Starhaus Entertainment

Sapphire Chaos

Kayla’s POV

The next morning I woke up extra early just to be able to prepare myself. I took a long, relaxing shower, drank some of my favourite tea and read two chapters in my book before heading out the door. I was wearing a pair of light blue jeans, a thin, oversized knitted black sweater, a black beret with peak, sunglasses, black boots, a black big bag and then a necklace to wrap it all up. According to me, I did look quite nice. Hopefully, nice enough to get that movie part. Starhaus Entertainment lay far into the city and the drive there took longer than I’d expected. I wasn’t really used to the traffic. I had burrowed Donghae’s car since he didn’t need it now that he was in China. Parking the car outside the building, got me to realise how huge it was and how small I felt in comparison. I walked into the lobby nervously. A few men, wearing suits, stared at me as I made my way to the reception. A woman sat behind the desk, she also wearing a suit and she had her hair in a neat knot. It felt intimidating to see all these people who worked in the industry up close, knowing that they were judging me tremendously.

“Excuse me?” I said but the woman behind the desk didn’t react. I cleared my throat to make her aware of me but still nothing. “Ahem? Excuse me?” I tried once again, still nothing. What’s up with her? I was started to get annoyed now, how could she ignore me when she must’ve known that I was there.

“Excuse me Mrs Park, could you check if my car is here?” The male voice on my left made me to jerk my head to the side. My eyes widened upon seeing who it was.

“Of course, Mr Lee! Yes, it’s here already.” I glared at the woman who was smiling towards the man. Oh yeah? Just because he’s famous, you ignore me huh?

“Thank you. And please, do help the pretty lady with whatever she needs. I’m sure her appointment here is more important than mine.” Lee Minho smiled at me before leaving. I couldn’t do else but stare after him, feeling a little starstrucked.

“What do you want?” I turned back to the woman again. She had perched her lips together and was eyeing me with a most condescending look. I raised a brow. Seriously what was this woman’s problem?

“I’m here to see Miss Kim Hwang-Mi. Do you know where I can find her?” I asked politely. The woman looked at me as though I was crazy. Suddenly she scoffed.

“You? See Miss Hwang-Mi? Please do come up with something else more likely or stop wasting my time.” I gaped in chock.

“Hm,” I huffed and took out my phone to call Hwang-Mi. This woman was going to get it for pissing me off. She’d be so embarrassed.

“Hello Kayla! I was just wondering where you were.” I let a smug smile grace on my lips and turned to the woman behind the desk.

“Yes, I’m here but the woman behind the desk...” I trailed to wait for reaction. The woman stared back up at me, this time alarmed. He he... “...she refuses to believe that I’m meeting with you, so I wondered if you could come get me? I’ll stay where I am.”

“Oh, that’s strange. Yes, I’ll come right away!” I hung up the call, leaned over the desk and smacked my lips together.

“Do you believe me now?” I asked the woman who was slowly starting to freak out. I stood up and turned to the elevators to see Hwang-Mi just about to come out from one. I winked to the women behind the desk then walked to meet Hwang-Mi on the way. “Good morning miss Kim,” I greeted, holding out a hand for her. She smiled at me warmly and took it.

“Good morning Kayla, it’s wonderful to meet you again. Come with me.” I followed her hand towards the elevator and could in the corner of my eye see how Hwang-Mi glared at the receptionist. We went up to the 14th floor and walked through the hallways until we reached Hwang-Mi’s office. “Please sit down,” she offered and I did as told. The office was brightly painted in white and had lots of flowers, paintings and big windows that allowed the sun to shine through. The chair was comfortable and unless I’d had that extra five minutes sleep then I’d fallen asleep. Hwang-Mi sat down on her chair. “So, Kayla. Good to see you,” she started off. I found her tone soothing and friendly, which calmed me down.

“Good to be here. I called as soon as I got the letter about the rejection from the drama. I’m so glad you offered me this job because otherwise it would’ve been a real bummer.” I chuckled. Hwang-Mi’s smile narrowed a little bit and she rested her elbows on the wooden desk. She had red nail-polish on her fingers that matched the red lipstick. Wow, she should be an actress too... She looks like a Hollywood star.

