Home Alone Part 1

Jureumi's Diary

A/N: Another pic posted by Sungyeol on twitter. Jureumi with Sungjong~



One hour ago


Huh? What sound was that? Oh! It was Sungyeol appa! Morning appa! I walked towards him but he didn’t seem to notice me and was engrossed with something. He was holding a big black marker, writing something. Wait, black? Hmm... I had a weird feeling. Maybe I was just being too sensitive. Myungsoo practically adored black things and I knew that appa adored pink (that’s why I’m pink! Just kidding!) But I like both the color. They make the best combination. Hehe. Anyway, what is appa writing? Let me go and spy on him now.


‘... Please help Jureumi to bathe and apply lotion. Must use Malaseb in the water to kill bacteria. Then clean Jureumi’s ears using cotton pad which we use to remove make-up. Then use the special nail cut the nails of Jureumi. Thanks! Sung... Yeol... Okay! Done!’ He was mumbling to himself while busily scribbling onto the piece of paper, then he stood up after he finished writing. Wait! Sunggyu is going to help me bathe? Oh my goodness! Goodness gracious me! Are you kidding, appa?! How can you let Sunggyu do such important task?


Wait for me appa! Where are you going? I followed him out to the living room and the moment Sungyeol appa opened his mouth to say something, Sungjong put a finger on his lip and hissed ‘Shh!’ and snatched Sungyeol appa’s paper away, pasting it on a wall, along with other pieces of paper.


Sungjong inspected around the house and when he was done, he nodded his head in satisfaction then signaled all the members to imitate him to tip-toe to the door to leave. Before Sungyeol appa left, he bent down and picked me up, whispering, ‘Jureumi-ah, be your best behavior and try to be nice to Sunggyu hyung okay?’ I purred and then, he left, along with the others.



*Yawn* I shouldn’t have wake up so early. Anyway, Sunggyu hadn’t even wake up and I was sure that he wouldn’t wake up until 12 noon, or when he got hungry. Maybe I should go into Dongwoo’s room and explore. Oh yeah! I still have 6 rooms I hadn’t explore yet! Let’s go!


1st stop-Woohyun’s room


Okay. Let me describe his room. A bed, a side table, a wardrobe and a table with a big glass. The bed sheet pattern was hamu hamu hamster. The side table had a laptop. Oh! It was still on! I shall just follow how Sungyeol appa use the laptop. Hmm... He used his fingers to touch palm rest area. One paw up! Aha! The screen light up! Omo! What’s with all these photo? They were all photos of Sunggyu! Maybe Woohyun was a big fan of Sunggyu? I could work something out for him since I felt a little guilty towards from the last time I farted in his face. Yup! I should work something out. The table with a glass was filled with bottles of stuff. I better don’t touch those. It look a little messy and when I peeked into the mirror, I ran away. What was that ugly wrinkled up thingy inside! Monster! Appa help! With that, I ran out of Woohyun’s room as I was freaked out by the monster in that piece of glass.


2nd stop-Dongwoo’s room


Green. Green. Still green. Everything in the room was green. God, please tell me that I didn’t enter a forest. The first time I see Dongwoo’s bed, I was like, wow! Paradise! A bed that was filled with soft toys! Yay! Here I come! Okay, Dongwoo’s room was quite neat (except the bed). Pass. (Cause not that fun and I don’t have enough strength to open the drawers and stuff. Sorry.)


3rd stop-Hoya’s room


Purple. Purple. Still purple. Everything in the room was purple. Why was this room like Dongwoo’s room?(except in this room, everything is purple) No wonder both of them made the best buddies ever. Same type of people. Anyway, Hoya’s room was different from Dongwoo’s room though. Pants, boxers and shirts were everywhere. Some lying on the bed, some lying on the floor, one of the boxers was even clung onto the fan! So messy! Even worst than appa. I looked around, disgusted. How did he live with all those clothes all around? Forget it. I didn’t want to explore this room as it was too messy and for the sake of my own safety, I decided not to continue exploring.


Uh-oh. I think I had forgotten something. Sunggyu, my babysitter, um, cat-sitter of the day, was still in his lala land, dreaming away in his bed! Ops, I was pretty absent-minded yeah? For the sake of appa’s two weeks holiday, I would help so that Sunggyu would complete the mission at a faster rate!


