
We're Together

Andy's POV

                             "I love you,Jun Jin hyung", finally I've got the courage to confess to him after holding it for years. Honestly, I did not fully remember about our relationship but the urge to tell him about my feelings could not be hold anymore. The kiss was the catalyst for my confession. For me, it was so magnificent but I did not know for him because after he heard what I told him, he pulled away from me and gave me a sad smile. I could see his eyes were tearing but why? Did he not love me?I thought we love each other? Jun Jin hyung picked up his bags from the back seat and got off from the car slowly. I quickly got off from the car too and grabbed his hand before he could took another step.

"Hyung...", I called him as I tighten my grip but he only let me saw his back. He refused to turn to face me. Thus I brought myself to be in front of him. And then I saw his tears. Slowly falling down on his cheeks.

"Andy...", he said as he looked at me. I lifted my hand and hold his face. I wiped those tears away.

" crying...hyung...?Why are you sad??I thought...", I did not had the chance to finish my sentence as he cutted me by saying,

"Andy...stop it...don't force it...You don't need to lie to me....I am fine if you still  dont remember your feelings towards me", I shook my head slowly trying to let him know that he was wrong.

"But..hyung...I am not...I truly love you!!", I tried to deny what he said. This time, it was he that shook his head. 

"Dont, are making it obvious...Please stop this...You are pretending..", he said to me and made me dumbfounded by his words. He did not believe me when I said I love him?

"Hyung..", I called him again but he just gave me the sad smile for the second time.

"Remember to pick me up tomorrow,Andy...and slowly we will try to regain the memory that both of us had shared,okay?", he continued as he let go of my hand and walked straightly to his house,leaving with a thousand of questions in my mind. I only watched him got into his house. His words were really confusing me. Why he said that I was forcing it??and I was pretending it??With those unanswered questions, I got in back to my car. I did not immediately started my engine. Instead, I stared at his windows. I saw him looking at me behind the long curtains. I thought I did not imagined it as I saw he had the sad expression again when he looked at me. Suddenly, it came again. The glimpse showed me the sad expression of Jun Jin hyung was sitting in front of me. I closed my eyes to avoid his gaze but he misunderstood it as my permisson for him to kiss me. Then I saw him kissing me on the lips.

"Dear Andy...",he said as he lifted my face to look at him.

"The person that happened to be a man that I love is you,my youngest maknae...", he kissed my forehead when he said that. And then...pooff!!,the glimpse was gone again. It never let me had my full memory when I was with him. For these two weeks, it were frequently happened to me. I slowly remembered all the events between the two of us but it just that I was not fully recovered but, still..could he accept Andy for now??Not his Dydy??Does Dydy is so important to him??Andy and Dydy is the same person, Jun Jin hyung!! I argued with myself. What is the reason for him saying that I was forcing it? Obviously, those images and scenes came in my brain without my consent. I want him..I love him..I really do..whether I am Andy or Dydy...Why he had to make it hard for both us? I did not understand this. I stomped my head a few times on my steering before I cried hard because I had to accept the fact that he was just rejected my confession. After I found some calmness, I drove away from his house grounds with the non-stop flowing tears.




Jun Jin's POV

                                   I watched Andy drove away from my house. Weirdly, he drove away after a long few minutes. What he had been thinking before finally he went away? I did not know but honestly, I regretted my actions before. It looked like I rejected him but I had my own doubt. I did really think that he was forcing himself to remember about our relationship. He did confess to me but it was out of nowhere and still call me Jun Jin hyung. That showed that he was still not remembering. I felt that he did out of pity because the desperation of mine added with my injuries. I did not want that. I wanted him to slowly remember the sweetness between us instead of forcing it. When I could not see the car anymore, I closed my curtain and plopped myself on the bed. I stared at the ceiling and immersed myself in thinking. I realised that I made it more awkward between me and Andy. What if he truly loves me?What if he was not forcing it? But, on the second thought, he could not be.. It was two weeks..too quick for someone who suffered amnesia to recover. Other people took years to recover. How come he only took two weeks? It was impossible! I took out my phone from my pants and looked at it. I opened the gallery and found a video of us,playing around.

"Jinnie~~~Do you love me??", he said as he zoomed the camera to me. I smiled widely and took the camera from him.

"You really have to ask??", I took his hand pulled him forward to me. I hugged him. I liffted my hand that holding the camera and filmed both of us. Both of us looked at the camera but when he was occupied, I kissed his cheeks. He was surprised and looked at me.

"Haha!!My name is Jinnie and this is my Dydy~~I looooove him~~very much~~", I said to the camera. He smiled wide ear-to-ear.

"My name is Dydy and I love my Jinnie~~" he replied and suddenly pecked my lips before ran away from me. I chased him while filming him.

"Dydy.....You.....Why...You....Stop...Don't run away!!", I said and stopped the video. That was I thought but then suddenly on the screen, he popped up,sitting on a chair and looked at the camera with a serious face. I never know about this. He recorded himself?When??

