Reality check

Sapphire Chaos

Donghae’s POV

I woke up because of my phone’s loud signal, right next to me. I slowly opened my eyes and reached for it. Without checking the ID I placed it beside my ear.

“Yes?” I answered.

“Hi Donghae.” The voice of my manager made me sit up in haste. What could he want? I had put on my alarm! Had I overslept?!

“Manager hyung, good morning,” I greeted politely. Why was he calling me this early in the morning and sounding so incredibly kind?

“Yes, good morning. Um… I’m just calling to inform you that we have a slight problem. It’s nothing bad yet but unless we find a way to fix it now then it may become huge…” I sat up hastily with a frown on my face. Oh god, please let it not be horrible, I thought to myself.

“Yeah? What is it?” I felt the pressure in my chest when I asked the question and the manager’s slow reply didn’t make it less alarming either.

“We believe someone leaked the information about Kayla and her relationship to Super Junior…” my manager said. My heart literally stopped for a second. A flash of the exact consequences of this appeared before my eyes. I saw how Kayla would walk inside her little café and the huge amount of fans that were going to be there, waiting to lash out on her… I closed my eyes to regain to control over myself before I started crying. All of a sudden I heard a small murmur from behind me so I turned my head to see my little princess about to wake up. A smile formed on my lips as I watched her close in on me and then wrap her arms around my waist, tightly. She seemed so peaceful to me, so serene. “Yah, Donghae are you listening?” The strict, a bit angered, voice belonging to my manager brought me back again.

“Yeah, I’m sorry. I spaced out. I’ll be right there,” I said and hung up. I tried to step out of bed but Kayla’s grip around my waist instantly tightened.

“Please stay.” Her small hands gently caressed my stomach, making me shiver. She took the chance and brought me back down on the bed, lying herself with half her body on top of me. I wrapped an arm around her and with my other hand brushed some hair from her eyes.

“Your hair is very messy in the morning but I adore it,” I said. She giggled and lifted her head, taking back some of her hair. I smiled at her. “How can you be so beautiful in the morning?”

“Um, how can you be so cheesy in the morning? Honestly Donghae, it’s like 7:30!” She sat up on her knees and reached for a ribbon to put her hair in a ponytail. I watched her with adoring, loving eyes as usual and took a picture in my memory to remember this moment too. I did that with many of our special moments, since they meant everything to me. “What?” Kayla wondered while putting her weight on her hands, leaning slightly forward. I heaved myself up on my elbows.

“Nothing, just that I love you.” I chuckled when she hit my chest playfully. “It’s true though. And I love you too.” Her face lightened up and she nodded happily. That was my cue to lean in for a kiss.

“Okay, you’re right. I do love you.” Kayla chuckled and got up from the bed. I got up too and followed her out to the kitchen. While Kayla brought out some of our favourite yogurt and cereal, I waited in the doorway.

“Kayla… I have to hurry to SM.” She spun around to face me with a small pout. “Oh god, please don’t make me feel bad,” I whined. I walked up to her, pulling her close to me by her waist and pecked her lips. “I’ll call you alright?” Kayla’s nose scrunched up in discontent but she nodded and hugged me anyway, knowing that there’s wasn’t anything she could do about it.

“Fine. But you owe me a dinner.” I laughed.

“Gladly. Bye princess.”

“Yeah, bye.” I let go, quite reluctantly then went back to put on my clothes from the day before which actually still felt fresh. Afterwards, I kissed Kayla goodbye one more time and then headed to the company.

I arrived to the entrance ten minutes later and stepped out of the car. I locked the car door quickly and proceeded towards the entrance of the building but stopped in my tracks as a dozen paparazzi photographers ran up to me, surrounding me in seconds. The yelled different questions in my ear as I squeezed my way through to the front door where some guards helped me to get in. What the hell has happened? The walk to my manager’s office felt very long, now that I was in a hurry. I needed to know what had happened in the last 10 hours that I had been first at SM for dance practise and then at Kayla’s house, sleeping. When I opened the door to my manager’s office, I saw that there was another person there already too.

“Heechul?” I said, closing the door behind me. He faced me upon hearing me calling his name, he had a worrisome but calm expression on his face. “What are you doing here and what’s going on?” I continued. The manager motioned a hand towards the chairs, offering us to sit down, which we did.

