Chapter 29

Hidden Secrets

“Do you think Jae Joong would succeed?” Junsu asked, lying lazily in the Kim’s entertainment room.

“He will. As stupid as he can get when he is in love with BoA, he would never proceed with anything without planning to succeed.” Changmin replied.

Junsu nodded. As if he didn’t know. He knows everything he needs to know about his target.

“I want a girlfriend too!” Changmin suddenly decides.

“What. Are. You. Talking. About.” Junsu asked with that ‘are you crazy’ look on his face.

“I’m just saying,” Changmin rolled his eyes. “Jae’s been pretty happy ever since he met BoA. And even so when they got together.”

“Are you trying to tell me you aren’t happy?” Junsu raised his eyebrows.

“No. I’m trying to say Jae’s been putting less effort into the gang ever since he met BoA. If I get a girlfriend, I can put less effort in the things I’m doing too!” Changmin said excitedly.

“No you can’t you dumb*ss,” Junsu said, as he threw the empty beer can towards Changmin.

“YAH! NO NAME CALLING!” Changmin complained.


“NO!” the voice boomed across the Jung’s mansion.

BoA looked at her brother, wide-eyed. “Oppa…”

“Go up to your room now!” Yunho commanded.

BoA was terrified, and surprised, at her brother’s reaction and soon was about to be in tears. Jae Joong looked at her sadly and waved both his hands towards the stairs, indicting her to go up to her room as Yunho said.

BoA shuddered slightly and ran up the stairs. Dana cast an apologetic look at Jae Joong and glared at Yunho before chasing after BoA.

Yunho sighed and sat back onto the couch. Jae Joong took the seat next to him silently, as if Yunho would eat him up anytime if he made any noise. As much as Jae Joong wanted to beat him up and get over with it, he was BoA’s beloved brother after all.

“Can I ask why?” Yunho suddenly spoke up.

Jae Joong raised his gazed away from his hands and faced him. “Why what?”

“The proposal.”

“Because I love her.”

“It’s too fast.” He simply replied.

“What is considered fast?” Jae Joong retorted.

Yunho stood up in anger. “BoA’s only 20 for goodness sake! She hasn’t even finished school!”

Jae Joong stood up too, as if facing Yunho face to face would make the conversation easier. “She will be graduating in a week! And nobody says that they can’t get married when they are only 20! Please! As if it’s illegal to marry at 20!”

“There is no way I’m letting her marry you! At least not now!” Yunho threw up his hands in exasperation. He knew that he was the one that encouraged BoA to be true to her feelings and have a relationship, but he had never expected a marriage proposal to arrive this quickly. Not when BoA is only 20! Not when BoA is his sister! What if one day she realizes that he’s not the one? And now that Dana is over the drama of them being a gang head, they don’t need another to know.

“Fine.” Jae Joong replied.

“What?” Yunho looked at him, surprised.

“I said fine.” Jae Joong repeated.

“And you claimed that you love BoA? You didn’t even really put up a fight,” Yunho looked pretty pissed.

“Who says I need to marry her to love her? I can still love her. And I don’t need a cert to prove that I love her. Besides, what’s the point of getting married without everybody’s blessing?” Jae Joong walked into the Jung’s kitchen and got himself a can of coke, before turning around to face him again. “And you know how much BoA loves you. And I respect that.”

Yunho smiled, satisfied with Jae Joong’s explanation.

“Oh well. I’m very disappointed though, not to mention upset. And I’m pretty sure BoA is too.” Jae Joong looked away, but he wasn’t fast enough. Yunho had caught the sadness in his eyes. It was as if Jae Joong felt his sister’s disappointment and pain.

Yunho sighed. “Was I too harsh on her?” he thought.

“Yes you were,” a voice came from behind Yunho, making Yunho and Jae Joong jump. “And don’t ask me how I know what you were thinking. I just know.”

“Dana… Do you ever… you know… behave humanly? You are either too loud or too silent,” Jae Joong rolled his eyes, but immediately regain composure. “How’s she?” he asked, concern written all over his face.

“Why don’t you go see for yourself?” Dana smiled.

Jae Joong looked at Yunho, asking for approval silently. Yunho nodded before Jae Joong dashed out of the kitchen, heading for BoA’s room.

Dana and Yunho stood silently in the kitchen still. “You should be more considerate, even though you do have a say in everything she does.”

Yunho eyes widened with surprise. “You understand me?”

“Of course I do,” Dana said as a matter-of-factly. “Every worry that is running through your head was running in mine too. Just that perhaps I may not be able to feel the worry as much as you do.”

Yunho bit his lip. Seeing that Yunho’s silence was her cue to go on, she said, “Your reaction was pretty cruel you know. The man she loves just proposed to her, perhaps in the most romantic way ever, and she’s basking in happiness and love. But you just had to pierce through it.”

Yunho’s heart sank. He had never meant for that to happen. “I’m losing her aren’t I?”

