Chapter 16

Found Lost Love
SuNi sat on the bed that she had slept in for weeks and looked at the brown boxes all over the room, it was finally the day to move out of BoRa’s house and into their new house. Their new house was located closer to the company, BitHit, and this time EunJoo bought the house with the little financial support from their mother, and because of that their mother would be staying with them for a few weeks at their new house.
SuNi looked out the open door, she could hear her sister talking on the phone with their mother. She stood up and placed her things into the box. What else? She thought and looked around. The blue box was still placed on top of the table unmoved. She blinked at the box and slowly picked it up, a sudden pain smacked onto the back of her head as the sound of children screaming and laughing in the playground echoed in her ears. She dropped the box and closed her eyes, even though she wasn't familiar to the area, she was hundred percent sure that there is no elementary school anywhere near by. 
She smoothed the back of her hair out and walked downstairs to the family room. There was no one downstairs and it was dead silence, so quiet she could hear the buzzing sound of the lights. SuNi walked over to the couch and hugged tightly onto a pillow, she stared at her icy cold phone that hasn't been since the day she left JungKook at the coffee shop. Did he texted or called me? She questioned herself while biting her bottom lip. 
“Are you hungry, SuNi?” BoRa asked as she walked into the kitchen to make brunch for the rest of them. “No really,” SuNi looked up and said. She turned her attention right back to her phone, but it was once again disturbed when L. Joe jumped onto the couch beside her holding tightly onto his phone. “What do I do?!” He scream whispered and looked at SuNi with a worried frown. SuNi blinked blankly at him while waiting for him to explain. 
“What do girls like? Like, when they're mad or sad.” SuNi opened and paused, she was the kind of girl that knows nothing about girls so she had no idea what to say. “I think you asked the wrong person.”
L. Joe groaned and unlock his phone to check for new messages. “She's not replying!” SuNi chuckled, she knew who the she is now. She's L. Joe's girlfriend, Choi YuRa.
“She?” BoRa shouted from the kitchen. “He!” L. Joe screamed back. 
“But isn't she—” L. Joe squint his eyes and shook his head, asking her to stop talking, and she did what was told. L. Joe glanced over to the kitchen to make sure his sister was gone. “Our school has a strict no dating rule and if I get caught, I'd be dead, that means no one that lives under this roof right now knows except you.” SuNi nodded slowly as the words registered into her head. She knew that L. Joe went to a private school, but she never knew that the private school had this kind of rules, it seemed impossible for students to follow these rules.
“Okay, okay, back to my problem. So, I told YuRa we can't have lunch together today, because of the movie we're going to later, but I told her that we could see each other after the movie and look what she replied!” L. Joe said and showed SuNi the text messages between him and his girlfriend. 
SuNi took his phone and looked through the messages, she didn't know why she was helping him to solve his problem when she can't even figure out her own. And that's when the boy she was trying to forget popped out, again... JungKook, go away! She screamed inside her head. Because of him she didn't turn on her phone for days and ignored him whenever they see each. It wasn't the simple kind of ignoring people, she ignored him as if he wasn't there and treated him like a complete stranger, and because of that it was hard for JungKook to approach her. “She's still going to meet you,” SuNi passed back his phone. “Even though she replied ‘Whatever’ but she she's still going, so don't worry.”
“But she won't reply to the other messages I sent her!” At this point L. Joe was going insane, he was talking in a high pitch voice and the words were coming out of his mouth like bullets. “I don't know what to do now! She so pissed off at me!”
“Just tell her your sorry when you see her later, but don't do it through text, it just doesn't feel as truthful as it would be face to face.” SuNi looked over at L. Joe his face relaxed a little and let out a big sigh. “Are you sure?” SuNi nodded and looked at her phone. 
She was also waiting for someone’s apology, she didn't need him to say sorry to her face to face, through text with one simple word ‘sorry’ was enough for her to forgive him, but so far she couldn't even press down the button to turn on her phone. 
SuNi and her sister sat at the dinning table to have their last meal with the siblings. SuNi was happy about being able to see her mom again after two years of living in Seoul and moving into a new house, but the rest of her life was miserable. She didn't know what she could do, in fact, there was nothing she could do to help fix the broken relationship between her and JungKook, everything was just too awkward and hopeless to fix. 
“Are you not hungry, SuNi?” BoRa asked as she poured herself another cup of coffee. SuNi glanced up, her lips former into a line as she shook her head. “Is there something wrong with the food? Does it taste bad?” SuNi shook her head again and sighed quietly. Why am I even thinking about him?
