Chapter 20

Found Lost Love
SuNi hugged tightly onto the brown stuffed bunny and snuggled into her blanket, but she had forgot BnagTan’s schedule wouldn't start until later on the day, and her alarm wasn't turned off. She sat up with her eyes still closed and tried to find her phone to turn off the annoying sound of the alarm. She yawned and pulled her hoodie over her head to cover her not so pretty hair, she shoved her phone into her hoodie pocket and stumbled out of her room. 
There was no longer the smell of cooked food anymore, in the morning or when they get back from work, her mom had already went back to Busan since she only came to help tidy up the house and bring some of the things SuNi had left behind. SuNi let out a small sigh and looked through the whole kitchen for a nice and warm breakfast, but the only food she found were cereal and bread. She placed the bread back onto the counter and grabbed a bowl to have some cereal, she missed all the warm meals her mom always make for them when she was still living in the house, but now all they have were food that doesn't have the motherly taste she wanted to taste. SuNi carried her bowl of cereal to the family room and turned the tv on, she switched from one channel to another, looking for a suitable morning show. She scoop up a spoonful of cereal and chewed it slowly as her eyes focused on a random show, she didn't even know the name of it. 
She lean back onto the couch and stared at her empty bowl, spaced out into her own world as the sound of the tv played faintly in the background. She was so spaced out she didn't even know her phone was ringing and buzzing in her hoodie pocket. She answered before looking at the caller ID, hopping it could be her mom calling so she could complain about how there was never any good food in the house, but it wasn't. “Morning, EunBi,” JungKook greeted brightly, which made SuNi smiled while rolling her eyes. “What do you want?” JungKook made a shocked sound from the other end of the phone as if it was the first time he had ever heard her saying such cold words. “I'm just calling to tell you I'm going to school today, don't be mean to me!” 
SuNi chuckled. “School again?”
“Yeah, it . I rather spend the whole day practicing my vocal and the choreographies instead of sitting in a desk and staring at hideous looking textbooks.”
“Don't insult the books, they didn't mean to be like that.” JungKook let out a small laugh. SuNi frowned because she didn't know why he was laughing, she didn't think what she said was funny. “Why are you laughing? Are you laughing at me?” 
“No, it's nothing.” SuNi can feel JungKook smiling on the other end. Why was he laughing? 
“JungKook! Let's go!” A male voice called. “Okay, I'll be there in a sec, hyung.” JungKook yelled back. “So, I'll see you soon?”
“Okay, good luck at school,” SuNi yawned and hung up. 
JungKook climbed out of the van and looked around the front of the school, there was no students walking into the school anymore, which made him realize he was late, very late. He took a deep breath an walked into the school by himself, no manager, no stylists, no staffs, just himself. It felt weird and awkward, and he didn't like it, there was no one to talk to him or for him to talk to. He slowly walk down the quiet hall, a few people turned around and looked at him, surprised. He watched all the concentrated students through the windows of the classrooms, his heartbeat raced as the reality hit him right in the face. This is high school, no more slacking off or fooling around, everything was important, everything needs to be registered into my brain. Everything. He sighed and stopped in front of the back door of his classroom, he could hear the teacher talking loudly to the class but for some reason he couldn't understand a word. 
JungKook lightly knocked and walked in, he bowed at everyone before making any eye contacts with anyone in the classroom. The whole class turned and stared at him, after he lift his head up the whispering started. JungKook stood at the back awkwardly and looked at the teacher, who was standing all the way at the front. “Oh, JungKook! You came right in time. We're having a new seating plan,” the teacher clapped her hands together and revealed the new seating arrangement sheet. 
“Why?” A boy whined. The teacher gave him a stern look and walked towards the first seat beside the door. “When I call your name, gather your things and move to your new assigned seat.” JungKook walked over to his old desk, but there was nothing for him to take. He watched the students being moved around from on seat to another, he didn't want to move, he liked his old seat, where no one was sitting beside him and the window right beside him for him to stare out when the lessons were boring him to death. “JungKook,” the teacher called and pointed at the seat two desks in front of his old one. He walked over to the desk and sat down, he turned around and saw the window still beside him, a smile formed on his face, but soon faded as he felt someone sitting down next to him. No way. He thought and turned to see who it was, it was a girl with long black dead straight hair. She turned around and nodded and JungKook, but quickly turned away before JungKook could greet her as well. JungKook looked down at his new desk, there were a few little drawings drawn on the edge in permanent markers, he stared at the drawing and waited for the teacher to finish assigning new seats to the other students. He could feel his restless eyes slowly closing, he tried to keep them open but it was too weak to fight back his tiredness, and before the teacher even started the lesson, his head was already on the table buried in his arms. 
