure whether the older was joking, which he most probably wasn’t.

“No. I won’t touch that… thing.”


“No. Why don’t YOU touch it?”

“Because I can’t, please do it.”


Luhan whimpered, slowly facing Sehun.

“But it can’t be dead Sehun.”

“It has to be, it will be soon anyway.”

Sehun looked at Luhan, which he very much regretted indeed.

Seeing how Luhan had his lips formed into an adorable pout, eyes shining with tears, Sehun groaned, slowly making his way towards the display of seafood.

Come on sehun it’s most probably dead anyway-

But was his thoughts wrong, oh so wrong when the crab twitched.

Sehun gave an unmanly shriek, backing away and yelling.


“ITS ALIVE?!!?!”




“Isn’t that good Sehun?”



Sehun took in deep breaths, trying to clam himself from his unmanly state.

“Luhan, it’ll die eventually, no need to get so… persistent over saving it.”

Luhan kept silent, staring at the crab with sorrowful eyes.

He remained silent, which actually worried Sehun.



“Er- yeah?”

Luhan slowly reached out to actually , , the crab’s shell.


“… Can we keep it?”

“… What did you say?”

Kris couldn’t help but be proud.

Why? Well there were 2 reasons.

1) He was getting his much required attention, which pisses Tao

2) A girl had just approached him, which annoys Tao

Anything that gets on Tao’s nerves, Kris loved.

They were standing in front of the seafood section, the most appropriate area to flirt, Tao would say.

Besides, he found the fishes to be better looking than Kris.

Tao had his arms crossed, a permanent frown etched on his forehead.

He could have run away like how others would say, but he tried, and he failed.

Curse ing Kris for getting god damned long legs.

Now he was stuck with the tall faced giant, and now there’s the clingy who’s flirting with him.

Her voice was too high pitched; Tao could have sworn that his ears could bleed.

“So… are you single?” She asked, eyes twinkling.

If she weren’t so annoying, Tao would have felt sorry for her, she must be blind to hit on some jerk of a ert like Mr.Ugly.

“Are you blind?” He mumbled, rolling his eyes.

He wouldn’t’ think much, he didn’t’ expect anyone to hear him.

Kris was too busy with the girl and the girl was too busy with Kris so why did it matter.

Well it did, because Kris heard him, loud and clear.

Once again, the corner of his lip tugged up to a smirk before he wrapped an arm around Tao’s shoulder, tightening his grip so the other couldn’t escape.

“Jealous?” He whispered, winking.

Tao parted his lips to protest, only to get cut off by Kris’ next words.

“I’m married.”

The girl gaped, and Tao snorted.

Married? Which idiot would ever want-

“To this beautiful panda over here.”  He finished.

Tao choked, soon frowning as he pushed the older away.

He turned to the girl with a scowl, shaking his head.

“No, he’s ugly and I’m single, you can have him.”

Kris brought a hand up to his chest, feigning pain as he groaned.

“How could you sweet love, going around breaking my heart like this.”

“Your whole body can break for all I care, you tard.”

The girl gave an awkward laugh, before turning on her heels and striding away.

Tao grunted, glaring at Kris who simply chuckled.

“Well I spy with my little eye, a jealous little cutie pie.”

“I’m not jealous, idiot.”

“Oh so you admit that you’re a cutie pie?”

“Wait what-“

“Being conceited now are we?”

“Shut the up.”

“I don’t suppose you would shut up if we ed.”

“… Have you ever been smacked with a squid before?” Tao questioned, slowly picking a poor innocent squid from its resting place.


“Well today’s your lucky day.”




“Lesson learnt, .”

Jongdae couldn’t help but be contented.

Why? Well there were 2 reasons.

1) He has been hugging his precious Baozi for a good 30 minutes.

2) He didn’t have his other pathetic minions there to screw it up

Minseok didn’t complain though, he was too busy browsing on his phone anyway.

It wasn’t long before Jongdae sighed, a big smile on his face.

“I feel like a married couple.”

Minseok choked at that, nearly losing his grip on his phone if it weren’t’ for him to be quick`.

“Just imagine, us here in the future, with a whole bunch of our kids, shopping for food and like that, then we would stuff all of them in one trolley, pile all the on top of them after, then leave them in the sweets section and run off. Ahhhh my dreams with you.”