“About that Kayla... I do have something to admit. When I spoke to the director for the movie and also showed him a picture I snapped of you on your audition, he fell in love with your look. He told me to get you no matter what. I actually had to call the casting director for the drama and insure that you were cut. I hope that doesn’t sadden you too much, otherwise I’ll call the casting director and tell him to pick you right away!” Yet again, my jaw had dropped to the floor. Hwang-Mi’s eyes met mine, they were worried. “Kayla? Are you alright?”

“Defy ‘alright’, I think I’m going to burst in happiness and the feeling of being honoured!” I said, taking three deep breaths. Hwang-Mi smiled widely and sat back in her chair, she must’ve felt relieved.

“I take that I made the right decision and that you are on board for this movie then?” she asked, taking a pen in her hand. I nodded excitedly.

“Yes! Thank you so much!” I exclaimed and flew up to bow as deep as I could. Hwang-Mi laughed.

“Thank yourself for being such a great actress Kayla. I just helped a little bit,” she said. I sat back down on the chair. My lips wouldn’t stop from curving up into a huge grin. I was feeling very proud of myself and couldn’t wait until I could tell my family and Donghae about this. He’d probably be very happy and excited for me as well. “Here is the contract. I’ll give it to you to read through and then you can give it to me the next time we see each other. For now I just want to make sure that you’re feeling confident and good in your choice to work with us and that you are prepared for what’s coming. Have you had any former training in acting before?” I took the bundle of papers stuck together and winced on the inside before I could answer her question. So much to read!

“No, I haven’t. Only the little training I got from SM when Donghae and I were going official. But that’s about it. I might have taken one or two classes as a child too but nothing that will help me now.” Hwang-Mi nodded her head while taking quick notes on a piece of paper.

“Then I’ll arrange for you to have some acting classes before the filming starts. All the characters don’t have an actor to portray them yet so the filming isn’t going to start until in the beginning of next year. January or so. Though that depends on how fast everything else is done because then the date could be moved forward. I’ll give you more information about that later on in the process and about your classes too. Furthermore, you’ll be given the script the next time I see you as well and you’ll meet the director then too I believe. Other than that you won’t have to worry about much. A car will always pick you up at your apartment and drive you here and then you’ll be picked up by someone who’ll show you were the classes will take place. Food you’ll be eating here in our restaurant and I reckon you’ll work maybe from 9 o’clock in the morning to around 4-5 in the afternoon. I want to give you intense classes so that you’ll be well prepared for the movie. Normally it takes really good actors years to star in a movie so you’re lucky. Other than that, I think there’s nothing more you need to know at the moment. The project will take at least 5 months to complete so you’ll be busy to the end of June at least next year. I will be your ‘manager’ for this time you’ll be working with us so if you have any complaints or wonders just ask me. I’ll arrange a meeting for you to meet the rest of the crew, the director and other actors as soon as possible. Your theatre class will begin on Monday next week, if I get my will through which I usually do... Okay! That’s everything for now. You have my number so it’s only to call me in case anything feels unclear in the contract or anything.”

“Actually there is one thing,” I said and Hwang-Mi lifted her gaze. “What will happen with my school? I currently take classes online and I wonder if I’ll get any time to study.”

“Hm... That shouldn’t be too hard to solve. I’ll look into that. Just leave me the address and the homepage where you study on this piece of paper,” Hwang-Mi instructed. I wrote down all the information quickly. “Good, then I’ll tell you more about that too on Monday when I see you again.” We both stood up to shake hands and I smiled even though my brain was a mess of information.

“Thank you so much for this opportunity. I swear I’ll do my best and won’t disappoint you one bit!” I said.

“I’m sure you won’t my dear. Now have a really good day and I’ll see you on Monday! Have a great day.” She waved, I waved back.

