Chapter 5

Found Lost Love
SuNi and the seven members sat on the black couch with other staffs scattered around the room, no one had the energy to talk or even sit properly. 
J-hope, V, and JiMin leaned on each other's shoulders and slept quietly, while Suga, Jin, and Rap Monster had their earphones on and eyes closed in the middle, and last but not least, Jeon JungKook, who had his body turned sideways facing SuNi, and his head resting on the topof the couch.
To SuNi, JungKook had the most uncomfortable sleeping position, she already knew he would wake up with a painful neck. Before she could even think further into the way they slept, their managers came and woke them up quickly. 
JungKook stretched out his arms, but it was only half way up when his face twitched in pain. He rubbed the left side of his necked and whispered a few words to himself, SuNi chuckled as she watch the tired members get up slowly one by one. Each of them had a clueless expression across their face. She stood up and poked JungKook's painful neck first, then patted the other members' shoulders to wake them up. "Ow!" JungKook flinched. "Wake up guys," SuNi said loudly and went back to where she sat. 
JungKook stretched at where he was, while the other members stretched in front of the table. SuNi sat in silence, looking back and forth at the already hyped up people and the person in pain. She hesitated if she should go help JungKook with his neck pain or just sit and watch him suffer.
Her kind heart dragged her up, "I'll help you," she walked over to JungKook and massaged his neck the way her mom use to massage her whenever she gets neck pain from sleeping in a weird positions. 
"Ow!" JungKook screamed and screamed as SuNi help him to ease the pain. "Stop screaming! It doesn't even hurt that much!" SuNi whispered loudly but continued massaging.
"That's not fair! I want a massage too!" J-hope crossed his arms in front of his chest and looked at the two of them. "I think the I should get one too, since I'm old." Suga pointed at himself and smiled.
"Excuse me?" Jin looked down at the pale looking boy. Rap Monster pointed at Jin and laughed quietly, "SuNi probably liked JungKook better than us."
"Probably," Suga sighed and continued stretching. "No!" SuNi finally said after hearing the older members argue over who should get a massage. "Who do you like the most then?" JungKook turned and looked up at her. 
She pulled her hands back and looked at all of them. They were all staring straight at her, smiling as bright as they could, waiting for the answer to come out of . SuNi ignored their stares and walked sat back down on the couch, but they continued staring.
"Are you guys serious?" She rose her eyebrows. They nodded together. She her lips ad opened , "If it's based on the height–" her sentence was interrupted by JiMin's loud sigh. She chuckled and continued on, "I didn't say I don't like short people, but it's Jin oppa. If it's based on the personality, it's Jin oppa, but you all have a wonderful personality, and–" "Let me guess the next one is based on the looks and it'll be Jin hyung too, right?" JungKook cut her off. She looked at him surprised, "How'd you know?" JungKook shook his head and started stretching with the members. 
Jin acted normal as if he didn't hear anything, but everyone could see the little smile he had on his face. "The more I look at him, the more I hate him," JiMin joked. SuNi looked down at her phone to ignore any further questions. 
SuNi sat on the very top of the bleachers of a big gym, the gym was split into three badminton courts. It was two on two, one team wore white with thick black letters printed on them, the other team wore red with yellow letters printed on them. 
SuNi looked around, she stopped and saw someone that caught her eyes. The same young boy. 
Her eyes focused on him as the games stared, it would get intenser after every single hits. She watched the boy run backwards and swing his racket in the air, hitting the birdie over the net. 
Before SuNi got sick of watching people passing it back and forth at each other, the crowd stood up roaring and whistling loudly. SuNi stood up on the chair to see what was going on. The rest of the red team ran up to the two players and surrounded them. From the top of all people SuNi could see almost everything, the boy looked up at her and smiled and winked. SuNi couldn't see anything but a blurry smile and one blurry eye getting smaller than the other one.
EunJoo shook her arm a little, "SuNi your leaving marks on my arm." SuNi opened her eyes and let go as soon as possible, with the massive headache she couldn't even stand properly. "Are you okay?" Her sister asked while holding her up. SuNi nodded and took a deep breath, "I'm getting way more flashbacks then I use to get now."
"We can ask why next week when we go to the hospital for your check up."
"Alright," SuNi mumbled and looked up at the seven males preparing on the stage. 
