Chapter 15

Hidden Secrets

“Jae Joong Oppa… I need to get something. You should get back to work with Junsu and Changmin,” BoA smiled.

“Err… but didn’t you not drive today?” Jae Joong raised his eye brow.

“Oh yeah… Opps… I’ll catch the bus or train after I shopped then.” BoA grinned and turned to leave.

The three guys were left there outside the restaurant frowning.

“Doesn’t she live in a high class property area?” Changmin said, scratching his head. “Buses and trains gets to those places now?”

“Aish! BoA!”

“Why did you get a photo album for?” Junsu asked, sitting in the backseat of Jae Joong’s car.

BoA smiled sheepishly and took out the package from her bag. “TA-DAH~”

“Is that edible?” Changmin rubbed his palms together.

“Why would you put food in a photo album?” Junsu frowned.

“Awwwww… you two just look so cute together!” BoA smiled sweetly.

Changmin sighed and turned away. They have decided not to waste any more effort explaining to BoA about the gay incident.

“Are you going to put their photos in there?” Jae Joong asked, peering at the package while driving.

BoA nodded. “It’s going to be their wedding present!”


Junsu took the package and passed half the set of photos to Changmin.

“Silly! Of course not Oppa! They’ve just met last night!” BoA chuckled.

“And you know they will get married?” Jae Joong smiled at the seemingly innocent BoA.
“Yeah~ You’ll see,” Boa grinned.

“Who is she anyway?” Junsu asked.

“That’s Dana! My bestest best friend.”

Jae Joong let out a small grin. He stopped when he saw Changmin giving him a ‘AH HA!” look.

“So she’s that louuuuuu…” Changmin stopped when he saw Jae Joong glared back at him. “Lovely I meant, girl Jae Joong said she met yesterday!”

“Yes yes… and why are you two coming with us anyway?” Jae Joong grumbled.

“Why… it’s almost the end of the day and we’ve been working the whole day! Give us some credit eh,” Changmin complained.

“I will deduct this missing few hours from your pay,” Jae Joong lashed when he turned the corner, almost reaching the Jang’s.

Changmin pouted while BoA giggled. They stepped out of the car and went into the house.

“Oppa! Dana!” BoA shouted cheerily.

Yunho was sitting on the couch frowning with his arms across his chest, and Dana was sitting on the couch opposite him, playing with her fingers. BoA, sensing the awkward situation, waved at Dana and pulled Yunho away. She turned around and pleaded with her eyes at Jae Joong and the others to keep Dana busy.

“Oppa what’s wrong?”


“Shh… The others might hear you. And you are scaring me.” BoA pouted.

“BoA!” Yunho whispered furiously. “Why did you invite her to stay? Don’t you understand?”

“Understand that you kinda like her?” BoA grinned childishly.

“NO! Stop being a kid! Don’t you know how serious this is? Who are we? Are we a simple normal family that can let people come in and out of our house?” Yunho shook angrily, shaking BoA with his arms as well.

That’s when BoA gasps.

“Now you remember! How are you going to attend late night meetings now? How are you going to discuss matters openly in the house now? How is the rest of the gang going to come over without letting Dana know now? I said nothing when you offered her to work in the company! But now? Do you know how dangerous it is for us? For her?”

BoA grimaced at Yunho’s anger. Her brother never gets angry with her. At least not this seriously. She understood what was happening and she admit she hasn’t thought that far when she invited Dana.

“So what are we suppose to do? We can’t just leave her outside and die,” BoA whispered sadly.

Yunho traced BoA’s face and sighed. He just couldn’t stand to see BoA unhappy. “All right. We just have to be more careful I guess.”

“I’m sorry Oppa,” BoA said, biting her lip, her head facing the ground.

“It’s fine Dimples. Come on. Smile. Don’t let them think I bullied you.” Yunho said and swung his arm over BoA’s shoulder and led her out to where the others were.

(At the same time)

“She just pleaded for us to help her out. Now what. I’m the only one among us three who at least somehow know her,” Jae Joong thought.

“Umm… hey Dana!” Jae Joong greeted happily. Changmin and Junsu just blinked wide-eyed at their august head.

“Hi Jae Joong,” Dana replied flatly.

“Sooo… thanks for the tip off this morning.”

“Yeah… you’re welcome.”