“You too Miss Kim! See you on Monday!” I said and closed the door after me. I managed to find my way out from the building, half reading the contract and half looking where I was going. When I’d read the first page I realised that this was going to take at least one hour to go through. I put the bundle of papers in my bag and drove home to the dorms. But well there I felt unable to concentrate on all the difficult words that awaited me in the contract that I decided to take a walk around town just to clear my head and perhaps call my family? I hadn’t spoken to them in over a week now. I grabbed a coat to keep warm in the slightly chilly October weather. I set the alarm in the dorms and walked out on the streets. I looked around in different stores and beamed over all the wonderful things about my boys that I found as I walked down the streets in the middle of Seoul. Since it was Saturday, the streets were crowded with people either shopping or just hanging out. But I knew where I was going and it didn’t take long before the crowds grew smaller and the lesser amount of people were seen. The little park where Donghae and I had been many times before, greeted me a friendly hello as the leaves left the trees little by little. I found a bench where I sat down and looked out over the endless views of grass, trees and the small ponds of water that had formed during the rainy days, a few weeks ago. I brought up the phone and called my home in Oxford, England. My mother soon picked up the phone and nearly cried due to happiness.

“Oh Kayla! How are you? I haven’t heard anything from you in so long! Tell me all that’s happened! How’s Donghae and the other boys? Are they being nice to you, do they treat you well?” My mother welled out questions. “I miss you my little girl,” she said when she’d calmed down a little. I smiled and wiped a tear away. Being away from my family had been the hardest decision I’d had to make when I went to Korea. Since my original plan to study changed when I met Donghae and things around us became complicated, my parents and I had agreed on that I would take the first term in university online which was good because it meant that I didn’t have to worry about meeting other people and was able to be with Donghae without getting asked about it. I told my mother of all the things that I’d done, including the audition and movie offer and then mentioned that Donghae was in China but she hardly heard that since she was too focused screaming of joy about the movie part. As the mother she still is, she of course asked how I would handle school too and I replied that I had talked to my manager and she said that she’d fix it. When my mother finally had caught her breath and was able to tell my father about the wonderful news too, I could’ve sworn that he’d shed a tear. My father wasn’t the type to cry over things but when it came down to me, his daughter, he rarely could hold them in. In this world everything happened very fast and it was hard for my parents to keep up with everything but I knew when to tell them what and knew how happy they would be for me. We talked some more, my mother and I, about how school was going and how things were with Donghae. She said she noticed how in love I was as I talked about him. I smiled when she said that.

“I wish you could meet him,” I said.

“Me too dear. But maybe we’ll do so sometime. Who knows? Perhaps when they go on that big tour they can come to England?”

“Yeah, I hope so.”

“Mm, well then my dear. It’s about time for us to go to bed. It was wonderful to hear from you. Call again soon, alright?”

“I will. Bye mom, love you!”

“Love you too sweetie,” she said then hung up. I took some time to recompose myself. Hearing how proud my parents were over me really brought me strength when I needed it. I wiped my tears and with a smile continued to walk, now walking home to the dorms. On the way, I spotted a small jewellery store and in the window a necklace that reminded me of something.

“Hae’s birthday is next week and I don’t have my own present for him!” I exclaimed. I had forgotten it with all the school work and weird happenings at the dorms and the audition for that drama. I opened the door to the store and went straight to the reception. “Excuse me? Could I have a look on the necklace that’s in the window? I think I want to buy it,” I told the shop assistant. He nodded and brought me the necklace I had pointed out. “Thank you,” I said. The necklace was rectangular, in black metal along with silver on the sides, together with a silver chain. I thought that it was perfect for Hae so I bought it without thinking twice about it. I hurried home in excitement to hide the necklace, even though Donghae wouldn’t be home for another five days. I hid it in Leeteuk’s room and hoped that he wouldn’t look there. But why would he even do that? Then I sat down with a bowl of cereal and the contract. There was a lot more to read than I had expected and it took me the whole evening to read it all and reflect over it. Late in the evening I finally signed it and went to bed.  I was pleased that I had gotten so many things done this day and that I had the next day to study and catch up a little with school. Though it wouldn’t be too hard since the lessons I took all were fun to me. I sent a quick text message to Donghae, saying good night and waited for his reply.

From My prince:

Good night my princess! Hope that you can sleep better without me than I can without you... :P We’re about to finish up the concert now and then we’re going back to the hotel. Honestly, I don’t know how long we’ll be away because we don’t really have anything planned, it’s the managers’ fault =_= But if we come home earlier I’ll let you know! Anyway, sleep well, have lots of sweet dreams (I’ll meet you there ^^) and remember that I love you!<3

“Wow, cheesy as always...” I laughed and typed down another message.

