Chapter 7

Hidden Secrets

BoA glared at her nervous brother and she glared at him. She knew that her brother was afraid that Micky might be shot the very next moment if he really did hear their conversation. She had been through worse matters and situations and she could maintain her poised much better than Yunho.

“So Micky Oppa, when did you arrive?” BoA asked, smiling sweetly at him.

“Oh! When you was saying you wanted cereal and Yunho said he wanted cereal with eggs,” Micky thought. “ Or something like that. I’ve never tried cereal with eggs before though. HEY! YOU GUYS AREN”T EATING CEREAL! SO WHY ARE YOU QUARELLING ABOUT CEREAL?” Micky asked with a puzzled look on his face.

The Jang’s scrunch up their faces and tried to recall about the cereal, but they just stared at each other blankly and back at Micky.

“Oh well,” BoA said and gave her brother a reassuring smile. “Micky Oppa. Join us for breakfast?”

Micky quickly sat down grinning and said, “Naw... I’m getting a little chubby.”

BoA chuckled. “Bun Oppa… umm… did Changmin, Junsu and umm… Jae Joong left their numbers behind?” BoA asked her brother, biting her lips.

“Nope.” Yunho replied, and continued with his breakfast.

“Why do you want it anyway?” Micky enquired, looking a little surprised.

“I…I…I… want to thank them of course! Why else would I want their number? Hahaha… ha.”

( BoA’s POV)

Jang BoA! Don’t be such a coward! It’s just a number! I mean three numbers. GOSH! GRR! What’s wrong with me!

“If you want… you can check my phone records. I mean you did call me using his phone the other day right?” Yunho told BoA, not even looking up from his food. Hence, he missed BoA’s slight smile and Micky’s glare.

BoA reached over and started pressing the buttons on Yunho’s phone. She was smiling the whole time and Micky saw. He slowly laid his head on the table and looked at BoA sadly, but she was too busy to notice Micky’s sudden change. Micky covered his eyes with his arms and sighed.

“OKIE! FOUND! I’M GOING TO SCHOOL OPPA!” BoA exclaimed, lifted her bag off the ground and walked over to Yunho, gave him a hug, and left the house. “BYE BYE!” She said in a singsong voice.

Only then Yunho lifted his head and smiled while watching his sister walk out the house. He turned his head to Micky and said, “Isn’t she ccc….! YAH! WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU?”

Micky slowly turned his head towards Yunho, looked at him in the eye, and pouted. “HYUNG!” and he punched him lightly on the arm, “You betrayed me!” Micky turned away.

“Wha… What did I do?” Yunho asked and pushed him lightly. Micky didn’t even budge. “Aww… Come on Micky. Are you gonna be like this?”

“You gave BoA his number…” Micky looked up and whined.

“Huh? Ohhh! HAHHAHAHAH!” Yunho laughed as if he just realised that Micky likes BoA. “Aww… come on. If you guys are really meant for each other, even if the most gorgeous guy on earth wants to sweep her off her feet it wouldn’t be possible!”

“But I’m the most gorgeous guy on earth!” Micky grinned and ran out the house before Yunho had the chance to smack him.

( Over at Jae Joong’s )

“Umm… Hi… Is this Jae Joong?” BoA stuttered. “Aww…Get a hold of yourself!” she thought.

“Yes. Who is this?” Jae Joong answered coldly, while tip tapping on the keyboard in his office.

BoA, surprised at the tone of his voice, panicked. “Should I answer him in the same tone? No… I’m supposed to be thanking him. Be nice BoA. You are BoA now. Not Jjang’s head.” These words ran in her mind. “I’m BoA. Jang BoA. From yesterday? The girl you helped and my brother thought you guys were kidnappers?”

Jae Joong suddenly stopped his work on hand and listened to BoA blabbed on. He smiled slightly. Changmin, who walked passed his office at this point of time, saw Jae Joong smile through the giant glass window, said to himself, “Hey! So he can smile non-eerily! Is there such a word? Where’s my dictionary?” and walked away. He then walked back, as he decided that it was more interesting looking at Jae Joong than checking out a word in the dictionary.

“Oh Hi!” he replied, his tone totally different compared to just now.

BoA, noticing his tone has changed into a nicer and warmer tone, smiled and said nervously, “Hey! I want to thank you for helping me again. So… umm… do I have the pleasure of asking you out for lunch?”

Jae Joong blushed and replied in a warm tone, “Sure! Actually, it is my pleasure to have lunch with you. So… where do I pick you up?”

BoA squealed softly and replied. “It’s ok. I’ve got school till 1 actually. I will make my way there on my own. You pick the place.”

