Chapter 25

Found Lost Love

EunBi’s alarm beeped loudly on the nightstand, she sat up immediately and turned the noise off. She looked around the room for a few seconds, then slowly got out of her bed to her closet. She pulled out a pair of blue jeans and a black sweater, and changed into it. She walked across the hall into the bathroom, and did her morning routine. Few minutes later, her sister joined her, taking over almost the whole sink, but thankfully she was already done everything.

She walked down the stairs and went into the kitchen, and opened the fridge, nothing looked good to her, or maybe it was just because she didn’t feel like eating. She hopped onto the stool and placed her head down gently on the cold marble counter, she stared at the calendar, moving her eyes slowly to the right date. A sigh escaped as she read the words written beside the number. Check-up. She looked away, pretending there was nothing written on it.

Ever since her eye condition had gotten worse, every time there’s a check-up she would always feel down as if the whole world had gave up on her. The sound of EunJoo’s slippers got louder and louder as she rushed down the stairs. “Let’s go,” she popped her head into the kitchen. EunBi got off the stool and walked slowly to the front door, she slip into her most comfortable shoes and headed out the door, not even bothering to close the door.

The walk to the company was silence, her sister didn’t say a word and neither did she. She didn’t need to go to the hospital until later, but she was already feeling as if she’s in the hospital, waiting for her name to be called by the nurse. EunBi felt someone’s arm around her shoulders, she turned and saw her sister smiling at her. “Everything’s going to be fine,” she said in a soft voice. EunBi could feel her eyes watering, never in her whole life has she ever felt this kind of comfort, especially from her sister, the person that used to only talk to her through the phone for five years, the person that she hated for five years for leaving Busan, the person she missed for five years, and the person that always, always stayed on her side when she needed, her sister, her one and only sister.

EunBi gave a faint smile, till now, she still looks up to her sister no matter how much they fought, how much disagreements they had, and how hurt she was the day she found out her sister was leaving to study and work at Seoul, she still wants to be like her.



EunBi followed her sister into the company building and went straight to the conference room. EunBi looked around the unfamiliar room, her eyes fell on the big messy table in the center of the room, she stood beside the door and watched everyone prepared for BangTan’s schedule. Staffs walked in and out the room while EunBi just stood there like a statue, she didn’t know what to do or should do, so she just stood there hoping maybe someone would notice her and ask her to help.

She stood in the exact same spot for more than half an hour, by the time they were all prepared and was ready to leave, she could barely feel her legs. The stylists went onto the black van and hurried to their destination, EunBi looked out the window wondering where the seven boys were when they usually spend most of their time there.

“EunJoo,” the manager that was driving called. “After this music broadcast, I’ll drive you guys to the hospital.”

“And then, you guys will all come over for dinner, well, party,” EunJoo replied. “Everyone is coming, including the boys, if they don’t have anything afterwards.”

“They’re free.”



As soon as they parked the car down, the stylists went grabbed some clothes out of the back of the car, and EunBi stood somewhere on the side, again. She rocked back and forth on her feet while watching everyone doing things. “Hold this for me,” her sister said, handing her a hanger with a plastic bag covering the yellow uniform inside, right away she knew it was JungKook’s uniform. On the plastic bag it had a huge blue “DRY CLEAN” printed on it, she looked closely at the uniform as she followed the stylists into the building, the uniform looked brand new, probably because he barely wore it and just got picked up from the dry clean.

They got into the dressing room, EunBi looked up and saw the seven of them already sitting around, waiting/sleeping. EunBi smiled at V, the one and only person that is not asleep, she looked at the other six sleeping everywhere in the room, it was a heartbreaking yet adorable sight. She sometimes feel like wanting to cancel all their schedules and let them enjoy sleep for a day, and other times she would feel like pulling out her phone and take pictures of them. She still wasn’t used to seeing them sleeping around when they had nothing to do, she always wonder how they could sleep so peacefully when they’re sleeping on couches, chairs, and other places where they can rest their head on.

The managers and stylists woke them up one by one by patting lightly on their shoulder, EunBi looked around the room, wondering where she could hang JungKook’s uniform, even though it was a pretty uniform, she was sick of holding it.

“Oh, my uniform,” a half awake voice said from behind. EunBi turned around and saw JungKook walking towards her, rubbing his eyes. He grabbed the uniform and hugged it tightly. “I thought I lost it this morning, but HoBeom hyung told me he took to the dry clean for me.” EunBi nodded and walked towards the couch to sit down.

“I have an exam later, after this schedule,” JungKook pulled out a few books out of his bag and stared at them for a few seconds, he turned and pouted at EunBi. “I don’t understand anything.” Whatever kind of magic spell JungKook did to her made her laugh when she obviously was not in the mood to laugh. “Don’t look at me, I know nothing.”

