Chapter 21

Found Lost Love
SuNi waved goodbye to her sister and waited for EunBi to finish her shift, she sat on the bench outside of the restaurant with JungKook, who sat down beside her. “You don't really need to stay, you can go home,” SuNi whispered and glanced at the slowly disappearing van. “Really? You want me to chase after the van?” “You have a phone, you can call,” SuNi gave him a judgmental look.
JungKook looked up at the dark sky with barley any stars, but he felt joy in his chest. “I rather stay with you, it's been a while since we spent time alone.” SuNi turned and frowned. “What do you mean alone?”
“What alone means.” SuNi gave him a tired glare. “You and I. The two of us. Alone.”
SuNi paused, sensing where the conversation was going. “We're just friends, right?”
“I don't know. Are we?” He turned around and smirked at her. SuNi turned away from him as embarrassment rushed through her body. Are we?
The three old friends sat around two wooden tables with books, worksheets, and workbooks spread across. It was JungKook's idea to pretend they were working on homework so it wouldn't catch many people's attention. He pushed his black cap lower, so low the hat looks as if it would burst open at the top any minute. 
SuNi cleared and glanced up at EunBi, she was still shocked by the fact that all the time when she was spending with SuNi, she was actually with EunBi. “Are you really EunBi?” SuNi nodded and glanced over at JungKook, who was actually trying to do his work. “She really is, trust me,” JungKook mumbled and flipped through his textbook. 
“Then why are you pretending as if you don't know me?” EunBi leaned back on her chair. JungKook stopped flipping the pages and SuNi stared down at her hands. No one said anything for a few seconds, the cold atmosphere floated around them, causing all of them to feel a bit too uncomfortable. JungKook sat up and sighed, he turned over at SuNi and waited for her to give permission to explain it for her, because he knew she didn't want to say it herself. 
SuNi bit her bottom lip as JungKook explained the reason to EunBi, she wanted to hide somewhere away from the slowly becoming clear memory of herself crossing the road and the car screeching from behind. Her heart started to beat faster and faster, the more she thought about it, the more scared she become. March 10th, the day I lost almost everything.
“I'm sorry,” EunBi whispered, which pulled SuNi's attention back. “I'm sorry,” she repeated again and looked down, avoiding looking at SuNi in the eye. SuNi stared at the top of her head, unknowing what to say. “I'm sorry for transferring to that school and ruining your childhood and your friendships, thank god you don't remember all those, if I were you I wouldn't want to even try and remember them,” she sniffed quietly. 
“But I want to,” SuNi mumbled. EunBi lift her head up and looked into SuNi's eyes with her watery eyes. “If I was able to handle it before, I think I can handle it now,” SuNi said and played around with JungKook's worksheets.
EunBi wiped the tears away before it could fall down, and took a sip of her hot chocolate to calm herself down. If she was able to handle it before, she can handle it now too. She reminded herself. “Everything started the day I came, people started calling you names, making fun of you, and all your friends just...left you, because of me. I was actually trying really hard to stop them, but what can I do? I was the new girl, and if I did stand up for you, it might just cause more troubles,” she paused and took a deep breath before continuing on. “I was completely fine with not having any friends and didn't care if I would get bullied, because I was the new girl anyways. But it was you that I was always worried about, you were friends with all those people and all the sudden they abandoned you because of me, the chubby girl. It's all because of me, if I didn't transfer to that school, or have the same name as you, or even looking like the bigger version of you, I would encourage you right now, instead of telling not to remember all those memories, because I bet they would be way better than the ones you have.”
SuNi sat in her chair and closed her eyes while pictures of a girl that was just slightly bigger than her following her everywhere flashed through her head. SuNi could tell the little her was trying to stop the young chubby EunBi from following her around. Everything was written clearly on her face, she didn't want EunBi to follow her around, she wanted to be alone, because she didn't want people to be seen with her, if anyone was to be seen with her they would automatically become one of the target. 
“You hated me, right?” EunBi mumbled. “Because of me, everything was ruined...I'm sorry.”
