Chapter 17

Found Lost Love
SuNi sat up from her bed, her new room was much bigger than the one she had in the small apartment. The brown boxes were still unopened and placed around her bed, she remembered crashing into her bed last night right when she got home. She crawled out of her warm bed and went down stairs, she could hear her mom cooking downstairs. A smile formed on her face, she couldn't express how much she missed her mom and her food. “Morning!” SuNi greeted her mom and rested her head in the kitchen counter. 
“Where did you go yesterday?" Her mom asked and placed the scrambled eggs onto a clean white plate. “You didn't even say hi to me when you came home.”
“I was tired so I just went to bed.”
“I met up with a friend and we talked.”
“And that made you tired?” SuNi nodded and placed the plate scrambled eggs onto the dinning table. “Who was that friend?” Her mom asked and started frying bacons. “Morning," her sister walked into the kitchen with a piece of her hair sticking out from the back. “SuNi, we have to go to the company in an hour.” SuNi nodded and pretended she didn't hear her mom's question. She wasn't planning on to answer her anyway, she couldn't open up and talk about guys with her mom, it was too awkward for her. 
The three of them ate breakfast together for the first time in many years. EunJoo moved to Seoul for work while SuNi and her mom stayed in Busan and even though SuNi was living with her mom she was always eat meals by herself, because her mom always leave early for work and come home late. SuNi hurried and finished all her food and ran upstairs to get changed, she wanted to go to work with her sister again, the thought of seeing the boys back into normal made her smile idiotically into nowhere. She pulled out a pair of black jeans and a white sweater that matches with her white Converse, she looked at herself in the mirror. Team black and white. She smiled at herself and hopped down the stairs. 
“EunJoo!” Her mom called from the living room. “Hurry up, you got ten minutes left!” SuNi's sister ran down the stairs fixing her clothes with her bag and jacket draped around her neck. “Bye, mom!” EunJoo pulled her boots on and slide her arms into her jacket. 
“You're going to catch a cold if you don't wear more,” her mom mumbled as she walked towards SuNi. SuNi shook her head, her body was heat up with so much excitements she didn't need a jacket to keep her warm. 
They stepped into the warm building, EunJoo immediately removed her jacket and walked towards the stairs to find the seven boys. SuNi followed her sister and entered the same practice room they were in last time, she popped her head out from behind EunJoo and smiled brightly. 
“Oh! Look who's smiling in the morning," JiMin pointed at SuNi, but his eyesmile was brighter than anyone else's smile. SuNi walked towards the circle that they had made, she examined all of their faces and plopped down between Suga and JungKook. “Why do you look so happy?” The clueless alien asked. SuNi frowned but laughed after, why doesn't she look happy?
“Are you feeling alright today?” SuNi whispered to JungKook as she pretended to be interested in the topic the other boys were talking about. He chuckled and stole a glance from her. “Yeah, I really did realize how important it is to talk to someone when you needed to. You can tell I'm not that kind of person that shares a lot of personal informations with others.” SuNi nodded in agreement, even if there's no one to talk to, there's always something to talk to, like the windows she always spill out to. 
JungKook leaned back and put all his weight on his arms. “I'm going to school later, wish me luck,” he sighed. 
“School?!” SuNi's eyes flashed opened. “I always wanted to go to school, I can't even know when was the last time I've been to one.” JungKook have her a disgust look. “You like school? Really?”
“I'm just curious. I don't even know what school is like, so don't judge.”
“Let me tell you what it's like. School is a place where dramas are as tall as Mountain Everest, and it is really annoying, but what else can people do besides making fun, spreading rumours, or even backstabbing each other when there is no other way to get rid of the pressure the adults are giving them?”
“Yeah there are other ways! Playing sports, drawing, reading, and listening to music!”
JungKook tilt his head towards her. “You think that can really get rid of everything? I can tell you never been to high school just by that answer.” SuNi puffed out her cheeks and looked away, of course she knew nothing about school, she haven't been to one for two years and couldn't remember any previous experiences. 
V blinked blankly at JungKook and SuNi. Since when did they become friends again? He thought and continued blinking at them. “What are you looking at?” JiMin asked him. 
“Them, like, what is this?” He moved hand around the outline of JungKook and SuNi. 
“Ah, those two! They talked and...yeah, this happened,” JiMin pointed at the two friends. 
JungKook got out of the van and walked into the school with his manager guiding him, he could see his heart pounding against his chest. He was nervous to go to school, because he knew it wouldn't be like what it was like when he was still a normal person. He followed his manager as the memories of the other school years flashed through his mind, but the only memories that came into his mind was the one and only girl his heart ached for. Kim EunBi. 
He bit his lip and walked into the classroom, the teacher introduced him to the classmate as if they have no idea who he was, but JungKook was in his own little mind thinking about his first love. 
“JungKook!” She knocked on the window while holding a badminton rack. “Lets go play badminton!”