“I will explain that now. You see, this morning we got several reports from our internet services about fans who had mention Kayla’s name in their messages on Twitter, Weibo and other social medias. How they got to know about it we are not sure but the fact remains that there has been leaked a picture of Heechul and Kayla being seen together outside of the SM building.” My manager took a small pause to let me comment on anything. I shut up. More because of chock than will. This cannot seriously be happening… “Donghae, this isn’t a problem unless we go out publically with you two being a couple now. Before the media starts assuming things.”

“What things?” I asked, switching focus from Heechul to my manager.

“That Kayla and I are a couple since it was the two of us that they saw,” Heechul answered.

“Oh right. But there’s a problem. Kayla isn’t ready to go out in public yet. So, how big are these headlines really? Couldn’t we ignore them for a one more week and then-” Suddenly, my phone inside my pocket went off, cutting me mid-sentence. I glanced at my manager who gave me a short nod of approval. I checked the ID, smiling at the name on the screen. “Hey baby, what’s-”

“Donghae, I’m in my boss’ office and I can’t get out! There’s a hundred people outside that want to talk to me, I think they’re fans!” The panic in Kayla’s voice made me run out of the office without even telling my manager who it was that had called.

“DONGHAE!” Heechul’s shout was right behind me. I ran with him behind me all the way out to my car, which into we both got in. “What has happened?” he demanded. I drove off in high speed towards the café.

“We didn’t act fast enough. They are at the café already. Those ing paparazzi- God, I should’ve told her to stay home!” This is my fault.


Kayla’s POV

“Yah! Open and talk to us!”

“We want just want to talk to you!”

“How did you meet Donghae oppa?”

“Are you together with Heechul oppa too?! You ! Can’t you decide?!”

I covered both my ears and sat down in the corner furthest away from the door. I could still hear the endless questions from the fans through my hands, piercing inside my ears to my head, making it hurt. The fans had come from nowhere earlier this morning, not seeming too harmful at all, until one of them asked for my name. In panic, I had run to the office, barely able to in time lock the door when the fans had emerged from all corners, coming towards me like an upset mob. Their banging on the door increased in force each time they hit it. I was afraid they would break through it sooner or later, cutting all escape for me. I rocked back in forth, trying my hardest to block it all out and find a solution to this. Please, go away. Go away. Leave me be. Oh, god. Think, Kayla, think! There has to be something you can do! You can’t wait here forever until they give up. Some of them won’t give up! I reached for my phone to call Donghae again, only to realise that the battery, conveniently enough, had died. Great… I looked around myself to see if there could be another way out. The window, which was closed, would’ve been the perfect way to sneak out, had it not been for the lock on it with a key that only my boss had in possession. The demands outside grew louder, more desperate and even more terrifying each second so I had to do something! Carefully, with the tears lingering in my eyes, I got back up to my feet and walked towards the window. Perhaps, if I was lucky, someone who passed by would notice the huge crowd that filled the little café and understand that something was wrong. The window’s glass was much too thick to throw anything through it but not too thick to knock so that the outside would hear it.

“Hey! Help!” I yelled. But my voice was muffled by the fans screaming louder on the other side of the wooden door. I tried again, raising my voice but nothing. No one who passed by would see or notice me. After a few more attempts the feeling of dread crept closer to me. What if there only was the door? Slowly, I sank down to the floor, hugging my knees as if that could protect me. Where’s Donghae? Maybe he knows he can’t come because the fans would attack him then… But what can I do then? “AH!” I yelped when a crack in the wood was heard. I stared up at the door to see a small fracture in the wood of the door. I shrieked again as another slam was aimed to the only thing separating me from the fans. “Please stop!” I cried out in vain. “Please, please.” My throat was too dry to produce another sound. The fabric on my jeans was becoming wet, leaving stains on them, made by my running mascara. To find another focus than the cracks, I went through all the tips my teacher Mr Park had given me during the lessons with him. Think. How does one deal with these types of fans? The sasaeng fans. Why can’t I come up with anything now when it’s more than needed?! I cursed for myself. God, Donghae where are you?

