Chapter 24

Found Lost Love

It was just like the usual busy days, EunBi covered her tired yawn with her hand. She was leaning against the table full of makeup supplies, watching the lights flicker outside of the dressing room with beeping sounds everywhere. Her sister and the other stylists sat on the chairs and couch chatting away, EunBi never liked joining their conversations because she never understood anything they were talking about, she rather stand and wait for JungKook to come back than sitting beside them. The photo shoot has been going on for hours and they still haven’t finish shooting, the only people that came in and out the dressing room were the stylists and the managers, but there was no signs of the members of BangTan.

EunBi puffed out her cheeks and looked down at her phone, it was almost noon, which means the photo shoot should be ending soon. She walked over to the door and leaned her head against the door frame. Every time the camera flashes, she would blink her eyes, but everyone else seemed to be perfectly fine with the bright flashing lights. She watched the seven boys pose like professional models, they looked too serious and concentrated it made her giggled. They are always crazy and hyper, but when it comes to dance practice, vocal practice or anything that has to do with their job, they would turn off their crazy, cute self and become something she’s seeing right now, the calm, handsome, seven males.

EunBi watched JungKook changing his pose after ever flash, she shook her head at the serious boy with a smile on her face and looked around the studio. The equipment all looked expensive and complicated, and the way the photographer was holding the camera worried her, the only thing she was hoping was that he wouldn’t drop the high tech camera and break it.

Her eyes found her way back to JungKook, and this time he locked his eyes with hers and gave her a weak smirk. She grinned widely and shook her head before heading back into the room. Instead of going back to where she was standing before, she sat down on the empty chair in front of the mirror and pulled out her phone. She swiped back and forth on her homepage, she had no idea what to do besides sitting and looking down at her boring phone. It wasn’t technically boring, she was just not in the mood to play any game on there. And, before she could get any more bored, decided to look through her photos. She set her photos into a slideshow and placed it on her lap. She watched the photos she taken slowly changing from nice sceneries, to group pictures with BangTan, to pictures of just JungKook and her. She smiled at how much time had passed and how the pictures reminded her of the little bits and pieces of everything. She rested her elbow on the arm of the chair and placed her head onto her palm, smiling quietly down at her phone.

She stood up and stretched her arms out after the slideshow finished, she grabbed the plastic water bottle that she had marked as hers and drank half of the bottle. Her eyes brightened when she hear the loud “lunch breal” coming from the wide open door, she smiled and waited for people to file into the room. The room was soon packed with staffs, she stood as close to the wall as possible, making sure she was in no one’s way.

JungKook followed the other members into the dressing room with their lunchs, he looked around the busy room for EunBi, he stretched his neck up and spotted a familiar head beside the wall. He made his way over with his arm over his lunch, protecting it from making any contacts with anyone. His lips curled up into a smile as he got to her, he leaned onto the wall beside her. Before, he would sit beside the others and enjoy his lunch, but now he would always find EunBi and eat beside her, weather if she was standing up of sitting down.

EunBi looked up at him and gave him a warm smile. She could feel her stomach aching for food, but she would never eat before the other stylists, which always end up not eating at all. JungKook flipped the lid opened and asked EunBi to hold it for him while he split his chopsticks apart. She sniffed quietly and pouted at the delicious looking food. JungKook looked at her and chuckled. “Are you hungry?” EunBi passed him his lunch. “No, not at all,” she lied and looked away from his lunch before she starts drooling over it.

JungKook chuckled again and by slowly putting the warm piece of meat into his mouth. EunBi swallowed down her saliva and tried to look away again but it was useless, because her eyes were already glued onto JungKook’s lunch. “Want some?” JungKook asked, picking up another piece of meat with his chopsticks. EunBi automatically opened and moved her head towards it, but instead of having the food sent into , JungKook pulled it back and giggled. “Stop,” EunBi whined. JungKook moved his chopsticks towards her, and just before she could bite down, he pulled it away again, causing EunBi glare at him, but he didn’t care sine her expressions were cute and priceless. “I won’t do it again, I swear,” JungKook said while laughing. EunBi thought for a few seconds then opened , and this time to prevent him from pulling back, she grabbed onto his wrist.

She smiled with her eyes forming into two lines and let go of his wrist. JungKook watched her expression as she chewed quietly, he smiled at her and patter the top of her head. “You’re so cute!” EunBi bit her tongue to make herself to not smile at the comment, but it was hard so she just let the smile form across her face.

None of this was supposed to be seen by anyone else, not even the members, but Jin has been watching them since the very second JungKook walked over to EunBi. He could feel the different atmosphere around them, and the pinkish light glowing around them made him think for a few seconds, but he shook it off thinking it might just be him thinking about pink and love too much.



