The atmosphere is nice.

Please hold my hand :)

Soeun's POV

I was walking around the arts building when someone touched me.

"Unnie, aren't you going to watch Bummie-oppa's last game for the season?" My little sister called me. I hit my head when I remembered that he told me he has a game today.

"I forgot. Lets go"I said as I started running. It's been two weeks since we started dating. I'm not still used to it though. 

When we arrived there, the players are stretching. Then I saw Junho waving to us so we quickly walked to him. The soccer field is filled with students so it's hard to take a seat. Luckily, Junho saved some for us.

"Noona, you just arrived in time." Junho said to me as we took a seat.

"I forgot that there is a game today but I'm glad Hyoyeon found me." I replied to Junho.

Everyone was watching the game intensely, observing every move created by the players. It's the last game of the season before we head to the summer vacation and it will determine the season's champions.

"GOAL!" The students went to an uproar. Our university is the new champion.

My sister hugged me. "Unnie, we won!" She added.

The students started leaving after congratulating each other so the three of us went down to congratulate Bummie.

"Hyung, congratulations" Junho greeted Bummie with a bro hug.

"Oppa, you look so cool!" Hyoyeon also gave him a hug.

He looked at me. I gave him two thumbs up and added cheerfully,"Congratulations!"

He stared at me and chuckled. Did I do something funny? I put my hands down shyly but he grabbed it then he pulled me into a hug.

"The two of them hugged me. It's unfair if you're the one that won't hug me." He whispered in my ears.

"Sorry. I'm still not used to this thing. By the way, you look awesome when you were playing." I whispered.

Then I heard Junho cleared his throat. "Ehem. I think it's better if we just eat. Hyung, please change your clothes" Junho said.

After Bummie went to changed his clothes, we went to our favorite restaurant.

[Soeun's POV end]

"Vacation is almost here." Hyoyeon said cheerfully.

"It's been almost a year since we first see each other." Junho said.

"It's been almost a year since Junho tried acting like a bad boy." Bummie said.

Soeun laughed and added, "Hyoyeon keep telling me how much she hates the new guy in her class. Then later she found out it was her crush in her middle school days."

Hyoyeon just covered her face because she was so shy. 

"Junho was telling me that it was hard for him to act. Did you know that Junho is got into troubles because he always argue with the teachers? This kid is such a nerd." Bummie said as he pats Junho's head.

The four of them were talking and laughing at each other that they forgot about the time.

"It's weird for me to see Bummie-oppa hugging my sister. Lovebirds" Hyoyeon said.

"I agree partner." Junho said.

"You're just jealous." Bummie said confidently.

Hyoyeon and Junho both gave him a glare.

Soeun chuckled. 

"Two weeks ago, the president talked to me. He said that there is a chance that I could be a solo artist." Hyoyeon said.

"A solo artist? What will happen to this" Bummie said as he points Junho.

"I don't know either but I hope that we'll still be a duo." Hyoyeon said.

"Maybe I'll convince my manager to reconsider it." Hyoyeon added.

"Okay. I think we could just hope for the better." Soeun said.

The sun began to set. The four of them decided to watch the sunset on the nearby beach.


The two were walking alone together. Junho decided that they should sit while watching the sunset.

"Partner, please sit down." Junho said as he lay his coat on the sand.

Hyoyeon sat down and Junho sat down beside her. Junho let Hyoyeon's head rest on his shoulders.

"Partner, I know we don't really talk seriously to each other but I just want to tell you are really special to me." Junho said as put his hand on Hyoyeon's shoulder.

"I agree maybe we're not good at expressing our feelings to each other but I do love you in case you don't know." Hyoyeon honestly said.

"I love you too. " Junho said as he lifted up Hyoyeon's chin and kisses her. It's been a year since these two reunited with each other.

"Hyoyeon-ssi, I promise I'll work harder. Don't worry we'll debut as a duo(according to our readers.). I promise." Junho said as he raised his hand showing how sincere his promise is.

"I promise too." Hyoyeon said.

The sun started to fade in the eyes of these two lovers but their love is just starting to rise.


"Soeun-ssi" Bummie called as he slips his hand into Soeun's. Soeun's looked at him at first but then she hold his hand tighter and smiled.

"I never realized that I'll fall in love again." Soeun said.

"I never realized that someone like you will fall for someone like me." Bummie said as they walk.

"You have a good heart that's why I fell for you." Soeun complimented as she points to Bummie's heart.

"Really? I thought my heart was numb. I'm glad you opened it. Thanks Soeun for everything. Although we both got hurt in the past, I think it brought us closer." Bummie said as he fixes Soeun's hair and he kisses her on the forehead.

"I also want to thank you for everything. Thanks for accepting my feelings" Soeun added.

Then the two of them continued walking with their hands intertwined...


Author's comments: The atmosphere is nice. I know the chapter is short. Sorry.JunHyo's first kiss. lol.



"Junho, what's this?"

"It's a scar. I think it's a birthmark."

'Could it be that Junho...."

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diaaaahhhhh #1
Chapter 27: wow this story so real. another happy eding story. love it :)
Stefani_ #2
Chapter 27: woaaaah, it so sweet ! XD I love the ending so cuteeee :3 thank you Author-nim for such a nice story~~ Fighting!
nylanj21 #3
melaybreindel #4
Chapter 27: hi! did you just say you love me?! hahaha thanks!
nice story, by the way.. thanks for adding me as well!
ditaprmtsr #5
Chapter 27: nice nice nice ♥
bumsso :) thanks for this
asian-2pm #7
Chapter 27: Your story was really great. Please write other story.
JunHyoLover #8
aww.. i really love this fanfic. ♥♥ JUNHYOLOVER FOREVER
MsJuno #9
you lab me ?? xD ( confused )
I super love your stories ! ^^ Even though I ship JunHyo as second . STILL I LOVE IT ! and I was shock at the ending part seeing my name . haha !