After their performance, they bowed and thanked the staffs and fans before walking off the stage. They all waved and came down to the backstage. JungKook, who was the last one to come off the stage, glanced at the cheering crowd and gave them a quick wink. SuNi turned her head away as the headache become stronger. "What a flirt," she though as she tried to push the headache out. 
Everyone followed them back into the dressing room to get ready for the next schedule. SuNi pass the water to the first person she saw, which was Jin. "Aw, thanks," he blinked at her and took a sip. "She does like him better," the jealousy in J-Hope was bursting out like lavas exploding out of the volcano. SuNi stuck out her tongue and smiled at him before walking away. 
JungKook stared at her back as she walked away. He thought she would like him better than the others, since few weeks ago she was spitting out her troubles to him. He thought he was closer to her than the others, he though she opened up to him more than she did to the others. Why doesn't she like him the most out of all seven of them? 
The seven members sat around the table eating their lunch. Some staffs stood and the others sat in front of the mirrors. SuNi leaned against the makeup table eating her lunch with her sister and the other four stylists. They were chatting away about life, the stuffs that SuNi couldn't quite understand, she just stood there and allowed the words to run in her head and out. 
"SuNi, come sit here," JungKook patted on the little tiny empty space beside him. SuNi hesitate for a few seconds before she walked towards them. JungKook shift closer to Suga and made more space for SuNi. She didn't even know why he asked her to sit with them. The staffs never sat with them, it was as if they have these powers that kept people out of their little circle. 
"Hey, girl," said RapMon with his hey-girlfriend voice. "Hey, NamJoon unnie," SuNi laughed and sat down next to JungKook. "See guys, I'm an unnie to her, I'm more than just a friend," NamJoon bragged. 
SuNi shook her head and sighed quietly. How long was this I'm-closer-to-her-than-you game going to go on?
"I don't even care, cause I'm too 4D for you all," V buried his head into his lunch and munched away. 
"How come you can just choose that one person out of all of us that easily? Like, hello? We're good looking too!" JiMin covered his mouth after realizing what he had just said. "I said nothing," he said quickly and looked down at his lunch. 
"You guys are good looking, but I just like guys with shoulders like..." SuNi looked around the room and tried to hide her smile. "I'm feeling so much love today," Jin opened his arms into the sky.
"Can you at least say one good thing about us to make us feel more confident standing beside Jin hyung for rest of our lives?" JungKook's voice shot into her ears, it was half annoyed and half careless. She had no idea what to say, "Right now?" She frowned. JungKook nodded, and so did the other members, especially J-Hope, his eyes flashed open when JungKook asked SuNi to say at least one thing about them. 
"You already know this, NamJoon oppa is my unnie, Hoppie oppa is, uh, the most energetic one in here," J-Hope gave her an approval nod, "TaeHyun oppa... He's just different, JiMin oppa, uh, I don't know awkward?" She said it like it was a question.
"How am I awkward?" JiMin looked at her with a big frown. "Shh! It's my turn!" Suga shushed him. "YoonGi oppa is a mean person," SuNi looked at him with a dead straight face. "I'm just kidding, you look like a baby, cause of your skin, it's just so smooth." Suga touched his face and smiled, "I'm a baby~" 
"And JungKook..." SuNi paused for a long time wondering what she should say, "JungKook... JungKook... JungKook is... my window!" She turned and look at him with a big smile. 
"Window?" Jin asked. SuNi nodded, "Window." Of course no one knew what it meant, it was their little secret.
JungKook finally smiled. He was at least somehow more special than the others, he meant more to her than the others, because he was her window. 
Her one and only window.
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sweetypiee #1
Chapter 27: Omg! This is so cute! I love this author-nim. DAEBAKKKK
Chapter 27: Aww cute hehe goodjob authornim . Daebak
Vtae84 #3
Chapter 27: So sweet...ahhh..if it was will be the sweetest experience..
kdramalover1 #4
Chapter 27: Wow. This story is so awesome author-nim!! Great job :)
Mickeyyy #5
Chapter 27: is it the end? I hope isn't the end ^-^
Chapter 25: yyyyyyyyah~ you know how much i was waiting for another chapter! >< i know you busy i just kidding :) thanks for this amazing chapter , i felt sad for jungkook too~ thanks thanks thanks!
shinilzu #7
Chapter 23: this is just too cool