Chapter 8

Found Lost Love
JungKook sat in front of the mirror playing games on his iPad when the stylists arrived. "SuNi!" He said loudly but still focused on the game. "Can you come help me?" 
"No, she can't, she won't be here for a few days," EunJoo said and walked over the the mirror and placed the supplies on the table.
"Why?" JungKook turned the game off and looked up, confused. 
"She's staying home." 
"All alone?"
"No, I asked the old lady next door to check up on her every hour." 
"Why's she home?"
"She caught a cold when she went out yesterday."
"It was so cold yesterday! Why'd she..." JungKook stopped talking. His jaw dropped open as if he was being poured by a bucket of icy cold water. 
How forgetful. 
JungKook immediately grabbed his phone and turned it on. He tabbed the screen as fast as he could thinking the phone might turn on faster.
"Why are you panicking all the sudden?" EunJoo pulled out a few more makeup supplies. 
"I forgot about it," JungKook looked at his reflection in the mirror. 
He wondered what SuNi is going to think about him now. Will it change back to that person she felt uncomfortable with, the person she wouldn't trust, or the person she would ignore?
"Yesterday. We practiced till the morning and went back to the dorm after, she even called me but I was just too stupid to remember and the worst part was that she didn't remind me!" JungKook sighed and messed up his still un-styled hair. 
EunJoo let out a small laugh, "It's okay. It's her own fault for not dressing warmly when it's freezing cold outside."  
EunJoo couldn't do anything about it, she can't be angry at JungKook, since he was practicing, and plus he has a really busy life, he can't remember everything. 
As soon as the phone , he revived a text message from SuNi, it was the picture of letters written in the snow SuNi took yesterday. He slide down the chair and whined, he hated himself for not remembering to charge his phone yesterday after getting back to the dorm. He hated himself even more for letting her wait in the cold, all alone. 
JungKook walked off the stage feeling even more regretful than he usually would.
He let out a loud whine and sigh before flopping down onto the chair when they got back to ye dressing room. 
Why, why, why?! He thought angrily. Out of all the things he could forget why these two? He grabbed his phone but only finding it completely dead. He rolled onto his side and made an ugly whale sound, "Why?!" 
"Why what?" The happy Hope sat down next to him. 
"Hyung!" JungKook said in a deep desperate voice. "Can I use your phone?"
"For what?," J-Hope stood up and reached for his phone that sat on the far side of the table, and gave it to JungKook. 
"To call SuNi. You have her number, right?" JungKook pressed the contact icon. "Oh, never mind. Found it." JungKook clicked her number as soon as he saw it and bit his lips hoping she would pick up. 
He sighed heavily at himself, he finally realized how it felt like when the person you needed the most at a moment is not answering you. He suddenly felt really bad for his best friend, Kim EunBi, the name SuNi hated. He was stupid since birth, made dumb decisions, ignoring the person that cared about him the most, and leaving the person that never ever left him.
"Hello?" A sick voice answered. 
"SuNi!" JungKook stood up ad screamed into the phone. "I'm so so so sorry! I forget about a lot of stuff, I'm so sorry, you see my phone died after you hung up yesterday, and when we got back to our dorm, I was too lazy and forgot to charge my phone, so I didn't get your text, and I'm really sorry about that too! I'm just so damn sorry for everything right now. I am sorry." 
SuNi laughed and coughed painfully from the other side. JungKook clenched his teeth as more guilt filled his heart. "It's okay, I'm fine." SuNi said the thing every sick person would say. The obvious lie. 
JungKook would visit her if he had time, but the tightly packed schedule wasn't being kind. His mind kept going back to the picture she sent him, he had no idea how to make her feel better, in fact, he had absolutely zero idea on how to make a girl happy.
"Stop lying, you sound so sick! Go to sleep now," JungKook commanded. "Sorry, though." 
SuNi laughed weakly, "Stop saying sorry. It's okay. I actually was kinda happy that I went out yesterday." 
"Oh, really?" A little smile formed on his face. It was those smile that forms on their cheeks themselves, the real smiles. 
Few days later, a black van parked in front of the apartment SuNi shared with her sister. A guy with a black hat all the way down to his nose and a big red scarf wrapped around his neck, covering his whole face walked into the building and greeted the security. 
The security looked at him, suspiciously. Never seen anyone dressed up like this in his whole life, and he knew it wasn't anyone that lives in this building. 
Who was this mysterious guy?
"Can you please come over here, young man," the security asked and waved him over. 
