Chapter 3

Found Lost Love
"Can I ask you something?"
"Is it a short question? Cause I'm kinda busy right now," JungKook pointed at out the door where everyone was busy doing whatever they're doing. "Oh, never mind then." She put her earphones back on and sat back down on the chair completely avoiding the boy that just stood there awkwardly. 
She felt relieved as he walked out the room. Her heart was beating so fast it could explode any second. She was scared to ask him the question but she was so curious, she wanted to know the answer. 
How could such a kind looking person say mean things to anyone? 
SuNi forgot about what the news had taught her. Some people—not everyone—might look nice on the outside, but who knows what is hiding under their fake kind face. After watching millions and millions of news on the tv for two years straight, she was scared of the people outside of the apartment she lives in, even the neighbours, because you never know what is hiding under their kind smiles. 
They walked out the car as the loud screams of fans shot into they're ears. SuNi clenched her teeth and walked as close as she could to her sister, but she was all the sudden separated from the stylists group. She looked like a lost puppy trying to find her way back. Before reaching her group, a fan who was three times larger than her pushed her back, which made her fall into the excited crowd. All she could see was people screaming and pushing around. 
There was a path in the middle that allowed the members and staffs to walk on, but somehow SuNi was pushed into the crowd of fans. She worried that someone might just push her on the the ground and stomp over her. Suddenly she felt someone pulling her out of the piles of screaming people. As she was being pulled out in slow motion the whole world was silence, she heard the jealousy of the fans whispering. 
She looked up at JungKook as goosebumps rushed up her back when she was finally standing still. He let go of her wrist and pushed her towards her sister. SuNi looked down at her red wrist, she didn't even notice how tightly he was holding onto her wrist until he let go. She promised herself that she will thank him later. 
SuNi look from behind as the fans came up one by one to all seven members to get their albums signed. Many fans bought gifts for them, like stuffed toys, food, signs made by fans, letters, and more. SuNi watched the staffs and managers putting everything into separate boxes with each of the members name on them. Everything seemed crazy to SuNi, she didn't get how the staffs could remeber which box is which and  how all these fans could afford to buy so much stuff for them.
"What are you doing? Go give them water or something to drink!" EunJoo screamed quietly at her zoned out sister. SuNi gave her sister a confused look when she finally came back to earth. "Give them these." EunJoo passed her seven bottles of water and pushed her towards the boys. 
What's with all these pushing?
She went to the closest member first, which was the person she wanted to go to last. "Here." She said and placed the water onto the table. JungKook flinched a little when the water bottle was placed down beside his elbow. "You scared me," He looked up at her and gave a nervous laugh, "thanks though." SuNi quickly looked away and wrapped her arms around the six other water bottles tighter. 
"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! JungKook! JungKook! I—" the fan who just got to JungKook two seconds ago looked up at SuNi with a dirty glare, "who's this girl?" She asked impolitely. JungKook looked up at SuNi, thought for a few seconds, and finally a bright smile of his formed, "One of your stylist noona." YoonGi, who sat next to JungKook, giggled quietly by himself as he heard the words coming out of JungKook's mouth.
"So that's why you pulled her out of the crowd!" She exclaimed as if it was the most surprising thing she ever heard. 
"So you were one of the fans that was jealous." SuNi thought and walked away to pass the six other water bottles to the rest of then members. 
"Noona! I want juice!" The childish YoonGi burst out laughing after saying it. SuNi clenched her teeth and placed the water bottle down as lightly as she could onto the table and ignored his teasing and walked over to the rest of them.
SuNi went back to her sister and allowed her words to shoot out like bullets, "JungKook just called me 'noona'! YoonGi oppa too! Do I even look like one? I'm sixteen! I'm freaking sixteen!" 
"Aw, that's so...funny!" Her sister burst out laughing. 
"It's not funny, I've never been called noona in my entire life and now here's one guy older than me and another the same age as me calling me that! How would you feel if someone one thirty years old called you that?" SuNi screamed in frustration. 
"Well, obviously I wouldn't be happy, but they have no choice but call you that," EunJoo took a deep breath after laughing. 
"What do you mean they have no choice, just tell them I'm a teenager that can't stay home by myself and has to follow her sister to work! Why can't they just say that?" "SuNi, you don't understand what would happen if you say that. We can't predict it either, fans get jealous easily." 
SuNi sat down beside her sister and looked down at her ugly scarred finger. EunJoo patted her sister's head, "Did that little boy came back again?" SuNi nodded, her sister was still the only person that understood her the most. 
The little boy that would constantly flash through her head, it bugged her a lot. The face of the boy has always been blurry no matter how many times memories of him flashed back to her head, and she is anxious to know who the little boy is.
He had always been little in SuNi's head. Could he possibly be younger than her? 
"Noona~" The childish YoonGi teased again as he walk pass SuNi when the fan sign event ended. "Don't be mean! She doesn't look old." Jin slapped the young man's arm playfully. SuNi felt a sudden joyfulness in her chest, finally someone was on her side. 
They all walked into separate vans and headed to separate destinations. BTS were heading back to their company to practice and the stylists were heading to SuNi and her sister's apartment, the usual after job party. 
SuNi went straight into to her room and changed into her pyjamas, her favourite red hoodie and her comfortable black sweats from the male section. She looked around her familiar room, the feeling everyone gets after coming home from a long vacation suddenly filled into SuNi's heart. This one short day seemed like a week had already passed by. SuNi took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of sweetness in her room before walking out.
