Chapter 22

Found Lost Love

JungKook stood outside at the top of the staircase, with his back leaning against the wall, waiting for his manager to come back with the thing he asked him to buy. He smirked and looked down at his feet, he couldn’t stop thinking about the box of memories that he gave SuNi before was sitting on the table in her living room yesterday when he went over. She still has it. He let out a small laugh.

The heavy footsteps echoed as the manager walked up the stairs with a plastic bag. “Why did you all the sudden want to eat these kind of chocolate?” His manager asked and handed JungKook the plastic bag when he reached the top. “Don’t eat too much, you might get drunk,” he laughed and walked to the office, leaving JungKook standing in the hallway smiling at the bag. He hoped this time he could bring some memories back.


Inside the practice room, SuNi, JiMin, V, and J-Hope sat in a circle in the middle. “What game should we play?” J-Hope asked the younger ones. SuNi looked around the room, Suga was sitting against the mirror scribbling things down on his notebook, probably writing down lyrics, while Jin just sat beside the bags and stared into space, too pretty for games. “Games?” Rap Monster said with his deep rapper voice and sat down next to J-Hope.

“3-6-9! 3-6-9,” JiMin shouted. All of them agreed. “The person who got it wrong gets hit on the wrist by all of us,” JiMin announced the punishment and smiled with his eyes forming into two straight lines. The game was started off by J-Hope, going in a clockwise order. SuNi was the first on to clap, she giggled nervously and waited for her turn.


“25,” Rap Monster said quickly, and SuNi who’s mind went blank for a second accidentally called out the number 26 when she was supposed to clap. The four boys cheered as if they won a lottery. “SuNi!” JiMin called and moved towards her. SuNi whined and held out her hand, she had a feeling JiMin wasn’t going to do it lightly like what he’s supposed to do with a girl. SuNi yapped when she felt a painful wack on her wrist, stayed wide open as she look at JiMin in shock. “JiMin, she’s a girl,” the leader said. “She did nothing to you,” J-Hope shook his head with a playful smile. SuNi covered her face as the rest of the three people hit her. She lift her head and glared at JiMin who sat right across from her. “Oppa, you’re dead,” she clenched her teeth and restarted the game.

SuNi waited for her chance to take revenge on JiMin, but he didn’t make any mistakes and the numbers were getting higher and the speed was getting faster.

“27.” “28.” “29,” JiMin said without hesitation. SuNi was the first one to scream, she jumped up and grabbed JiMin’s wrist. The three other players sat at their spot and laughed at JiMin’s priceless surprised face. “Oppa, nice try,” SuNi smirked and hit his wrist with all her anger. JiMin’s eyes flashed open and stared down at his already red wrist, he covered half of his face and looked back to prevent the others from seeing his facial expressions. SuNi sat back at her spot with a satisfied smile and watch the rest of the people to get their chance to hit JiMin.

The third round began, this time it started fast from the very beginning and went all the way up to 30, which was the even more confusing. SuNi counted in her head as everyone clapped either once or twice, the numbers were popping out everywhere into her head. I’m going to lose again! She thought right when it was her turn.

“EunBi!” JungKook shouted and burst through the door causing her to mess up. “Oh! You lost again,” JiMin let out a fake evil laugh and approached her. She automatically held out her arm and waited for her punishment.

JungKook stood behind SuNi judging the four boys with his very own unique judgmental look. SuNi placed her cold hand over her hot wrist and announced that she was officially out of the game, she slide herself out of the circle and glared up at JungKook, if it wasn’t him who screamed her name out of nowhere, she wouldn’t have lost that round. JungKook plopped down next to her and crossed his legs, SuNi blinked at the white plastic bag and blinked at JungKook. “You went to the washroom and came back with a plastic bag?”

“No, I actually didn’t go to the washroom,” JungKook confessed. “But that’s not important,” he said and pulled out a brown not too thin but not too thick box. “This is what’s important.” SuNi blinked at the familiar fancy English letters, and watch JungKook tear open the plastic wrapper for her. dropped open when she saw the chocolates that lined up in rows perfectly beside each other. “I know these!”

JungKook passed the whole box to her. “It’s all yours,” he said and gave her a silly smile. SuNi stretched her hand out and accept the chocolates from him. “Why are you all the sudden giving me this?” “I saw it in that blue box yesterday and thought maybe it would remind you of something.” 

SuNi nodded and took one out of the box, she twist the ends open and popped it into . As soon as she bite the chocolate open, the red wine burst out. She squealed and smiled at JungKook, it was like trying something new but you know exactly how it would taste like. JungKook chuckled at her priceless expression, he lift up his hand to ruffle her hair but was forced down by his mind, he would do it if they were alone. He looked around the practice room and sighed. Well, too bad all seven hyungs are here. He thought and glanced over at SuNi, who was already eating her third one.