How can you be cheesy over text?! I mean come on! You’re making me blush~ ^///^ In case you do come home early then I’ll come pick you up! Otherwise I’m busy on that day when you’ll get home I think. Though it depends what time you come home. Anyway, I’m going to sleep for real now. AND YOU’VE MADE ME MISS YOU EXTRA MUCH YOU BASTARD! Haha! See you in my dreams my prince~ Love you more!

I sent the message and set the alarm on the phone. Donghae replied that he loved me even more than I could ever love him just because he always wanted the final say in everything. I crawled down under the sheets and turned off the lights. The bed felt very big without him next to me, but it helped to know that somewhere in Beijing he was still thinking about me even though he had thousands of others screaming his name...

Hello! I'm back with another chapter! I think it's going very well and I'm gaining subbies all the time!!! I'm so happy for that so thank you! I LOVE YOU!

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Okay guys... I've hurt my back really bad so I won't be able to update in a while as I'm currently behind in school and can't move whatsoever. I'm really sorry


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Chapter 43: It's oveeeeeer!! Oh gosh ;-; I must say that I'm very proud of you! I remember when I first noticed this story and I loved it since day one. The story itself is really awesome and I enjoyed reading every chapter. I hope I'll see more of your work since you're really talented. I wish you all the best! Thank you for writing such a great story. <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 43: This was truly such a sweet story. I wish it would've lasted forever but I guess it had to end simewhere, right??? :'(
Anywhoo, it's great how you linked up the movie with Kayla's life. And I love that all the members stuck with her even after all the drama.
I've been so sick lately that I hyst barely got to read. I'd start reading something and get so tired that I'd wake up to find that I couldn't even remember what little I did manage so I'm glad that I finally got to finishing this. I think it's four or five chapts that I wasn't able to comment. I'm sorry :'[.

But after reading this fic I must just tell you, we should be thanking you for your good work on this fic, so thank you.
I hope to be able to walk with you on many other fanfic journeys in the future. And I hope you get well soon. I hope we both do. :) :* (: ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡
Chapter 43: Thanks for this amazing fic, author-nim!!! I love the ending. I hope to read another fic yours in the future!! Fighting with the next!! ^_^
Chapter 39: WOW!!! I thought she'd buy the smaller!!!! I hope she can solve the problem with Donghae asap!!! I don't know what is she thinking and i'm really curious!!!!
Thaks for the new chapter, author-nim!!! and Fighting with the next!!!! ^_^
Chapter 38: WOW!!!!! They solve the problem with Kayla, so now only left the problem with Donghae, i hope they can solve it.
Thanks for all the chapters and fighting with the next!!!!
I hope your operation will go fine and you can be recovered asap!!! Good luck with that and don't worry too much!! Fighting!!!! ^_^
Chapter 38: Unnie~ I like the chapter. You're having an operation? Oh God I hope everything will be okay ;-; K have back problems myself so I know that it's hard. I'll be thinking about you! ♡ Be positive! Everything is going to be okay!! Take care~~ ♡♡
Chapter 37: It's good that Kayla made up with the members. All that's missing now is Hae. I hope the fans stop with the rumoura after the pic. And I seriously hope Kayla and Hae make up soon.

The end is coming..... :'(
I can't believe it.
Chapter 36: Wow, what a change from the usually peacefull storyline. I like it!

I've been waiting for drama for the longest time now so I'm super happy. And Heechul's pov... that was different and nice.

As much as I might understand where Kayla is coming from because she's a foreigner and doesn't fully understand or accept the SKorean entertainment industry's ways, I also think that the way she is dealing with everything just isn't right.
She should be willing to take advice from people who are in the industry and not say she'll deal with it rather than listen.
The fact that she even considered leaving Hae for a contract makes me really sad. I was kinda already expecting a breakup when all the drama started.
Poor Hae... this isn't even any if his fault :(
Chapter 36: Omgomgomgomg dramaaaaa~~~ The members' reaction when they heard about the baby is hillarious xD I'm soooo curious what will happen next and what's with their relationship now. Update soon unnie, hwaiting!! ♥