Chapter 4

Found Lost Love
It's been weeks since SuNi started going to work with her sister. She was more comfortable now, but still didn't talk much. SuNi no longer feel as creeped out as she used to be when she first met JungKook. He was just a curious boy lookng for his friend, but SuNi still couldn't open her heart up to him, yet. She was able to have a few conversations with the other memebers, but JungKook. 
SuNi felt like she was just like one of the idols, rushing from one place to another, repeating everything again and again, and lacking a huge amount of sleep. But SuNi could never fall asleep in the car or while waiting for the schedules to end without her favourite stuffed bunny. It was medium size bunny that smelled like it hasn't been washed in years.
They all went into the dressing room and got ready. SuNi sat on the couch reading a book she downloaded on her phone. She had to do something keep her busy instead of just siting there waiting for time to pass. "SuNi," her sister called out, " can you pass me my coffee, please?" She asked politely and pointed at the black coffee on the table in front of SuNi. She reached out for the coffee and passed it to her sister. EunJoo smiled and took a few more sips before giving it back to her sister. And after that one order, all she could hear now was all "SuNi can you" orders. She was called every few seconds by the stylists in the room, and it was slowly getting annoying. She probably wouldn't be as annoyed as she is now, if they add a "please" or "thank you" at the end.
"SuNi, can you—" "What?" She sighed in annoyance and looked up seeing JungKook trying to untangle his earphones. "Can you untangle this for—" SuNi's phone vibrated on the surface of the table. She bent down a little and picked it up, and before answering the call she checked the caller ID. 
"Hey, mom!" Her tone changed all the sudden into a cheerful person, "yes, I'm fine, nothing to worry about... No, I'm with unnie at work..." SuNi paused for a long time for her mom to finish talking, "oh okay, no it's okay, bye." She she hung up turned back to JungKook, but before he could start his sentence EunJoo called her, again. 
"What?!" She screamed which made almost everyone in the room to look at her in shock. 
The quiet girl was screaming. 
EunJoo's eyes were watery and red. SuNi could tell she was in big trouble, but she couldn't take back the scream. "Don't you dare talk to me like that, I'm your sister," EunJoo said calmly but SuNi wasn't calm at all she was annoyed by everything right now, due to her lack of sleep. She used to sleep in everyday, until EunJoo made her come to work with her, everyday. 
"Well, if you let me stay at home and sleep more, I probably won't be this cranky!" 
"Or maybe you should come out of your room and look at the world."
The two sisters argued in the middle of the dressing room with everyone staring at them. It was as if they never seen siblings arguing before, but of course watching siblings arguing is entertaining. 
SuNi pushed her sister's shoulder rudely with a tiny bit of force, "World?" SuNi chuckled, "do you think I'm able to see the world when I'm following you around, moving from one place to another every few hours? I'm not seeing the world, and I probably won't ever see it." 
The two of them stood face to face for a while, the whole room was silence, you could hear nothing but your own heart beating. SuNi backed up and walked out the room to clear her mind. She really did want to see the world. When she was young, her mom told her that the outside world was a place where people were all kind to each other, no one lied or turned their back on someone, but it was all a lie. The outside world was a scary place, her mom lied because SuNi was still too young to know about the real outside world.
She walked over to the window and kneeled down with her arms wrapped around her legs. Rocking back and forth, she thought of the face her sister gave her before she left, it was a mixture of both crushed and frustrated. SuNi couldn't believe she could say such thing to her one and only sibling, it didn't sound like her at all. Even if she was a cold person, she still has a kind heart and would never hurt anyone's feeling, because somehow she knew the pain.
SuNi slowly stretched out her arm towards the window and knocked on it quietly. The window was just like her best friend, whenever she has something that she wants to share, she knocks on it. She didn't know how talking to a window could make her feel better, it just does all the time. 
"What's wrong?" A voice said. SuNi looked at the window in shock. 
Did the window just talked?