The four people that were playing games all the sudden surrounded JungKook and SuNi, but their attention wasn’t on them, it was on the box of chocolate SuNi was holding. “Chocolate! Can I have one?” V asked and gave her a pouty look. “No! It’s all mine!” SuNi hugged tightly onto the box and giggled. JungKook blew air out of his nose. She’s still the same. He thought and watch SuNi popped more and more into .


Everyone in the practice room watched SuNi in shock, except JungKook, in fact he was laughing at her running around like a drunk person. Well, she was drunk. The leader picked up the empty box and looked at JungKook. “What was in the chocolate?” JungKook gave the leader a soft smile. “Red wine.”

“What?” J-Hope’s eyes opened so wide it looked as if it would pop out. “And you let her eat the whole box?”

“Wipe that silly smile off your face, we have a drunk teenager” Rap Monster stopped talking when SuNi bent down and pinched his cheeks, she giggled and moved onto J-Hope, then JiMin, then V. The three boys looked up at her while feeling their cheek thinking the same question. Is she going to be alright?

SuNi giggled and ran over to Jin, he was staring down at his phone but looked up immediately when he felt a pair of hands pinching his cheeks. He blinked at SuNi in shock but before he could think of it she was already skipping away to the concentrated rapper. Jin turned and looked at the younger members, his laugh sounded half scared and half confused, just like how the others felt like, except for JungKook, of course, he’s seen her like this before and she was much crazier than this.

“Oppa!” SuNi squealed and pinched Suga’s cheek as well. His mouth formed into an ‘O’ shape as he stared at the drunk girl in front of him. The members were laughing from behind, because they knew the mixed emotion when they were pinched. “Is she okay?” Suga whispered at the others as he smooth his hands on his cheek.

JungKook’s laughter stopped when SuNi stood next to him, she lift her hand into the sky. “I, Kim SuNi, Kim EunBi, whoever I am, likes Jeon JungKook,” she said proudly. Everyone’s face expression changed as the words echoed into their ears, even JungKook was surprised. SuNi giggled and bend down in front of JungKook and pinched his cheek. “You’re soooooo cute!” SuNi squealed and passed out in front of him.

The seven of them stared at the unconscious body in front of JungKook, the thought of SuNi’s sudden drunk confession flew out the window right away. “JungKook, you’re dead. If EunJoo noona sees this, you’re dead,” JiMin stared at SuNi, terrified. “Is she even going to wake up?” He whispered to V, V shrugged and looked at the door to make sure no one was near it.

The motherly side of Jin walked over to SuNi and picked her up, the six “children” watched him carefully placed her on the couch and put a few jackets on top of her. “Problem solved,” he clapped his hand together and smiled.


“She was worse before, like, really bad. She ate two boxes of that,” JungKook pointed at the empty box. “Don’t worry, she’ll be fine.”

“What are we going to do if she’s not fine?” Rap Monster asked. “Can we kill you?” He joked and clapped his hands together. “Let’s start practicing, I think that was way too long of a rest.” All of them stood up and stretched before walking to their position, JungKook glanced over and SuNi and smiled. I like you too, a lot in fact.



SuNi sat up from the couch and pushed all the jackets off of her burning hot body. She rubbed her eyes and listened to the loud music, she sighed. Did I fall asleep? She turned and looked at the seven people with sweats dripping down their forehead, no one has noticed her yet. She watched them from the mirror, they expressions were completely different, their eyes stared into their own reflection as they moved around. But, the seriousness was soon destroyed when JungKook caught SuNi’s eyes, he smirked at her and stuck out his tongue. SuNi gave JungKook’s refection a stern look. Why is he looking at me like that?


After the practice, they were given time to do whatever practice they wanted. Rap Monster went up to her and ruffled her hair and gave her a brotherly smile before leaving the room, then JiMin came and pinched her cheek as if she was a baby. “What was that for?” She felt her red cheeks, but without an answer she watched him walked out of the door.

JungKook came over and pulled a blue sweater over his head, SuNi pointed at that shirt, she recognizes it. “I picked that sweater out for you.” JungKook nodded and threw a jacket at her, she blinked at it and tilt her head at him. “Come on,” he lift his hand up indicating her to stand up. “The place we’re going is a bit cold,” he said and pointed at the jacket in SuNi’s hand.

SuNi slide her arms into the jacket and followed JungKook out, she glanced down at the sleeves and flopped her arms around, causing the long sleeves to flop around as well. She sniffed when she smelled a slight scent of cologne. SeokJin oppa. She thought, she was sure it was him, because 1) the cologne 2) it just seems to be his.

JungKook held open the door the roof top and waited SuNi to come out, he watched her walk out, smiling. The smile on her face made him smile weakly as well. “So, are you awake?” JungKook asked and walk lean against the wall beside her. SuNi gave his a question look. “Um…yes, why?”