He sighed and ruffled his un-styled hair. She took one book out of his hand and flipped it through, nothing really made sense since she was reading two words on one page and skipping twelve pages. She shrugged at JungKook. “But don’t you focus more on singing and dancing at SOPA?” EunBi asked, handing the book back to him.

“I still need to learn other stuff, like this,” he held up his math textbook and gave it a dirty look. EunBi blew air out of her nose and smiled softly, she knew she probably shouldn’t be bugging him when he needs to study, plus she wasn’t feeling in the right mood to talk. “I’ll leave so you can study,” she said and walked away.

JungKook watched her back, he had noticed something wasn’t right, she usually would sit next to him and enjoy doing things with him, but today was different. He held tightly onto his books with his lips forming into a straight line, he felt like there was a brick wall built between them, and he had no tools to break it down. He didn’t like the loneliness he was feeling, and looking at the empty space beside him made him more than just not happy. Was this what it felt like before? Before we met? He thought. Damn, it’s lonely. He closed his eyes and opened his book to start studying.



The stylists passed out each member’s name to them and helped them put it on, JungKook looked around the room for EunBi, but besides a huge crowd of older women and managers, there was no one else. And for some reason, he started panicking. He left the room after notifying one of the manager and speed walked down the hall, he didn’t know where she could possibly be, but he was hundred percent sure she wasn’t in the room.

He looked around wondering where she could go, she wasn’t anywhere he looked at, but he reminded himself that she wasn’t acting normal and probably wanted some time alone. He walked towards an empty hallway and spotted a familiar figure sitting beside the window, he slowly walked to her and stood in front of her. Her head never turned to him and her eyes never left the view outside.

“Hey,” JungKook said and tilted his head down a bit. No reply. He looked around, unknowing what to do, it was the first time he’s ever seen her like this, part of him was worried and part of him was annoyed. “What’s wrong?” he asked, still standing in front of her, and EunBi still not looking at him.

When she finally turned around she didn’t make any eyes contact and said, “You should go now. The rehearsal’s starting soon.” JungKook blinked at her. She didn’t have a watch or even checked the time on her phone, how on earth is she suppose to know what time it is and if the rehearsal is starting? He stood there, amazed by the words that came out of , it was cold and emotionless, it felt as if she was trying to get rid of him.

He stepped a few backwards and puffed out his cheeks, nodding his head. I guess she really wants to be left alone. He turned around and walked away. EunBi watched his back disappearing out of her sight. “Sorry,” she whispered to herself and hugged her knees into her chest.



JungKook came off the stage with the rest of his band mates. “How studying?” their leader asked, as the smartest guy in the group, he felt like he was responsible of helping JungKook with school works. JungKook shrugged and pull the earpiece out of his ears. “I don’t know, I get some but the others are, like, confusing.”

“I can help you, if you need want me to.”

JungKook nodded, accepting his offer. “But before I study, I have to go to the washroom,” he lied, he wasn’t going to the washroom, he was going back to where he found EunBi. He walked down the same hall, praying she was still there, and praying maybe this time she would talk to him.

A revealed smile escaped his lips as he turn around the corner seeing the girl he was looking still sitting at the same spot. He walked over and sat down next to her without saying a word, and she didn’t turn around to see whoever it was because she already knew who it was.

They sat quietly side by side, not too close but not too far, he glanced over at her, she was still the same after all, always somewhere near a window when she feels down. EunBi knew JungKook knew her well, he sat beside her and waited for her to speak, because she always end up telling him even when she doesn’t want to, and she also knew he wasn’t going to leave her again without knowing what’s on her mind.

She stretched her arm out and knocked lightly on the window, clearing , she finally opened , “I’m going to the hospital later, for another check-up.” JungKook nodded and waited for her to talk a bit more. She turned her body around and faced him, now he could see the tired, worried, and nervous look on her face. “I don’t want to go. I feel like something is going to happen, something bad,” she said, mumbling the last part.

JungKook looked around and wrapped his arm around her shoulders after making sure there was no one around. “You’re just thinking too much, everything’s going to be fine. Trust me, it will.” EunBi looked up at him and hesitated for a few seconds, she didn’t want to believe that everything is going to be alright, but what he said was right, and his steady voice made her feel safe and less worried. She rested her head on his shoulder, she nodded her head and decided to trust him, she had no reasons why she shouldn’t trust him after all.



After dropping off JungKook at the front of his school, the black van headed down the street to their next destination, the hospital. EunBi gripped tightly onto her phone as the tall hospital building slowly appeared. She closed her eyes and repeated JungKook’s words in her head. Everything’s going to be fine. Everything’s going to be fine. And, the next second she was already sitting in front of her doctor as she explained about today’s tests. The words that came out of her doctor’s mouth floated in from the left side and out from the right, she had no idea what was going on or what her doctor was talking about.

