Where are you?

Give you my X.O.X.O LOVE

Play your love - After school



"Jihyun, maybe I'll give your salary by tomorrow" Sehun announced while they were walking towards the lockers. Jihyun's eyes widened, "Wow!! Really?!" She asked in disbelief, "But i think it's still early for you to pay me" she said in confusion.

Sehun sighed, "I'll be giving you your salary early for you to be able to buy your dress for prom next week. "

Jihyun sighed, "But" she looked at him "But I never attended proms~" she admitted. Sehun got shock by what she just said. He just thought that it's an important day for girls to be beautful and be their crush's princess and be able to dance them. "you know, if that's the reason why you're going to give me my salary.. dont give it yet~ I dont really like attending parties and you know that. " She smiled "And besides im used to it. I just stay at home and rest" she added. 

*You're impossible. How can you not be so excited in an important day? I saw Hara dying to buy all the dresses she wants just to look perfect for this event then you, you just said you're just going to rest in your apartment?! NO NO this is not right* he thought.

Jihyun was about to walk towards her locker when suddenly Sehun grab her hand and said "Dont you care about me?"

"H-huh?" Jihyun said, puzzled

"What will happen to me on our Prom when you're not around? I dont have someone to protect me!"

"But Baekkie and the dudes are ther-"

"No, ofcourse they're not there. They have dates! Ofcourse they wouldnt notice me."


"Would you just let me stand alone on our prom while you're resting happily on your bed?"

Jihyun hissed *stubborn* "So I think I suggest you not to come on the prom then. Finish"

"No. I want to come to the prom" he paused "With you. " Sehun's words traveled to her heart that made it flutter. Her lips trembled and didnt know what to say next. "You should follow my rules. Rules are rules" he looked at her eyes. Jihyun's heart melted.

He let go of her arm, "I'll be going now. The dudes and I are going to do an important business. " he scanned her face "Tweety, be home early okay?" He waited for Jihyun to nod before he left her.


It was pass 6 in the evening when Jihyun decided to go home. After school she went to the park to relax herself. She feels sorry that she didnt followed Sehun's order today. *It's just today, I just need to relieve my stress. I know he'll understand that* she thought.

She was still on her uniform. She was walking alone on this dark way. She looked at the lights on the pole and realize that the lights are off and some are broken. She feels scared a bit and wanted to call Sehun but she has no phone.

She looked at the stars while walking and smiled at how the stars twinkle above. Then she move her eyes to the moon, it's a crescent moon today "Hey, It's Sehun's eyes" she giggled alone. "That's how your eyes looks like Oh Sehun when you smile. " she chuckled.

She was mesmerized by the stars and the moon. She smiled widely and realized that she needs to go home now. She's worried that Sehun might check her at her apartment. She'll be dead serious when Sehun knew that she's not home early.

She hurried when suddenly a car stopped by infront of her. She stopped and stared at the car. She thought that this car will just be parking but then 3 males came out with mask on their faces.

Jihyun tried to run away but the males chased after her. *SEHUN SEHUN SEHUN!* Sehun is the only one that popped on her mind. She needs him, she wants him now, she needs her armor.

She's getting tired but she's still running as fast as she can. She doesnt want to be chased by this boys. She cant or Sehun will get mad at her.

Her knees weakened and it's like this boys are not getting tired. There's no way she can stop. *WHY ARE THERE NO FREAKING LIGHTS HERE?! I CANT SEE THE WAY!!!!!* She screamed on her mind. While running she tripped and landed on the ground.

She quickly got up but felt her ankle injured. She cant run like this but she needs too!

She struggled. She's catching her breath. "Andwe" she said between her breaths.

She landed on the ground again, "Andwe.. Sehun.." she called his name even though she knows that he wont be here to rescue her. "Sehun..." she whispered. 

The boys stopped from running. They were catching their breaths before they grab Jihyun by the arm. "You made us run for you this run. Now you deserve to rest"

Jihyun hissed, "When Sehun knew you guys you'll be dead meat" she said weakly.