“Are you and JungKook in some kind of fight?” EunJoo looked up at her sister from her plate. A knife stabbed right into her heart, hearing his name was worse than thinking about him. “Yeah, you two are acting extraordinary these days, well, he started acting weird few weeks before both of you turned into two awkward kids.” BoRa commented and stole a piece of chicken strip from L. Joe's plate. “Hey! That's mine!” He snatched it out of her chopstick and shoved it into his mouth. 
“We're fine...nothing's wrong between us,” she lied. There was no way she was going to tell them the truth, because then she'll get into trouble for not telling them where he was last time when she actually knew.
“Teenagers these days, they never talk about their personal things with their family members,” BoRa sighed and gave L. Joe a disappointed look. L. Joe looked up and smiled. “First of all, it's my privacy, I have the rights to tell whoever...” 
SuNi wondered off into her own world as the other teenager blabbed on and on about privacy rights. She never forgot about JungKook , even though she was trying really hard, but he's always there in her head bugging her, and all she could do was pretend he wasn't there and ignore him just like how she ignored him in the real world. 
SuNi sat in the comfortably in the auditorium seat and watched the credits roll run off the screen after the movie. Everyone was standing up and ready yo leave, she looked over her shoulder to see her sister, who sat two rows behind her and L. Joe, EunJoo shook her head indicating her to wait till most of the people are gone. 
She sighed and pulled out her phone, she was still unsure if it was worth turning it on. What if JungKook didn't called or texted? She would be so embarrassed and hurt...again. If he cared why wouldn't he try harder to talk to me, right? She asked herself. What if he didn't care? 
Her head was about to explode with all the questions, there was no way these questions would leave her without being solved. “Are you okay?” L. Joe asked. She remained quiet and stared at her phone. “Is your ‘friend’ bugging you?”  SuNi turned around and glared at him. He held up his hand in surrender of her cold look. They sat in silence for a few seconds, the auditorium was slowly getting brighter and quieter as people continued to leave.
“I'm so confused.” SuNi mumbled. L. Joe kicked the empty seat in front of him. “Why?”
“I don't know, actually. I just don't know what is going on in my head right now, nothing makes any sense.”
“What are you trying to figure out?”
SuNi paused and cleaned her phone with her screen with her sleeve, she looked up into the small lights. “I want to know it he cares,” she mumbled but still stared into the light. 
L. Joe sighed and looked up as well. “You probably don't want to hear this, since the relationship between the two of you are not that good right now, but the one and only best way to find out if he cared is to talk to him, just like me when I wanted to know if YuRa liked me back.” SuNi turned and gave L. Joe a blank look, she knew that was the only best way too, but how is she suppose to talk to him when she doesn't even know where he is?
“Talk to him through phone, internet websites, e-mail, writing letters, or those code thing people use in the olden days. See, there's lots of ways you can talk to him without seeing his face if you don't want to.” SuNi let out a small laugh. “The code thing people use,” she repeated and laughed again. 
They walked out the cineplex, L. Joe checked his phone and made sure he would be on time for his apology date. “Nice to meet you and good luck,” SuNi whispered and said goodbye for the last time. “Thanks, and good luck to you too,” he said and jogged down the side walk. The three of them left as soon as L. Joe was out their sight, they wondered around the parking lot looking for their car.
[Days ago]
JungKook climbed into the van after finishing their last schedule, the whole ride back to their dorm was silence, dead silence, he didn't know if the members were asleep or if they were mad at him because of what he did. He sat up straight in his seat and blinked nervously out the window. This is really serious. He realized. All he wanted to do was slap himself in the face so hard he would fly back to the past, he wanted a redo, to go bak in time and ignore the fake Kim EunBi, because of her everyone was hurt because he fell for the lies she told him. How could you be so stupid, Jeon JungKook? He asked himself. His hand tightened into a fist. Why are you so stupid? He wasn't only feeling stupid, he was also feeling pain from the very bottom of his heart. He's best friend was gone forever...that was what Lee EunBi told him and he couldn't decide ig he should trust her again, but she also made sense because if Kim EunBi wanted to be his friend again why wouldn't she be here already?
While JungKook was being mad and confused, they had arrived at the front of their dorm. “Tomorrow's another busy day, boys, so take a shower and go to bed right away, don't fool around , got it?” They answered 'yes' together and hopped out the van, still no one was talking.
JungKook followed his hyungs into their dorm, he plopped right down onto the couch and covered his face with a random stuffed toy. He cussed himself in his head, the feeling he had when SuNi left the coffee shop and when she walked away form the practice room without hearing his apology was floating around his body not going anywherer else. Once again, he screwed another friendship up, another friendship that could last forever. “You should apologize,” JiMin said and sat down on the other  couch beside it. “I did already,” JungKook mumbled into the stomach of the stuffed toy. 