“Ahhh… this is Changmin and Junsu.” Changmin and Junsu waved. Dana just smiled meekly at them.

Jae Joong frowned. He remembered that it wasn’t that hard to talk to her when she was noisy. “I’m a professional socialiser! TALK!” Jae Joong scolded himself silently.

Changmin sat on the couch next to Jae Joong and sighed. He had to help the damsel in distress. Not that Jae Joong can be really considered as a damsel. But then again, maybe he can with that looks of his.

“Dana, I have a problem. You have to help. Actually Junsu and I have a problem. And only you can help.” Changmin started.

Dana tilted her head to one side and gave them the “what the hell” look. “Only I can help? I don’t think I even know you.”

“Well… you know I’m Changmin and he’s Junsu.” Changmin reasoned.

Dana seemed to accept his argument and nodded Junsu rolled his eyes and wonder what that stupid Changmin is going to say again. “I’m not gay!” Junsu pouted and covered his face with his hands.

“WHAT?” Dana exclaimed, shocked written all over her face. Jae Joong hid a smile while Changmin slapped his forehead.

“What he meant was that BoA somehow mistaken Junsu and me as gays,” Changmin explained.

“Who made that happened!” Junsu grumbled.

“Sooo… I don’t understand how I can help,” Dana frowned.

“Help us convince her that we really aren’t gays.” Changmin pleaded and Junsu nodded, hope filling his eyes.

“I can’t just go in front of BoA and say, ‘Hi BoA Changmin and Junsu aren’t gays’ you know. Right, like she would believe.”

Jae Joong snickered as Junsu shook his head in disbelieve.

“She’ll get over it,” Dana reasoned. “Just behave normally like you used to and one day it will dawn to her that you two aren’t gays.”

“One… day…” Junsu repeated slowly.

“Hey guys! What are you talking about?” BoA walked happily towards them. To their surprise, Yunho was smiling too.

“They wanted me to tell you they aren’t gays,” Dana said.

“DANA!” Junsu and Changmin widen their eyes in horror.

“YOU TWO ARE GAYS?” Yunho gasps.

“OPPA! Don’t be rude!” BoA pouted, and playfully punched Yunho on his arm.

“WE ARE NOT GAYS!” Junsu and Changmin screamed.

“Okaaaaaaay… whatever you say…” BoA nodded. “I believe you.”

“You do?” Junsu replied, surprised.

“Well… you two are still under suspect though. I will ask my meh… I mean I will investigate with everyone’s help.” BoA forced a smile. “Sh*t! I’ve let down my guards!”

“Did she just want to say men?” Jae Joong frowned. The rest did too, all but Dana.

“Oh well! Sorry about before! Oppa’s just shy that Dana is moving in!” BoA smiled brightly.

“YAH! JANG BOA!” BoA stuck out her tongue at Yunho as he chased her all over the house.

Dana smiled shyly and said, “Guess I’ll never be bored in this house.”

The rest just smiled.

“Umm… did BoA said men just now?” Junsu asked cautiously, biting his lip. He was so sure he heard it.

“You heard it too? I thought so.” Changmin nodded.

Jae Joong pursed his lips and hesitated. “Did she really mean to say men?”

“Well… if she wanted to say men, it could be referring to Boss or Yunho. If it’s man, singular, it could be Boss. I mean it’s the same for every couple right? Referring to their partner as my man, my woman.” Changmin reasoned.

Jae Joong nodded and smiled. I’m her man.


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Chapter 25: Aww omg hyorin turned good :')
Chapter 23: Sorry what happened to BoA's dad? I don't rmb.
Chapter 36: This is still my favorite fanfic
I read this on BoAjjang this is my fave fanfic EVER. You are awesome :>
jjlover4 #5
wahh..!!keeep up ur good work ur story is my favourite... i am looking forward to ur updates =)
jhen414kpopaddict #6
wahhh!!! I'm your new subscriber!! I love it!! I love this fanfic!!! thanks for writing this!! keep on updating!!!!!!
xiaoyun87 #7
yuichi : ah yes =) i remember you ~ keke. thanks for liking this =)<br />
<br />
jjlover4 : thanks =) updated =)
jjlover4 #8
heey.. i love ur story so much ...XD<br />
plzz update soooon
hello, I think this is the first bojoong story I've read since I've been a fan of the couple..and I totally love your story, also the sequel..and this is one of my favorites ^-^