Chapter 19

Found Lost Love
SuNi fast walked to the company and pushed open the door, she was exhausted from fast walking all the way from her house to the company. She looked around the first floor, no sight of JungKook was found. She knew he had nowhere else to go except their dorm and here, and she was sure he wouldn't walk all the way back to their dorm, it was too far. SuNi turned around when a staff called her name, almost all the staffs there knew her. “Have you seen JungKook?” SuNi asked. The staff smiled brightly at her. “Yeah, he went upstairs.”
SuNi thanked her and hurried upstairs, she looked through the window of all the practice rooms' doors, but JungKook was still nowhere to be found. She leaned against door of BangTan's practice room and let out a long sigh. Was I the one he was looking for this whole time? She closed her eyes and slide down the door, she sat there on the floor wondering where else he could be, and tried to figure out what in the whole world is happening. Everything was just poured down at her and her brain wasn't allowing anything in. Where can he be? Rooftop? Rooftop! She jumped up and rushed up the stairs to the rooftop. 
Before opening the heavy door, SuNi took a deep breath. Just like what she thought, JungKook was sanding at the same spot he was standing at this morning, she walked to him and stood a few inches away. The two of them looked out at the night view of the city, it was much prettier than the morning view with all the different colours street lights and store lights scattered across the black city. No one talked, they just stood there enjoying the night view. 
SuNi glanced over at JungKook, he still looked lifeless. She opened her month but shut it because she had no idea how to start a conversation. She quickly looked away when JungKook stood up straight and pulled his phone out of his pocket. She watched him from the corner of her eyes, he tapped his phone and put it beside his ears. Is he ignoring me? She frowned. 
JungKook lean back onto the railing and waited for the person to answer. SuNi looked at him for the last time before she started walking back to the building, she couldn't believe how someone could just ignore the person beside them and just talk on the phone with someone else. She stopped half way when her phone stared vibrating in her pocket, tickling her. She pulled it out and stared at his name, she hesitated for a few seconds, then picked it up. “Couldn't we just have a conversation normally, instead of talking through our phones?”
“Are you really Kim EunBi?” JungKook asked, ignoring the question SuNi asked first. 
SuNi paused and brushed her hair away from her face, JungKook on the other side was silence as well, waiting for her to give him an answer.  “...Yes, I am.” SuNi closed her eyes. I guess I am really that girl he was looking for. 
JungKook walked to her and pulled her into a tight hug, his eyes was filled with joyful tears. “I found you,” he whispered. SuNi stood still and blinked in shock. “How come you never told me you changed your name?”
SuNi pushed JungKook away with her stiff arms. “Sorry, but I don't remember you,” she whispered and looked down at her hand to avoid eye contacts. 
SuNi shoved her hands into her jacket pockets and her dry lips. “You know I got into a car accident, but I didn't die, I injured my head,” SuNi gulped hard and continued. “I was in coma for a few days and when I woke up I couldn't remember a lot of things, the only thing I remembered was my family and that was it. Whenever people call my name I would always feel like someone was stabbing my heart with a knife, that's why I changed my name.” 
JungKook looked down at feet, he knew why she was hurt every time she heard that name, it was because of the bullies, and him. He felt the guilt eating his heart away, he was a heartless little boy that grew up only caring about what other people thought. “That's all you remember?” He asked to make sure the bad memories were gone, he did not want her to have those hurtful memories in her head, if he could he would go back and change everything. SuNi nodded and looked up at him. “Well, I don't remember but I know some,” she mumbled. JungKook closed his eyes and sighed. Why did I tell you so much about you before? 
“But I don't want to just know them, I want to remember them.”
“No, you don't.”
“Come on, there's got to be something good about my past, not everything was horrible. You know, I don't care if you bullied me before, at least you're not doing it now, plus, I can tell you really regret it.” JungKook looked at her in the eyes. Is she really forgiving me? He gulped hard and stared at her face, she was still pretty and still had that kind heart, that kind soft heart that has been hurt quiet a few times. “You really want to remember them?”
