Chapter 9

Found Lost Love
JungKook slide open their van door and hopped in and SuNi followed. She sighed and fastened her seatbelt, but the sigh slowly turned into a faint smile. JungKook glanced over at her after hearing the loud sigh, instead of seeing an annoyed expression, he saw the corner of her lips curled up into a small smile. 
Was she happy already?
“Where's the other people?” SuNi looked pass JungKook to see TaeHyung. 
“Probably sleeping,” TaeHyung nodded. 
“Why are you asking him when you could've just asked me?” JungKook moved a little, blocking the boy beside him. 
SuNi looked at his jawline and turned away avoiding any eye contacts that would make her smile like an idiot and show her happiness, even though his jawline was enough to make her smile like an idiot. 
They arrived at the underground parking lot few minutes later. The two boys had fell asleep on each other. SuNi smiled at the warm but heartbreaking view, she just wants to wrap a blanket around them and let them sleep until they feel like waking up.
JungKook turned, hitting his head against the still asleep boy's head. TaeHyung suddenly sat up in shock, he stared at the back of the driver seat for a few minutes. The three of them sat in silence, SuNi chuckled quietly at two spaced out expressionless people.
“Let's go, I'm kinda hungry,” TaeHyung said and opened the door. JungKook and SuNi followed him out the car and went up the escalator with the manager. 
Taehyung walked beside their manager with his hat covering his face, and JungKook, who also had his hat covering his face, walked with SuNi a few steps behind them. 
SuNi felt cameras snapping pictures from the front, sides, and back. She looked up at JungKook, she didn't like being the centre of attention, she rather be the invisible person that nobody ever knew existed, and she was also concerned about JungKook. 
JungKook looked down at her, all he could see in her eyes were worries. Worries about the fans, worries about what would happen if their appearance spread out too fast, worries about everything except her own worries. JungKook smiled weakly. “Are you worrying about me? Aw, thanks!”
SuNi's jaw dropped, she turned around and covered her embarrassed face with her hair.
How did he know?
They walked closer to the other two as they slowly got closer to the more crowded area. Girls pointed and giggled as they saw the two celebrities, but with the three inches gap between JungKook and SuNi, people didn't care much about SuNi, plus their manager was with them. 
“Oh!” JungKook pulled SuNi's arm back as he look straight into the store beside them. “I wanna go in this store.”
“But we won't be able to catch up to them,” SuNi pointed at the two other people that continued waking. 
“We'll catch up later, come on.”
SuNi turned and looked at the almost disappearing TaeHyung and turned back. JungKook was already in the store looking at clothes, she sighed and walked in as well. 
JungKook popped out beside SuNi as she looked through the clothes on the clearance section, “Does this look good on me?" He held up a red sweater and smiled brightly at her. 
SuNi nodded and shrugged her shoulder. "I know you love the colour red, but maybe try and buy some other colour clothes, like, blue?”
“Blue?” He frowned. 
SuNi walked over to the guy section and went through the racks, looking for the perfect blue sweater.
She held up a plain blue sweater, “This one!” JungKook looked at the sweater, and frowned unsure if it would look good, but still took it and walked to the fitting room just to make SuNi happy. 
After a few minutes, JungKook walked out of the fitting room wearing the sweater SuNi found for him. 
He smiled down at the outfit. “Good?” JungKook looked down again and then up at her. SuNi nodded and gave him a thumbs up. Perfect. She thought.
They walked towards the food court as their stomach grumbled loudly. SuNi clenched her teeth every time her stomach cried for food. She looked around, cluelessly. She had obsoletely no idea where the food court was, all she could do was trust JungKook as he lead the way. 
They stopped at the map and looked for the food court. SuNi turned and noticed two fans standing just a few feet away taking pictures with their phones. 
SuNi looked down and backed up to let them take pictures of him. She looked at them, then JungKook, then back at them. She thought of the old pictures she saved in her head, all she wanted was those memories to come back, before she starts saving more, and before everything goes black. 
“It's just down there,” JungKook said and pointed at the crowded path behind the map. “Why are you so far away from me? Come closer before I lose you in the crowd.” SuNi took two steps closer and followed him lead them through the crowded path.
JungKook pulled out his phone as they arrived at the noise food court. He placed his phone on one ear and covered the other. “Hyung, where are you guys?” He frowned and nodded as he talked on the phone with . “We'll eat first then," he said and hung up. 