JungKook popped his head out the window and smiled at the little girl and hurried out his house. They went to the badminton court by the park, they were the only little ones there in the court, but their skills surprised the other older players. “You two are talented!” Would be the most often complement they would get, and sometimes people would tell them they were a the most perfect team, and because of that JungKook was proud to have her as his best friend...and his first love. 
The bell rang and the teacher dismissed the students from the lesson, JungKook dropped his head onto the desk and closed his eyes, pretending he was sleeping so people would leave him alone. His heart was hurting so much from the memories of EunBi, he could even remember the feelings he had the last time he saw her. His heart was screaming in pain watching her walk away, he had an urge to run up to her and give her a hug, but instead of doing anything he just stood there staring at her back with his weak arms dangling on his side.
A question he still haven't got an answer from her popped into his head. Did she really forgive me so she came? Or did she just want to be a nice person and come cheer me up for my last game? He sat up straight and looked up at the board at the front of the classroom. How could anyone in this whole world forgive me if they were EunBi? I was a jerk and she was hurt so me. He looked up at the ceiling, he couldn't stop his heart from dying. Why did God have take you away so early? He pulled out his phone and was just about to text SuNi, because he knew she would be there to listen to him, but he had to shove it back into his pocket when three girls came out of nowhere and asked for autographs.
SuNi jumped onto the one and only couch that's placed in the still messy living room, she stared up into the roof and a smile appeared, her heart warmed at the fact everything was back to normal. She pulled out her phone and stared at her new lock screen, it was a picture of her and the seven dorky boys smiling brightly. 
SuNi sat up when she heard her mom's footstep stomping down the stairs. “Can someone come help me with these boxes?” Her mom asked. SuNi walked over to her and took the two boxes that was just slightly blocking her mom's view of the stairs. She carried the boxes to the living room and placed it with the other boxes. “I think I'll organize these tomorrow,” her mom dropped the other boxes. “So, how's work today?” SuNi nodded and smiled, of course it went well. “Now, where is your lazy sister?” Her mom mumbled and walked back to the stairs, screaming for EunJoo to come down and help with dinner. 
SuNi sat behind the kitchen counter and stared at her mom and sister cooking dinner together, it was the moment where her heartbeat was felt all over her body, from her head to the tips of her toes. It wasn't often to see the two of then cooking together, since they don't live with their mom. 
“EunBi, can you pass me that plate?” Her mom mumbled as she pointed at the plate beside SuNi. She blinked and clenched onto her teeth. “What?”
“Pass me the plate, please,” her mom repeated. SuNi passed the plate over and ignored the name her mom just called her, because she hated that name. 
They all sat around the counter because the dinning table was still in pieces in one of the boxes in the living room, SuNi nibbled onto a piece of meat as her mind wondered off into her own world. She was still wondering about what school was like, she wanted to go to school and experience it. “EunBi, hurry up and eat before it turns cold,” her mom ordered. SuNi rolled her eyes and ignored the order. “Unnie, what was school like?”
EunJoo looked at her with big round shocked eyes. “Since when did you become interested in school? You hated it.”
“I never said that!” SuNi frowned, if she did she probably just can't remember it. 
“Yeah you did. You told me that on the phone once...I think it was when you were, like, in fifth grade or something like that, but anyway you told me that you would never want to go back if you had the choice,” her sister nodded and continued eating. “And, when you came to Seoul I thought maybe you still didn't want to go to school when you wake up from the coma, so I didn't let you go and you seemed to be perfectly fine about it.”
SuNi patted her rice with her chopstick. She glanced up at her mom, who didn't even look up from her food, she ate as quiet as she could. She made a metal note to remind herself that she used to hate school and would never go back if she had a choice. She hated for always making mental notes whenever she hears something about her past, she hated for not remembering anything about her childhood, and now she's also slowly losing her eyes. 
“EunBi, hurry up and finish your dinner,” her mom carried her own plate over to the sink. SuNi clenched her fist and looked at her mom. “Why do you keep calling me that? I hate that name.”
Her mom turned off the water and stood quietly looking out the window in front of her. “Because that's your name. Do you not remember it? Kim EunBi.”
SuNi face froze as she stood up from her chair and went up into her room. She crawled into her bed and wrapped her thick blanket around her, she stared at the wall and little tiny drops of water rolled out of her eyes. Why doesn't that name make me so depressed and angry? I hate that name! I want it to go away...
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sweetypiee #1
Chapter 27: Omg! This is so cute! I love this author-nim. DAEBAKKKK
Chapter 27: Aww cute hehe goodjob authornim . Daebak
Vtae84 #3
Chapter 27: So sweet...ahhh..if it was will be the sweetest experience..
kdramalover1 #4
Chapter 27: Wow. This story is so awesome author-nim!! Great job :)
Mickeyyy #5
Chapter 27: is it the end? I hope isn't the end ^-^
Chapter 25: yyyyyyyyah~ you know how much i was waiting for another chapter! >< i know you busy i just kidding :) thanks for this amazing chapter , i felt sad for jungkook too~ thanks thanks thanks!
shinilzu #7
Chapter 23: this is just too cool