"We dont care" they began to evily laughed. A male stepped forward with a handkerchief on his hand. Jihyun widened and tried to back him away but then it was too late, she accidentally inhaled the chemical on that handkerchief. She fainted after seconds. The males carried her on the way to their car.

Song Joongki, Jihyun's past bestfriend, coincedence,  passed by males who's carrying Jihyun while going home from school. He noticed that the girl looks like Jihyun. He looked closely and realized that it's really Jihyun. *Jihyun has friends now? B-but I thought Jihyun's friends now are EXO K?* Joongki and Jihyun are no longer friends but he does have friends that would tell him about news about Jihyun like being friends with EXO K and being Sehun's girlfriend.

"I guess that girl who ordered us to this will be giving us high pay" one of the males laughed.

"Yeah. Hey dude who will be sleeping with her?"

"The one who has the greatest body, That's me"

"Taecyeon, please, My body is perfect"

"Nickhyun stop. "

"No Chansung you stop"

Joongki got suspicious but he told himself that  he has no rights to judge Jihyun's friends. They might be just Jihyun's friends who's carrying her to her home. *But I have this starnge feeling* he said to himself.

When the 3 males dissapeared in his sight he shook his head and continued walking home with doubt on his heart.


Sehun checked his watch, 9:45 pm, he rolled his eyes as he put his tea cup down. He was waiting for Jihyun to come home for hours. He swear that he'll be scolding Jihyun for disobeying him.

Even though Sehun's getting annoyed and angry because Jihyun's not home, half of himself is worried about her and questions like 'where is she?!' 'why is she not home?!' is she out with our classmates?!' 'did she run away from home?!'

He shook his head at those thoughts. "No, Jihyun wouldn't run away. Not now that I need her. We have the rules" he assured to himself.

After an hour he decided to text Suho and said "Im worried. "

Suho replied to him saying "Why?"

"Jihyun's not home yet"

"What?! Wait. How did you know she's not yet home?"

"Im waiting for her here in her apartment"

"What?! "

"she gave me the duplicate of her keys... Im really worried. Im freaking gonna die here now. She's not yet home"

"Dude, dont freak out. Look at the bright side, maybe she's just with Lay. The nurse~"

Sehun didnt thought of that. He sighed and replied "maybe you're right. "

"Dude, it's late. You should go home now. Im sure Jihyun's safe"

"Okay. Goodnight"


As Sehun reads the last message of Suho he stood up from the couch and sighed. He didnt want to go home, not yet, but he needs to rest. He still has school tomorrow and he just thought that maybe Suho is right.

He secured her apartment before locking the door and walked out. *Where are you tonight?* that's the only question that's floating to his head.

That night he cant sleep. He keeps on rolling side by side to his bed. He sat up and grabs his hair in frustration. "Jihyun, in our whole 3 months you never went home this late. You should have a excuse to me tomorrow or I'll be scolding you all day for worrying me this much!" he hissed and lay back to bed.


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Chapter 30: Boo_boo sshi jjang! Please make a sequel XD .*Yehet*
Chapter 30: Daebak ! his mom is sooo cute =>
pbcccc #3
so cute!!! and his mum at the end too
kpoplover_13 #4
Chapter 30: SO CUTEE!!! You should make longer chapters!
deniece1718 #5
Chapter 30: I LOVE THIS STORY ♥
rudelysweetk21 #6
Chapter 30: Aigoo stupid sehun for not trusting her..anyway nice story..thanks
taoexotics #7
Chapter 6: im just guessing here but did you kinda got inspired by the drama called hana yori dango or boys over flower
mitaki2 #8
Chapter 30: Awwwwww this is such a cute story~~ in happy that Mrs Oh finally agreed to their relationship! But poor baekkie.... Dw you always have Chanyeol with you
Chapter 28: it's okay baekhyun bb,come to me xD
Chapter 28: Poor Baekhyun and Jihyun...
Everything is messed up because of Sehun's mom and Hara... I hate them! Dx