“You forgot one person though, and I can tell that one person was really hurt when she left the practice room.” JungKook's stomach twisted in guilt.
He turned his head and looked at his short hyung. “What should I do now, hyung? She was so not SuNi-like when she left, she even said that I don't care about her.”
JiMin gave JungKook a blank look. “You didn't look like you cared for the past few days, all you did was texted whoever that girl was. You ignored everyone, and that's where they got that feeling that you don't care from.” JiMin pointed out. JungKook sighed. What should I do now? Even the nicest and warmest hyung was being so cold to him, he knew he really did messed it up.
SuNi sat on their new house's kitchen counter, it was a habit she picked up from L. Joe, she tapped on the black screen of her phone with her finger ready to turn on her phone. Because L. Joe was going to do what she recommended him to do, she was going to also do what he recommended, to talk to him. She took a deep breath and pressed and hold the button down. She was going to be the icebreaker, the one that destroys the awkward hopelessness between the two of them. 
A message popped out just when she unlocked her phone, the contact ‘Window’ displayed on the notification of a message. SuNi paused and stared at the notification, looks like she wouldn't be the icebreaker anymore. She pressed to see what kind of message JungKook sent. 
Meet me at the park near the company at 9:00pm.                                Message sent three days ago.
SuNi glanced at the time, 8:56. Her eyes widen when she realized she only had four minutes left to get there. She hopped off the counter and grabbed her jacket from the chair. “Kim E-SuNi! Where do you think you're going this late? Mom's coming soon!” EunJoo shouted from the living room while opening another box.
“Don't worry I'll be right back,” she slide her feet into a pair of slippers. 
“Where are you going though?”
“Meet up with JungKook. I'll be right back!” She said quickly and sprinted down the street. She remembered the way to get to the company, and the park was just a few minutes down the street from the company. Her mind was blank and all she could think of was JungKook. This idiot, its freezing cold outside and he wants to meet up at a park? She thought. Her body was running down the streets like a piece of paper, no one was controlling it, her legs were moving by itself. 
JungKook sat on the bench with his hand in his jacket pocket, one holding tightly onto his phone and the other holding tightly onto the hot back he stole from V. He rocked back and forth, he was too cold to check the time on his phone, but he knew it was already pass nine. He wasn't going to leave, because he knew she saw the message and he knew she was coming. He buried his chin into his red scarf and waited quietly.
JungKook looked up right away when he heard footsteps, he saw SuNi slowly walking towards him avoiding eye contacts, he stood up as soon as SuNi got to him, her face was bright red and she wasn't even dressed properly, again. SuNi stared at the bench beside them because she didn't want to look at JungKook's eyes and feel awkward, since they haven't talk to each other for days. They stood in silence, SuNi stared at the bench and JungKook waited for her to turn around and look at him.
He cleared his throat and broke the silence. “I'm...sorry, SuNi. I do care about you and your feelings. Before anything happened, I trusted you the most and wanted to always be beside you, just like how I felt towards someone, you were just like that person, but I didn't realize how much you were hurt after that happened. And, again, I messed another friendship up because that's how stupid I am.” SuNi slowly turned her head and looked at JungKook in the eye, the whole world become silence when she stared right into his eyes. She could see the sadness in his eyes, and without hesitation she asked him what was wrong. 
He sighed and sat back down on the bench. “EunBi told me that EunBi died in a car accident...” His heart ached as the pieces of memories of him and EunBi played in his head. SuNi's eyes soften as she sat down beside him. JungKook's sad eyes were just as hard to resist as his normal sparkling eyes. SuNi looked at him and gave him a warm smile, it was the first time she smiled at him in weeks. “Should I be your window now?” JungKook looked at her, her smile made him feel even more guilty. How can you forgive me so eaily when you were hurt by me so badly?
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sweetypiee #1
Chapter 27: Omg! This is so cute! I love this author-nim. DAEBAKKKK
Chapter 27: Aww cute hehe goodjob authornim . Daebak
Vtae84 #3
Chapter 27: So sweet...ahhh..if it was will be the sweetest experience..
kdramalover1 #4
Chapter 27: Wow. This story is so awesome author-nim!! Great job :)
Mickeyyy #5
Chapter 27: is it the end? I hope isn't the end ^-^
Chapter 25: yyyyyyyyah~ you know how much i was waiting for another chapter! >< i know you busy i just kidding :) thanks for this amazing chapter , i felt sad for jungkook too~ thanks thanks thanks!
shinilzu #7
Chapter 23: this is just too cool