Chapter 5

Hidden Secrets

“You and BoA seems to be very rich? What are you parents working as?” Junsu asked, on purpose.

Jae Joong shot him a dirty look.

Yunho and Micky was surprised that they were so straightforward, but Yunho held his poise and said, “Our parents died. We used the money left for us and started a business. Nothing much. BoA is more into the business though.”

This line that Yunho said struck their curiosity. “What business allows them to be this rich? Isn’t BoA and Yunho a little to young to be able to afford this house, servants, furniture and all?” Jae Joong questioned himself.

“I see,” Jae Joong said, “What’s your company dealing with?”

“The fashion line. We design, make and sell it to stores. You may have heard our company’s line before, it’s Jang’s Fashion.”

“That is a reputable business! I read from the papers a few years back saying that the CEO was young. I didn’t know they were going to be BoA’s age. Is she like… even 20?” Changmin gushed.

“No… my baby sister is 19 this year,” Yunho smiled proudly.

“That is very impressive,” Jae Joong let out a small smile and his mind was thinking, “Pretty and talented.”

At this moment, the sound of someone’s phone ringing shot through the air. “Excuse me,” Changmin said, walked out of the house and picked up his phone.

“Let me go get that girl. You guys make yourself at home.” Yunho smiled politely and went upstairs.

( Over at Yunho’s )

“Knock knock! Dimples? Come on down. It’s rude to leave your guests. BoA?”

The door creaked when Yunho pushed open the door to BoA’s room. BoA was lying on her bed, asleep. She had beads of perspiration on her face. Yunho touched her forehead and realised that she was having a fever. He went into her bathroom to dampen a face towel. He wiped away BoA’s perspiration and places the towel over her forehead.

He saw BoA’s phone on the table and flipped it open. Her wallpaper of her and Yunho flickered and her screen faded out. “Empty cell. No wonder.”

Yunho was about to leave her room when he turned around to look at BoA. “Silly girl, you know you have a weak stomach. Oppa promise to never to make you upset again. So please stop eating tubs of ice cream.” He sighed and headed downstairs.

( Over at Changmin’s )

“The proposal is ready. We will be passing the proposal to the representatives of the Jjang’s at 6.”

“Good job. Remind them to give us an answer ASAP. Boss is not a very patient person. Be sure to keep me updated.”

( Over at Micky, Junsu and Jae Joong)

“So…” Micky said, “What are you guys working as?”

“We work for Jae Joong. He is the CEO of Kim Corporation.” Junsu replied.

“Really?” Yunho spoke while he walked down the stairs. “Very impressive. CEO of such a big corporation at such a young age.”

Jae Joong just gave him a small smile, which looked pretty eerie to Micky. Changmin walked into the house and gestured to Jae Joong and Junsu, hinting that it was time to leave.

“Where’s BoA?” Junsu asked.

“She’s having a fever and is now fast asleep. I’m sorry.” Yunho replied.

“It’s ok. We are leaving now anyway. Thanks for having us over.” Jae Joong said politely. “You don’t have to see us out. Keep in touch.”

“Ok. Sorry for the misunderstanding earlier. I only have one precious sister. Thanks for your help. Drop by soon.” Yunho smiled, appreciating their help.

Jae Joong turned around to smile at him before stepping into the limousine.

“Looks like we met some incredible people today.” Micky said.

( Over at Jae Joong’s )

“Boss. They will be meeting with the representatives of the Jjang’s at 6.”

“Well done. I hope they fall into my trap.”


“Boss. I hope you didn’t forget about the meeting at 8 tonight.

“Of course not. I will be there. Make sure everyone’s there before I come in. I hate late comers.”

“Yes Boss.”

“Great work, Uncle Wan.”

“Thanks Boss.”

BoA flipped her phone shut and sat up. “AHHHHHH! Massive body ache! AHHHHHH! The guys!”

She used her fastest speed to change into a white long sleeve top and black pants and made her way downstairs, only to see her brother on the couch watching television. “Oppa!” She hugged Yunho from behind. “Why are you here?”

