Sigh... I cannot catch a break!

Sapphire Chaos

Author’s POV

“Great meeting today guys! Well done, all of you. We’ll start the official filming with Siwon and Donghae in the morning,” the PD for the whole drama project announced. They wrapped the meeting up and everyone scattered into their own directions. Siwon and Donghae decided to walk back to the hotel instead of taking a cab, since that would give them some time to discuss and just enjoy the loveliness of Taiwan. They’d visited once before, with SJ-M, but now they were alone. Donghae stretched out his arms.

“Ah! I’m so excited to film my first scene tomorrow!” he exclaimed happily. “I don’t know how many times I’ve read the script now but I know it’s printed in my mind! I refuse to make mistakes on the first day.”

“Haha, I’m excited too! Too bad we aren’t going to see each other act... I would’ve loved to see you being a rebel, hyung. You’re not exactly that type,” Siwon pointed out. Donghae chuckled. He agreed on that one, even though he didn’t worry about acting like a rebel. After all, he had his role models at home: Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk and Heechul. Heechul was a rebel no matter what it was, while Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk more held it within the dorms. Either way, he’d taken inspiration when he wrote his character analysis.

“I think I can pull it off. Don’t you think?” Donghae smiled in a mischievous manner on purpose, trying to look like a bad boy. Siwon nodded his head in agreement, secretly laughing on the inside. Donghae wasn’t the ‘bad-boy’ type, ever. He was rather the other way around: a momma’s boy. He’d never hurt a fly, literally. Once there had been a fly in the dorms and while everyone was trying to smack it dead, Donghae protested and almost started crying because they’d all run around after the poor fly. Eventually, he’d grabbed it first and let it out through their window, waving goodbye to it and wishing it good luck. All right, maybe that one doesn’t count because it was during there trainee days, and Siwon felt sure that Donghae wouldn’t mind killing a fly now, but it proved that Donghae was very kind and warm hearted.

“Have you heard anything from the managers back in Korea, or the members or anyone?” Siwon suddenly asked out of the blue. Donghae scowled in thought. Then he shook his head.

“Nope. I haven’t heard anything from Kayla either, so I’m assuming everything’s like it’s supposed to be. It would’ve been worse if they’d called because that mostly means trouble...” Donghae said matter-of-factly.

Siwon laughed. “Yeah, that’s probably true. Another question then: do you know the way back to the hotel?” The two of them did an abrupt halt. Their heads started looking around in all different directions, and as their frowns deepened, both Donghae and Siwon realised that, nope, they had no idea where they were. “Hyung, do you have the PD’s number?” Siwon worriedly asked, checking his own phone. Donghae’s hands went inside his pockets; a nervous chuckle left his mouth as he notices his phone wasn’t with him.

“Eh... I think I left my phone either back at the hotel or at the meeting...” Siwon’s bug-eyed expression showed itself in panic. He stopped his foot down.


“Well, I’m not the person who you trust to hold things to be truthful!” Donghae snapped back. “You know Leeteuk hyung never lets me hold anything because I’ll lose it...” The two of them sighed heavily.

“So, what do we do?” Siwon questioned. “I don’t know Chinese well enough to ask for directions and none of us know English well enough either. What do we do?”

Donghae shrugged. “Go back to the meeting point?” Siwon raised a brow. “What?” Donghae muttered in defeat.

“Do you know the way back?” Siwon’s question made Donghae perch his lips together. He hadn’t thought about that. For the next ten minutes, Siwon and Donghae walked around the city, desperately trying to find something that could help them get back to the hotel. They didn’t argue or blame one another out loud, but it stood clear both had lost a tiny bit of spirit.

“There! We found it!” Donghae’s exclaim startled a few people around them. Siwon hushed his hyung and then dragged him to the hotel. Once they’d stepped inside, both of them exhaled as though they’d run or something. They rode the elevator up to their floor, walked to their room and put the key in the lock. Donghae opened the door but soon closed it again in haste. Siwon jumped out of fright.

“Hyung, what are you doing?” He tried to pass Donghae who shook his head.

“This isn’t our room!” he hissed back. Siwon looked stunned, so Donghae elaborated, “It wasn’t our stuff in the room. I think we might’ve gone to the wrong hotel...” Siwon’s wide eyes returned and the two men escaped to the elevator.

“What did you see in the room?” Siwon asked curiously while they headed towards the receptionist – they’d come to the conclusion that they were in need of help. Donghae made a grimace.

“Not nice things,” he replied. Siwon gasped.

“Did you see someone...?”

