Actress and Actor

Give you my X.O.X.O LOVE

Zen Me Ban - S.H.E


Another morning came, the sun shines and the weather is just perfect. Jihyun was infront of her locker, busy putting her books inside. "Science, Math and Englis- mamamia!" while counting her books, a loud slammed from the lockers made her struggle catching her books. She turned looked at the person behind the loud slammed and realized it's none other that Goo Hara.

She crossed her arms over her chest, " I must warn you that Sehun is mine" She possessed. She walked towards her with burning eyes. *Oh no* Poor Jihyun gulped.

"Hi Baby! " some called

The two girls turned their heads just to see Sehun skipping joyfully to the hallway. "Baby!" Hara clasped her hands together. Sehun run towards Jihyun and gave her an embrace. "Baby I missed you! Are you feeling good already? " He smiled cheerfully. *Crescent eyes* Jihyun weirdly smiled. "Y-yes B-ba-ba-" she cant say it. She just cant because she thought it is disgusting to hear.

*Tss. ACT YOU FOOL!* he smiled sweetfully while pinching her finger signing her to act sweet. "Baby! " she smiled fakely. "Y-yes Im doing fine! I really have a sweet boyfriend!" she playfully laughed.

*Good* Sehun thought. He looked at Hara "Oh hi there Hara! Nice to see you. If you mind, Im just taking my GIRLFRIEND out here. " Sehun smiled, "Go lock your locker now BABY because the others are waiting for you" Sehun ordered. "Ha-ha okay baby! " Jihyun turned around and rolled her eyes, *this is harder than I thought* she locked her locker and clinged to Sehun's arm. They hopped cheerfully at the hallway like a happy couple in love.

"Tss. They're so sweet" Hara admitted. She walks out of the locker's area and waited for the bell to ring at their classroom. The students got shocked seeing Sehun and Jihyun together as COUPLE. Gossips between them spreads that fast. Some doesnt agree about their relationship but dominant sees their relationship cute.


Far away, Sehun and Jihyun hide behind a wall and sighed in relief. They pulled each other's arms back. "Good Good I did it" Jihyun cheered. Sehun pinned Jihyun on the wall and said "YOU SERIOUSLY NEED TO BE TRAINED IN ACTING" he hissed, "MAKE HER BELIEVE THAT YOU LOVE ME OKAY? YOUR ACTING IS HORRIBLE" he emphasized each word. Jihyun stepped on Sehun's foot, "OKAY IM SORRY. IM NOT GOOD IN ACTING. I DIDNT EVEN JOINED DRAMA CLUB" she pointed out.

"WHAT EVER. " Sehun rolled his eyes, "Come with me" with that he dragged Jihyun with him.

"Where on earth are you taking me?!" Jihyun asked but Sehun didnt bother to answer.


"She's here" Sehun spoke once he and Jihyun arrived at the bleachers of the gym.

"Hi Jihyun!" Baekhyun waved his hand with a big smile on his face. "H-hi" she greeted back.

"Let me check your temperature" D.O stood up and put his palm on her forehead. "Hmm~ You're not hot anymore" he smiled. Jihyun looked at him puzzled, "Wh-what are you saying?" she then looked at Sehun.

"They went at your house last night. I dont know how to cure you so I asked for their help. " Sehun pointed out.

Jihyun looked at his friends and bowed "T-thank you" she nervously spoke. Her lips are trembling.

"No problem! We're friends now anyways" Chanyeol spoke.

"Fr-riend.." she reapeated the said word. *fr-friend?* she thought. Jihyun never had a friend. 

"Yes, You heard him right. They want to make friends with you" Sehun smiled a little. Jihyun looked at him with wide eyes, *friends...*

"Hi Jihyun, we're friends now, okay? We will protect you from now on" Kai held out his hand and clasped it to her hand. "Nice meeting you" he added while shaking his hand with hers.

Jihyun unknowingly smiled *i have friends now?* she asked in disbelief. Sehun looked at her expression, *Why do I have this feeling it's her first time to have a friend? I mean if she does, she's weird* he thought.

"We heard about the fake relationship. I hope you'll help Sehun get rid of Hara. " Suho spoke while walking towards her. "What do you mean?" she asked.

"You see, Sehun's parents and Hara's parents have this AGREEMENT that when they reach the right age.." Suho asighed "They'll make them marry each other"

"Ridiculous right? " Sehun dryly laugh "I dont like Hara. I hate her. I hate everything about her" Sehun added.

Jihyun giggled, "You both match each other. You two are both weird" She laughed.

"Stop it!" Sehun scolded but Jihyun didnt stop.

Chanyeol is giggling silently, "Hey you hyung!" Sehun hissed.

"Im sorry Sehun, I think she's right. You and Hara are both weird" Chanyeol cant help it and joined Jihyun from laughing.

Suho smirked. He leaned closer to Sehun and whispered, "you got one stubborn girl over there. She's cute though" Sehun looked at Suho, "She's a pig" he whispered. Jihyun actually heard that and immediately kicked Sehun's knee. "Oww!"

"You ostrich shouldn't treat your shining armor like that" Jihyun hissed.

"Shining armor?!" Sehun asked.

"Yes, without me, maybe tomorrow you'll be her son's father" she raised a brow at him and smiled.

"I hate you" Sehun pouted. "We're not friends" he added

"I hate you more" she replied, "Im happy having this boys being my first friends" she looked at them, "Im really happy to have friends now... Its my first time to have friends.. I never had a friend. " She confessed. Their hearts fluttered, including Sehun. "Thank you for being my friends. I promise I'll treat you boys well. " then she looked at Sehun " but not you. " she turned around and walked away from the gym.