SuNi went up the stairs and into her room after finish washing her empty bowl, she looked around the room, looking for the two boxes. She looked through her closet but found nothing, she dropped down onto the floor and looked under her bed, the silhouette of items under her bed made her let out a small sigh. Which are the boxes I'm looking for? She thought and started taking out random things from under the bed. It didn't take her more than two minutes to get the boxes out, she carried the two medium sized box down  to the family room. She gently set the things down and sat down on the couch, staring at the two boxes. These must be some important things to me before. She thought. She finally got the courage to look through the boxes. She picked up the box with blue glitter, took off the lid and stared at the items in there. She examined them one by one, she had a feeling these two boxes had something to do with JungKook and her. She placed everything on the table and looked at them blankly, her mind was blank, nothing made her remember anything. She glanced over at the empty box, a white paper tucked under the blue paper that was glued on the inside wall of the small box. SuNi tilt her head and stared at the paper, she stretched her arm out and pulled the paper out. It was a small piece of white paper, folded in half. She opened it and revealed the inside of the paper. 
To my bestest best friend, Kim EunBi,
How are you doing these days? I'm not sure if you had already open this the day I left it in front of your house or not, but you probably didn't know I was leaving, right? I'm going to the US to learn how to become a better dancer. I will really really miss you, and please don't forget me, because I don't know when I'll be back or if I'll even go back to Busan when I get back. 
Do you remember that bunny? That birdie? And all those other things? You probably already forgot about these, you probably won't even look at this box, because you hated me, I'm sorry,  for being a jerk, sorry for ignoring you, sorry for leaving you, sorry for not being on your side when you needed me. I'm sorry, for a lot of things, I really am. 
I hope you can find someone that will treat you better than I in the future, will always be with you when you needed them, and will never leave you.
Jeon JungKook, you're useless so-called best friend that will love you blindly, forever.
She sat on the end of the slide, waited for someone to come. She knew he was on his way, she knew he wouldn't forget. She pouted as she grew impatient, the sun was shining so brightly down at her she felt like an egg on a frying pan. She turned around when she heard someone climbing up the stairs, the boy rushed towards the other slide and slide down, he stopped and sat down at the end. “Sorry, I was eating lunch,” he said and took a deep breath. “Did you eat yet?” She shook her head and looked at him, he was short of breath and his cheeks were red. “Did you run here?” He nodded and whipped the sweat away. “I didn't want to be late.”
“But you are!”
“I know, I know. I'm sorry,” he said and stood up. She frowned and looked up at him, he was looking for something in his pocket. “Here!” He said and passed her a chocolate, with the shinny wrapper and stylish English letters written on it, it looked expensive. She stared at the chocolate and twisted the end of the wrapper, and popped it into . Her face brighten at the taste of the unusual chocolate, it tasted nothing like the other chocolates, it had a different taste in it. “What's in this?” She asked as a liquidy substance burst out of the chocolate. “Wine,” he mumbled. She gave him a look that asked him to repeat the answer again. 
“Red wine.”
“Red wine?!” She screamed and stood up as well. “Jeon JungKook, are you kidding me? This is so...delicious!” He chuckled and lean into her ear. “Next time when you come over to my house, you can eat the whole box if you want.” She smiled and nodded. 
The two little kids jumped off the slide and started playing with the sand in the playground. They were digging and piling sands, he glanced over his shoulder and smiled evilly before flicking sand onto the little girl. “Hey!” She screamed and threw a handful at him. “I only flicked a bit!” He screamed and threw a handful at her as well.  They threw sand back and forth at each other until their clothes got all dirty, she looked down at her greyish hands and pouted. “I think we should go home now, I'm all dirty,” she suggested, she turned around and faced the boy that was dusting sand off of his pants. “I'm hungry.”
He looked up at her and quickly stuck his hands into his pockets. “I knew I brought another one,” he said and pulled out another chocolate, and passed it to her. She giggled and popped the chocolate into . The two little kids laughed and played as they walked home. 