“What? No! I meant I saw a pair of , no person!” Donghae quickly burst out. Siwon exhaled in relief.

“Okay, good. I really thought you’d seen... you know... That,” he whispered. Donghae waved him off while shaking his head ferociously. They walked up the receptionist who took quite long to understand the frantic two boys who spoke neither Chinese nor English. When they finally made themselves clear, the confused receptionist drew them a map of how to walk, handed it to Donghae who immediately shoved it into Siwon’s hands and then they thanked for the help and left. “All right, we’re not too far from the hotel, so that’s good. But I believe we couldn’t have gone more wrong...” Siwon said, scrutinizing the map. He led the way back to the correct hotel and when Donghae – for the second time – opened the door to room number 246, they were both relieved as they recognised their suitcases on the floor. Donghae threw himself on the bed with a loud shout in happiness. Siwon followed his actions; he lay down on his own bed.

“Ah... I’m never walking from the meeting location ever again. We’re taking a cab from now on,” Donghae said. Siwon chuckled, yet he couldn’t agree more with his hyung. Suddenly, there was a loud noise coming from Donghae’s bag. He reached over, brought up his phone and rolled over on his stomach. “Holy !” he yelled. Siwon looked over at him.

“What is it?”

“Heechul has left me over ten phone calls and near 50 kakaotalk messages!”

“Wow... Must really be something of importance then,” Siwon remarked. Donghae unlocked his phone and clicked on the icon for the app. It took long time for it to charge with so many messages being sent, but eventually it opened. Donghae scrolled up to read the first messages, which was a link, and then he noticed that all over messages were taps or ‘click it’ demands. Donghae wrinkled his nose. He wasn’t sure clicking on the link would benefit him or not. He sent a click reply, saying: ‘Why? What is it?’ and then waited for Heechul’s reply. “What was it?” Siwon wondered. He’d brought up his book with plans on catch up while they had some free time on their hands. Donghae showed him the messages. Siwon raised a brow. “Mm, I’ve always thought that hyung was a special one,” he commentated. Donghae laughed loudly.

“Yeah! And he’d kill you if you said that to him! Oh, he replied. ‘It an article, just click it goddammit!’ What the hell? Okay, fine. I’ll click it.” Donghae scrolled back up to the first message and pressed the link without reading the URL first. Afterwards, he wished he’d done that. There was an article from one of the biggest gossip pages in the industry that almost every celebrity knew wasn’t a good place to be one; Heechul was one of the few who checked it out from time to time. “Siwon, can I burrow your computer real quick?”

“Yeah, sure. It’s in my backpack.”

“Thanks.” Donghae got up from the bed, took out the computer and sat down with it on the bed again. He tried to read the things that said in the article on his phone, but he soon gave up and waited for the computer to start instead. Once it did, Donghae wrote down the URL and the article appeared on the big computer screen. At first, his reaction wasn’t too big but then, when looking closer, Donghae’s expression soured. The picture had two people on it; Kayla and Lee Joon. Kayla’s arm was around Lee Joon’s and it looked like they were in front of a building. Donghae read some of what reporters and fans said about the photo. He heaved out a long sigh, putting his right hand to his face and resting his elbow on his thigh. “Dammit...”

“What is it?” Siwon came over to his bed. “Isn’t that Lee Joon? Who’s he with?”

“Kayla,” Donghae replied. “It says they were spotted together... blah, blah, blah... outside MBLAQ’s dorms... Yadda, yadda, yadda... Why did Heechul send me this? I don’t need to know this!” Donghae angrily grabbed his phone and sent a message to his hyung. After two minutes, Heechul answered.

“What did you write to him?” Siwon wondered, while he read the article.

“I asked why he sent it to me and he answered that he thought I should know. I’m replying that it’s stupid of him to try making me jealous because I’m done with that. I’m not going to get jealous because of this! I’m not.” Donghae typed away an answer then laid his phone beside him.

“But... think like this instead. She’s only holding his arm, it could’ve been worse,” Siwon pointed out. Donghae glared at him.

“Yeah? How? That she actually did cheat and kissed him?”

“No... Because she wouldn’t do that. It’s irrational, hyung. I meant something like... Smacking his ! It’s good she didn’t do that! It would’ve been worse. Or better...” Donghae couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He gave Siwon a glazed expression.

“Tell me in what universe... it would be better if she’d smacked his !?”

“Well...” Siwon began, “Siblings smack each other’s butts. Like you and Hyuk do! You’re like siblings. So I thought if she’d smacked his , it would’ve looked like they were brother and sister! This is better than them looking like a couple.”