“YAH! GET THE AWAY FROM THAT DOOR!” As on cue the sound of my boyfriend’s angered self echoed all the way inside the office. I quickly stood up, ready to run to his opened arms. However, suddenly the noise ceased. Nothing could no longer be heard, not even footsteps. With much hesitance, I approached the soul exit, prepared to defend myself, should that become necessary. As the door slid open and the familiar sight of the chairs and tables was seen by my eyes, I also noticed that the café was empty. My slow steps felt heavy as I tried to imagine what had happened after Donghae had arrived. Soon, tears streamed down my face and I ran out on the street. Searching both left and right, there was no sign of neither Donghae nor the fans.

“Donghae!” I picked a random direction to begin my search on foot. Now and then I shouted Donghae’s name, probably looking like a lunatic to anyone who passed me by. Twenty minutes had ticket by and I had seen no sight of Donghae. Hopelessness spread in my heart and my pace had decreased since the start. “Donghae!” I tried one last time. “Where are you?” I sighed and stopped walking, believing that thinking might help me. I leaned to the wall at a crossroad, the other wall leading into an ally. As I stood there, thinking of what to do next, I all of a sudden felt a tight grip around my wrist, pulling me backwards. A shriek escaped my lips but it got muffled by a pair of all too well-known lips that pressed against mine. Donghae’s hands were placed on my waist, gently pushing me into the wall and closing all distance between our bodies. Once the both of us pulled away, we smiled.

“I’m so, so, sorry.” I took his face in my hands, shaking my head and putting a finger to his mouth. Donghae’s sparkling orbs read regret, worry and relief all together. He sighed, signalling for me that he had given up and I should take away my finger, so I did. “Are you okay?” I nodded.

“Yeah, just a little shaky perhaps. What did you do? Did they go after you?” I asked. Donghae lowered his head, nodding.

“Heechul was behind me and he led them away further. We split up, he ran back to SM while I went the other way. I shook them off of me not too far away from here then hid. Don’t worry, princess, we’re both fine. Heechul arrived safely to SM too.” Donghae made a pause to inhale, sharply. When he continued his tone had changed to an urging one, almost demanding, though still with his sugary, sweet undertone. “Kayla, if this is what happens once we go official then I won’t let you work at the café. And I won’t let you live on your own anymore.” I frowned, unsure of what to answer him. Donghae therefore continued, “Princess, please. If you love me…”

“I do love you.” I interrupted him. “Don’t believe even for a millisecond that I don’t. What do you want me to do? Where will I live and how will I get money?” Donghae’s forehead wrinkled and he looked to the side, like he always did when he was thinking.

“You’ll live with us, at the dorms. And I’ll talk to the CEO and perhaps we can get you a job at SM. That way you could go with me and I’d know that you are safe, which is the only thing that matters to me.” My lips curved up into an even wider smile, feeling the tenderness in Donghae’s words and the love and care. His cheek was soft under hand, caressing it sweetly.

“Okay. If that’s what you want then we’ll do that. Although…will the others be alright with me moving in? I mean, Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk.” We both chuckled. The picture of Kyuhyun’s and Eunhyuk’s faces, in our minds, when they received the wonderful news was rather amusing.

“They’ll just have to deal with it. You’re my princess and as your prince it’s my job to protect you. I’m going to do that. I know I’ve said that before and failed but this time I mean it. If I fail again then I won’t ever forgive myself for it.” Donghae leaned in to peck my lips, then added, “I love you princess.” I giggled and returned the peck.

“I love you too my prince. Can we go home now perhaps? I think some rest would be suitable for the two of us,” I suggested. Donghae nodded and took my hand in his. We peeked out to control the coast was clear before we walked back to my apartment where we got a bag, packed the most necessary things that I would need and then we headed to the dorms to fix some for my stay. Donghae called Leeteuk who already had heard of the incident by Heechul and who instantly agreed on Donghae’s proposal.

Well inside the dorms, Donghae and I packed up my things. While I began cooking the dinner, Donghae called his manager to arrange a meeting with the CEO. As the vegetables fried, I sent a small text to my boss, explaining that I had to talk to her. She told me to come in the next day, to which I said yes. Feeling very relieved that my boss would be so understandable, I smiled throughout the rest of the evening. Of course, the reaction that Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk gave me and Donghae was absolutely hilarious. And as I slid down in bed next to my handsome prince, with his arms waiting to embrace me in a loving hug, the laughter remained in my throat, causing small chuckles to erupt out of me.