SuNi fold the letter back into it's original shape and put the things back into the box, one by one. Were all these from him? She asked herself then pulled her phone out of her pocket and spammed JungKook with different emoticons. 
JungKook! I'm bored! Reply! 
Helllooooooo???? You there???
It's really rude not to reply, you know?? Like, excuse me, I'm talking to you, how dare you ignore me. 
Why are you not replying! Talk to me! I have something to tell you, something very important!
She lied down on the couch and waited for JungKook to reply, but she had forgot that he was at school and she also didn't know he was sleeping peacefully in his seat. 
JungKook felt sudden vibrate in his pants pocket but he couldn't wake up, he was in the sleeping mode where he could hear everything but can't do anything. The sound of girls giggling surrounded him as he buried his head deeper into his arms. 
“Did he really sleep for the whole class?” Girl A asked. “Yeah...” Girl B answered, JungKook assumed Girl B was the girl that is sitting beside him, but he didn't know her name.
“You're so lucky!” Another voice, Girl C, whispered out of nowhere. “JungKook is sitting right there, right beside you. I can't even believe I'm looking at him, he's just right there.” JungKook felt another buzz followed by a billion more. He shut his eyes together harder to try and fall back asleep, but it was useless, he was already wide awake. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, pretending that he didn't hear any of the conversations the girls were having. He stared blankly at his desk for a good three minutes before pulling his phone out to check who was the one that was annoying him. A small laugh escaped his mouth as he looked at all the notifications from SuNi, he unlocked his screen and read the messages all over again. He tapped the section to reply, but paused when he realize he can't think of what to reply but smiley faces. Why smiley faces? He asked himself, probably because he was happy about the fact he was the one she texted when she was bored. The bell rang before he could even send her a smiley face, he quickly tuck his phone into his uniform sleeve and watched the teacher walk into the classroom, he blinked at the board in front of him with nothing on his desk, since he had no idea what class it was. “JungKook, it's math class right now,” the girl beside him whispered as she pulled out her own math textbook. JungKook made an ‘O’ shape with his mouth and nodded, taking his book out as well. He turned around and spotted the girl’s name tag that pinned on her uniform. Nam SooYun. He nodded and glanced over at her. “Thanks, Nam SooYun.” The girl blushed and gave JungKook a weak smile. 
The class went by slowly as the teacher covered the clean clear board with numbers and equations, JungKook jot down notes as the teacher rushed through the section, she would continuously repeat that they were really behind and needed to caught up, and JungKook would just sigh every single time, because he really needed to catch up. The class begin to get dry and boring, JungKook slide his phone out of his sleeve, placed it on top of his desk, and pressed the home button to check the time, he glanced up at the teacher to make sure she doesn't see the phone and takes it away. He quickly look down and looked back up, there was still half an hour to go, and he was getting sleepy, again. 
“Who's that?” Nam SooYun whispered and lowered her head towards JungKook's phone. JungKook pulled his phone off his desk and looked at her with round eyes. “A group picture,” he said pretending that he didn't know she was taking about SuNi who took the group picture with them. “No, the girl!” She whispered but she was now staring straight at the board. JungKook paused and looked at his lock screen again. A little smile formed on his face, this was the moment where “SuNi noona” would come out. “One of our stylist noona,” he lied but he had no choice. 
“Really? She's so pretty!” She said as she begin to put her books away. JungKook frowned, he didn't know why she was already putting things away, but the bell answered his question. “Pretty?” 
“Yeah! Just look at her! She so pretty, she should be an ulzzang instead of a stylist.” A wide smile formed on his face, a girl that doesn't even know her is complimenting on her, he felt proud, again, to have her as a friend. “Really? You think she's pretty?” SooYun nodded and smiled with her eyes. “I'm one of BTS's fan by the way,” SooYun looked at JungKook shyly. JungKook couldn't think of anything else to say besides ‘thank you’. And after that, she turned around and started to talk to her friends, he was relived that she didn't bug him at all, she was one of the calm fans after all. 
JungKook stood up and walked to an empty hallway, he still remembers that he needs to text SuNi back, but instead of texting he called her. There was a huge smile smacked on his face. SuNi's pretty, no, it's EunBi, EunBi's pretty. He let out a small laugh at his own thought and waited for SuNi to pick up. 