SuNi stretched out her legs as she chatted with the random J-Hope on her phone. She chuckled at a few messages he sent her, and replied just as random as he did. She liked the fact that he treated her like she was his best friend, and not a "girl". 
"SuNi!" EunJoo screamed from the kitchen. "Did you take your pills yet?"
SuNi closed her eyes and sighed. Pills. She locked her phone and went over to the dinning table where she saw two pills, one orange, one white, and a glass of water. 
She took a deep breath and swallowed down the two disgusting looking pills with a huge gulp of water. "You know I'm not sick anymore, so I don't think I need I take these tiny little disgusting solid powder," SuNi handed her sister the empty glass. "Are they even made out of powders?"
EunJoo frowned, "How am I supposed to know."
SuNi opened to reply but was cut off by the ring from the phone. "Hello?" She picked up and wished it was her mom. 
"Oh, hi, is this SuNi, Kim SuNi?" A male voice that SuNi recognized. 
"Yes," She said awkwardly. 
"Perfect!" The security exclaimed. "There's someone here right now saying that you invited him over, I'm just checking to make sure if it's true, since he has his whole face covered and I will not allow someone dressed up like this into my apartment." 
SuNi rose her eyebrows. A guy with his whole face covered?
"What's his name?" SuNi asked. 
"Let me ask him, one second." 
SuNi could hear the shuffling and mumbling from the other end. 
"What? Say it louder I can't hear you!" The security said loudly. 
"Tell her it's "window" looking for her!" A guy voice shouted. 
SuNi's eyes brightened as the word 'window' hit her brain. JungKook. She smiled, "I know him! It's okay, you can let him in."
She smiled brightly at herself, she was happy to see JungKook again, after staying home for a few days. She took a deep breath and controlled her facial expression. She is not suppose to be happy after being forgotten in the cold few days ago, even though she had already forgive him. 
SuNi flopped onto the couch and the TV acting as natural as she could. She switched from on channel to another waiting for the doorbell to ring. Even though she was already alerted that the doorbell would ring any second, she still flinched in shock when the loud ding-dong hit her. She stood up and skipped to the door that was only two steps away.
"Who is it?" She asked as if she didn't know who it was already.
"JungKook." He whispered from the outside. SuNi smiled at the door and collected her emotions before opening the door.
She slowly opened the door after locking her excited heart up. JungKook slide through the small space between the door and shut the door close. Before SuNi could react to his fast moves, JungKook was already taking off his jacket. 
What is this kid?
"We have a day off again!" He exclaimed and stretched out his arms as if asking for a hug.
SuNi looked at him, "And?" 
"And, we're gonna go shopping!"
SuNi raised her eyebrows and peeked at her vibrating phone. "Now?" She asked while replying to J-Hope's text. 
"Yeah, now. Who are you texting?"
"HoSeok oppa," She smiled and waved her phone in front of his face. "You jealous? Cause I text him but not you?"
"No! Why would I be?" 
"Oh! Hi, JungKook. Nice to see you here?!" EunJoo said as she came out the kitchen wiping her wet hands on her a. JungKook smiled politley, "Noona~" He said and hugged her. 
"You jealous? I hugged your sister but not you!" JungKok stuck out his tongue and still have his arm aroung EunJoo's shoulders. 
SuNi bit her tongue to stop the jealousy. "Me? No!"
"Anyways, SuNi can come shopping with me and TaeHyung hyung, right?" Jungkook smiled.
"Who said I was going?" SuNi blinked confusedly. "And TaeHyung oppa?"
Her sister chuckled and pushed JungKook away. "I'll take that as a yes." JungKook grabbed his jacket and SuNi's wrist and went out the door.
"How can you be so fast? Like, what are you?" SuNi put her shoes on properly as the elvator took them down to the first floor.
"Jeon JungKook, duh!" He smirked and placed his jacket over he shoulder. "It's cold outside." 
SuNi hid her smile behind the big poofy jacket. What a guy.
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sweetypiee #1
Chapter 27: Omg! This is so cute! I love this author-nim. DAEBAKKKK
Chapter 27: Aww cute hehe goodjob authornim . Daebak
Vtae84 #3
Chapter 27: So sweet...ahhh..if it was will be the sweetest experience..
kdramalover1 #4
Chapter 27: Wow. This story is so awesome author-nim!! Great job :)
Mickeyyy #5
Chapter 27: is it the end? I hope isn't the end ^-^
Chapter 25: yyyyyyyyah~ you know how much i was waiting for another chapter! >< i know you busy i just kidding :) thanks for this amazing chapter , i felt sad for jungkook too~ thanks thanks thanks!
shinilzu #7
Chapter 23: this is just too cool