Chapter 6

Found Lost Love
"They say it's gonna snow this Friday." JungKook showed SuNi his phone with the week's weather forecast. "So?" SuNi answered spiritlessly and concentrated on her almost finished novel.
"So, we can have a snowball fight or maybe just hangout in the snow, since we don't have any schedule this Friday." "Sorry, but I'm really busy these days." SuNi showed him all the novels she downloaded on her phone. "It's not like they're going to disappear or something. My day-offs are precious, and I'm offering you to hangout with me, well, us." JungKook looked at the members.
"Lets go, boys! We're up next." Their manager yelled. All seven of them stood up and walked to the door. "Good luck!" SuNi waved and smiled. The six members thanked her and walked out the dressing room. 
"Think about it, okay?" JungKook pointed at her while walk backwards slowly. "No, it's going to be cold and I don't want to get sick." "Just think about it, don't you want to hangout with a handsome guy like me?" He smirked and walked out the door.  SuNi chuckled and turned her attention back to her phone.
SuNi never went outside during winters, she hated being cold but always wanted to go out and feel the snow again. Her doctor always told her to imagine it when you can't remember it, but SuNi couldn't see herself standing in the snow or even imagine herself looking at snow directly instead of looking at snow through the windows.
The seven males walked into the dressing room with sweats on their faces, and breathing heavily after their performance. They each grabbed a bottle of water and chugged down half of it. SuNi stood up and pulled one of her earbuds out. She looked around the room to see if anyone needs help, but the whole room was a mess, she could see nothing, but people rushing everywhere. She sighed and sat back down to continue reading her novel. 
"What are to listening to?" JungKook asked as he sat down right beside her, so close SuNi thought she could hear his heartbeat, but realized that it was her own heart beating like a crazy girl running down the street. 
"Just songs..." SuNi mumbled. JungKook leaned over and picked up the earphone that was out of SuNi's ears and put it in his, "Zion. T?!" He screamed in shock and turned to her. 
SuNi held onto her breath. They sat so close to each other when JungKook turned to her, their heads almost touched, and she didn't want JungKook to hear her breathing.
SuNi pulled her earbuds out and moved a bit further, "Yeah, he's my favourite artist." 
"You know I can imitate his voice?!" JungKook looked at her full of confident. SuNi nodded and waited for him to start. He sat up straight and cleared his throat, and began to imitate his voice. SuNi looked at him with wide open unknowing if she was listening to JungKook singing or Zion. T.
"How was is?" He looked at her with his sparkling round eyes. SuNi did nothing but nodded while clapping her hands quietly and slowly.
"I'm good at everything!" JungKook said it proudly. "Do you known how to sing his other songs?" SuNi asked. JungKook blinked at her as if he was thinking about the answer, "Well, yeah. Of course, I can do anything." SuNi saw the doubts in his eyes, "Sure you do." "I do! I just don't know the lyrics." SuNi nodded her head in a mocking way and walked over to her sister. 
SuNi smiled at herself as she tried to get to her sister through the crowded room. She didn't know why she was smiling, her lips just formed into a smile by itself all the sudden. She liked how her emotions can control itseld and not the brain controlling it. She hated when people show their fake smiles instead of their real smile. It always make her uncomfrotable when people fake smile at her, it was as if they didn't want to talk to you or even look at you, and dismiss you with a fake annoying smile.

"Unnie," SuNi tapped her sister's shoulder. "Do you need help?" "No, we're alright," Her sister grabbed a comb and walked away from SuNi. SuNi clapped her hands together and nodded as she slowly walk back to the couch. She felt like she should just sit down and be quiet, since she can't help the stuffs around. 



They arived at a restaurant in the afternoon for a late lunch, a really late lunch. SuNi hopped out the van and blinked at the unfamiliar place. Everything looks unfamiliar to her, the only two places she knew were grocery store right beside her house and hospital. They walked in the restaurant and sat down at the seats at the very back, where no one could distrub their late meal time and waited for the boys to come.

SuNi looked up from her phone after hearing chairs moving around, she looked up facing JungKook's tired face, he looked as if someone just pissed him off really badly. Jungkook stared down at the table playing around with his phone while the others decide what to eat. She lowered her head and looked at the half tired half pissed off looking boy, she rose her eyebrows at the spaced out boy. JungKook looked up and looked straight through her eyes and into her soul. SuNi immediately turned away awkwardly, she didn't know he would look up, since he looked so spaced out and angry at everything to care about his surroundings. 

Between the chatter of the people around them, SuNi heard a quiet chuckle from JungKook. She turned back and played around with her fingers to ignored his stare. 

"What?" JungKook said. SuNi looked up at the already smiling boy. "Did I do something wrong again?" SuNi let out a small laugh, "Isn't that what a boyfriend would say to his girlfriend when she's mad?" JungKook opened his mouth but before he could say anything, the food they ordered came. 


SuNi picked out the carrots from her plate and gave it to her sister, she hated the smell and the taste of the carrots, and her sister knew it so accept all the diced carrots. "Oh my god!" SuNi whispered to her EunJoo. "You know how much I love egg rolls, right? So, can I have the egg rolls?" EunJoo turned at her sister and smiled while passing her one of her egg rolls. SuNi smiled at her favorite food and picked up her chopstick to continue eating, but a small plate that JungKook slide down stopped her. There was two egg rolls on the plate, they were both untouched and was still hot.

SuNi looked up at him suprised.

Did he heard the conversation?

JungKook tilted his head at the plate, "Take it, I don't want it." SuNi accpeted his offer. "You forgot this one," JungKook picked up the orange carrot and ate it. SuNi looked down at her food and ate in silence. 

Why was he being nice?

"So, are you coming?" JungKook asked with his mouth still chewing food. SuNi let out a relieved sigh, "Is that why you were being nice to me?" JungKook nodded and took a sip of water. "Just when I was wondering why you were being nice to me." SuNi chuckled and took a small bite of the egg roll JungKook gave her. "I'm still not going."


"Cause it's cold!"

"It's okay, you'll be warmed up after running for two seconds."

SuNi sighed and continued eating her lunch. She wanted to go, but she didn't know what she was going to do with seven boys in the snow. Freez to death? 

"I'm going to make you go," JungKook pointed at her before turning his attention back to his food. SuNi looked at the top of his head and blincked. She knew it was impossible to make her leave the house, but for some reason she had a feeling she would set her feet out into the snow this Friday and freeze to death.

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sweetypiee #1
Chapter 27: Omg! This is so cute! I love this author-nim. DAEBAKKKK
Chapter 27: Aww cute hehe goodjob authornim . Daebak
Vtae84 #3
Chapter 27: So sweet...ahhh..if it was will be the sweetest experience..
kdramalover1 #4
Chapter 27: Wow. This story is so awesome author-nim!! Great job :)
Mickeyyy #5
Chapter 27: is it the end? I hope isn't the end ^-^
Chapter 25: yyyyyyyyah~ you know how much i was waiting for another chapter! >< i know you busy i just kidding :) thanks for this amazing chapter , i felt sad for jungkook too~ thanks thanks thanks!
shinilzu #7
Chapter 23: this is just too cool