SuNi felt joy and sadness at the same time, she was happy her memories were slowly coming back bit by bit, but she wasn't liking how EunBi keeps apologizing. “Don't say sorry, you should've told me before that you cared about me, because I did the same thing to you as I did to the rest of the people. I push them away from me so they won't be bullied as well, that is probably why you thought I hated you, because I kept pushing you away.” JungKook turned her head towards SuNi even though all he could see was her shoulders below. Did she just...He questioned himself. 
EunBi grabbed the napkin off the table and wiped away the water that were rolling down her cheeks. “I'm sorry,” her voice was shaky and quiet. “Stop saying sorry! You did nothing wrong, it wasn't your fault that you transferred to a school and met me, who had the same name and looked like you. Nothing was ever your fault, so stop apologizing,” SuNi's raised her voice a bit.
The words stabbed right into JungKook's heart one by one. “Nothing was ever your fault.” Because everything was my fault, I was the one who decided to go the wrong way instead of sticking with you, I made everything worse. He blamed himself. 
After saying goodbye to EunBi, SuNi gave EunBi a hug. “I only hated you once, and that was when you lied about who you are.”
EunBi chuckled. “See? You did hate me.” SuNi smiled softly and watched EunBi walked down the street, she turned around and headed home as soon as EunBi was out of her sight. JungKook quietly followed behind her, he watched her hair bounce against her back each step she took. The way she walked down the street full of confident made him feel pity. She always try to act like nothing happened even though her eyes proved that she's lying. 
SuNi turned around and saw JungKook following her quietly. “Jeon JungKook, go home!” She said but couldn't hide her smile from the fact JungKook was still with her. 
“Nah, I'm not going to leave you walking alone in the dark,” he said and jogged towards her. “What if someone kidnaps you?” SuNi let out a small laugh from the ridiculous ‘What if’. “Why do you think I would get kidnapped?”
“Cause you're a girl, walking alone in the dark.” SuNi rolled her eyes. “Go home, tomorrow's another busy day.”  
“I'm not going home, I'm going to stay over at your house,” JungKook smirked and bumped SuNi's shoulder causing her to move closer to the middle of the streey. “Who gave you permissions to stay over at my house?”
JungKook shrugged and rest his arm around her shoulder. “Well, I have to go somewhere and call my manager so he can come pick me up. I can't just stopped in the middle of the street and call him, he wouldn't know how to find me.”
“Makes sense,” SuNi turned around and nodded at him. Just when SuNi was about to say something else, a car zoomed pass them. SuNi panicked and hugged onto whatever was beside her, which was JungKook. He stared down at the top of her head unknowing what to do, he could feel SuNi's whole body shaking and her hands tightly griped onto his jacket. 
SuNi didn't care how tightly she was hugging JungKook, she was terrified. Her head was pressed against JungKook's jacket, and so was the rest of her body. She felt JungKook's hand wrapped around her shoulders. “It's okay, everything's fine, the car's gone, it can't hurt you this time,” JungKook whispered and patted the back of her head.
The way JungKook was comforting her calmed her down, she lift her head up, all she could see was his lips smiling softly down at her. For a second the whole world became quiet, SuNi felt her cheeks redden and her ears burn. She let go of JungKook quickly and pretended nothing happened. “Good night, JungKook,” she said quietly and turned around, hiding her red embarrassed face with her hair. JungKook blew air out of his nose and smiled. “I'm still going to your house!” He called and jogged to her side, pushing her to the inside or the street so the next time a car comes by she wouldn't get scared.
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sweetypiee #1
Chapter 27: Omg! This is so cute! I love this author-nim. DAEBAKKKK
Chapter 27: Aww cute hehe goodjob authornim . Daebak
Vtae84 #3
Chapter 27: So sweet...ahhh..if it was will be the sweetest experience..
kdramalover1 #4
Chapter 27: Wow. This story is so awesome author-nim!! Great job :)
Mickeyyy #5
Chapter 27: is it the end? I hope isn't the end ^-^
Chapter 25: yyyyyyyyah~ you know how much i was waiting for another chapter! >< i know you busy i just kidding :) thanks for this amazing chapter , i felt sad for jungkook too~ thanks thanks thanks!
shinilzu #7
Chapter 23: this is just too cool