EunBi hopped out of the van and walked into the company, she greeted the staffs and made her way up the stairs. She turned the opposite way as the others and headed towards the one and only practice room she would ever go into. The room was still dark and empty when she got there, but she was used to arriving everywhere earlier than BangTan, so it didn’t surprise her at all.

She pulled a random folded chair and sat down in the dark, not even bothering to turn the lights on to let the people coming in to know that there is someone in the room. Even though the room was dark, there was still some lightes from nowhere reflecting off the mirror, she rested her elbow in her knee and placed her chin on the back of her hand.

She waited and waited with her eyes fixed on the mirrors, and when the door burst opened, she didn’t even look over. “Oh my god!” JiMin screamed in horror. EunBi slowly turned her head over and saw the three youngest boys out of the seven standing at the door. JungKook pushed JiMin away and flicked the lights on. He dropped his bag down on the floor and took off his jacket, V followed him in with closed eyes and accidentally tripped over his own foot, causing everyone to look over at him. EunBi sighed and smiled at the idiot, she looked behind and waited for more people to come in, but there was no one else.

JungKook walked closer to EunBi and pouted at her, then slightly eyeing the two boys behind him, he looked back at her, still with the pout and innocent looking eyes on his face. She knew that face, the face that says “Why can’t we be alone?” she shook her head and let out a soundless laugh.

After stretching for a few minutes, JiMin turned the music on and started practicing with the other two members. EunBi watched them move around the smoothly, even without the other four members, they were still able to dace perfectly. She pulled her legs up onto the chair and rested her head in her knees, she loves watching them dance, she would watch them at the music programs, in the dressing room and anywhere else they would practice their choreography. Her favorite ones were the practice room ones, because they are serious but goofy at the same time, they would giggle after making eye contacts with each other but continue on with the dance. Even though she loves watching them practice, somehow, she wasn’t in the mood today, and the room was getting too stuffy for her. She stood up quietly and left the room to the place that not many people go to.

She walked up the stairs to the very top and pushed open the heavy door, a gust of cool, fresh air hit her as the door was pushed open, she wrapped her arms around her arm. Could’ve grabbed someone’s jacket. She thought and walked over to the edge, she look ahead at the view of the busy Seoul city, a smile formed on her face, the view was beautiful she could stare at it all day.



After the song had ended, JungKook collapsed down on the floor with sweats dripping down from every single piece of his hair, he laid down on the floor and closed his eyes, he breathed in and out to try and get his breath back to normal. The three of them were too tired to even get up from to turn the music off, they just let the song play over and over again. JungKook opened his eyes and look over at the chair EunBi was sitting at, but he didn’t notice her when she left the room, he sat up and looked around the room. Where did she go? He asked himself and stood up, he walked out of the practice room and into the office, but she wasn’t there either. He stood in the hallway and looked up at the stairs, a quiet chuckle escaped his lips as he walked up the stairs.

He pushed open the door, and the first thing he saw was a feminine figure leaning against the railing, looking out at the view. He didn’t immediately walk over to her or call her name, he just stood in front of the door and admired her back with the sun shining down from the side. She looked like an angel to him, an extremely beautiful angel, so beautiful his heart ached. She deserves to have someone that would take her everywhere and show her off to everyone, and that someone shouldn’t be him, because he knew he would never be able to do what normal boyfriends would do, but no matter what he would always try his best.

JungKook sighed and walked over to her, he wrapped his arm around her waist and rested his head against hers. EunBi looked over at him and something on his face told her there was something on his mind, she smiled and turned around, knowing that he would tell her when he’s ready to.

They stood there in silence for a while, just staring out at the oragne sky. EunBi would stay in this moment as long as possible, she wouldn’t even care if her sister starts running around the company looking for her, she wanted to spend as much alone time as she could with JungKook because there was nowhere else she could spend time with him like this.

JungKook turned his head facing her neck and snuggled up against it. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. EunBi frowned. “For what?”

“For being an idol.”


“I can’t go out in the public holding your hand and showing you off, I can’t do whatever other couples do.”

EunBi blew air out of her nose and rested her head on top of his. “Don’t you have to thank yourself to become an idol? Or else how are you supposed to find me?” JungKook lift his head up and smiled at her. “Right.”

She turned over and stared right into his eyes, their noses were the only thing that was keeping the gap between their faces. JungKook turned his head into an angle and closed the gap between them, EunBi closed her eyes and smiled. JungKook reach for her hand as they pulled away from each other. “You’re cold,” he said and wrapped his hand around EunBi’s freezing ones. “It’s cold up here, and I’ve been here for a while already,” she said. JungKook squeezed her hands and rocked her side to side, she laughed at his random action and let him do whatever he wants.