"Well~ a fake one actually" Baekhyun giggled.

"I like her. She's funny" Kai admitted.

"Me too" Suho agreed.

"Oh my goodness. If you guys could just feel what I feel right now. Bring me to the clinic now. I think I broke my knee" Sehun cried out.

"You can it by yourself Sehun. " Chanyeol laughed and run away from the gym. The others followed him behind eaving Sehun alone.

"HEY! HEY!" sehun cried out. "I hate you guys" he hissed.


Lunch time. Jihyun, as usual, packing her things and ready to go for lunch when suddenly Sehun stood infront of her. Sehun smiled sweetly at him and said "Baby, are you going to your locker now? " he dryly laughed. "Come on. I'll bring you there" he pushed her away from the classroom.

Walking at the hallway with your enemy is the most horrible idea ever. Jihyun sighed and shook her her *I need money. I will get use this job* she cheered up. All of a sudden Sehun slip his hand to hers. Jihyun trembled and stopped from walking.

"Why Baby? Is there something wrong?" Sehun asked. He cupped his hand to her face and looked deeply in her eyes, "N-nothing" she gulped.

"Okay" he answered. They began to walk once again until they reach the locker's area. Students are giving Jihyun death glares. It's like they want to eat her alive. She tried to ignore them but it's hurting her. *Im starting to hate my job.* she thought. She got worried and nervous at the same time whenever she thinks of what will happen on the next few days. Will she survive this job?

Without her knowing, her hand is holding tightly Sehun's hand. Sehun noticed that, *What's her problem? Is she torturing me or what?* he looked at her and saw that her face is turning red. *Interesting* he thought.

After going to the lockers the fake couple went to the canteen to grab some food to eat. The two decided to seperate for awhile, "You eat with us okay?" he ordered. Jihyun nodded and walked away.

Sehun bought rice, beef, kimchi and milk for his lunch. He went to his group's usual place and started to dig in. "Jihyun!" Baekhyun called and waved his hand with a smile. Jihyun went towards their table and sat between Suho and Sehun. Jihyun opened her English book and read it. She opened her sandwich and took a bite.

Sehun rolled his eyes, "Are you on a diet or what?" with his comment everyone on the table turned to him. "Excuse me?" Jihyun raised a brow.

"Why do you keep on cheese sandwich every lunch break? You're getting skinny. I hate Skinny girls." He hissed "Are you even eating rice?!" he added.

Jihyun looked at the sandwich and took a bite on it. She chewed it and shook her head. "I cant afford to buy foods such as rice." she confessed.

EXO K's faces fell *seriously?* they thought all at the same time. "Are you serious? You're so poor" He commented. Jihyun looked at him with an disapproving look, "E-excuse me?! Did you just told me Im po--" "here, take my lunch, Im full" Sehun pushed his tray to her and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Kai asked.

"I forgot that Mr Kim needs to talk to me. Maybe it's about basketball" Sehun guessed, "See you guys later" with that he left the canteen area.

D.O turned to Jihyun who's staring at the food Sehun just offered to her. "Eat now Jihyun-ssi! " he approached. "Here, take my veggies, it's good for you" Chanyeol put some veggies on her tray, "Eat up! hurry! " he ordered. Jihyun nodded, "T-thanks" with that she ate the food. *waahhh~ canteen foods are delicious* she cried inside. The members can see how happy Jihyun is now, tasting the food she rarely eats.

"make yourself full okay?" Suho smiled. Jihyun looked at him and smiled. *cute* suho thought.



"Hello?" One of Sehun's maids answered the phone.

"Hello! Uhm Ivy noona?" Sehun asked.

"Sehun?! Oh my why did you called? " Ivy asked, shocked at the same time curious.  "are you going home early today?" she asked.

"N-no, actually I called because I want to ask you to do me a favor" Sehun shyly said.

"Oh" she giggled "Okay, what's you're favor honey?" Ivy asked.

"C-can you buy me some groceries? You can use my credit card. It is at my black cabinet, 1st drawer in my room. "

"Oh! Okay but Im curious, " she smiles, "Why do you want to buy groceries? We have plenty of food here~"

"Uh-uhm.. I just want to help a f-friend. My f-friend needs it" Sehun answered truthfully.

"What a sweet boy. Oh well, " she giggled, "I'll buy it now. "

"Thanks noona. I know I can count on you" he smiled.

'Anything for you Sehun" with that she hang up.


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Chapter 30: Boo_boo sshi jjang! Please make a sequel XD .*Yehet*
Chapter 30: Daebak ! his mom is sooo cute =>
pbcccc #3
so cute!!! and his mum at the end too
kpoplover_13 #4
Chapter 30: SO CUTEE!!! You should make longer chapters!
deniece1718 #5
Chapter 30: I LOVE THIS STORY ♥
rudelysweetk21 #6
Chapter 30: Aigoo stupid sehun for not trusting her..anyway nice story..thanks
taoexotics #7
Chapter 6: im just guessing here but did you kinda got inspired by the drama called hana yori dango or boys over flower
mitaki2 #8
Chapter 30: Awwwwww this is such a cute story~~ in happy that Mrs Oh finally agreed to their relationship! But poor baekkie.... Dw you always have Chanyeol with you
Chapter 28: it's okay baekhyun bb,come to me xD
Chapter 28: Poor Baekhyun and Jihyun...
Everything is messed up because of Sehun's mom and Hara... I hate them! Dx