“Hello?” She answered. “Guess what!” JungKook burst out of excitement and paused to wait for her to ask what. 
“This girl beside me said you're pretty, you're pretty!” He screamed into the phone and stared laughing. SuNi was frowning on the other side. “How come she know how I look like? And why are you happy?”
“Those are all not important, the important thing is that someone that doesn't know you and is one of our fan is complimenting you! Normal fans would probably be jealous, but she complimented you!” 
“And you're happy because of that?” JungKook nodded as if she could see him nodding from the other side of the phone. There was a long pause between them, with JungKook smiling by himself and SuNi sitting on the couch staring at the table in from of her. A small smile formed on her face, it felt good being complimented. She hugged her legs into her knees and squealed quietly away from the phone. 
“Hey,” JungKook said from the other side of the phone. She put her phone back to her ears. “Yeah?” “You want to—” JungKook got cut off by the bell. SuNi blinked at the black tv and waited for JungKook to continue on. “You want to go somewhere after we finish our schedules?”
SuNi's lips curled up. “Sure.”
After finishing their last schedule, JungKook and SuNi went to the closest BBQ restaurant with the other six boys and staffs. SuNi pouted and followed them into the restaurant, she thought it was going to be only him and her, but she didn't know the others would be coming as well. “The smell of heaven,” JiMin stretched out his arms and took a deep breath. JungKook slide into the empty seat in front of SuNi and smiled at her but SuNi gave him a dry look. “What?” He asked. SuNi sighed and shook her head. 
“Here are the menus,” a familiar voice said. SuNi and JungKook both looked up at her. “Lee EunBi!” JungKook blinked. The girl nodded her head at JungKook but backed up a little when she saw SuNi. SuNi nodded her head and glanced down at the menu, turning into the cold her. JungKook pulled EunBi down. “I found EunBi,” he whispered. 
“Really?” She exclaimed and covered right away, realizing how loud she was. JungKook nodded and lift his chin up at SuNi, who was concentrating the menu. EunBi's eyes grew large, she stared at SuNi, she just stood there and stared at her, she couldn't believe SuNi was EunBi all along. She's alive...but how come she doesn't seemed to know me? EunBi gripped tightly onto her long sleeves.
“Table 2's order is ready!” The chief shouted. EunBi snapped out of her own thought and hurried over to deliver the order. SuNi finally looked up from the menu and watch EunBi carry the tray over to the table next to the windows. She knew it she shouldn't be ignoring her when she could be one of the person that could help her remeber her own past, she closed her eyes and rested her head on the back of her hand. JungKook glanced up at her, she looked tired and annoyed. He pulled out his phone and grabbed SuNi's wrist, she looked up and stared at him weirdly. He smiled and knocked the screen of his phone with SuNi's hand. “Since there's no window near by, we'll just use my phone instead.” SuNi blow air out of her nose and gave him a small smile. “I'm yours to complain to,” JungKook let go of her wrist and lean forward, resting his head on his hands. SuNi didn't say a word, she just sat there and stared at EunBi as she worked. She was hoping she would come over again, but she never did, SuNi felt like she was trying to ignore this table as much as possible. “She was my friend wasn't she?” SuNi finally opened . JungKook nodded and waited for SuNi to talk more. “Can I talk to her?”
“No, not now, she's working. Later, when she's off work.” JungKook turned around and watched EunBi rush from one table to another. “Okay,” he said and gave SuNi a smile. “But I think you should be asking your sister if you can, not me.” SuNi nodded. “Right.”
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sweetypiee #1
Chapter 27: Omg! This is so cute! I love this author-nim. DAEBAKKKK
Chapter 27: Aww cute hehe goodjob authornim . Daebak
Vtae84 #3
Chapter 27: So sweet...ahhh..if it was will be the sweetest experience..
kdramalover1 #4
Chapter 27: Wow. This story is so awesome author-nim!! Great job :)
Mickeyyy #5
Chapter 27: is it the end? I hope isn't the end ^-^
Chapter 25: yyyyyyyyah~ you know how much i was waiting for another chapter! >< i know you busy i just kidding :) thanks for this amazing chapter , i felt sad for jungkook too~ thanks thanks thanks!
shinilzu #7
Chapter 23: this is just too cool