Unexpected Feelings.

My Girl


Minwoo kissed your forehead, you felt surprised and blushed.

Minwoo: [At this point, I don’t even know anymore… my feelings just confuse. In no time, I might fall for her…]

You: Minwoo-ah…

Minwoo: Sorry if I was late, I had to do a lot of things. Come.

Minwoo put a blindfold over your eyes and he took your hand as you both were driven by his driver. He unfolded the blindfold to a beautiful scene at a beach. The scene was beautiful, there was really no one else but both of you. It was a romantic night, a perfect scene, with a significant other.

Minwoo: Happy birthday!

You: Minwoo, gumawayo.

You hugged him so tight and you also felt like crying tears of joy.

Minwoo: Yah, don’t cry!

You: Minwoo-ah, this is the best birthday I ever had. I will never forget it!

Minwoo started to blush.

Minwoo: I’m glad to hear that! Yah, let’s go eat!

He took your hand and went to a table to eat. There were people who servers who prepared you guys food.

You: You prepared all these!?

Minwoo: Of course! Who else would have?

You: Minwoo, it looks like you spent so much money.

Minwoo: Don’t mind it. As long as you enjoy today, I’m happy.

You: Minwoo!

You both started to chow down. After you finished eating, you both sat on sand, looking at the stars.

You: Minwoo, I really really like you!

Minwoo: I… like you too… [This feels wrong, yet so right.]

He suddenly remembered something.

Minwoo: Oh, Seohyun! Come here, I have something to give you!

Minwoo got a big teddy bear plush and handed it to you.

Minwoo: Here’s your present! I hope you like it!

You hugged it as soon as you got it.

You: I don’t like it… I LOVE it! Thank you!

You both continued to watch the moon and the stars. Minwoo started to hold your hands.

Minwoo:  Seohyun, I…

You: Yes?

Minwoo: Oh nothing! I was just umm, thinking too much. Ahah.

You: Hmm… ok.

Minwoo: [What was I going to say right there? ERR. I’m going out of script, last thing I remembered I wasn’t supposed to have feelings. But, what’s this?! Aish!]

You hugged Minwoo and fell asleep on him.

You: Minwoo-ah, don’t ever leave…

Minwoo looked over at you, he noticed you were asleep, and then he smiled.

Minwoo: I don’t think I can…

As you were asleep, Minwoo kept thinking about things. A while later, you started waking up.

You: Oh, Minwoo-ah! I’m sorry I fell asleep!

Minwoo: It’s alright, aha.

You: Sorry if I squished you!!

Minwoo: Dae? Why would you squish me? You’re so skinny!

You: Nooo, I’m fat!

Minwoo: No you aren’t. Don’t say bad things about yourself!

You: Hmm… ok.

Minwoo: Because I think… you’re handsome!

You: Handsome? –smiles

Minwoo: Yup, because if I say beautiful, it’s so overused. I’d rather say handsome. Aha.

You: Well, you’re pretty, very pretty!

You and Minwoo both started blushing. You both hung out at the beach for a while. You guys lost track of time and it was almost twelve.

Minwoo: We have five more minutes to celebrate your birthday, what would you like to do?

You: I don’t know. I’m happy being here with you.

Minwoo: Hmm, well then I have one last surprise. It’s a secret though!

You: Another surprise?

Minwoo: Yup, why? You don’t want like surprises?

You: No, it’s not that. I love surprises!

Minwoo: Ok, can you keep a secret surprise?

You: Yup, yup! Of course!

Minwoo: Then close your eyes.

You close your eyes. Minwoo gave you a small peck on your lips.


Ahaha, hmm, haven’t updated in a couple days.

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Chapter 46: Aww this story so sweet <3
Chapter 46: KYAAAHHHH~! Nice story author-nim REALLY! <3 Will this story have a sequel? I wish it would have the story is so beautiful
wonwoojpeg #3
Rereading aha :D I love this too much
Chapter 46: What a beautiful ending..but I am wondering what happen to the Jo twins???
Kept reading this again and again even I last read this a year ago!
Thanks for making this wonderful story author-nim!!!
KAMSAHAMNIDA!!! *bows 90 degrees* kekeke ^^
MitsuKyuYamazaki #6
Chapter 46: THUMBS UP FOR THIS~!
new reader~~~
i'm so late =w='
Purple_love145 #7
Please make a sequel
SEQUEL! please make a sequel
SEQUEL2! omo2! what happen to the twins anyway? NICE STORY! THUMBS UP! ^^