"Dear...Jinnie~~Sorry..I used your phone to record this...I only wanted to say that I love you...from the beginning....since our first meeting. I just too shy to admit this in front of you..Hehe~~", he hid his face before he continued.

"No matter what happened between us, I still love you....MMMMUUUUUAAAHHHH~~~~", he kissed the screen like he supposed to kiss me.

I smiled but tears were starting to form in my eyes. It means that..I had misunderstood him. No matter he is Andy or Dydy, he still loves me. I felt guilty when I said he was pretending. He truly loves me. I put away my phone and buried my face in my pillows.

"AISSHHH!!!", I hit the pillow hard. Regretting what I had done.

to be continued


Author's note: Sorry...had to continue to another chapter...see u in a few hours~~~ hehe~~


feelgyo-chan...i did promise to mention u in every chapter,right??hehe~~havent seen (?) u for long~~miss you~~




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will add the bonus chapter very soon....


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Chapter 8: JNP?? what does this mean??? :)
lunanegra #2
Chapter 29: Bwaha.. SuJu as their kids? OMG, they are having a very chaotic family.. ^^
MMM123 #3
Woodong in the bonus chapters was just wow :)
ayuwannie #4
Chapter 6: hahaha I began to feel the Jindy moment... But.....Sure, Woodong keep the best, love love love woodong so much :)
ayuwannie #5
Chapter 1: what I'm feeling right now is similar to what dongwan feel, what's this? I had to read the next chapter :)
Chapter 30: hahahaha you are just sooooo CUTE!!! ❤ (((o(//////Σ//////)o)))

and Dongwannie is my favorite out of Shinhwa members too!!
you are the first author I've met here that feels the same! \(*0*)/

~ WAAAHH . . .
~ that's . . .
~ sooooo~~~ . . .
~ AWEEEESOME!!!! (((o(≧∇≦)o)))
~ *high-five-sister!* └ (^○^)オ(^▽^)ツ~
Chapter 27: My...GODDD!!(✖////✖)~❤
WAAHH I LOVE THIS CHAPTER!!! ヽ(///ヮ///)ノ heehhee

I've loved that you broke it with a funny scenario the end of it~ (although, I must say, YOU - ARE - SUCH - A - TEAAAAAAAAAASE ! ~ but) I've loved that so much ! kekeke ~ /// Eric's characterization is HILARIOUS! "MY BABY BIRD IS BEING BY YOUR BABY BIRD!!!" L-M-A-O ! <3 XD
and him being caught for peaking on the Woodong couple~~ wahhh that was so funny yet quite hot in a ert-ish way I can't even explain it ! waa~~~~hahahaha~~~~ヽ(*≧ヮ≦)ノ

Also, actually~ I hoped Jindy would've done it at the end~~... and I would've preferred if Andy wouldn't have turned all shy and stuff, although it's cute~ I actually love the 'aggressive Andy - submissive Jinnie'~ kekeke...~ maybe you could write like a sequel where they'll go all the way?? *blushing*-pwweeeease??-*BLUSHING* (((o(//////Σ//////)o)))

General overview: the segmentation to paragraphs is fantastically fit; the plot have a great and calm opening, a Y-and-HOT-AS-HELL middle section and a surprising and funny scenario at the end~~ great development for a one-shot(!).
Except a few grammar corrections (and the tiny unsatisfying feeling I have cus they didn't finish what they had started) every thing about this chapter is PERFECT! ・:*:・(*/////∇/////*)・:*:・
so I give you 9.8 out of 10 ! (slightly taken down cus of the little grammar mistakes)

From my perspective, you've done a great job writing this chapter. chincharo! *thumbs-up* d-(^ヮ^)
✧・゚:* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ❤ KUDOS AUTHOR-NIM! ヾ(*⌒ヮ⌒*)ゞ ❤ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *:・゚✧
Chapter 26: I know it's a late comment but I had much so I only got to read the last chapters now~~ OTL
aanyway~ reaaally cute chapter! Ricsyung were never my favorite pairing, and apart from that- I'm not into Ricsyung lately, YET I read the chapter because you wrote it really well and I liked the fluffy plot~ kekeke❤

only two things were a bit of a turn-off for me~ (๑•́ ω •̀๑"):
* Eric calling Hyesung "my husband and wife" ~ I wish you wouldn't have written the "wife" part.. it's just that-..Hyesung hates those kind of stuff, and he will never let Eric get away with it if he'll make him girly [no matter which way]~ hahaha ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ
* I hoped that Dongwan, being the wit-GOD, apart from being entertaining and making the crowd laugh, would say a more emotional.. longer speech. with some beautiful memories of the two included that only the 6 of the members know about to share with the crowd (and through that with the reader) :/

Anyway, the chapter was written nicely. I also liked the Woodong moments in it very much; the hold each of them has on each other is always so beautiful and lovely~ (๑>◡<๑) ❤
You did a great job! chincharo (๑>ヮ-)~✌
MizzPeel0007 #9
Chapter 30: Oh so Min Woo planned the entire thing to get a honeymoon for he and Dong Wan sweet, but can you say jealously. Of your cute little son, well he did get a week to spend together,, loved the ending so much.