“No sister smacks her brother’s ,” Donghae sternly said. He wasn’t amused by the topic of this conversation.

“Yes they do. Eunhyuk told me his sister used to smack his all the time,” Siwon objected.

“That was because she was angry. And Kayla doesn’t exactly look angry here!” He pointed at the picture. Siwon sat down on the bed, though he didn’t say anything more, he just let Donghae breathe for a while. Donghae sighed. “No. I’m not going to become jealous. It’ll only make things worse. If there are rumours about them being a couple then it can’t be by ELFs since they know who Kayla is. These rumours are created by people who don’t know her and therefore can’t tell it’s my girlfriend. In conclusion, there’s absolutely nothing to worry about.”

“Do you think A+ is behind it?” Donghae turned to Siwon quizzically.

“A+?” he questioned.

“Yeah. They’re MBLAQ’s fans. They could’ve spread this. Like you said, ELF knows so it has to be someone else. For example, A+. They could’ve seen it as Lee Joon with a girl instead of a girl with Lee Joon, get what I mean?” Donghae nodded slowly. “Either way, I agree, you shouldn’t be tangled up in this.” Siwon got back to his own bed and continued reading him book peacefully. However, Donghae couldn’t completely relax. He brought up his phone again, seeing Heechul had sent something.

“Heechul hyung says he knows Kayla wouldn’t cheat. He just wanted to make sure I knew so that in case this because larger, I’d be prepared for it. He also said Kayla has been in the MBLAQ dorms a lot these past few days... He says they’ve been having sleepovers non-stop. What does he want me to do with that information? It’s like he needs me to worry and be jealous. What should I say?” He glanced at Siwon for answers.

“Tell him just that. That you aren’t going to be jealous and that it would be a waste of time as well as focus. Tell him to leave it alone for the meantime. If it’s not big, then why worry about it?” Donghae agreed with that one. He’d tried to care of small things before and it had just made everything so much more complicated than they originally had to be. He sent Siwon’s words in his own form back to Heechul, plus a goodbye. Then he lay on the bed.

“Should I send something to Kayla? Just to inform her that I know about the rumours. I’m not going to sound jealous, but I can’t sound ignorant either. I do care; it’s just that I don’t have strength or time to deal with this.”

“Yeah, do that. Think about what you write so it doesn’t sound like it’s coming out of nowhere either. You don’t want to panic her if she doesn’t know all of this is happening.”

“You don’t think she knows what’s going on?” Donghae sat up. Now that comment didn’t make him any less uncertain of what to do. “Then what will happen if I write and she doesn’t know? Will she panic, get stressed and then perform worse than if I don’t tell her? Or what?”

“I don’t know, hyung. She’s your girlfriend. You should know how she will react.” Donghae fell down on his back. He covered his face with his hands.

“Oh, my god. I’m already become stressed about this. These were the emotions I was trying to avoid! I’ll send her a text. I’m not going to complicate things, just state that they are there.” He grabbed his phone again. “Wait, maybe I should search ‘Lee Joon – girlfriend’ on the internet first! That way I’ll know how much has gotten out in the media or if it’s that bloody gossip site that thinks they know something. Does that sound like a good idea?”

Siwon sighed. When will I ever read my book? he thought to himself. “No, hyung. Because now you’re sounding like you’re jealous and... What are you doing?”

“I’m searching for it,” Donghae replied swiftly. Siwon rolled his eyes. Nobody ever listens to me either... “Aha!” Donghae burst out, gaining Siwon’s attention again. “It’s all over the internet for MBLAQ’s fans. They’re discussing it like crazy. I knew this was a bigger problem than what it seemed. I’ll have to inform Kayla about this. If this comes to ELF then that might cause even larger commotions, which is what we don’t want or need.” He typed a text message to Kayla; meanwhile Siwon took the computer. He got amazed at how many comments there were on one of the forums. He shut down the computer, thinking it probably was for everyone’s best – above all his own since he was the one living with Donghae. “Okay, I’m done,” Donghae announced.

“Okay, good.”

“Do you want me to read it?” Siwon opened his mouth to respond but Donghae beat him to it. “I wrote: Hi, princess. Hope you’re having a good time even though-”

“Hyung, mind skipping to the part about the rumours?” a tired Siwon bid.