"Lets not drink something that has to do with alcohol today, since SuNi's eating with us," the blond JiHyun paused to take a sip of water, "FOR THE FIRST TIME! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? SHE'S FINALLY OUT OF HER LITTLE STUFFY ROOM!" 
"It's not stuffy." SuNi looked at her with her usual emotionless look and slowly walked into the kitchen to help her out with the cooking. "Go set up the table." Her sister ordered before she could walk any further into the kitchen. 
SuNi wanted to help in the kitchen, she liked cooking. She puffed out her cheeks and placed bowls and utensils in front of  five chairs. She placed the red bowl in front of her favourite seat that no one ever dares to sit on. SuNi had lots of favourites in their little apartment, it was all because she never left this house for more than three hours in these two years, and today was the very first time she ever left the house for such a long period. She missed all her favourite things.
"So how was today?" BoRa covered politely as she asked SuNi while chewing on her food. SuNi shrugged and played around with her food until she was done chewing. 
"I don't know if this is appropriate or not, but why can't she stay home alone anymore? I'm just curious, like how did you make her to even come out of that room," The blonde woman pointed at red door, "she's always in her room doing whatever entertains her."
SuNi and EunJoo both paused. SuNi stared down at her half full bowl and waited for her sister to speak. She didn't like telling people about he personal life, that is why there is always EunJoo there to say it for her. 
It was just like the usual mornings, EunJoo had already left for work, leaving SuNi alone at home. She walked into the kitchen to make brunch for herself. She grabbed all the ingredients out of the fridge and began to make her little meal. As she slowly cut the vegetables her visions became blurry, it wasn't the first time it happened so she was not worried at all. She continued cutting even with her unfocused vision and mind, her mind had already flew back to her mom. SuNi could see her moms face clearly in her head, so clear it scared her. 
She froze all the sudden as she felt a sudden pain on her hand. She try to refocus her vision by blink it repeatedly but it didn't work. The red liquid rushed out her finger onto the cutting bored and dripping down onto the white marble floor. She stumbled out the kitchen and called her sister first instead of the ambulance, she watched the blood slowly dripping down her finger through her unfocused vision. 
"Help me." SuNi whispered weakly to the phone as soon as her sister picked up, then out. Blood was too much for her, it was not a thing she could ever look at for more than two seconds, and she did. 
After having a cold silence, SuNi finally decided to leave. She went back to her small room and crawled under the covers with earphones in her ears. SuNi hated blood even though it was red, her favorite colour, whenever she think of blood she would always see herself lying in the middle of the road with blood sliding down her face. That memory haunted her almost every night.
"SuNi," EunJoo knocked on the door slightly, "do you want to finish your food?" SuNi slowly sat up and looked at the closed door, she wasn't hungry, "No." she answered. "Can I come in?" her sister asked quietly. 
SuNi stopped right before saying "no", all she wanted to do was to sleep, it has been a really tiring day for her, following everyone everywhere, doing whatever her sister orders her to, and being pushed around. Just when she thought about being pushed around, she remembered that she had to thank JungKook for pulling her out of the fans.
"Sure," SuNi wrapped her blanket around her and shifted into a more comfrotable position.
"At least drink some milk?" EunJoo went into her room with a glass of milk and gave it to her sister. They sat in an awkward silence, both of them didn't know how to start a normal converrsation, they just sat there quietly.
"So, how was today?" Her sister broke the silence in the room. SuNi placed the empty glass on her nightstand and shrugged, "It was alright, I guess."
"You're still coming with me tomorrow though, until when I feel like I can leave you home alone with all thoes sharp thing at home," a little tiny smile formed on EunJoo's face, "I saw it." 
"Saw what?" SuNi frowned as her heart skipped a beat. Did she saw JungKook pulling her out of the crowd? What did she see? 
"You smiling," EunJoo ruffled her hair, "you smiled! A real smile!" SuNi felt relieved and her lips. Wheneverr she smiles, EunJoo would always be happy, because SuNi never smiles. 
JungKook laid down on the studio floor and spread his burning hot arms out to absorb the coldness of the floor.They have been practicing the same choreography for hours non-stop. He rolled over to his bag and grabbed out his phone finding a new message from EunJoo. 
SuNi said thank you, I don't know why, she just told me to do it.
JungKook chucked at his phone screen and put it back into his bag. He thought she wasn't going to thank him for saving her from their fans. JungKook sat up and smiled by himself stupidly as he thought of the tiniest smile he has ever seen in his entire life forming on SuNi's face, he could tell it was a real smile, a real happy smile.
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sweetypiee #1
Chapter 27: Omg! This is so cute! I love this author-nim. DAEBAKKKK
Chapter 27: Aww cute hehe goodjob authornim . Daebak
Vtae84 #3
Chapter 27: So sweet...ahhh..if it was will be the sweetest experience..
kdramalover1 #4
Chapter 27: Wow. This story is so awesome author-nim!! Great job :)
Mickeyyy #5
Chapter 27: is it the end? I hope isn't the end ^-^
Chapter 25: yyyyyyyyah~ you know how much i was waiting for another chapter! >< i know you busy i just kidding :) thanks for this amazing chapter , i felt sad for jungkook too~ thanks thanks thanks!
shinilzu #7
Chapter 23: this is just too cool