The Ending

We're Together

"Hey, Eric!! Look at this!! Someone made a fanfic about us", Hyesung yelled to get Eric's attention. Eric came to his side and read what were written on the laptop.

"Who is pairing with me??", Eric scrolled down the page.

"Hey!!I was reading!!", Hyesung nagged. Dong Wan came by too and took a look.

"It's another Woodong couple, right??", Dong Wan squeezed Hyesung to Eric. Hyesung was blushing madly.

"As expected...Why don't we date for real, Dong Wan-ah??", Min Woo said and look at the laptop too. He sat on the floor to gain access to view the laptop. 

"What are you up to?", Jun Jin asked while holding Andy's hand.

"Fanfic~~", Eric answered him. Jun Jin immediately pulled Andy with him to join his other hyungs.

"Which couple this time??", he asked as he squeezed himself so that both of them could fit.

"Waaaahhh....all of us!! Ricsyung....Woodong and Jindy~~", Andy said as he peeked at the laptop.

"Who's the writer?", Dong Wan asked.

"Because I love this~~", he continued.

"The writer's name is....wait a minute...I tried to search for it...", Hyesung search the entire page.

"Ahh!! Found it!! It's tsumoru, Dong Wan-ah...", he told Dong Wan.

"I love this writer! He is a fan of mine~~", Dong Wan exclaimed.

"tsumoru, I Love You.....", Dong Wan said as he read the entire chapters of the fic.



And I fainted. Hehe!! (^_^)


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will add the bonus chapter very soon....


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Chapter 8: JNP?? what does this mean??? :)
lunanegra #2
Chapter 29: Bwaha.. SuJu as their kids? OMG, they are having a very chaotic family.. ^^
MMM123 #3
Woodong in the bonus chapters was just wow :)
ayuwannie #4
Chapter 6: hahaha I began to feel the Jindy moment... But.....Sure, Woodong keep the best, love love love woodong so much :)
ayuwannie #5
Chapter 1: what I'm feeling right now is similar to what dongwan feel, what's this? I had to read the next chapter :)
Chapter 30: hahahaha you are just sooooo CUTE!!! ❤ (((o(//////Σ//////)o)))

and Dongwannie is my favorite out of Shinhwa members too!!
you are the first author I've met here that feels the same! \(*0*)/

~ WAAAHH . . .
~ that's . . .
~ sooooo~~~ . . .
~ AWEEEESOME!!!! (((o(≧∇≦)o)))
~ *high-five-sister!* └ (^○^)オ(^▽^)ツ~
Chapter 27: My...GODDD!!(✖////✖)~❤
WAAHH I LOVE THIS CHAPTER!!! ヽ(///ヮ///)ノ heehhee

I've loved that you broke it with a funny scenario the end of it~ (although, I must say, YOU - ARE - SUCH - A - TEAAAAAAAAAASE ! ~ but) I've loved that so much ! kekeke ~ /// Eric's characterization is HILARIOUS! "MY BABY BIRD IS BEING BY YOUR BABY BIRD!!!" L-M-A-O ! <3 XD
and him being caught for peaking on the Woodong couple~~ wahhh that was so funny yet quite hot in a ert-ish way I can't even explain it ! waa~~~~hahahaha~~~~ヽ(*≧ヮ≦)ノ

Also, actually~ I hoped Jindy would've done it at the end~~... and I would've preferred if Andy wouldn't have turned all shy and stuff, although it's cute~ I actually love the 'aggressive Andy - submissive Jinnie'~ kekeke...~ maybe you could write like a sequel where they'll go all the way?? *blushing*-pwweeeease??-*BLUSHING* (((o(//////Σ//////)o)))

General overview: the segmentation to paragraphs is fantastically fit; the plot have a great and calm opening, a Y-and-HOT-AS-HELL middle section and a surprising and funny scenario at the end~~ great development for a one-shot(!).
Except a few grammar corrections (and the tiny unsatisfying feeling I have cus they didn't finish what they had started) every thing about this chapter is PERFECT! ・:*:・(*/////∇/////*)・:*:・
so I give you 9.8 out of 10 ! (slightly taken down cus of the little grammar mistakes)

From my perspective, you've done a great job writing this chapter. chincharo! *thumbs-up* d-(^ヮ^)
✧・゚:* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ❤ KUDOS AUTHOR-NIM! ヾ(*⌒ヮ⌒*)ゞ ❤ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *:・゚✧
Chapter 26: I know it's a late comment but I had much so I only got to read the last chapters now~~ OTL
aanyway~ reaaally cute chapter! Ricsyung were never my favorite pairing, and apart from that- I'm not into Ricsyung lately, YET I read the chapter because you wrote it really well and I liked the fluffy plot~ kekeke❤

only two things were a bit of a turn-off for me~ (๑•́ ω •̀๑"):
* Eric calling Hyesung "my husband and wife" ~ I wish you wouldn't have written the "wife" part.. it's just that-..Hyesung hates those kind of stuff, and he will never let Eric get away with it if he'll make him girly [no matter which way]~ hahaha ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ
* I hoped that Dongwan, being the wit-GOD, apart from being entertaining and making the crowd laugh, would say a more emotional.. longer speech. with some beautiful memories of the two included that only the 6 of the members know about to share with the crowd (and through that with the reader) :/

Anyway, the chapter was written nicely. I also liked the Woodong moments in it very much; the hold each of them has on each other is always so beautiful and lovely~ (๑>◡<๑) ❤
You did a great job! chincharo (๑>ヮ-)~✌
MizzPeel0007 #9
Chapter 30: Oh so Min Woo planned the entire thing to get a honeymoon for he and Dong Wan sweet, but can you say jealously. Of your cute little son, well he did get a week to spend together,, loved the ending so much.