“Oh, yeah, sorry. ‘Heechul hyung sent me a link today. It was an article written about Lee Joon and how rumours say he’s got a girlfriend. That girl is you. I don’t know if you know what rumours has been going around, and well, I’m not there to deal with it either, so it’s up to you. I suggest that you talk to Lee Joon about it and perhaps ask whoever is in charge what you can do. Otherwise, Leeteuk hyung should be able to help you out. Hope it all gets solved. Love you, bye.’” Donghae looked up at Siwon. “Well?”

“Uh, yeah. It was good. Only, it sounds a bit like you don’t care...” Siwon pointed out.

“I don’t care that much,” Donghae replied. “I’m not in the position to fix it, so what else can I do? If Kayla wants to do something about it, and I’m certain she will, then it’s up to her. I trust her, so I’m not going to put my nose in and tell her to not be around Lee Joon anymore. That would be a jealous move.” He pressed ‘send’, put the phone on the night stand and lay down. “I’m going to take a nap before we go have dinner, if that’s okay? Wake me up when you feel hungry,” he informed Siwon.

“All right, hyung.” Siwon opened his book for the fourth time, thinking he finally could get some calm, relaxing reading done. Nevertheless, a bad feeling in his guts told him this tiny issue wasn’t quite over yet.

There you go! Another chapter! Hehe, Donghae is trying to not be jealous xD We'll see if he succeeds or not ... What do you guys think is going to happen??? I'm really curious to know what thoughts are going through your mind ^^

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Okay guys... I've hurt my back really bad so I won't be able to update in a while as I'm currently behind in school and can't move whatsoever. I'm really sorry


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Chapter 43: It's oveeeeeer!! Oh gosh ;-; I must say that I'm very proud of you! I remember when I first noticed this story and I loved it since day one. The story itself is really awesome and I enjoyed reading every chapter. I hope I'll see more of your work since you're really talented. I wish you all the best! Thank you for writing such a great story. <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 43: This was truly such a sweet story. I wish it would've lasted forever but I guess it had to end simewhere, right??? :'(
Anywhoo, it's great how you linked up the movie with Kayla's life. And I love that all the members stuck with her even after all the drama.
I've been so sick lately that I hyst barely got to read. I'd start reading something and get so tired that I'd wake up to find that I couldn't even remember what little I did manage so I'm glad that I finally got to finishing this. I think it's four or five chapts that I wasn't able to comment. I'm sorry :'[.

But after reading this fic I must just tell you, we should be thanking you for your good work on this fic, so thank you.
I hope to be able to walk with you on many other fanfic journeys in the future. And I hope you get well soon. I hope we both do. :) :* (: ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡
Chapter 43: Thanks for this amazing fic, author-nim!!! I love the ending. I hope to read another fic yours in the future!! Fighting with the next!! ^_^
Chapter 39: WOW!!! I thought she'd buy the smaller!!!! I hope she can solve the problem with Donghae asap!!! I don't know what is she thinking and i'm really curious!!!!
Thaks for the new chapter, author-nim!!! and Fighting with the next!!!! ^_^
Chapter 38: WOW!!!!! They solve the problem with Kayla, so now only left the problem with Donghae, i hope they can solve it.
Thanks for all the chapters and fighting with the next!!!!
I hope your operation will go fine and you can be recovered asap!!! Good luck with that and don't worry too much!! Fighting!!!! ^_^
Chapter 38: Unnie~ I like the chapter. You're having an operation? Oh God I hope everything will be okay ;-; K have back problems myself so I know that it's hard. I'll be thinking about you! ♡ Be positive! Everything is going to be okay!! Take care~~ ♡♡
Chapter 37: It's good that Kayla made up with the members. All that's missing now is Hae. I hope the fans stop with the rumoura after the pic. And I seriously hope Kayla and Hae make up soon.

The end is coming..... :'(
I can't believe it.
Chapter 36: Wow, what a change from the usually peacefull storyline. I like it!

I've been waiting for drama for the longest time now so I'm super happy. And Heechul's pov... that was different and nice.

As much as I might understand where Kayla is coming from because she's a foreigner and doesn't fully understand or accept the SKorean entertainment industry's ways, I also think that the way she is dealing with everything just isn't right.
She should be willing to take advice from people who are in the industry and not say she'll deal with it rather than listen.
The fact that she even considered leaving Hae for a contract makes me really sad. I was kinda already expecting a breakup when all the drama started.
Poor Hae... this isn't even any if his fault :(
Chapter 36: Omgomgomgomg dramaaaaa~~~ The members' reaction when they heard about the baby is hillarious xD I'm soooo curious what will happen next and what's with their relationship now. Update soon unnie, hwaiting!! ♥