While they were enjoying their time, someone was slowly walking up the stairs. Jin could hear a faint sound of JungKook’s voice behind the closed door, he pushed open the door. “Ju-” he stopped before he could finish calling out his name. He stared at the two teenagers’ back, the same atmosphere and glow of love surrounded them. Jin slowly close the door making only a quiet click and sprinted down the stairs, he gathered all the members into the empty conference room. “Do you guys know anything about JungKook and SuNi?” he asked. All of them gave him a weird look and shook their head. Jin told them what he saw at lunch and what he just saw few minutes ago, and when he was done, no one said a word. They all looked down at the table with very serious face, because they couldn’t stop JungKook from being in love with EunBi, but they were also concerned about what might happen in the future if he doesn't be careful .

“I guess we can’t do anything but to let him do what he wants, plus we all know that he knows what he should do and what he shouldn’t do,” the leader said finally. “Just let him experience young love,” he added and held his fist in the air.

“But we’re not even sure if they’re really together or not,”JiMin said, causing the other five people to shake their head at him. “I mean, they can be really close.”

“Hugging and giggling with lovey-dovey atmosphere around them is so just really close friends,” Rap Monster shook his head and tsk-ed at him.


“Fine, we’ll ask him later, happy?” the leader cut him off and stood up. “Okay, let’s all get back to work and talk about this later.” All the other members agreed and headed back to wherever they were before, and went back to whatever they were doing before.



JungKook and EunBi walked down the stairs and headed back to the practice room, where everyone else was. JungKook turned around and gave EunBi his usual silly yet adorable smile before opening the practice room door, a wide grin automatically formed on her face as her heart squealed the precious look he just gave her and followed him into the room. The six other males greeted them from the floor, JungKook nodded his head at them and EunBi waved her hand at them with the wide grin still on her face. J-Hope gave her the exact same, happy, hopeful expression, and laughed quietly.

The two of them joined the little circle to join the conversation, but there was none. EunBi watched them exchange eye contacts with each other, it made her feel left out because she didn’t get the message they were sending each other. Rap Monster cleared his throat and looked at JungKook, seven pairs of eyes focused on him, JungKook looked at all the people that were staring at him and let out a nervous laugh. “Did I do something wrong?” he asked.

“No, not really,” the leader said. “But, where were you half an hour ago?” JungKook opened his mouth but nothing came out, he looked over at EunBi causing the others to look over as well. Her ears burned as she saw everyone’s head turning towards her from the corner of her eyes. Her eyes widen at JungKook and waited for him to say something that will let everyone’s eyes leave her. He got the sign and turned back and faced the front, he pointed at the roof with his finger. “Rooftop.”

“Just the two of you?” Suga said while slowly lying down onto the floor.

JungKook nodded slowly and lightly, the whole room became silence again. EunBi exchanged eye contact with JungKook and hide her face with her hair. She knew where this conversation was taking them, but she didn’t know how they found out.

“Are you guys, like, together?” Rap Monster asked straight up. JungKook gave him a questioned looked, pretending that he had no idea what he’s talking about.

“I saw everything!” Jin said loudly out of nowhere and stood up. “At the photo shoot and up there.” EunBi blinked her eyes at the sudden outburst, she never thought such calm looking guy could talk like this, and his slightly high pitched voice made her wanted to laugh.

“Yeah, we are, you know, together,” JungKook confessed.

“Ooh, JungKook’s all grown up now,” V said as if he raised JungKook up. “I remember when you were short and still looked like a kid, and now you’re all tall and…girlfriend,” he pointed at EunBi and let out a frustrated groan. “I want one too,” he mumbled.

Suga flopped down onto the floor. “Can we go now? Since everything is clarified, can we please go back to the dorm? I’m tired.”

The six boys mumbled and made random noises as they stood up and walked over to their bags, JungKook and EunBi were the only ones remained sitting on the floor, EunBi watched them slowly pick up their bag from the reflection in the mirror, hoping they could hurry up and leave.

“JungKook, you’re not coming?” J-Hope asked and adjust his bag.

“No, I’m going to stay after and practice for a while,” JungKook replied.

“Yeah right, practice,” the tired Suga replied in a mocking way and headed out the door with the rest of the members.

EunBi turned and faced JungKook, it was just the two of them alone, again.

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sweetypiee #1
Chapter 27: Omg! This is so cute! I love this author-nim. DAEBAKKKK
Chapter 27: Aww cute hehe goodjob authornim . Daebak
Vtae84 #3
Chapter 27: So sweet...ahhh..if it was will be the sweetest experience..
kdramalover1 #4
Chapter 27: Wow. This story is so awesome author-nim!! Great job :)
Mickeyyy #5
Chapter 27: is it the end? I hope isn't the end ^-^
Chapter 25: yyyyyyyyah~ you know how much i was waiting for another chapter! >< i know you busy i just kidding :) thanks for this amazing chapter , i felt sad for jungkook too~ thanks thanks thanks!
shinilzu #7
Chapter 23: this is just too cool