“Uhh… I live here… Did you burn your brain?!” Yunho looked at her, horrified.

BoA looked at him with bewilderment in her eyes. “Course not Oppa. I meant why are you home? Don’t you have to work?”

“We solved the case today. Caught the gang. Got to write a report tomorrow and sent them to jail.”

“I see! Good job Oppa! One less rival gang! Hurray!” BoA patted her brother’s back and threw her hands in the air.

Yunho know that she was just being mischievous again, but he hates to be reminded that one day, he may have to get her too. The lesser the number of gangs, the more possibility of it happening.

“Where you going?”

“I’m going for a meeting. Uncle Woo will take me in the limousine.”

Taking the limousine means business to the Jang’s. It would be insane to drive their own cars to “important meetings”, especially since they were the only ones in the country who owns this model of imported car. If anything happens and if the police were to know, their cars would give them away.

“So what’s the agenda today sis?”

“Oppa. You know I can’t tell. The lesser you know, the safer you and I will be.”


“Gotta go Oppa! Love ya!”

“Love you too. Be careful.” Yunho said along the way when he opened the door for her. Uncle Woo and 1 man in black were already in the limousine and another man was holding the door for her.

BoA turned to give her brother a reassuring smile, waved and stepped into the ride.

( In the Jang’s company )

The sliding doors to the company slide open when BoA tapped her card on the sensor. Of course not everyone can enter the company as and when they like, only BoA’s and Uncle Wan’s card was allowed 24 hours access to the company.

Two of BoA’s men pushed opened the heavy door to the meeting room and held the door open for her to get in. The men in the room immediately stood up upon her arrival. It was only after BoA sat in the “CEO seat” that they sat.

BoA never smiled and rarely talked when she was with her men. This was because females weren’t respected in gangs, and she was aware that. She was not only a female, but also a young female at that, she knew she had to show her august to stabilize her position.

“Boss. This is the proposal that the Kim’s representative gave us.”

BoA took the file from her and scanned through the content. “The Kim’s has always deal with only drugs and never been interested in guns. Why the sudden change?”

“The Kim’s has a new head now. The previous head had given his position to his son. I guess the new head got his own ideas.”

“He seems dangerous. Judging from the types of guns and the quantity he wants from us, which is more than double of what others always proposed, even he is able to kill us all. Who accepted this proposal?! Haven’t I given my orders clear enough?! No one is allowed to own more weaponry than us!” BoA hollered.

“Boss. We are the only gang who is able to get weaponry. We are supplying to all the gangs here in this country. Do you think he dares to toy with us in anyway?”

“Shut up! Who is this guy? I have never seen him before! Get out!”


“Let’s continue and leave him alone. Every one of you here has been loyal and been working so long with my father and me. You know why I control the amount of weapon each gang gets from us. So someone please explain to him. I don’t wish to explain again and again and again! ”

“Sorry boss.”

“Good. Go tell that Kim guy to halved his requested quantity and the deal is done.”

“Bingo.” A small smile crept to the corners of his lips.

“The deal is done?” The one in the driver seat asked.

“No. They want us to halved it.”

“That is exactly what you wanted.” The younger man said.



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Chapter 25: Aww omg hyorin turned good :')
Chapter 23: Sorry what happened to BoA's dad? I don't rmb.
Chapter 36: This is still my favorite fanfic
I read this on BoAjjang this is my fave fanfic EVER. You are awesome :>
jjlover4 #5
wahh..!!keeep up ur good work ur story is my favourite... i am looking forward to ur updates =)
jhen414kpopaddict #6
wahhh!!! I'm your new subscriber!! I love it!! I love this fanfic!!! thanks for writing this!! keep on updating!!!!!!
xiaoyun87 #7
yuichi : ah yes =) i remember you ~ keke. thanks for liking this =)<br />
<br />
jjlover4 : thanks =) updated =)
jjlover4 #8
heey.. i love ur story so much ...XD<br />
plzz update soooon
hello, I think this is the first bojoong story I've read since I've been a fan of the couple..and I totally love your story, also the sequel..and this is one of my favorites ^-^