“Cause you were so drunk you went around pinching the hyungs’ cheeks,” JungKook laughed. SuNi looked down as her face flushed red. How embarrassing. And the worst part was she didn’t even remember. “Do you remember anything?”

“Um…no, I think I was a bit too drunk.”

“Well, yes, you were, not a bit, but really drunk. And no, I was actually asking about if you remembered anything.” SuNi said nothing and slide down the wall, she felt sorry because she can tell JungKook was trying his best to help her but things just aren’t coming back that easily.

JungKook sighed and walked forward. “Sometimes I just feel like I can’t help you, I’m scared if everything came back, bad things are going to happen, because there’s a jerk called life that loves to ruin everything when it’s perfect,” he paused and took a deep breath. “Just like our friendship… Every time we got closer and more comfortable with each other, something has to happen and pull our friendship apart and place us back at the starting point,” his voice became angrier, but he wasn’t angry at anyone else but himself. “ing every time,” he mumbled and bend down, burying his head into his arms.


SuNi gripped tighter and tighter onto the inside of the sleeve, her own memories splashed down at her at once, she could feel her head pounding, it was too small to spread all the memories out and slowly go through them one by one, plus it wouldn’t let her do that anyways, it was flashing by like it was on fast forward. She didn’t dare make a sound even though her head was killing her, she just hugged her legs tighter and tighter into her chest.


It was the day right after EunBi went to JungKook’s last badminton game, JungKook asked her to come a few days ago if she would forgive him and become friends with him again, and she did went because she did want to talk to, hang out, and do whatever friends do with him again, so badly.

After the game the two of them met each other at the front of the school. “Congradulations,” she said awkwardly. “Thanks,” he replied. “I’m so tired right now but we’re having a party after, to celebrate for winning first place. You want to come?” She looked into his eyes for two seconds then looked away. “Sorry, I can’t. I have to go home.”

“Alright then,” JungKook shrugged.

She gave him an awkward smile. “I guess I’ll see you after summer then,” she said and turned around right away. She slowed down her breathing and walked down the street, talking to him after all these years was scarier than she thought it would be, it was liked being asked if you liked you mom more or your dad.

She walked down the sidewalk wondering if she should go back and tell him she wanted to go to the party. “No!” Her mind shouted at her heart. She hated when her mind and heart won’t work together and make her make decisions easier.

As her mind and heart continued arguing, she crossed the road. The thoughts in her mind and the feelings in her heart were making angry, and wanted to yell at the two most complicated thing in every single humans’ body. She rolled her eyes and continued walking, because so far her mind was winning, but before she could reach the other side of the sidewalk, a loud screech came from behind, and before she could realize anything, she was flying in the air like an angel then the ground hit her with full force, she didn’t feel any pain or anything, she just lied there lifelessly.

“JungKook,” she whispered and reached her bloody hand out for him, but he was miles away celebrating their victory, unknowing what she was going through.


EunBi lift her head up and heard JungKook sniffing, she loosed her grip and smiled at JungKook’s back and the blue sweater he was wearing. “Jeon JungKook,” she whispered. “I like the colour blue.”

JungKook lift his head up but didn’t look back, EunBi went over and bend down next to him, she turned her head over and smiled at him. “Thank you.” JungKook’s eyes widen as the two words floated into his ears. “I’m back,” she said and stood up. “Kim EunBi is back!” She shouted and laughed. Tears slowly filled her eyes, they weren’t sad tears though, they were happy tears.

JungKook stood up and pulled her into a tight hug, he buried his face into her hair. “I did it,” he whispered and griped tighter. “Yes you did,” she whispered into his chest.

“I like you too,” JungKook whispered into her ears. What? Too? I didn’t even say anything about liking you. EunBi thought and pulled back a bit.

“Too?” She asked and stared right into his sparkly eyes, probably being washed by the tears he was shedding. She mentally slapped herself when she remember what had happened when she was drunk, she placed her forehead against his chest. “That was so embarrassing.”

JungKook chuckled. “No, not at all,” he said and kissed the top of her head, causing her whole face to turn even redder.

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sweetypiee #1
Chapter 27: Omg! This is so cute! I love this author-nim. DAEBAKKKK
Chapter 27: Aww cute hehe goodjob authornim . Daebak
Vtae84 #3
Chapter 27: So sweet...ahhh..if it was will be the sweetest experience..
kdramalover1 #4
Chapter 27: Wow. This story is so awesome author-nim!! Great job :)
Mickeyyy #5
Chapter 27: is it the end? I hope isn't the end ^-^
Chapter 25: yyyyyyyyah~ you know how much i was waiting for another chapter! >< i know you busy i just kidding :) thanks for this amazing chapter , i felt sad for jungkook too~ thanks thanks thanks!
shinilzu #7
Chapter 23: this is just too cool