“You’re finding it amusing still?” Donghae wondered, also erupting in chuckles from time to time. He closed his arms as I curled up next to him, burying my face in the crock of his neck. His perfume was slightly apparent even now at night, so with each inhale my nose experienced a sweet sensation of that special typical scent that made me think of no one else than my prince.

“Yep. It was fun.” I barely had time to say anything more since the weariness was taking over fast. “Mm.. I love you my prince.” I managed to mumbled. Donghae chuckled and kissed my forehead, with the tenderness that was just enough to make me completely drugged and happily sail into dreamland.

Hello!!! I'm so happy I have so many readers and subscribers and I just want to thank you all for joining me on this journey through this story :) It means so much to me that you like my work, you really have no idea. I hope this chapter didn't make anything confusing or felt out of content... Although I guess that's for you readers to decide! Please, leave any opinion in the comment sektion so that I can improve my writing even more! I won't take it negatively, I can assure you.

Anyway, hoping you will enjoy the rest of the story like always of course ^^ See you around! Love you~

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Okay guys... I've hurt my back really bad so I won't be able to update in a while as I'm currently behind in school and can't move whatsoever. I'm really sorry


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Chapter 43: It's oveeeeeer!! Oh gosh ;-; I must say that I'm very proud of you! I remember when I first noticed this story and I loved it since day one. The story itself is really awesome and I enjoyed reading every chapter. I hope I'll see more of your work since you're really talented. I wish you all the best! Thank you for writing such a great story. <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 43: This was truly such a sweet story. I wish it would've lasted forever but I guess it had to end simewhere, right??? :'(
Anywhoo, it's great how you linked up the movie with Kayla's life. And I love that all the members stuck with her even after all the drama.
I've been so sick lately that I hyst barely got to read. I'd start reading something and get so tired that I'd wake up to find that I couldn't even remember what little I did manage so I'm glad that I finally got to finishing this. I think it's four or five chapts that I wasn't able to comment. I'm sorry :'[.

But after reading this fic I must just tell you, we should be thanking you for your good work on this fic, so thank you.
I hope to be able to walk with you on many other fanfic journeys in the future. And I hope you get well soon. I hope we both do. :) :* (: ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡
Chapter 43: Thanks for this amazing fic, author-nim!!! I love the ending. I hope to read another fic yours in the future!! Fighting with the next!! ^_^
Chapter 39: WOW!!! I thought she'd buy the smaller!!!! I hope she can solve the problem with Donghae asap!!! I don't know what is she thinking and i'm really curious!!!!
Thaks for the new chapter, author-nim!!! and Fighting with the next!!!! ^_^
Chapter 38: WOW!!!!! They solve the problem with Kayla, so now only left the problem with Donghae, i hope they can solve it.
Thanks for all the chapters and fighting with the next!!!!
I hope your operation will go fine and you can be recovered asap!!! Good luck with that and don't worry too much!! Fighting!!!! ^_^
Chapter 38: Unnie~ I like the chapter. You're having an operation? Oh God I hope everything will be okay ;-; K have back problems myself so I know that it's hard. I'll be thinking about you! ♡ Be positive! Everything is going to be okay!! Take care~~ ♡♡
Chapter 37: It's good that Kayla made up with the members. All that's missing now is Hae. I hope the fans stop with the rumoura after the pic. And I seriously hope Kayla and Hae make up soon.

The end is coming..... :'(
I can't believe it.
Chapter 36: Wow, what a change from the usually peacefull storyline. I like it!

I've been waiting for drama for the longest time now so I'm super happy. And Heechul's pov... that was different and nice.

As much as I might understand where Kayla is coming from because she's a foreigner and doesn't fully understand or accept the SKorean entertainment industry's ways, I also think that the way she is dealing with everything just isn't right.
She should be willing to take advice from people who are in the industry and not say she'll deal with it rather than listen.
The fact that she even considered leaving Hae for a contract makes me really sad. I was kinda already expecting a breakup when all the drama started.
Poor Hae... this isn't even any if his fault :(
Chapter 36: Omgomgomgomg dramaaaaa~~~ The members' reaction when they heard about the baby is hillarious xD I'm soooo curious what will happen next and what's with their relationship now. Update soon unnie, hwaiting!! ♥