Minseok honestly didn’t know if he should feel happy, at ease or frightened.

Frightened at the number of kids Jongdae’s imagining, or the fact that those ‘kids’ would be orphans, he didn’t know.

Jongdae then pulled away, rushing off before getting back with a trolley.

“Speaking of sitting in a trolley, I missed doing this.”

Then Chanyeol and Baekhyun arrived, and Jongdae waved for Chanyeol to go over after having settled in the trolley, the giant doing as told.

“Come here peasant. Give me a light push, a light push, LIGHT I repeat, I swear if you do any ing joke on me I will you up-“

Chanyeol obviously didn’t listen, giving that he snorted before giving Jongdae a hard psuh, causing the other to travel towards a pile of cans in top speed.

He crashed, obviously, and it wasn’t shocking when the security guard came rushing over.

Jongdae ran off, with Chanyeol following him.

The others came back, wondering why both Baekhyun and Minseok seemed as if they were in misfortune.

“Why the long face?” Joonmyun asked, only to get a reply from a screaming Chanyeol.

“I see.”

They decided to ignore the yelling two as they headed towards the cashier.

“KRISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Chanyeol screeched, wanting to grab onto said male but failed when he moved away.

“Do I… know him?” Kris queried, arching an eyebrow.

“No, no you don’t” Yixing replied, helping Kyungsoo with bringing the stuffs out of the trolley.

“YAH GUYS HELP US!!!!!” Jongdae screamed, flailing.

“We don’t know them guys, we don’t know them.” Jongin whistled, taking his place next to Kyungsoo.

It wasn’t long before Kyungsoo brought out two objects, a frown forming on his forehead whilst Jongin tensed, visibly paling.

“Kyungsoo why the frown?” Luhan chirped, tilting his head.

“Well I have two reasons Luhan… First, why is one apple missing? Second… WHY IS THERE A ING CRAB HERE?!”







Chapter 12 up!!! Oh god I'm so sorry I'm so dead now- ;-; I have a feeling I lost some of you weeps ;;;-;;; Please forgive me for being a bad author- I love you guys dearly ok /hugs and kisses/ xoxoxoxo dear readers <3 Sorry if it isn't weel done

Please do comment and subscirbe!!! It'll be appreciated~ //and I will love you forever eue//

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sorry for not updating ;; my com's being btich and so yes I'm so sorry djdkdkd ;; please forgive this awful author weeps


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Chapter 25: Oh, please do continue!!! This story is great. I absolutely adore it!! Thank you so much!!!
Demitria_Teague #2
Chapter 8: Wow... Jongdae's really a little in this story. Just... wow. Hahahaha.
Demitria_Teague #3
Chapter 2: Omg... I love it. The feelings come out in fighting with each other. It's so cute. Plus, all the obvious ships and... I gotta say Kris and Tao are the ones I'm looking forward to more (all that sassiness, haha) and then my Bias's XiuChen babies. ^_^ I'm loving this so far.
Chapter 24: Oh this was so good I Spent all my reading it
fangrlxbecky19 #5
Chapter 24: KyungxSpatula forever XD and lol Sehun, if you knew. If you knew.
Thanks for updating!
Chapter 24: LOLOL THE DID I JUST READ!*dying of laughter*And goddamn Jongdae,that ing scared the out of me but thankfully,I'm too busy laughing my off to even notice that at the time.Seriously,this squad is unbelievable when together.Simply some crazy s happened when they're together but well,better than when they're individual pairs though.That one will just plainly kill me with all of the fluffs.Kyungsoo and his endless love for his spatulas.Maybe this guys should present him with a bunch of spatulas when he and Jongin did get married.xP
Sehun,duhhh if only you knew indeed.Couple having the time of their lives your .They are literally trying to kill your Lulu there,dude.*rolling eyes*
fangrlxbecky19 #7
Chapter 23: I freaked out when I saw that you were going to abandon this story. HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME, it's like you just SHOT my heart! Thank GOD you're not though (phew)! I'm really looking forward to your next update~
mariaexofi #8
Chapter 23: I will wait patiently!^^
Chapter 23: Okay! Ill wait for you but please dont keep all of us waiting! I hope you get ideas soon!