SuNi nodded her head as fast as she could. “So, you're going to help me?” JungKook puffed out his cheek and thought for a few seconds, but before he could answer the question, a little raindrop dropped onto tip of his nose, following by the rest pouring down on the two of them. “Promise me something!” JungKook shouted over the loud rain and pulled SuNi back from running back into the building. “Let me call you EunBi.” SuNi pulled JungKook into the building before they could get any wetter, she twisted the water out of her hair and brushed it back, JungKook stared her and waited for an answer. He had another part he wanted her to promise him, but it would come out too suddenly that might be too much for now. “Fine,” she finally answered. 
A wide smile formed across JungKook's face. SuNi chuckled at his smile, it's been a while since he smiled, and of course it was nice to see him finding that happy expression again. JungKook wrapped his arm around her neck and rest his head against hers. “I missed you!” He squealed and gave her shoulders a light squeeze. SuNi frowned and wondered what she was suppose to say. Am I suppose to say I missed you too? She chuckled at her own thought, and this time instead of pushing him away, she let him hug her. 
He pulled away and smiled at her again. “So, how's your eyes these days?”
“Oh! You know about that too?” SuNi blinked at him in shock.
“Of course, we were best friends!”
SuNi didn't know if she only told him before or if everyone else knew, but she didn't care about that, because all she cared about was that he was going to help her to find the memories that she had lost. 
SuNi rested her head against the couch in BangTan's practice room, as usual, the boys practiced the choreography over and over again. She yawned tiredly, but couldn't fall asleep with the music blasting through the speakers, she pulled out her phone and glared at the unpleasant time. Why am I still here when it's two in the morning? She can't even remember when they got here, or where in the whole world did her sister go. She stared up at the light and made random noises just to entertain herself, since obviously no one else could hear her over the loud music. 
The music ended just in time when SuNi got tired of making noises, she lift her head up and sat up properly on the couch. The seven of them bowed at the back up dancers as they walked out of the practice room,  the dancers had left but the boys were going nowhere. JiMin and V ran to the air condition and sat down right underneath it to cool down, J-Hope joined them after wiping sweats off of his forehead. As for the old grandpa Jin, he collapsed onto the floor and covered his sweaty face with a wet cool towel, SuNi raised her eyebrows when she realized the two rappers were already gone. She turned her head around as an object touched her thigh, she glanced down at an orange and then up at JungKook who sat on the other side with a bag of orange in his lap. She picked the orange up and let out a small laugh when she saw a face he drew on it. She held out her hand and caught the black marker, and drew another face on the other side. This is so childish. She thought and rolled it back to him. 
“Does this not remind you of something?” JungKook asked and looked at face SuNi drew. “What is this? This is not a face!”
“No, and excuse me, I'm not artistic like someone.” SuNi shot him a dirty look and threw the pen back. “This is so childish.”
“Like you're not childish,” JungKook took another orange out of the bag, and started to draw a new face. 
“I'm no—never mind, I am. I can't fall asleep with our this medium sized stuffed bunny,” SuNi yawned again and watch J-Hope walk out of the room. 
“Wait, hold on. Did you just said a medium sized stuffed bunny? Is it brown?” He paused from drawing his master piece and looked up at her.  SuNi nodded slowly. “That was from me! On...I forgot which birthday it was...but you still have it?” He returned to his orange and continued drawing. SuNi looked at him confused. Were we the type of best friend that become love birds, or were we just normal best friends that give each other gifts on special days? “Why would you give me gifts?” 
“We were best friends, you know, best friends? Gifts? You're suppose to give best friends gifts on their birthdays and other special days,” JungKook put the lid on and rolled it over to SuNi with the new orange. Other special days? SuNi picked it up and laughed like a crazy horse at the hideous looking face he drew. “What is this?”
“I don't look like this! My nose does not take up eighty-five percent of my face, and I believe I don't have an unibrow.” SuNi picked up the marker and drew a pig on the blank side of the orange. She rolled it back to JungKook with the pen, but V caught it before it even reached the middle of the couch. “You guys are boring. Whoa, what is this ugly thing?” He commented on the drawing JungKook did. “EunBi,” JungKook replied right away. SuNi glared at her, because of two reasons, one: he still saying that ugly looking face was her, two: he called her EunBi. Even though she had promised him a few days ago to allow him to call her that, but she was still not used to people calling her by that name. 