“Alright. Now let’s talk about the most important thing, I arranged everything already, all you have to do is show up,” her doctor smiled and organized the papers on her desk, “and everything will be fine.”

EunBi frowned. What is she talking about? She thought. What does she mean by “the most important thing"? But before she could ask any questions, her sister stood up and bowed ninety-degree at the doctor and walked out, and EunBi had no choice but to follow her. She walked a few step behind EunJoo, trying to figure out what they were talking about before, but nothing was helping her, she had regretted for not paying attention when they were talking.

“EunBi, hurry up, we have to go to the grocery store to buy some ingredients for today’s party,” EunJoo turned around and called her. She fasten her steps but was still walking behind her sister. The most important thing. All I have to do is show up. She thought about that one little small conversation over and over again. Hell knows what’s going to happen to me. She rolled her eyes and entered the small store. She tried to ignore the conversation but at the same time she was curious, and the only person that would know about this right at the moment was her sister.

EunBi walked up to her sister slowly and watched her picked out some vegetables. “Unnie,” she called. EunJoo raised her eyebrows and made a quiet ‘huh’. EunBi swallowed and opened , “What was “the most important thing” you and Dr. Lee were talking about.” EunJoo didn’t answer or make any sound, she just continued looking for the best carrot out of all the almost identical carrots. There was one thing EunBi can never stand, that was when she asks a question and the person doesn’t reply. “I’m talking,” she added with a much serious tone.

EunJoo ripped off a plastic bag and threw two carrots in. “Well, it was about your surgery,” she said and walked slowly over to the onions. “And, Dr. Lee and I arranged-”

“I’m not leaving,” EunBi cut her off before her sister could finish her sentence. “I’m not going anywhere.”

Her sister turned around and looked straight into her eyes. “We have no choice, it’s either getting a crappy surgery here or go somewhere else to get a better one that will actually fix everything.”

EunBi clenched her fist, she couldn’t believe her sister had made a decision for her when it wasn’t even hers to make, and to make it worse, she never told her about it until today, and probably wasn’t thinking about telling her until who knows when.

Of course EunBi was pissed, but she didn’t only felt pissed, she also felt betrayed, sad, and disappointed. “How can you make decisions so easily?” EunBi gave her sister a look, not a disgusted look or a glare, it was The Look. She turned around and started walking towards the store exist, she didn’t hear her name being called or her sister’s footstep following behind her, she walked and walked, not knowing where she was going but she needed to go somewhere, away from the store, away from her sister.

EunBi ended up sitting down on the bench with sore legs at the park, she looked up at the sky and the first thing that popped into her head was JungKook. How am I going to tell him about this? She asked herself and closed her eyes. He was the last person she would want to ever hurt, he was someone she wanted to wrap her arms around and comfort him when he is hurt or sad, someone she want to lie in bed with, doing nothing but sleeping in the most innocent way, someone she wanted to just keep inside of her pocket, tell and show him everything, and love him every single second they spend together. He was more than important, he was her life.



After calming down herself a bit, she made her way back home and went straight into her room, she was still angry at her sister and didn’t want to talk to her or look at her. She climbed into her unmade bed and looked out the window, she thought the sky looked beautiful, and that made her feel bad for herself because she knew she wouldn’t be able to see such wonderful view if she won’t get the surgery. She covered her head with her blanket in frustration and shut her eyes close tightly. For a split second, she wanted to rebel against her sister, but everything was already set and it was impossible to cancel everything now. She knew something bad was going to happen, she knew it and she was right, so damn right.


Half an hour had passed, EunBi was still in bed, not underneath her blanket, but sitting up and staring at a print out of her plane ticket she had found on her nightstand, she wasn’t angry anymore, she just stared down at it with a plain look. It was useless being mad and upset about things that weren’t going to change. She slide the piece of paper under her pillow and stared at her wall, the scent of food floated into her room, she wanted to eat so badly but didn’t at the same time. She also wanted to hide forever but didn’t at the same time.

The doorbell rang, the door opened, people walked in, talking and laughing, but she didn’t care, as long as they stay downstairs, and she knew all of them will except for one person. Jeon JungKook. She listen carefully to the voices downstairs, she recognised all of them even though it was as noisy as the beach in a hot summer downstairs, and it was as quiet as the mountains upstairs. Soon, she heard light footsteps coming up the stairs, and three quiet knocks on her door. She looked over to the door, and watched the person she expected walk into her room, still in his uniform and smiled like a child on Christmas.