Aha! I arrived at Sunggyu’s room. His room’s door was slightly opened, leaving a gap in between the door frame and the door itself. I sneaked in and found Sunggyu lying on his bed, sleeping soundly and with his mouth opened. Get ready Jureumi... Jump! I accurately landed on Sunggyu’s tummy (he has a really soft tummy, it feels like I was on a trampoline) and yes! He was awake! But the first thing he did was quickly pushed me off and hugged his blanket as though it was his dear life. I, of course, landed on the ground on fours as I had good balance, I mean, all cats have good balance skill.


‘Woohyun!!!!’ He whined with his high pitched-voice piercing into my ears. I lay on the floor and covered my ears with my front paws. I’m still young and I don’t want to damage my ear drum yet, I mean, never! No matter how much he whined, nobody came to his rescue this time round. Sunggyu, on the other hand, was curious and anxious about why nobody came to save him, went out of his room and stunned when he saw the thing-to-do listed wall, filled with A4 paper. His jaws practically dropped onto the ground. He took out his handphone and quickly called someone (which I was sure that that person is Woohyun) and he let out a frustrated groan. What did Woohyun said? I want to know too! As though Sunggyu read my mind, he switched on the loudspeaker function.


‘Hello. I’m Woohyun. If you are Sunggyu hyung, please finish all the stuff you are suppose to do and then drop me a message. If you are not, just wait for the ‘beep’ sound to come and tell me your name. I will try too call you again as soon as I am free. *Beep*’


‘Ah!!! So annoying! I’ll call Sungyeol then. He’ll always pick up my calls.’ He slid his long finger across the screen and then tapped on a small square.


‘You have reached the voicemail box of the most handsome guy on earth. Please drop me a message if you have urgent matter after the beep sound, I will consider whether to reply you after I hear the voice mail. *Beep*’


‘Why even Sungyeol isn’t picking up my call?! What the hell? What is going on?’ Sunggyu went on complaining. Then he decided to read what the members had wrote before continuing his 'hunt-the-members' mission and got pissed off instead.


‘Please give Jureumi a bath? Are you kidding me?! I don’t even want to touch that dangerous cat! Cut nails for Jureumi? I barely even help myself to cut my own nails because of the busy schedule and do I look like a babysitter to them? What? Train Jureumi how to shake hand with us? How on earth will I know how to train an animal?’ He went on complaining and complaining. Wait! What? Hand shake? Me? Do I look like a dog? How can they do that? From the handwriting, I knew that that was Hoya. I knew that they had raised 3 dogs before me but I AM a cat! How can you treat me as a dog? Hoya, you are soooo dead!


I was pissed too. But since I promised Sungyeol appa that I’ll be at my best behavior and try my best to get closer to Sunggyu, I’ll keep my promise. Haiz, how come I had this feeling that it would be a long day and a lot of things (bad things) would happen? I was offering my silent prayer that today, everything would be smooth, not totally smooth but at least, smooth enough for me to survive.


Unfortunately, my bad feeling was right.




A/N: Another update! Whew! I am trying to update 3-4 times a week as I found that I didn't really touch on my other fanfics since I am not the type of person who can multi-task very well (well, at least not in writing) and want to complete this fanfic before anything else, thus, my holiday had began so yup. Anyway, a big Thank you to all my subscribers and readers. I know I am being long-winded here and there like a grandmother but forgive me! For the next two chapter( I estimated it was two chapter but you know me, me and my long-windedness ==) there will not be any couple coming out but only Jureumi and Sunggyu, so if you don't want to read those, then just skip them. (Although I don't hope you to do so) Please drop a comment when you can and once again, thank you for subscribing and reading! ^^

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Chapter 28: This was really adorable!!
Keyq1998 #2
Chapter 28: this is so adorable and cute! i like it~
michikofujie #3
Just found your story today, the prologue sounds very interesting, I'm gonna read the whole story in one go tonight :D
deliciousyou #4
Chapter 28: Thank you for the story. It was good^^
Chapter 27: Omg this was so cool!! I read it all in one go~~
Chapter 28: Awww, its ended! I'm gonna miss this story (and you XD) so much, good luck with your school ^^
infinityyyy #7
Chapter 28: Thanks for your hardwork authornim! I'll miss this fic tbh! :)
Chapter 28: aaaaaa already ended huhuhuhuhuhu..good job authornim
Chapter 28: omo i laughed really hard nice story author ssi daebak!!
Chapter 25: Dude, I laughed so hard XD And yayy, finally! They're officially together!! :D