“Okay, hold on. I'm confused,” JiMin walked over to the couch and pulled his hoodie off. “Your mom calls you EunBi, well, this kid too—” he pointed at JungKook, “—but isn't your name SuNi?”
“I changed my name, but my mom doesn't like SuNi, she thinks that if she named me EunBi, I should keep that name and never change it, that's why she still calls me by my old name,” SuNi nodded awkwardly and looked at her hands, unknowing what to do next. 
“Why'd you change it then?” V rest his elbow on JiMin's shoulder. SuNi blinked at her hands for a few seconds, the question she couldn't answer was back. She turned to JungKook and asked for help with her eyes. He looked at the expression she had, the same one she had that day he became her enemy. “Guys, we're having a completion on who can draw the ugliest face on the orange, so can you leave? And give me my orange back,” JungKook pointed at the orange V was still holding. He glared down at the orange and toss it back to him. “Let's go somewhere else and let these weirdos play their little game with oranges,” V said and pushed JiMin towards the door. “Says the weirdest person out of the seven of us,” JiMin mumbled and left the practice room with V. 
SuNi mouthed thanks to JungKook and waited for him to roll her another hideous looking face. She glanced over at the quiet practice room with only the oldest member lying on the floor probably sleeping already. “Promise me one more thing,” JungKook said and rolled the orange over. SuNi picked up the orange, instead of receiving another face, there was a sentence written across the surface. Promise to let me love SuNi until EunBi comes back. “Aren't they both me?”
“To me they're two different person.” JungKook stole a glance from her.
SuNi's face expression flattened as her heart ached. She tossed the orange from one hand to another. “You can love anyone else but me,” SuNi sighed and looked up at JungKook. “Why would you want to be with a girl that's going to be blind soon?”
“Wasn't I always with you before?” JungKook paused. “Okay, I did leave, but that was because of a completely different reason.” He mumbled and waited for her to answer his first question. SuNi brushed her hair back and looked over at Jin, who was still lying peacefully on the floor probably dreaming about unicorns and rainbows or maybe princesses. She bit onto her bottom lip struggled to reply, she went through her head and organized her feelings. Do I feel the same way as him? She asked herself at the end. Do I?
She eyed the black marker and picked it up. Only if you promise to stay till the end this time.
JungKook took a deep breath and picked up the orange. A small laugh escaped as he stared at the reply. Yes, I will say till the end this time and I'll be by your side no matter what happens, I won't ever leave you again. He picked up the marker and drew a little black heart, and rolled it to SuNi. His happiness was written all over his face, his eyes, nose, mouth, and cheeks told the whole world he was the happy. 
Jin blinked at the half dry towel on his face as he listen to the maknae's conversation with SuNi. He sighed quietly when the room became silence. Why aren't you guys talking out loud? I'm “sleeping”, I won't heard anything. He closed his eyes and waited for them to talk more, but that never happened. 
She pretended to have her eyes closed as the teacher walked passed her, she hated nap times, it was a waste of time to her. As soon as the teacher left the classroom of peacefully sleeping little kindergarteners, her eyes flashed opened and blinked at the ceiling. The classroom was silence and dim, just when she was starting to fall asleep, something bumped her head. She looked up and saw a little mandarin orange, there was a little black heart drawn on the peel with “JJK” written beside it.
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sweetypiee #1
Chapter 27: Omg! This is so cute! I love this author-nim. DAEBAKKKK
Chapter 27: Aww cute hehe goodjob authornim . Daebak
Vtae84 #3
Chapter 27: So sweet...ahhh..if it was will be the sweetest experience..
kdramalover1 #4
Chapter 27: Wow. This story is so awesome author-nim!! Great job :)
Mickeyyy #5
Chapter 27: is it the end? I hope isn't the end ^-^
Chapter 25: yyyyyyyyah~ you know how much i was waiting for another chapter! >< i know you busy i just kidding :) thanks for this amazing chapter , i felt sad for jungkook too~ thanks thanks thanks!
shinilzu #7
Chapter 23: this is just too cool