EunBi gave him a faint smile as he sat down on the edge of her bed. “So, how did it go?” he asked. “Fine,” she lied. “You? How did your exam go?” she asked, changing the subject.

JungKook let out an airy laugh. “I bombed it. I barely studied.”

EunBi nodded. And just like that, their conversation died. She didn’t know what she could talk about anymore because each word she say to him made her feel sorry, she didn’t know how to tell him, and right now just wasn’t the right time, he was so happy it hurts to watch his smile disappear.

After a while JungKook cleared his throat. “Um, I’m going to visit my parents tomorrow,” he started, “and I was wondering…if you want to come with me. We don’t have any schedule tomorrow, so the company told me I could go home for a day. You don’t have to come if you don’t want to.”

EunBi looked up at him. Tomorrow, my last whole day of being here. She thought. “Sure, I’ll just ask my sister later,” she coolly accepted it. She’ll find a way to convince her sister to let her go no matter what.

JungKook crawled to the empty space next to her and hugged her tightly, he thanked her and let go. She snuggled back into her blanket and yawned tiredly. JungKook laid down next to her on his side with his elbow supporting his head. “What should we do now? Since we’re on a bed.”

“Sleep,” she said and closed her eyes. “Just sleep.” JungKook chuckled and said ‘goodnight’ then curled into a ball next to her.


Not a while later, JungKook woke up, due to the loud noise downstairs. He glanced over at EunBi, who slept in peace with a familiar stuffed animal in her arm. A grin formed when he finally recognized the stuffed rabbit he gave her before. He stood up and looked around her room, he was even more surprised when he saw more things he gave her before in her room, it was like she couldn’t throw them away. He picked up a frame and smiled at the two little kids standing in the middle, him and her. Sweet old memories. He thought.

The sound of people talking got louder, JungKook turned his head around and realized EunJoo was standing at the door. She walked into the room and closed the door behind her, she smiled and JungKook and walked towards him, she looked at the frame JungKook was holding. “Who’s that?” she asked pointing at the baby JungKook. “Me,” he replied with a proud smile.

EunJoo raised her eyebrows. “You two knew each other before?” JungKook nodded.

EunJoo sighed and glanced over at her sister. “Is she sleeping?” JungKook nodded again, and she sighed again. “To be honest, I’m a horrible sister. I don’t really know anything about her, who her friends were, how she’s doing, and stuff like that. Even when I was still living in Busan, every day after school, I went straight home and studied in my room, and she never came home until around five. We do talk a lot, but she never told me about school and her friends. And, when she does talk about it, I’m either too busy studying or didn’t care. I felt sorry doing that to her, and even more sorry when I left Busan. She always looked up to me and trusted me, even though all I did was hurting her, but she’ll just continue looking up to me and trusting me.”

JungKook smiled at his stylist. “You’re not a horrible sister, not at all. She’s almost always talking about you before, about how much you meant to her and all the nice things about you.”

EunJoo smiled and ruffled JungKook’s hair. “So, what were you guys doing up here?”

“Nothing, just sleeping. Well, she’s just sleeping, and I’m just looking.”

“Nothing else?”


“Alright, alright, but are you guys…dating?” JungKook smiled with his dimples showing and nodded. EunJoo forced out a laugh and a smile. She finally knew why EunBi didn’t want to leave, she finally found out. EunBi was still the same after all, never sharing her personal things. “Come on, the food are getting cold now,” she dragged JungKook out of the room and down the stairs.



EunBi woke up, there was no more noises, it was quiet and peaceful. She got out of bed and went down to the kitchen, she wasn’t going to the kitchen because she was hungry, she went because she wanted to tell her sister about her plan for tomorrow. She hopped onto her favorite stool while her sister stood at the sink. She rested her head on the back of her hand. “Unnie, I want to go to Busan tomorrow, to visit mom before I leave,” she half lied. Her sister turned the tap off. “Don’t worry, I already ordered plane tickets. And, I don’t need to work tomorrow, so we’re going together.”

EunBi nodded and hopped off her stool, and headed back to her room without another word.

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sweetypiee #1
Chapter 27: Omg! This is so cute! I love this author-nim. DAEBAKKKK
Chapter 27: Aww cute hehe goodjob authornim . Daebak
Vtae84 #3
Chapter 27: So sweet...ahhh..if it was will be the sweetest experience..
kdramalover1 #4
Chapter 27: Wow. This story is so awesome author-nim!! Great job :)
Mickeyyy #5
Chapter 27: is it the end? I hope isn't the end ^-^
Chapter 25: yyyyyyyyah~ you know how much i was waiting for another chapter! >< i know you busy i just kidding :) thanks for this amazing chapter , i felt sad for jungkook too~ thanks thanks thanks!
shinilzu #7
Chapter 23: this is just too cool