“What are we eating?” SuNi's eyes sparkled at all the big logos. “Chicken? Fires? Burgers?”
“I can't eat those. I'm on a diet," JungKook pouted and  looked over at the salads. “Guess I'll eat that then.” He mumbled. 
SuNi looked at him in disgust. “What kind of god damn fat are you trying to lose?” JungKook shrugged. “I just feel like I need to and manager-hyung said so.”
“Shut up! I'll let you eat anything you want for today,” she smiled evilly. “I got a plan, but we better hurry up before they come find us.”
SuNi carried a tray with salad and an apple on it and sat down on an empty high chair beside a tall thick pole. JungKook walked over laughing sarcastically, he set down the tray with chicken and fries and sat down on the other side, facing her. “Where have these food been all my life?” He chuckled and sat down. “What are diets when there's these beautiful food in front of me?” SuNi looked at him and laughed. He looked liked the happiest person alive. 
SuNi looked around the food court for two men, a celebrity and a manager of theirs as JungKook ate his lunch. She saw two familiar people walking towards them from behind the pole. “They're coming! Switch, switch, switch!” She whispered and switched her tray with JungKook's. 
JungKook giggled and picked up a piece of lettuce. “This is so intense!” He threw the green piece of vegetable back into the barley touched pile of salad. 
SuNi popped a fries into as her stomach growled for the thousandth time, and smiled at the manager as they got to them. The manager frowned at the tray in front of SuNi. “That's your lunch, right?” 
SuNi smiled and nodded. “Of course it's mine, it's in front of me.” She kicked JungKook's feet under the table. 
He turned over to JungKook and tilted his head at the untouched salad. “Are you not hungry?” 
“I'm starving, but these things won't fill me up, plus they taste gross." JungKook kicked back. 
The manager nodded suspiciously at them and paused.  “I'm just gonna go get my food, JungKook, don't let me see you eating her food, got it? You're on a diet.” JungKook nodded and gave him an ‘OK’ sign. 
TaeHyung stood beside them and waited for the manager to walk further away. “I need real food!” He whispered and picked up a fries from “SuNi's” tray. “And I know you weren't eating that by the way." He said and pointed at “JungKook's” salad. 
After he left, the two of them giggled together, laughing at the suspicious look the manager gave them. 
“Oh, god,” JungKook said. “You're a genius, you should come shopping with me more often so I get to do this.” SuNi her lips and nodded awkwardly, unknowing how to reply.
“Man, everything just seems to be more interested when you're around. You know, I just love being with you, it makes me feel more free and happy.”SuNi smiled, “Just eat the food before they come back.” 
Her heart fluttered as she thought of what he just said to her. Everything was more interesting when she's around and the fact that he likes being with her. 
He likes being with her. 
They dropped off SuNi at the front of the apartment. JungKook followed her out the van and walked into the warm building with her. “Why are you following me? Go home!” SuNi turned and frowned at him. 
“You know why I took you out today?” He asked as they stopped in front of the closed elevator door. SuNi shook her head as pressed the button. 
“Cause I'm sorry, for letting you wait for me in the snow and getting sick.”
SuNi let out a small laugh. “You thought I didn't forgive you?” JungKook shook his head and gave her an innocent look. 
The elevator door opened, SuNi walked in, “Just so you know, I already forgave you when you called that day, but—” the door closed before she could finish her sentence.
She looked at the closed door and smile. "But thanks for kidnapping me and bring me to the mall today.”
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sweetypiee #1
Chapter 27: Omg! This is so cute! I love this author-nim. DAEBAKKKK
Chapter 27: Aww cute hehe goodjob authornim . Daebak
Vtae84 #3
Chapter 27: So sweet...ahhh..if it was will be the sweetest experience..
kdramalover1 #4
Chapter 27: Wow. This story is so awesome author-nim!! Great job :)
Mickeyyy #5
Chapter 27: is it the end? I hope isn't the end ^-^
Chapter 25: yyyyyyyyah~ you know how much i was waiting for another chapter! >< i know you busy i just kidding :) thanks for this amazing chapter , i felt sad for jungkook too~ thanks thanks thanks!
shinilzu #7
Chapter 23: this is just too cool