“Well do you know the restaurant near your company? Eastern Charms?”

“Yes! Great choice!” BoA exclaimed, a little too enthusiastically. “I mean yes.”

Jae Joong let out a small chuckle and say, “Great! See you there at 1.30 then?”


“Bye BoA. See you later.”

“Bye Jae Joong.” And then all that could be heard was the dial tone.

“YES!” Jae Joong exclaimed and pumped his fist into the air.

“Ahem! You might want to draw the curtains next time you do something like that again.” Changmin chuckled.


“Nothing. I’m just another curious employee. Walking pass my boss’s room. Seeing him smiling and pumping his fist in the air. So I opened his door to tell him to draw the curtains.” Changmin replied and ran out the room chuckling.

“Stupid Changmin.” Jae Joong huffed in a low voice. “You better thank god that you are my best friend.”

( Over at BoA’s )

BoA drove her red sports car into the school compound, parked it and got out of her ride.

“There she is! That Jang BoA! B*tch! Show off! Do you know there was like two hotties that came to school looking for her? They must be blind to not see me. She must be a vixen in her previous life.” The school Queenka, Hyorin said. Her clique chuckled.

“Shut up Hyorin. I wonder who’s so blind to make you the Queenka of the school.” The school’s Kingka, Jung Hyun said.

“But Oppa!”

“Shut up and go.”

“B*tch! You made Jung Hyun Oppa scold me!” and she stormed away, with her clique sashaying behind her, shooting her glares.

BoA sighed. Things have been hard on her ever since she entered this private University. Although she had to bear with the ugly school uniform, but this was the only University that ever had students making to the top in the fashion industry; if she wants to make her fashion line even more successful than it is now, she has no choice.

Worse, she is a loner. No one dares to befriend her since the Queenka has decided to make her her enemy. A Queenka threat, she heard. She just wanted to graduate without any problems and troubles, but she just manages to attract unwanted attention due to her good looks and expensive ride. That Jung Hyun guy is seldom nice to her either. “He must be in a good mood today,” BoA mumbled. She has no friends to help her ‘attack’ the Queenka clique, or even anyone to complain to. She didn’t want to tell Yunho for he would surely worry for her. He has got more things of his own to be worried about.

BoA walked in the school’s hallway aimlessly and sighed, “Just a few hours to go! And I will be save from the witch clu… wooh… I’m sorry! Are you ok?”

The girl that BoA bumped into looked up and says, “I’m fine. No I’m not. I’m lost! Can you help me? PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE!”

BoA smiled at the cute girl and said, “Sure. Where you going?”

“Fashion department.”

“I’m a student there too! Come on! Let’s walk together! Umm… but are you new here? Do you know you are not suppose to talk to me?”

“Why not?” She asked, as the walked away.

“I’m kinda like… the most hated person in school. The Queenka hates me. Everyone shuns me like I’m some kinda pest.”

“I bet it’s because she finds you as a threat! Don’t worry! I don’t really care. You are really nice!” She smiled sweetly at BoA.

“You decided that I am nice on the first meeting? Haha,” BoA laughed. “Aren’t you scared that I may be some meanie pretending to be nice?”

“Course not. Your eyes tell me everything. Someone nice and kind would have eyes like yours.” BoA looked down guiltily, knowing that she wasn’t exactly nice. How can a gang head be nice and kind?

She looked at her seriously, “Do you not like me as your friend?”

“What? Of course I would like you as a friend!” BoA panicked.

“There! I will be your friend!” She grinned widely, and held out her hand. “Kang Dana.”

“Jang BoA.”

They smiled.


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Chapter 25: Aww omg hyorin turned good :')
Chapter 23: Sorry what happened to BoA's dad? I don't rmb.
Chapter 36: This is still my favorite fanfic
I read this on BoAjjang this is my fave fanfic EVER. You are awesome :>
jjlover4 #5
wahh..!!keeep up ur good work ur story is my favourite... i am looking forward to ur updates =)
jhen414kpopaddict #6
wahhh!!! I'm your new subscriber!! I love it!! I love this fanfic!!! thanks for writing this!! keep on updating!!!!!!
xiaoyun87 #7
yuichi : ah yes =) i remember you ~ keke. thanks for liking this =)<br />
<br />
jjlover4 : thanks =) updated =)
jjlover4 #8
heey.. i love ur story so much ...XD<br />
plzz update soooon
hello, I think this is the first bojoong story I've read since I've been a fan of the couple..and I totally love your story, also the sequel..and this is one of my favorites ^-^