Right after when she thought she was going crazy, a boy bent down next to her, "I want to hear the good news first, if there's even one." "Oh! I thought I was going crazy cause the window was talking to me." SuNi looked at the side of JungKook's face. "Sorry if I scared you." He laughed and looked out the window. Then no one talked. 
SuNi looked at JungKook from the corner of her eyes, he was looking out the window smiling softly at himself. She was thankful he wasn't staring at her anymore, he gave her chills whenever they make eye contacts, so it made everything harder for her to have a conversation with him.
SuNi cleared and her lips before starting to explaining how she is not who she usually is when she doesn't get enough sleep. JungKook sat down on the floor and listened patiently to SuNi's explanation. He never thought that someone else would talk to a window, he thought EunBi was the only one that would do that. 
"I'm a really nice person, but I just don't know how to express it on my face, like am I suppose to smile at strangers too, even though they don't know me and I don't know them?" SuNi started to talk faster and faster, she turned and looked into JungKook's eyes, "so here's an example, if I was sad and I see a stranger, am I suppose to smile? But I'm sad! And what if the person doesn't smile back? It'll just make me feel worser than I am already." SuNi talked and talked not giving JungKook any chance to answer her questions. 
"First, yes, you should smile cause it's a nice thing to do, what did you learn at school, don't all teachers tell us to smile at everyone, even the ones you hate? Second, worser is not a word, what do you even learn at school?" JungKook answered SuNi's question the way she wanted to hear it, simple and organized answers, except the school parts. He chuckled "Worser." 
"Shut up, I want to go to school too, I just can't! My stupid sister won't let me go." SuNi rolled her eyes and turned back to the window. 
SuNi didn't know how it was even possible to look at JungKook for that long without feeling awkward. She thought she would never be able to look at him in the eye for more than two seconds. 
"Don't call your sister stupid, she's the second nicest sister I ever seen in my life, well, the first one was someone else's sister I never actually met." JungKook shrugged. "How do you know if a person is actually nice without meeting them?" "I just can, okay? I just can." He mumbled. 
Then an awkward silence fell between them again. SuNi didn't know what was happening to her, she could hear the door of her heart slowly opening up. All she did was pretended JungKook was the window and spat out everything, the only difference was that it replied.
"Right!" JungKook exclaimed and stood up, "I was gonna ask you to untangle this for me!" He held out his crazily tangled earphones. SuNi frowned at the ball of wires and took it from him, "How in the world..." She drift off and concentrated on the wires. 
After the schedule ended, they hurried into the vans and headed to another destination. 
Sorry. -SuNi 
SuNi wasn't good at apologizing face to face, she would either leave a note or text them, even if they were right next to each other. She'd always feel awkward saying sorry face to face, it was like accidentally taking an unfimilar friend's thing without even knowing it and telling them you don't have it. And when you realize that it was with you the whole time you just don't have the guts to go to them and give it back to them, because you told them you didn't have it. 
It's okay. -EunJoo
SuNi turned and looked at her sister, she had her jacket covering up her upper body. Her sister was still the only person that understood her feelings better than anyone else, and SuNi was thankful that she had such great sister. She wants to remember her face, just incase her world turns black. 
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sweetypiee #1
Chapter 27: Omg! This is so cute! I love this author-nim. DAEBAKKKK
Chapter 27: Aww cute hehe goodjob authornim . Daebak
Vtae84 #3
Chapter 27: So sweet...ahhh..if it was will be the sweetest experience..
kdramalover1 #4
Chapter 27: Wow. This story is so awesome author-nim!! Great job :)
Mickeyyy #5
Chapter 27: is it the end? I hope isn't the end ^-^
Chapter 25: yyyyyyyyah~ you know how much i was waiting for another chapter! >< i know you busy i just kidding :) thanks for this amazing chapter , i felt sad for jungkook too~ thanks thanks thanks!
shinilzu #7
Chapter 23: this is just too cool