Chapter 7

Found Lost Love
SuNi got out of bed on Friday, the first thing she did was looking out the widow. 
Outside the window on the side of the streets, there were piles and piles of dirty snows and white clear snows covering the top of the cars. 
It did snow. 
She burst out her room door and smiled happily at the white wall in front of her. Her sister turned and frowned at her from the living room, "Are you really that happy that you're going out today? You don't want to spend some time with your lovely sister?" 
SuNi straighten her back and whipped the smile off her face. She shook her head and went to the bathroom.
She couldn't believe she was going out in the snow and have fun. No matter how much she hated the cold, she loved the snow. She also loves the feeling of coming back into the warm house after being in the cold, it's like drinking lemonade in the burning hot summer, but opposite. 
SuNi brushed her hair and went into the kitchen, she grabbed the plate that has a peanut butter and jam sandwich on it and went into the living room. 
Breakfasts were not meant to be eaten at the table in this apartment, breakfast was suppose to be the lazy meal where you sit lazily on the couch and watch tv while eating. SuNi shift herself into a comfortable position and begin to eat her sandwich with her sister switching the channels from one to another. 
Her sister set the tv remote down beside her and looked at SuNi, "JungKook is a pro, I couldn't even make you come out of your room before, like, what did he say that made you go outside?" 
SuNi munched on her sandwich and shrugged. It took him a day to make her hang out with them, it could've been only two seconds if he thought of it before. "He promised me  that he'd do anything I ask him to do, so I told him to take me to any concert I wanted to go. And going to a concert is on my before-I-go-blind bucket list."
"SuNi, don't ruin the happy morning with that," EunJoo shook her head and sighed. "I know it's not your fault but just don't say it that way it makes me feel horrible." 
"No need to feel bad for me, I can still see, plus it's no one's fault," SuNi smiled at her sister. 
"I know. Anyways, is he seriously going to take you to a concert? He's an idol." 
SuNi threw the last bite of her sandwich into and patted her sisters shoulder, "He'll think of a way to take me to a concert, 'cause he can do anything, that's what he told me." 
SuNi walked out her room with her big fluffy white jacket and a black scarf in her arm. She was absolutely ready to leave the house all alone for the first time. She wrapped the scarf around her neck and put on her coat. She checked the reflection in the mirror and turned to her sister, "I'm leaving now." 
"Have fun. You have your phone? Oh, and, don't you dare catch a cold, I will kill you if you do." Her sister threatened her from the couch. 
SuNi pulled out her phone from her jacket pocket and stuck out her tongue, "I can get as sick as I want! Bye!" 
She closed the door behind her and went down to the first floor. She could already feel the cold breeze as the elevator door opened slowly. She imagined the seven boys already running around playing with each other in the snow while they wait for her. SuNi smiled awkwardly at the security and pushed open the heavy front door. 
SuNi arrived at the park they decided to meet at after a short ten minutes walk. She looked around the park but only saw another group of teenage boys having an aggressive snowball fight. She walked to the only clean bench and sat down, she shivered as the cold of the bench touched her. 
She watched the group of teenagers throwing compact snowballs at each other, each hit makes a loud smack sound against their winter jackets. She checked her phone every two minutes, but no sign of BangTan. She thought they would arrive earlier than her. 
Were they even coming?
She sighed and pulled out her phone with her frozen hand. She remembers everything, thick winter socks, scarf, boots, and everything you're suppose to wear in the winter, but gloves, the most important thing. And she thought she was ready. 
Her finger was bright red and she could hardly feel it. She clicked the button on her phone, they were almost an hour late. SuNi sighed and unlocked her phone. She went to her contacts and without any regrets she called JungKook. 
"Hello?" JungKook answered as he breathed heavily from the other side of the phone. 
"Where are you?" SuNi shivered again. 
"We just finished practicing, we're heading back to out dorm, why?"
SuNi blinked blankly into the white snow in front of her. How could he forget after bugging her for a whole day? She took a deep breathe and smiled weakly, "Oh, cool. Did you guys practiced the whole night?" JungKook answered "yes" tiredly through the phone. 
SuNi felt embarrassment rushing onto her face. She felt stupid for waiting for an hour and believing that they would be here before she came, "Well, I'm gonna go do some chores now, so, bye." 
SuNi hung up right away and stood up from the bench. Her legs were both frozen from siting in the same position for an hour. She shoved her freezing hands into her jacket pockets and looked at the perfectly untouched white snow a few feet in front of her.
SuNi hesitated for a few seconds and pulled her hand out into the cold for the one last time. She bent down and wrote, "I will hate you forever, Jeon  JungKook". She took a picture of it and sent it to him before her phone died.
She picked up her numb legs and started walking home after destroying the words on the snow. Even though she was not happy about them not showing up, she was happy she came out and had a very good look of the snow, so good she swore she would never ever walk out of the apartment if it snows again. 
SuNi slammed the door shut loudly when she got home, and collapsed onto the floor. It took her almost half an hour to get home, due to the cold. She sneezed and looked around for her sister, she didn't want to die yet. 
"I heard that!" EunJoo shouted from her room. She walked out her room and saw SuNi siting on the floor with red cheeks and nose. 
"I'm not sick, don't worry, I'm just really tired," SuNi chuckled and crawled to the couch. 
EunJoo smiled softly at her, "You know you changed a lot, ever since you started to come to work with me." SuNi sneezed again and gave her sister the puppy look. "But, I will still kill you if you're sick, even though you changed a lot. I'm not falling for your puppy face!"
"I'm not sick!"
"Better not be. Anyways, did you have fun?" EunJoo sat down next to her. 
SuNi thought for a second, "Yeah, it was fun." It was and wasn't a lie at the same time, she was happy she could actually feel and see snow again, but not so happy about siting in the cold for an hour. 
SuNi went into her room and changed into some warm comfortable pyjamas. She flopped down onto her bed and took the longest nap of her whole life. 
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sweetypiee #1
Chapter 27: Omg! This is so cute! I love this author-nim. DAEBAKKKK
Chapter 27: Aww cute hehe goodjob authornim . Daebak
Vtae84 #3
Chapter 27: So sweet...ahhh..if it was will be the sweetest experience..
kdramalover1 #4
Chapter 27: Wow. This story is so awesome author-nim!! Great job :)
Mickeyyy #5
Chapter 27: is it the end? I hope isn't the end ^-^
Chapter 25: yyyyyyyyah~ you know how much i was waiting for another chapter! >< i know you busy i just kidding :) thanks for this amazing chapter , i felt sad for jungkook too~ thanks thanks thanks!
shinilzu #7
Chapter 23: this is just too cool