Dana walked over and gave Yunho a hug. “She’s your sister, and a reasonable one at that. You will never lose her.”

“I made a mess out of things, and she has Jae Joong now. Her love will be shared between us. That’s half of what I use to get,” Yunho meant it as a joke, but he felt pain.

“Why don’t you say that she has double the love and protection now? It’s just how you see it,” Dana reasoned.

Yunho kissed Dana at the top of her head. She always knew the right things to say to sooth him and the things she says will always serve as a meaningful lesson. And for that, Yunho is grateful.


“Babe?” Jae Joong called out softly, pushing BoA’s room door open. BoA was sitting on her bed hugging onto her pillow, with tears filling her eyes looking up to Jae Joong.

“Oh babe…” Jae Joong called out again, sitting next to her and pulling her towards him for a hug. “Don’t cry,” he held onto her tightly, but not too tightly to cause her pain, and kissed her forehead while rocking back and forth. “Don’t cry.”

“I’m sorry…” BoA let out a whisper.

“It’s ok. Just know that I love you and always will,” Jae Joong mumbled into her hair. BoA let out a small laugh as warmth spread through her. Jae Joong, hearing BoA laugh, laughed as well. It was a moment of randomness. But nevertheless, it was their moment. “We’ll get married when Yunho approves ok?”

BoA nodded, feeling really grateful that the one she loves is Jae Joong.

“And you do know that Yunho loves you too right?” Jae Joong suddenly said.

“I know,” BoA replied. “Of course I know. I love him too.”

Jae Joong placed BoA’s pillow flat and patted on it, asking her to lie down. “Go to sleep. I’ll watch you.”

BoA nodded and flashed him a small smile, before allowing herself to lie down.

After about 5 minutes of silence, BoA suddenly whispered. “Jae Jae…?”

“Yes?” Jae Joong replied, brushing her hair away from her face.

“I love you.”

Jae Joong blinked in surprise. “I love you too,” he said, and they shared a soft kiss.


“It’s ok. Just know that I love you and always will,” Jae Joong said. Dana made a face as she walked passed BoA’s room with Yunho. BoA let out a small laugh and then Jae Joong too.

“We’ll get married when Yunho approves ok?” Yunho heard Jae Joong say. “And you do know that Yunho loves you too right?”

“Aish! That Joongie! Why is he saying such things!” Yunho mumbled.

“Aww… Don’t pretend. I know you want to know if BoA knows too,” Dana teased.

Yunho grumbled and listened intently, Dana just pretended not to notice and skipped away.

“I know,” BoA replied. “Of course I know. I love him too.”

Yunho smiled and thanked Jae Joong silently before walking away towards Dana’s room.

He went into Dana’s room and was about to ask for a goodnight kiss when the phone suddenly rang. Dana jokingly shooed him out of her room and Yunho pretended to look angry and stomped out, pouting.


“Dana?” the voice said.


“Yup. Is BoA there?”

“She is. But I think she can’t come to the phone now.” Dana answered irritably.

“You think?”

“Well, there was a little situation in the house just a few moments before.”

“I see. What happened?” Hyorin asked curiously.

“Jae Joong proposed. Yunho disapproves.” Dana replied in a few words. She wanted to get off the phone with her as fast as possible. Apparently, she still cannot bring herself to be friends with Hyorin.

“Wow. Dramatic. Will call her tomorrow then. Goodnight Dana.”



“The Jung’s head received a marriage proposal.”

“What?! By who?”

“Kim Jae Joong.”

“Familiar name.”

“This is the best time to lay hands on her. She’ll be too distracted.”

“Wait a minute, Kim Jae Joong sounds familiar.” It was then it dawned on him. “You mean the Kim Jae Joong of Kim Corp.?”

“How am I to know? He’s not my target.”

“Hahahaha. Kim Jae Joong. It’s just bad luck that you came into the picture now. I think we can get all the gang head this time. I have a better plan.”

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Chapter 25: Aww omg hyorin turned good :')
Chapter 23: Sorry what happened to BoA's dad? I don't rmb.
Chapter 36: This is still my favorite fanfic
I read this on BoAjjang this is my fave fanfic EVER. You are awesome :>
jjlover4 #5
wahh..!!keeep up ur good work ur story is my favourite... i am looking forward to ur updates =)
jhen414kpopaddict #6
wahhh!!! I'm your new subscriber!! I love it!! I love this fanfic!!! thanks for writing this!! keep on updating!!!!!!
xiaoyun87 #7
yuichi : ah yes =) i remember you ~ keke. thanks for liking this =)<br />
<br />
jjlover4 : thanks =) updated =)
jjlover4 #8
heey.. i love ur story so much ...XD<br />
plzz update soooon
hello, I think this is the first bojoong story I've read since I've been a fan of the couple..and I totally love your story, also the sequel..and this is one of my favorites ^-^