Chapter 27

Found Lost Love

Months later.


Sorry. I think that’s all I can say right now.

I was happy that I could spend time with you alone today, I’m glad we got to do this today, because who knows when I’ll be back. I didn’t mean to leave you again after all the things we’ve been through, but I swear when I come back, I will go find you right away, no matter where you are or what you’re doing, I’ll show up in front of you and look at you in the eye, and say, “I’m back”.

I don’t like saying goodbyes, and writing this letter makes everything just a tiny bit better. I don’t mean that I don’t want to see you and say goodbye, it’s just that I might breakdown in front of you, and I don’t want that to happen. I want to leave you without letting you see me cry, I want you to remember me smiling while waving goodbye. I want you to be able to look back and smile and not feel sad because in your memory I was smiling.

There’s this one thing I want you to keep in mind of, sometimes we win, sometimes we lose, and sometimes we try to win but still fail, we do a lot of things, but we can’t always get the result we want. Just like right now, we can’t always go with what we want, I can’t be with you forever and you can’t be with me forever, but as long as we know, even if we’re not right next to each other, we still love each other, we’re winning. Looking back at everything, you were once my one and only best friend, someone I hated but loved at the same time, someone I forgot, someone I met and hated again, and now you’re my one and only, and my whole world. And, no matter how far apart we, I will always love you. Always, Jeon JungKook, always.


Jungkook reread the letter he had received from EunBi months ago. He gently fold the paper back into its rectangular shape and put it into the front pocket of his bag, and then pulled out his phone and texted EunBi.

When are you coming back?

He tapped his phone and waited for her to reply, he wasn’t sure if she was busy or not but he still waited. He placed his hand over his chest and felt his heartbeat. It’s been months since he last saw her, and he misses her more and more each day, but at least EunJoo gave him her new number, allowing him to text and call her when he is dying from not being able to see her.

His phone vibrated. JungKook smiled and swiped to unlock the screen.

I don’t know. Soon, I hope.

JungKook sighed and walked over to the seat in front of the mirror to get his makeup done. He was good at waiting, he already waited for her before, and now he could wait for her again, plus, this time wasn’t as hard since he knew she is still somewhere out there.

He looked at the clock on the wall from the reflection, it was quarter pass three, normal people would still be in their dreams but they’re already getting ready for the day.



EunBi walked out of the airport with a small suitcase, she took off her sunglasses and took a deep breath in, and smiled. She open her arms out and started jumping up and down, squealing and laughing. She felt great being home again, and she also couldn’t wait to see JungKook’s expression. She stopped and looked up at the sky, she didn’t care if there were people giving her the look, she was happy to be home after a long time.

Shethen  walked over to a taxi and went home to drop off her stuff. She looked out the window as they drove down the streets, everything was the same but there was a different feeling, she knew all the streets and stores but it somehow felt new to her. She lean her head against the window. Home sweet home. She thought and closed her eyes.


EunBi hurried out the taxi and lift up the pot of fake flowers beside the door, where her sister always puts the extra key at. She unlocked the door and placed her things in the house and locked the door, then hurried back into the taxi. She told the driver her next destination and put her sunglasses back on. She could feel all parts of her body jumping in excitement, butterflies in her stomach, her hands shaking, and her heart beating faster than ever. She thought of the text she received this morning before getting on the plane, she covered and giggled. JungKook had no idea she was coming today, in fact, no one knew she was.

EunBi paid the driver and got out. The place was already filled with fans, all of them were talking and laughing with each other. She has seen this sight for more than once and was used to it before, but it felt awkward and strange today. She looked around and walked over to sign up at the table, she was then guided into a line where all the other fans were. EunBi looked around and took off her sunglasses, she watched the staffs rushing around, preparing for the event, it reminded her of the first fan sign she went, she barely did anything and sat there while the others rushed back and forth in front of her. She didn’t care back then, it wasn’t her job anyway. She covers her face everytime a familiar looking staff looks her way, she can't be seen by anyone that knows her, she wants the suprise to be just like a suprise.

The fans that were sitting at the front all the sudden started screaming, EunBi looked up and watched seven handsome guys walk onto the stage. She smiled but quickly pulled out a black hat from her bag and put it on. She turned her attention back to the stage, the seven familiar figures stood in a line, right away she could see how much they’ve changed, and hair colour was the one that stood out the most. Her eyes were focused on JungKook while the others were talking about something that wasn’t attracting her, because what would be more attractive when there is JungKook standing at the end of the line smiling over at s?

When they were done talking, the fan sign officially started. EunBi didn’t mind being in the middle, she rather watch JungKook from afar longer than going up onto the stage, revealing herself and then leave. As she watch JungKook from her line, fans beside her were giggling like it was the first time seeing idols, but she didn’t blame them for being excited, they should be because if they aren’t then there is something wrong. EunBi was excited too but she didn’t show it on the outside as much.

Time passed by and her row was finally called up. She pulled her hat lower to cover her eyes and followed the girl in front of her. She took a deep breath to calm herself down, but her heart seems to have its own mind. She was praying to god that she could go home quickly to see the people she wanted to see for months, and now they were all in front of her, not knowing that she was just a few feet away. Her heart began to beat faster as the line moved on, but she was smiling wider and wider.

JungKook was the first person she will see, which was how she want it to go. She peeked over the person in front and smiled. JungKook had the same smile, bright and wide, across his face while he talked to the fan that was across from him. EunBi felt more relaxed seeing him smile, it made her think that he was an absolute stressless person and lived an absolute joyful life.

When it was finally her turn to go on stage and get her album signed like the rest of the fans, she took a deep breath and walked up with a straight face. She could see everything but no one could see half of her face. She gently placed the album onto the table and looked at JungKook, he was looking up at her with his innocent eyes trying to get a better view of her face, and by those eyes she could tell he had not recognize her yet. “What’s your name?” JungKook asked.

EunBi laughed a bit and took off her hat. “What is my name?” she said and smirked.

She lower herself and looked at JungKook in the eye. His eyes were big and in shock, and his mouth dropped wide open in shock, but slowly formed into a smile.

“I’m back,” EunBi said and smiled back at him. JungKook laughed quietly and signed her album.

He looked at her with a wide smile, showing off his teeth to the entire world. Their hands automatically found their way to each other, JungKook’s finger pressed against the back of her hand, and her thumb smoothing the inside of his palm. Time stopped at that moment allowing the couple to feel each other’s hands again, and the spark inside of their heart was reignited again. On the outside people might think it’s just a normal idol making a fan happy, but on the inside they both knew they finally found their lost love that had gone missing years ago.

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sweetypiee #1
Chapter 27: Omg! This is so cute! I love this author-nim. DAEBAKKKK
Chapter 27: Aww cute hehe goodjob authornim . Daebak
Vtae84 #3
Chapter 27: So sweet...ahhh..if it was will be the sweetest experience..
kdramalover1 #4
Chapter 27: Wow. This story is so awesome author-nim!! Great job :)
Mickeyyy #5
Chapter 27: is it the end? I hope isn't the end ^-^
Chapter 25: yyyyyyyyah~ you know how much i was waiting for another chapter! >< i know you busy i just kidding :) thanks for this amazing chapter , i felt sad for jungkook too~ thanks thanks thanks!
shinilzu #7
Chapter 23: this is just too cool